[Ord. 105, 12/13/1993, § 800; as amended by Ord. 169, 10/11/1999, § VI; and by Ord. 292, 4/12/2010]
The following minimum subdivision principles and land development standards and requirements shall be applied by Township officials in evaluating any application for subdivision and/or land development approval, except as otherwise specified. In addition, compliance with exhibits numbered 1 through 7 for the identification, design and construction of public improvements, attached to this chapter as the Jefferson Township Standard Details, is required.[1]
Editor's Note: The Standard Details are included at the end of this chapter.
[Ord. 105, 12/13/1993, § 801]
Land shall be suited for the purpose for which it is to be subdivided.
Land subject to hazards of life, health and safety, such as strip mine land, quarry land, open ditches and land subject to flooding or subsidence, shall not be subdivided for residential purposes. All such hazards shall be identified and eliminated by the owner or developer, and guarantees shall be provided to the Township that adequate safeguards against such hazards have been provided.
No land shall be subdivided in a manner that landlocks or compromises the use or future development of contiguous or adjacent land areas.
[Ord. 105, 12/13/1993, § 802; as amended by Ord. 169, 10/11/1999, § VII; by Ord. 220, 11/8/2004; and by Ord. 292, 4/12/2010]
Proposed streets shall be properly related to Township, county and state road and highway plans that have been prepared and officially adopted and/or filed as prescribed by law.
Streets shall be logically related to the topography to achieve usable lots and reasonable grades.
Internal subdivision streets shall be laid out to discourage unnecessary through traffic, but provision to coordinate adjacent area streets will be generally required.
Where a subdivision plan abuts or contains an existing or proposed arterial street, the Board of Supervisors may require local access streets, reverse-frontage lots or such other treatment that will provide protection for abutting properties, reduction in the number of intersections with arterial streets, and separation of local and through traffic.
New half or partial streets will not be permitted, except where essential to reasonable subdivision of a tract in conformance with the other requirements and standards of this Part, and where, in addition, satisfactory assurances for dedication of the remaining part of the street is secured.
Wherever a tract to be subdivided borders an existing half or partial street, the other part of the street shall be plotted within such tract.
Dead-end streets shall be prohibited except when designed as culs-de-sac. Permanent cul-de-sac streets may be permitted when it is clear that through traffic at such a street end is not essential to the existing or future street system in that district or to the development of adjacent properties in the area.
Such streets, when permitted, shall be at least 250 linear feet and shall not exceed 500 linear feet, including the culs-de-sac. Permanent cul-de-sac streets may be permitted when it is clear that through traffic at such a street end is not essential to the existing or future street system in that district or to the development of adjacent properties in the area.
The turnaround shall have an outside roadway diameter of not less than 90 feet and a right-of-way diameter of not less than 100 feet.
The minimum grade of the turnaround portion of the cul-de-sac shall be 1%.
The maximum grade of the turnaround portion of the cul-de-sac shall be 3%.
The minimum width of all lots abutting a cul-de-sac shall be 50 feet at the right-of-way line.
On dead-ends streets, a thirty-foot by thirty-foot paved storage area for plowed snow is required at the end of the cul-de-sac on the center line. The paved area shall be constructed as per § 22-1004 of this chapter.
If lots resulting from original subdivision are large enough to permit additional subdivision, or if a portion of the tract is not subdivided, adequate street rights-of-way shall be provided as necessary to allow for future development activity.
Reserve strips, restricting or controlling access to adjacent streets or properties, shall be prohibited. This requirement shall apply equally where the point of a cul-de-sac touches portions of an adjacent tract or land parcel. In such situations, a fifty-foot right-of-way shall be recorded on the plan to provide for future street extension.
Street Grades.
Center-line grade shall be not less than 2%.
Center-line grades shall, wherever feasible, not exceed the following:
Minor street: 12%.
Collector and major traffic street: 6%.
Street Width.
Minimum street right-of-way and cartway width shall be as follows: fifty-foot right-of-way, twenty-four-foot cartway and fifty-foot graded width.
Additional right-of-way and cartway width may be required by the Board of Supervisors for the following purposes:
To promote public safety and convenience where anticipated traffic flows warrant or where drainage easements should reasonably parallel thoroughfares.
To provide parking space in commercial districts and in areas of high-density residential development.
Street Intersections.
Multiple intersections involving junction of more than two streets shall be prohibited. Where this proves impossible, such intersections shall be designed with extreme care for both pedestrian and vehicular safety.
Streets shall be laid out to intersect as nearly as possible at right angles. No street shall intersect another at an angle of less than 60°.
Streets entering opposite sides of another street shall be laid out either directly opposite one another or with a minimum offset of 150 feet between their center lines.
A clear sight triangle with additional public road right-of-way shall be maintained at all intersections within an area formed by the intersecting street lines and a line joining points on the street lines 75 feet from the corner.
Intersections of local streets with collector and arterial streets shall be kept to a minimum, consistent with topography and other local conditions. All subdivision intersections of less than 150 feet shall be avoided. To the fullest extent possible, intersections with collector and arterial streets shall be located not less than 800 feet apart, measured from center line to center line.
Alleys shall not be permitted in any subdivision.
Private Streets.
Vehicular rights-of-way not dedicated for public use shall not be accepted by the Township as public streets, nor shall layout and improvements to lots abutting private streets be approved for more than a maximum total of three lots. At least one of the lot owners on such a proposed and authorized private street must own the private street, with the other (one or two) lot owners having recorded easements to use the private street. A shared maintenance agreement for permitted private streets, in a form acceptable to the Township, is required to be signed by all property owners with access to the proposed and authorized private street, and such shared maintenance agreement shall be recorded in the Butler County Office of the Recorder of Deeds at the time of final plat/plan recording and prior to the transfer of any lot abutting said public street. The shared maintenance agreement must be in the chain of title for all properties on the plat/plan.
The final plat/plan must contain a written notation that Jefferson Township has no jurisdiction to enforce and will not enforce the obligations of the property owners in the plan under the shared maintenance agreement.
The final plat/plan must contain a reference to the recording information for the shared maintenance agreement for the plat/plan.
When such private streets are proposed and authorized, they shall comply with all requirements set forth for the design and construction to Township standards for acceptance as a public right-of-way by the Township, including but not limited to the requirements and standards referred to in § 22-903 hereinabove and hereinbelow and Exhibits 1 through 24 for the design and construction of public improvements,[1] with the exception that: (i) such private streets need not be paved; and (ii) such private streets are not to be dedicated and accepted as public roads. All other requirements for public streets shall be complied with in the design and construction of the private street, including but not limited to base requirements, right-of-way and cartway width, cul-de-sac provisions and other regulations regarding the requirements for public streets.
Editor's Note: The Exhibits are included at the end of this chapter.
No private street shall be extended or created until and unless the segment of roadway or street with which the private street intersects is designed and constructed to Township standards and accepted as a public right-of-way by the Township.
Private streets shall not be maintained, repaired or serviced by the Township.
Streets proposed for commercial or industrial land development purposes shall, if possible, be laid out to intersect directly with arterial and collector streets. Insofar as possible, traffic circulation systems for commercial and industrial subdivisions shall be designed in a manner to eliminate or discourage traffic flow through residential areas.
Driveways (Site Ingress and Egress).
Commercial and industrial ingress and egress (driveways) shall be designed to provide optimum visibility and to minimize traffic congestion in the vicinity of the development parcel. Traffic access design shall conform to the following requirements:
In addition to the information and data required by §§ 22-502 and 22-602 of this chapter, all applications for preliminary and final plan approval of subdivisions for commercial and industrial land development shall contain a traffic circulation and site design plan showing:
Locations and dimensions of vehicular ingress and egress for each development parcel.
Location and access provisions for parking and loading for each development parcel.
Available sight distances at all site access points.
Separate defined ingress—egress points shall be required for all commercial and industrial development parcels.
All driveways shall be constructed so as not to interfere with roadway drainage. Cross drains shall be constructed beneath the driveway where required to provide adequate drainage.
[Ord. 105, 12/13/1993, § 803; as amended by Ord. 169, 10/11/1999, § VIII; and by Ord. 292, 4/12/2010]
The following general provisions shall apply to all subdivisions of land:
All lot area requirements and specified minimum yard and setback designations shall be dimensioned from public rights-of-way where applicable. No lot area requirement or setback shall be computed from within a public right-of-way.
The frontage width of lots abutting a cul-de-sac shall be determined as the width at the building line. (See § 22-903, Subsection 7E.) The side yard and setback requirements will be calculated from the nearest corner of the structure.
All lot lines shall be set perpendicular or radial to the center line of the street whenever possible.
Lots abutting local streets shall front on the streets that parallel the long dimension of the block, if possible.
All lots shall abut by their full frontage on a publicly dedicated street except where flag lots are approved. (See § 22-903, Subsection 14, for private roads.)
No land shall be graded, cut or filled so as to create a slope exceeding a vertical rise of one foot for each two feet of horizontal distance between abutting lots, unless a retaining structure is installed in accordance with specifications approved by the Township Engineer and the Board of Supervisors.
The literal application of front yard setback requirements for single-family dwellings may be relaxed by the Board of Supervisors in predominantly developed areas, provided that:
Seventy-five percent or more of the established structures on the same side of the street in the immediate vicinity have front yard areas less than required by this chapter.
For purposes of this setback relaxation, immediate vicinity shall be interpreted as a block area not exceeding 800 linear feet which is between either two intersecting streets or an intersecting street and a cul-de-sac.
In the absence of typical block development in open or rural areas, the immediate vicinity shall be determined as developed parcels within 500 linear feet of the subject property.
Where setback relaxations are granted, the front yard setback requirements shall be established as the average setback of all existing structures in the immediate vicinity.
Lots laid out for residential purposes shall be subdivided in accordance with the following minimum dimensional provisions:
Minimum Lot Area.
One and one-half acres (65,340 square feet) if not served by public sewer facilities.
One-half acre (21,780 square feet) if served by public water and sewer facilities or sanitary sewage treatment processing plants approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources.
Minimum Lot Dimensions.
Width: 125 feet, at the front street right-of-way line.
Front building setback; 50 feet, from the edge of the existing cartway.
Side yards: 25 feet, from the property line (two required),
Rear yard: 25 feet, from the property line.
Flag Lots.
All flag lots shall have a minimum fifty-foot frontage on a street or roadway. The "pole" segment of a flag lot must consist of a right-of-way not less than 50 feet in width running to the "flag" portion of such a lot.
The lot line at the base of the "flag" portion of the lot shall be a minimum of 125 feet.
The "flag" portion of the lot shall meet the minimum lot area, setback and yard requirements cited in Subsection 2A and B of this section. No segment of the "pole" portion of the lot shall be used in computing the requirements.
Where no further subdivision of land or extension of streets or access roads can occur on a residual parcel due to topography or other conditions, the required width and frontage on a street or roadway of the flag portion of a flag lot may be reduced to a twenty-foot minimum when a single parcel or lot is being accessed.
Lots and tracts of land laid out for commercial and industrial purposes shall be subdivided in accordance with the following provisions:
The location of areas designated for structures, site accessways, off-street parking and loading areas and generalized land use proposals shall be included in a scaled site plan as a part of all final plan applications for nonresidential purposes. (See § 22-903, Subsection 16.)
The Planning Commission may recommend, and the Board of Supervisors may authorize, block platting in place of lot platting for nonresidential purposes to provide the developer maximum flexibility, provided that no block shall be subdivided in such a way that any subsequent lots would be smaller than the minimum size authorized by this chapter.
The developer shall demonstrate every effort to protect adjacent existing or potential residential development sites through the provision of guarantees or other appropriate procedures or amenities designed and established for the purpose of mitigating adverse influences resulting from business activities.
Minimum Lot Area.
One and one-half acres (65,340 square feet) if not served by public sewer facilities.
One acre (43,560 square feet) if served by public sewer facilities or sanitary sewage treatment plants approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources.
Minimum Lot Dimensions.
Width: 150 feet at the front street right-of-way line.
Front building setback: 75 feet from the front right-of-way line.
Side yards: 40 feet, from the property line (two required).
Corner lots: 60 feet from the property line.
Rear yard: 60 feet from the property line.
All parking in the front setback area shall be placed back a minimum of 30 feet from the right-of-way line.
All parking in side or rear yard areas shall be placed back a minimum of 20 feet from the right-of-way or property line.
[Ord. 105, 12/13/1993, § 804]
Utility and public utility easements shall have a minimum width of 20 feet and be placed at the side or rear of lots if possible. When the Board of Supervisors determines that conditions are suitable for utilities and/or public utilities, an easement reservation will be required.
Where a subdivision is traversed by a watercourse, there shall be provided a drainage easement or right-of-way conforming substantially with the line of such watercourse and of such width as will be adequate to preserve natural drainage and provide sufficient width for maintenance by adjacent property owners, but not less than 20 feet. Where applicable, federal, state and local flood maps and data shall be employed to determine the location of easements or rights-of-way required by this Part.
[Ord. 105, 12/13/1993, § 805]
Sidewalks and crosswalks shall be installed by the subdivider or developer along public streets or at other locations deemed necessary for public safety if determined necessary by the Board of Supervisors because of safety or relationship to contiguous development.
[Ord. 105, 12/13/1993, § 806]
Reserve strips surrounding property, or areas reserved for any purpose that shall make any area unprofitable for regular or special assessments, or that may revert to an untended nuisance area, shall not be approved by the Board of Supervisors.
[Ord. 105, 12/13/1993, § 807]
The subdivider may choose his street names, subject to the approval of the Board of Supervisors. No street, other than an extension, may be given the name of an existing street in the Township's postal service area.
A street laid out opposite another street shall be given the same name or number as the opposite street.
All house-numbering systems shall be coordinated with the numbering of existing development in the area and approved by the Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors.
[Ord. 105, 12/13/1993, § 808]
Subdividing land shall be done in a manner that will not bar adjacent property owners from access to streets and ways of alignment or otherwise preclude the development of surrounding land areas.
[Ord. 105, 12/13/1993, § 809]
Provisions for improvement and maintenance of any open space and recreation areas set aside as common space shall be guaranteed by appropriate bonds or (similar/other) provisions satisfactory to the Board of Supervisors.
Recreation and community facilities developed totally or in part on land provided by a developer shall be established consistent with the following criteria:
Facilities and areas shall be located in a manner to best serve both the Township and the future inhabitants of the development or subdivision.
Facilities and areas shall be located on land that is topographically suitable and safe from traffic and other safety hazards and readily accessible to the general public.
[Ord. 105, 12/13/1993, § 810]
Trees, shrubbery and similar vegetation shall not be established within a road right-of-way.
Trees, shrubbery and similar vegetation shall not be established in proximity to a road right-of-way in a manner that interferes with clear site access from the road cartway.
In wooded areas or where other natural conditions exist in such a manner that their presence adds to the desirability of a subdivision, the Board of Supervisors shall require that the subdivider preserve as much of the original vegetation and natural conditions as is economically feasible, and require that a minimum of grading be done other than the grading and excavating that is required in the construction of the improvements, in accordance with the standards included herein.
All development and earthmoving activities subject to applicable law under the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources, Title 25, Chapter 102, Erosion and Control, shall be complied with.
[Ord. 105, 12/13/1993, § 811; as added by Ord. 169, 10/11/1999, § IX]
Environmental Impact Statement Requirements. Where a combination of two or more of the following site characteristics are present, the Planning Commission may recommend to Board of Supervisors that an environmental impact statement be submitted as part of the application. Where indicated, all information submitted shall comply with standards established by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection and shall be received by the Jefferson Township Planning Commission at least 10 days prior to a scheduled review.
Construction activity in undermined areas with less than 100 feet of overburden, as designated by the Bureau of Mining and Reclamation.
Construction activity or encroachment involving a natural stream, watercourse or wetland.
Construction activity within a landslide-prone area as delineated on landslide susceptibility maps as maintained by the Pennsylvania Geological Survey or as prepared by recognized experts acceptable to the Township Engineer.
Construction activity involving the removal of 10,000 square feet or more of forest or construction activity involving the removal of natural vegetation of three acres or more in area.
Construction activity within 100 feet of any wetland.
Environmental Impact Statement Content.
A description of the project. A map indicating:
Limit of the following slope areas:
Zero percent to 15%.
Five percent to 25%.
Over 25%.
All natural watercourses and wetlands.
Undermined areas with less than 100 feet of overburden.
Landslide-prone soils.
All forested areas.
An assessment of the environmental impact of the proposed development with particular attention paid to those items as outlined in Subsection 2A.
A list of all licenses, permits and other approvals required by municipal, county, state and federal law and the status of each shall be required before final consideration of the land development plan. Where applicable, the applicant shall submit at the time of consideration of final approval stream encroachment or relocation, wetlands mitigation, dams or any other permit or permit waiver necessary for construction of the development.
A list of steps proposed to minimize environmental damage to the site and region during construction and operation. The consideration of soil erosion, preservation of trees, protection of watercourses, protection of air resources and noise control are some factors to be considered.
Evidence that the environmental impact statement was prepared by a professional, competent in the field of concern, i.e., a soils engineer for excavation or soils problems, a geologist or geotechnical consultant for undermining and landsliding problems, etc.
Waiver of Environmental Report Requirement. The Planning Commission may waive the requirement for an environmental impact statement if an applicant requests said waiver in writing and, further provided, said development meets all the standards of the Zoning Ordinance, does not involve the relocation, improvement or alteration of any streamway and no portion of the site is located within a flood hazard or flood-prone area as delineated on the FEMA Map for Jefferson Township.