[R.O. 2010 §210.090; CC 1970 §4-9; Ord. No. 978, 6-12-1953; Ord. No. 13-72 §1, 10-10-1972]
For the purposes of this Article, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this Section:
Infected with the rabies virus as determined by standard laboratory testing.
Includes the Health Commissioner.
When bitten by, or fought with, or has come in close contact with a dog or other animal shown to be infected with the rabies virus as determined by standard laboratory testing.
[R.O. 2010 §210.100; CC 1970 §4-10; Ord. No. 978, 6-12-1953; Ord. No. 1372 §1, 9-10-1965; Ord. No. 13-72 §1, 10-10-1972; Ord. No. 1-73 §2, 1-23-1973]
Every person who owns, controls, manages, harbors or possesses in whole or in part any dog or cat or who permits a dog or cat to come upon and remain in or about any home, place of business or other premises owned or controlled by such person in the City shall procure a license for each dog and cat annually. The license fee shall be three dollars ($3.00) for each dog and cat. The license fee shall be paid to the Director or to the City Clerk on or before the last day of January of each year, provided that such license fee shall not be necessary for dogs and cats under the age of six (6) months. The City Clerk shall procure suitable numbered tags, and upon payment of the dog and cat license by the owner or keeper of any dog or cat, the City Clerk shall deliver one (1) of the tags to the owner or keeper of the dog or cat. It shall be the duty of the owner or keeper of any dog and/or cat to put around the neck of such animal a collar or harness to which shall be securely attached the tag aforesaid.
[Ord. No. B10-13 §2, 12-2-2013]
The collar or harness worn by each cat shall have firmly affixed thereto a bell which shall be so maintained that it shall ring when the cat walks.
[R.O. 2010 §210.110; CC 1970 §4-11; Ord. No. 948, 6-6-1952; Ord. No. 1159, 3-13-1959; Ord. No. 1372 §2, 9-10-1965; Ord. No. 1-73 §1, 1-23-1973]
Any person required to obtain a license by the provisions of Section 210.100 shall make application therefor to the City Clerk upon such form and in such manner as shall be prescribed by him/her, such application to contain the name and address of the owner; description and sex of the dog or cat; whether the dog or cat has been spayed. Separate application shall be made and obtained for each dog and/or cat. Application shall be accompanied by certificate in writing showing that the dog and/or cat for which application is made has been properly inoculated against rabies by an inoculation which is good for one (1), two (2) or three (3) years and that the period of such inoculation has not expired at the time of the application for a license. Such certificate shall be signed by a veterinarian or physician licensed by the State and shall State that such person inoculated the dog and/or cat. No license shall be granted or issued upon any application unless a certificate as herein provided for is presented at the time such application is made. In case the ownership, custody or control of any licensed dog or cat is transferred from the licensee to another person in the City, it shall be the duty of the transferee to report to the City Clerk such transfer within ten (10) days thereafter by written notice in such manner as may be prescribed by the City Clerk, at which time the transferee shall pay to the City Clerk a transfer fee of twenty-five cents ($.25).
[R.O. 2010 §210.120; CC 1970 §4-12; Ord. No. 948, 6-6-1952; Ord. No. 1460 §1, 2-14-1969; Ord. No. 13-72 §1, 10-10-1972; Ord. No. 1-73 §1, 1-23-1973]
It shall be the duty of every person who owns, controls, manages, harbors or possesses in whole or in part any dog or who has custody of any dog or who permits any dog to remain in or about his/her home, place of business or other premises owned or controlled by such person, in the City to wholly confine the dog upon his/her premises or to secure or restrain the dog on a leash in the hands of a competent person, and any such dog not confined upon the premises of the owner or keeper or person in custody thereof, or securely restrained on a leash in the hands of a competent person, and found running at large contrary to the provisions of this Section, shall be taken up and impounded. A "competent person" is defined as a person who is of sufficient age and strength to be able to restrain the dog while on any such leash. Any other person who is not a resident of the City who owns, controls, manages, harbors or possesses in whole or in part any dog or who has custody of any dog or who permits any dog to remain in or about his/her home, place of business or other premises, controlled by such person shall keep such dog from running at large in the City and shall keep such dog out of the City unless securely restrained on a leash in the hands of a competent person. Any dog found running at large contrary to the provisions of this Section shall be taken up and impounded. It shall be the duty of the Director of Health, Chief of Police and any other person designated by them to pick up and impound in a suitable place all dogs found within the City without a license, or all dogs which may be found running at large contrary to the provisions of this Section. Any owner or keeper of any dog running at large or without a license contrary to the provisions of this Section before being permitted to redeem the dog may be charged with the violation of this Section and may be brought before the Municipal Judge who shall hear and determine the complaint as provided by law, and who shall determine any penalty to be assessed. Any owner or keeper of any dog running at large contrary to provisions of this Section which the police have been unable to impound may also be charged with a violation of this Section and may be brought before the Municipal Judge who shall hear and determine the complaint as provided by law, and who shall determine any penalty to be assessed.
[R.O. 2010 §210.130; CC 1970 §4-13; Ord. No. 978, 6-12-1953; Ord. No. 1483, 1-27-1970; Ord. No. 13-72 §1, 10-10-1972]
In addition to any penalties assessed by the Municipal Judge for violation of this Article, any owner of any impounded dog and/or cat or any person having custody of any impounded dog and/or cat may redeem such dog and/or cat by paying ten dollars ($10.00) to the City or any agent or organization who may be designated by the City as keeper of the impounded dog and/or cat; provided, that no such dog shall be released until the annual license tax or fee shall have been paid, and no dog or cat shall be released until such person shall comply with all of the regulations for the securing of such license and the license shall have been securely fastened around the animal's neck; and provided further, that no person shall have the right of redemption unless done within one (1) week after impounding.
[R.O. 2010 §210.140; CC 1970 §4-14; Ord. No. 978, 6-12-1953; Ord. No. 13-72 §1, 10-10-1972]
The Director of Health may order the destruction of any stray dog or cat, or other dog or cat running at large if such dog or cat is unable to be captured after all reasonable efforts thereto have been made, and it shall be the duty of the Chief of Police or such person designated by him/her to execute such order. If any dog or cat impounded under this Article is not redeemed within one (1) week, the Chief of Police may cause the same to be destroyed in a quiet and painless manner or otherwise disposed of.
[R.O. 2010 §210.150; CC 1970 §4-15; Ord. No. 978, 6-12-1953; Ord. No. 1385 §1, 3-11-1966; Ord. No. 13-72 §1, 10-10-1972]
When any dangerous or vicious dog or cat or any dog or cat that has previously attacked or bitten any person or any dog or cat which has previously attacked and bitten any other dog or cat or domestic animal in the City is kept upon any premises in the City, it shall be kept in such a place so that it cannot bite or molest tradesmen, postmen, meter readers or other persons whose lawful business requires them to enter upon the premises or so that it cannot attack persons or dogs or cats or domestic animals in the City. Any such dog or cat found not so confined shall forthwith be taken up and impounded, and the owner or keeper or person having custody shall be charged with a violation of this Section and shall be brought before the Municipal Judge, who shall hear and determine the complaint as provided by law. In such hearing before such Municipal Judge, evidence of the dogs or cats previous history of attacks or bitings shall be admissible in evidence to determine the dangerous or vicious nature of the dog or cat. In the event that any such dog or cat is brought into custody, the Chief of Police, may in his/her discretion refuse to allow the owner or keeper of such dog to redeem such dog or cat until after such complaint has been heard and determined by the Municipal Judge as aforesaid, and until the Municipal Judge has determined the disposition to be made of such dog or cat.
[R.O. 2010 §210.160; CC 1970 §4-16; Ord. No. 978, 6-12-1953; Ord. No. 1033 §1, 12-10-1954; Ord. No. 13-72 §1, 10-10-1972]
Should any person violate Section 210.150, it may be part of the sentence, upon conviction, that such dangerous and vicious dog or cat be immediately killed, and such sentence shall be forthwith executed by the Chief of Police.
[R.O. 2010 §210.170; CC 1970 §4-17; Ord. No. 978 §9-6, 6-12-1953; Ord. No. 13-72 §1, 10-10-1972]
Any cat which by continual screeching, calling, mewing or any dog which by continual barking, howling or yelping or chasing vehicles shall annoy any neighborhood, is hereby declared to be a public nuisance, and any owner of such cat or dog, upon being notified to do so by any officer of the Police Department of the City, shall take such action as may be necessary to prevent the cat or dog from continuing the acts constituting the nuisance or shall dispose of the cat or dog.
[R.O. 2010 §210.180; CC 1970 §4-17.1; Ord. No. 1-73 §3, 1-23-1973]
If any dog or cat running at large shall commit a nuisance upon the premises of someone other than the owner by damaging or defacing the property or improvements on the property or by depositing excrement or other matter, solid or liquid, on the property, the owner of such dog or cat, upon being notified to do so by any officer of the Police Department of the City, shall take such action as may be necessary to prevent the dog or cat from continuing the acts constituting the nuisance, or shall dispose of the dog or cat, and failure to do so shall constitute a violation of this Article.
[R.O. 2010 §210.190; CC 1970 §4-18; Ord. No. 978 §9-7, 6-12-1953; Ord. No. 13-72 §1, 10-10-1972]
The Mayor of this City shall have power and authority, at any time he/she shall deem it necessary, for the protection of the public peace, health and safety against rabies, to issue an order of quarantine, requiring all dogs and/or cats within this City to be restrained and kept under observation, separate and apart from other dogs and cats or animals, and prescribing such other regulations concerning the same as he/she shall deem necessary; and it shall be the duty of any person who owns, controls, possesses or has in custody, in whole or in part, any dog or cat to comply strictly with such quarantine order; and when the quarantine order includes all dogs and cats within the City, notice of such quarantine order shall be given by posting copies thereof in at least fifteen (15) conspicuous places within the City; provided, that the Mayor shall have power and authority at any time to cancel and recall such quarantine order. If such quarantine order applies to the entire City during the time such quarantine order is in force, then it shall be the duty of the Chief of Police, or other persons designated by the Mayor, to destroy all dogs and cats that have not been immunized running at large on any street, alley or other public place or upon any private property other than that of the owner or persons having the care, custody, control or possession of such dogs and/or cats.
[R.O. 2010 §210.200; CC 1970 §4-19; Ord. No. 978 §9-8, 6-12-1953; Ord. No. 13-72 §1, 10-10-1972]
No person shall destroy any animal suspected of being rabid unless it cannot be confined without undue risk of exposure to the disease. Any person destroying an animal affected with rabies or suspected of being affected with rabies shall immediately notify the Police Department and shall surrender the carcass of such animal upon demand. The owner or custodian of any such destroyed animal shall immediately provide the Police Department with full particulars thereof, including the time, date, location and the names and addresses of any persons bitten by the animal and also the name, and address of the owner or person having custody of any animal exposed to the animal destroyed.
[R.O. 2010 §210.210; CC 1970 §4-20; Ord. No. 978 §9-10, 6-12-1953; Ord. No. 13-72 §1, 10-10-1972]
Every physician shall report immediately to the Police Department the full name, address, age and such pertinent information as the Police Department shall require, of any person under his/her care who has been bitten by any animal suspected of being rabid, and likewise every veterinarian shall report any and all rabid animals and every dog and cat bite case coming to or under his/her care.
[R.O. 2010 §210.220; CC 1970 §4-21; Ord. No. 978 §9-11, 6-12-1953; Ord. No. 13-72 §1, 10-10-1972]
In case any dog or cat bites any person, or another animal, the dog or cat may be immediately impounded by the Police Department. The Police Department shall then notify the Department of Rabies Control of the County and turn the matter over to them for further disposition.
[R.O. 2010 §210.230; C.O. 1948 c. 12 §§10-1 — 10-2; CC 1970 §4-22; Ord. No. 13-72 §1, 10-10-1972]
No person shall be permitted to conduct a dog or cat kennel in the City, and the conducting of a dog or cat kennel in the City, is hereby prohibited.
The words "conducting a dog kennel" shall be construed and held to mean any lot, building, structure or premises where more than three (3) dogs are harbored or maintained for any purpose, and the word "dog" shall be construed to mean any animal of the canine species, both male and female. The words "conducting a cat kennel" shall be construed and held to mean any lot, building, structure or premises where more than three (3) cats are harbored or maintained for any purpose, and the word "cat" shall be construed to mean any animal of the feline species, both male and female. Whenever any person harbors or maintains any dog or cat in more than one (1) lot, building, structure or premises, the total number of dogs and/or cats thus held shall be considered as being in one (1) place for the purpose of determining whether or not a dog or cat kennel is being conducted.