[R.O. 2009 §12-401; Code 1969 §39-2]
No taxicab shall be offered for and engaged in carrying passengers with or without baggage for hire over or upon the public streets or places in the City until a license for each taxicab so operated shall have been obtained as provided in this Division.
[R.O. 2009 §12-402; Code 1969 §39-3]
Upon permission being granted by the Board of Aldermen for the operation of taxicabs, the applicant shall present the permit to the City Clerk/Administrator and upon the payment to the City Clerk/Administrator of a license tax of fifty dollars ($50.00) for each taxicab proposed to be operated, as specified in the permit, the City Clerk/Administrator shall issue to the applicant a license therefor, which license shall be non-transferable and non-assignable and shall expire on December thirty-first (31st) next following its date, provided that if such license is granted after July first (1st) in any year, a license tax of one-half (½) the above amount may be charged for the remaining portion of such calendar year.
[R.O. 2009 §12-403; Code 1969 §39-4]
The taxicab license issued by the City Clerk/Administrator shall be posted and kept posted at all times in a prominent place in the taxicab for which it is issued.