[Ord. 50, 10/8/1981, § 1]
Shall have the same meaning in this Part as that set forth in the Sewer System Rules and Regulations of the Authority.
The Saxonburg Area Municipal Authority.
Any individual, corporation, partnership, joint venture, or government agency or any other legal entity recognized by the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Any indoor or outdoor facility designed to remove, transmit, or store acceptable sanitary sewage.
Any single family residence, multifamily residence, mobile home, office, commercial building, garage, or any other structure which shall contain any sanitary facility.
The Board of Supervisors of the Township of Jefferson, Butler County, Pennsylvania.
The Township of Jefferson, Butler County, Pennsylvania.
[Ord. 50, 10/8/1981, § 2]
The sanitary collector sewers constructed by the Authority within the geographic boundaries of the Township and the total cost of said construction as set forth in the records of the Authority are hereby approved.
The proposal of the Authority to assess the cost of construction of said sanitary collector sewers and appurtenances against the properties within the Township that are benefited, approved and accommodated, according to the terms of this Part as provided hereinafter, thereby at a rate not to exceed $8 per foot-front in accordance with the foot-front method is hereby approved.
[Ord. 50, 10/8/1981, § 3]
The Authority is hereby granted the right, privilege, franchise and authority to maintain, repair and replace in the streets, roads, alleys and rights-of-way of the Township, the necessary sewer lines and the required appurtenances thereto which have been constructed as of the date of the enactment of this Part.
If the work and opening or filling or maintaining of the surface of said streets, roads, alleys and rights-of-way shall not be properly or shall be unskillfully or improperly or incompletely done by the Authority, the Township reserves the right to cause the same to be done in the manner it deems proper and the expense thereof shall be charged to the Authority.
[Ord. 50, 10/8/1981, § 4; as amended by Ord. 60, 8/12/1985; and by Ord. 103, 10/11/1993]
All of the following described properties located within the boundaries of the Township of Jefferson, Butler County, Pennsylvania, shall be required to connect to the sanitary sewer lines and/or the appurtenances thereof of the Authority located within the Township of Jefferson from and after the date of the enactment of this Part:
Any structure erected in Jefferson Township, any point of said structure being located within 150 feet of an existing line of the Authority.
Any structure located within 150 feet of an existing sanitary sewer line of the Authority that is currently serviced by an existing septic system, holding tank, sand mound, mechanical sewage treatment system, mine hole, or any other means of storing and/or disposing of acceptable sanitary sewage, in the event that the presently existing system shall fail and shall be incapable of being repaired without the installation of a completely new system.
Any structure which is connected to the sanitary sewer lines of the Authority as of the date of the enactment of this Part shall not be permitted to disconnect from said sanitary sewer line but, to the contrary, shall be directed to maintain said connection and said property shall be barred from maintaining any other means of disposing of acceptable sanitary sewage from and after the date of the enactment of this Part.
No privy vault, cesspool, septic tank, mine hole, or similar receptacle for human excrement shall at the present time or any time hereafter be connected with the aforesaid sanitary sewers.
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation connected to any aforementioned public sanitary sewer of the Authority to connect any roof drain thereto or permit any roof drain to remain connected thereto, or to permit, allow, or cause to enter into said public sanitary sewers, any stormwater, foundation drain water, spring water, or surface water, or any sewage or industrial waste from any property other than that for which a permit is or has been issued.
Henceforth, no person, firm or corporation shall make or cause to be made any connection with any of the aforementioned public sanitary sewers until he has fulfilled all of the following conditions:
He shall make application to the Authority upon a permit form to be formulated and supplied by the Authority for permission to connect to the aforementioned public sanitary sewers. Among other things, the applicant must state the character and use of each structure located on his property.
He shall pay to the Authority, the required fees established by the Authority for the first building or structure on each property, and an additional fee equal to the actual cost to the Authority for each separate connection requested by the property owner over the first connection for additional buildings or structures on the property, connected to the aforementioned public sanitary sewers at the time of making application for permission to make such connection or connections.
No work shall commence before the payment of the aforesaid tap connection fee and issuance of the aforementioned connection permit.
He shall give the designated inspector of the Authority at least 24 hours notice of the time when such connection shall be made in order that said inspector can be present to inspect and approve the work of connection. The inspector shall signify his approval of the connection by endorsing his name and the date of approval on the aforementioned connection permit in the possession of the permittees.
At the time of inspection of the connection, the owner or owners of the properties shall permit the inspector full and complete access to all sanitary and drainage arrangements and facilities in each building and in and about all parts of the property. No building sewer line shall be covered over, or in any manner concealed, until after it is inspected and approved by said inspector.
The construction and number of all building sewer lines or house service sewers shall be done in accordance with the specifications, plans and procedures established by the Authority in the Sewer System Rules and Regulations, as the same may be from time to time published and amended, copies of which upon adoption, shall be maintained on file with the Township Secretary and the Authority.
If the owner or owners of any houses, buildings, or structures in the Township shall neglect or refuse to comply with the provisions of this Part or the written notice as prescribed in § 18-103 hereof, the Township or the Authority as its agent may perform or cause to be performed such work and labor and furnish or cause to be furnished such material as may be necessary to comply with the provisions of this Part at the cost and expense of such owner or owners, together with 10% additional thereof and all charges and expenses incidental thereto, which sum shall be collected from said owner or owners for the use of the Authority as debts are by law collectible, or the Township or the Authority as its agents may, by its proper officer, file a municipal claim or lien therefore against said premises as provided by law.
In addition to any penalty hereinabove prescribed, any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any provision of this Part 1 shall, upon conviction thereof, be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $300; and/or to imprisonment for a term not to exceed 90 days.