Cross References — As to subdivisions, ch. 405; as to zoning, ch. 400.
[R.O. 2010 §105.570; CC 1970 §2-64; Ord. No. 963 §1, 2-13-1953]
In order to make adequate provision for and to stimulate, guide, direct, arrange and beautify the City, and the future development in growth thereof, there is hereby created a commission, to be known as the City Plan Commission.
[R.O. 2010 §105.580; CC 1970 §2-65; Ord. No. 963 §2, 2-13-1953; Ord. No. 1459 §1, 1-28-1969; Ord. No. 12-97 §2, 11-3-1997]
The City Plan Commission shall consist of six (6) members, five (5) of which shall be designated as public members and shall be residents of the City, with at least one (1) chosen from each Ward. The sixth (6th) member shall be the City Engineer. They shall be appointed by the Mayor and approved by the Board of Aldermen, for periods of four (4) years, except the City Engineer, who shall serve by virtue of his/her office. All public members shall serve without pay and shall hold office until their successors are appointed and qualified. The City Plan Commission shall also serve as the Zoning Commission, and in addition to its duties as the City Plan Commission shall exercise and perform all of the powers and duties provided for in the zoning regulations and delegated to the City Plan Commission and City Zoning Commission.
[R.O. 2010 §105.590; CC 1970 §2-66; Ord. No. 963 §3, 2-13-1953]
The Plan Commission shall elect from among its citizen members its own Chairman for a one (1) year term, and from time to time provide such rules and regulations, not inconsistent with this Code or other ordinances of the City for its own organization and procedure as it may deem proper.
[R.O. 2010 §105.600; CC 1970 §2-67; Ord. No. 963 §4, 2-13-1953]
The Plan Commission shall make such reports covering its investigations, transactions and recommendations as it may deem proper, or as may be required by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen. The Commission may employ such City planners, engineers, clerks and other persons as may be authorized by the Board of Aldermen, whose salaries and compensation, and other necessary expenses of the Commission and its members shall be provided for at the discretion of the Board of Aldermen by proper appropriations or ordinances.
[R.O. 2010 §105.610; CC 1970 §2-68; Ord. No. 963 §5, 2-13-1953]
The powers and duties of the Plan Commission shall be to prepare from time to time a comprehensive plan showing its ideas and recommendations of the zoning system covering the whole or any part of the City, together with its recommendations as to restrictions and other questions or issues therewith connected and to provide such outlines, drawings, maps or plans covering the whole or any portion of the City, and of any lands outside of the City that in the opinion of the Commission bears relation to the welfare or beauty of the City or its inhabitants. Such plans shall show the Commission's ideas and recommendations relative to the location, length, width and arrangement of the streets, alleys, bridges, viaducts, parks, playgrounds, boulevards or other public grounds or improvements; the platting of public property into lots, plots, streets, alleys, railroad or streetcar lines, transportation or other channels for communication of any kind; the grouping of public buildings; the design and placing of any memorials, works of art, power or lighting plants, street lighting standards, telegraph and telephone poles, street name signs, billboards or projecting signs; and all other things pertaining to the welfare, housing, appearance or beauty of the City or any portion thereof. Proposals for the subdivision of any land within the City shall be submitted to the Commission for its consideration, suggestions, ideas and recommendations to the Board, before such plat of subdivision shall be approved by the Board of Aldermen. The Commission shall consider any proposition to amend or change the Zoning Regulations or Map, or other proposition referred to it by the Mayor or Board of Aldermen, and shall report back to the Board of Aldermen in writing, its recommendation thereon stating the reasons for its recommendations. The Commission shall also, as the Zoning Commission, perform all of the duties and have all of the powers referred to in any Zoning Regulations in force in the City. The Commission shall perform such other duties as may be provided by law or ordinance.
[R.O. 2010 §105.620; CC 1970 §2-69; Ord. No. 963 §6, 2-13-1953]
It shall also be the duty of the Plan Commission to prepare and recommend such national, State and Municipal legislation as may, in its opinion, be deemed necessary in carrying out the recommendations or suggestions of the Commission.
[R.O. 2010 §105.630]
The Board of Aldermen may remove any citizen member for cause stated in writing and after public hearing.