[R.O. 2010 Sch. V; CC 1970 §16-51.1; Ord. No. 4-89 §1, 2-21-1989; Ord. No. 12-89 §1, 7-17-1989; Ord. No. 7-91 §1, 4-15-1991; Ord. No. 12-03 §1, 12-1-2003; Ord. No. 07-22, 5-2-2022]
In accordance with Chapter 335 of this Title and when signs are erected giving notice thereof, traffic at the intersections listed below shall be required to stop as specified in this Schedule.
Albert at Glenmoor
Alexandra at Glenway
Armstrong at Hill Drive
Armstrong at Park/Hill intersection
Brookside at Glen Elm
Cheyenne at Yosemite
Clif-Side Court at Clif-Side Drive
Devon at Algonquin Estates
Edwin at Moreland
Glenway at Chelsea
Joanna at Nancy Jo
Kings Pond at Algonquin Estates
Nolan at Andrew
Queen Anne at Glenway
Victoria at Glenway
Warwick at Glenway