Every public garage or service station or other structure having a water supply, either of a temporary or permanent character, used for the housing, sale or repair of automobiles or in which automobiles are washed, cleaned or repaired, shall be provided with a means of drainage for the floors and repair pit in such a manner as will prevent the flow of drainage therefrom over streets, alleys or paved approaches. The drainage from the floors and the repair pit shall be conducted to an intercepting pit, which shall be ventilated by extending a ventilating pipe of at least four inches in diameter to at least one foot above the roof, and it shall be provided with an air inlet open to the outer air. The intercepting pit shall be of a design approved by the Plumbing Inspector or other designated officer and shall be watertight, built of brick laid in cement mortar or concrete, and shall be so arranged as to intercept all oils, gasoline or other fluids, as well as sand, silt or other solids, for the purpose of excluding the same as from the sewer system. It shall be provided with one or more twenty-four-inch cast-iron manholes and covers, which shall be so located as to be easily accessible for cleaning.
Every public garage, service station or other structure, either temporary or permanent, used for the housing, storing or sale of automobiles or in which automobiles are washed, cleaned or repaired, shall be equipped with adequate means for continuous ventilation.