[R.O. 2010 §105.010; C.O. 1948 c. 2 §2-1; CC 1970 §2-2]
No person shall be Mayor unless he/she is at least twenty-five (25) years of age, a citizen of the United States and a resident of the City at the time of, and for at least two (2) years next preceding his/her election.
[R.O. 2010 §105.020; C.O. 1948 c. 2 §2-2; CC 1970 §2-3]
The Mayor shall have a seat in and preside over the Board of Aldermen, and communicate to them from time to time such matters or measures as may in his/her opinion tend to the improvement of the finances, police, health, security, ornament, comfort and general prosperity of the City, but he/she shall not vote on any question except in the case of a tie, nor shall he/she preside or vote in cases where he/she is an interested party.
[R.O. 2010 §105.030; C.O. 1948 c. 2 §2-3; CC 1970 §2-4]
The Mayor shall appoint all standing committees, and shall appoint all special committees not otherwise authorized by the Board of Aldermen. He/she shall exercise a general supervision over all the officers and affairs of the City, and shall take care that the ordinances of the City and State laws relating to the City are complied with.
[R.O. 2010 §105.040; C.O. 1948 c. 2 §2-4; CC 1970 §2-5]
The Mayor shall sign the commissions and appointments of all City Officers elected or appointed in the City; he/she shall sign all orders, drafts and warrants lawfully drawn on the City Treasury for money, and cause the City Clerk to attest the same and affix the Seal of the City, and to keep an accurate record thereof in a book provided for that purpose.
[R.O. 2010 §105.050; C.O. 1948 c. 2 §2-5; CC 1970 §2-6]
The Mayor shall approve all bonds to the City except as may be otherwise provided by this Code or other ordinance. The Mayor shall execute all bonds which by law or ordinance are required to be executed by the City.
[R.O. 2010 §105.060; C.O. 1948 c. 2 §2-6; CC 1970 §2-7]
The Mayor shall have the power, whenever in his/her judgment any bond held by the City from any person has become, or is likely to become impaired through any cause whatsoever, to require the principal in such bond at a time to be appointed by him/her to show cause why a new bond shall not be given, and unless cause is shown, such person is required within twenty (20) days to enter into a new bond, and in default thereof the City shall have the right to declare a forfeiture of all rights and privileges granted by the City under the ordinance or contract of which the bond forms a part.
[R.O. 2010 §105.070; C.O. 1948 c. 2 §2-7; CC 1970 §2-8]
The Mayor or Board of Aldermen shall have power, as often as he/she may deem necessary, to require any officer of the City to exhibit his/her accounts or other papers or records and make a report to the Board of Aldermen in writing, touching any matter relating to his/her office.
[R.O. 2010 §105.080; C.O. 1948 c. 2 §2-8; CC 1970 §2-9]
The Mayor shall be active and vigilant in enforcing all laws and ordinances for the government of the City, and he/she shall cause all subordinate officers to be dealt with promptly for any neglect or violation of duty. He/she is hereby authorized to call on every male inhabitant of the City over eighteen (18) years and under fifty (50) years of age, to aid in enforcing the laws.
[R.O. 2010 §105.090; C.O. 1948 c. 2 §2-9; CC 1970 §2-10]
The Mayor shall have the power to remit fines and forfeitures, either wholly or conditionally, and to grant reprieves and pardons for offenses arising under this Code or other ordinances of the City; but he/she shall not remit any costs which may be accrued to any officer of the City by reason of any prosecution under the laws or ordinances of such City.
Cross Reference — As to general penalty for violation of provisions of this Code, §100.070.
[R.O. 2010 §105.100; C.O. 1948 c. 2 §2-10; CC 1970 §2-11]
The Mayor shall have the power to administer oaths to witnesses summoned before the Board of Aldermen to testify in relation to any subject under consideration in which the interests of the City are involved.
Every bill duly passed by the Board of Aldermen and presented to the Mayor and by him/her approved shall become an ordinance, and every bill presented as aforesaid, but returned with the Mayor's objections thereto, shall stand reconsidered. The Board of Aldermen shall cause the objections of the Mayor to be entered at large upon the journal and proceed at its convenience to consider the question pending, which shall be in this form: "Shall the bill pass, the objections of the Mayor thereto notwithstanding?" The vote on this question shall be taken by "ayes" and "nays" and the names entered upon the journal, and if two-thirds (⅔) of all the members-elect shall vote in the affirmative, the City Clerk shall certify the fact on the roll, and the bill thus certified shall be deposited with the proper officer and shall become an ordinance in the same manner and with like effect as if it had received the approval of the Mayor. The Mayor shall have power to sign or veto any ordinance passed by the Board of Aldermen; provided, that should he/she neglect or refuse to sign any ordinance and return the same with his/her objections, in writing, at the next regular meeting of the Board of Aldermen, the same shall become a law without his/her signature.
[R.O. 2010 §105.130]
The Board shall elect one of their own number who shall be styled "Acting President of the Board of Aldermen" and who shall serve for a term of one (1) year.
[R.O. 2010 §105.140; C.O. 1948 c. 2 §2-14; CC 1970 §2-15]
In addition to the power and authority granted and provided for in this Article, the Mayor shall have the power and authority to make such appointments and exercise such authority as is prescribed by the laws of this State and not otherwise specified in this Article.