[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town of Hebron 7-11-2013. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The Douglas Library of Hebron was created in 1846 as the Hebron Public Library, organized under the laws of the State of Connecticut. Its name was changed in 1949 to the Douglas Library of Hebron. In accordance with the will of Dr. Charles Douglas, the name shall forever remain the "Douglas Library of Hebron." The Douglas Library of Hebron Association is now offering to transfer its total assets (including land, building, collections and furnishings therein) to the Town of Hebron to enable the Town to own the public library. It is the purpose of this chapter to establish the Douglas Library as a municipal library (not an association as at present) and to create a Governing Board of Trustees to manage the library.
The Douglas Library of Hebron is designated the principal public library for the Town of Hebron as defined in § 11-24a(a)3 of the Connecticut General Statutes. The operations of the library shall be consistent with the provisions of Connecticut General Statutes, Chapter 190, to the extent applicable.
[Amended 11-5-2020]
The Town is the beneficiary of any and all intellectual property acquired by the Douglas Library after July 11, 2013. The assets of the Douglas Library of Hebron Association are accepted by the Town effective as of the date of transfer. In consideration thereof, the Town shall assume the liabilities of the Douglas Library of Hebron as of the date of transfer. An inventory of property to be retained by the Douglas Library of Hebron Association has been prepared and is on file in the office of the Town Clerk recorded as an attachment to the property transfer quit claim deed.
Fund 016 is a fund for the Douglas Library comprised of donations and other funding sources maintained by the Town Finance Director which supplements the library budget received from the Town. Said account's monetary assets belong to the Douglas Library and are received, disbursed, and accounted for by the Town's finance department under the direction of the library director and Board of Trustees.
On or after the date of transfer, there shall be a public library owned and operated by the Town, with such suitable rooms or buildings as may be necessary for such library. In accordance with the Eben B. Page deed, the existing library building shall remain in use as a free public library to serve the Town of Hebron.
[Amended 11-5-2020]
There shall be a Library Board of nine trustees, appointed as follows: five members nominated by the Douglas Library of Hebron Association from the Association membership and four by the Board of Selectmen. All members of the Board of Trustees will be appointed by the Board of Selectmen. Of the nine members first appointed, four shall be appointed for a five-year term, three for a three-year term, and two for a one-year term. Thereafter, all appointments shall be for four-year terms.
Any vacancy due to removal, resignation or death of a Board member shall be filled in accordance with Section 703 of the Hebron Town Charter, with the stipulation that a position vacated by a member nominated by the Association must be filled by a person nominated by the Association. All Trustees shall serve without compensation. The Town Manager or his designee and the Library Director shall serve as liaisons to the Board.
No person shall be appointed to the Library Board unless the appointee is an elector of the Town of Hebron. Minority representation shall be in accordance with Section 206 of the Hebron Town Charter and, pursuant to C.G.S. § 9-167, specifically no more than six members from any one political party. Creation of the Board of Trustees is in accordance with Hebron Town Charter Chapter VII, Section 706 I. Members of the Library Board of Trustees should be encouraged to become members of library support groups, but to keep the individual roles separate and distinct, they may not serve as officers of the support groups.
The Library Board of Trustees of the Town of Hebron (hereinafter referred to as the "Library Board") is hereby created and established:
The Library Board's function will be to:
Adopt policies, goals, and objectives for the operation of the public library and to develop strategic planning.
Monitor and review the operations of the public library.
Develop with the Library Director an annual operating and capital budget to be presented to the Town Manager for review and incorporation in the Town's annual budget.
Form a Selection Committee to recruit, interview and select a Library Director in concurrence with the Town Manager. Appointment shall be made subject to the confirmation of the Board of Selectmen.
Consult with and advise the Town Manager, Board of Selectmen, Board of Finance and other Town officials and employees regarding the operation of the public library.
Accept on behalf of the Town of Hebron, all gifts or donations of books, periodicals or other tangible personal property.
Have sole and exclusive authority for the use of funds now held or hereafter donated to the Douglas Library of Hebron for public library purposes (not including funds of the Douglas Library of Hebron Association).
[Amended 11-5-2020]
The Library Board shall hold at least 10 regular meetings each year. Within 60 days of the enactment of this chapter, the Board shall elect from its membership:
One Chairperson.
One Vice Chairperson.[1]
Editor's Note: Former Subsection B(1)(c), One Treasurer, which immediately followed this subsection, was repealed and former Subsection B(1)(d) was redesignated as Subsection B(1)(c)11-5-2020.
One Secretary.
Thereafter, elections of officers shall occur every two years during the month of January. The Board may adopt bylaws detailing therein the duties of its officers, committees and any other rules of order not inconsistent with the Charter, this chapter and the laws of the State of Connecticut.
The Board of Selectmen, after consultation with and upon the recommendation of the Town Manager and the Library Board of Trustees, will confirm either the appointment or termination of the Library Director.
The Library Director shall report to the Library Board through its Chairperson or his/her designee. The Library Board will provide guidance to the Library Director in dealing with policy issues while the Town Manager will provide oversight of budget and personnel issues.
As a governing board, the Library Board shall have the authority to counsel or reprimand the Library Director for violations of board policy not implicating Town personnel policies. The Library Board will have the authority to recommend discipline of the Library Director to the Town Manager.
Ultimate authority with respect to the Library Director rests with the Town Manager who shall consider the findings, conclusions and recommendations of the Library Board in making determinations regarding the Library Director.
The Library Director shall:
Develop and recommend to the Library Board policies, goals, and objectives for the operation of the Public Library.
Have the responsibility and the authority for the administration of the policies, goals, and objectives established by the Library Board.
Develop with the Library Board an annual operating and capital budget to be presented to the Town Manager for review and inclusion in the annual Town budget.
Select collection materials, supervise staff and facilities, and perform such other functions as are usual to public library directors in general.
All library staff are Town employees and this arrangement shall continue. The Town of Hebron Employee Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual and all other Town policies shall govern all full- and part-time library staff.