A tentative sketch shall be submitted to the Sharon Hill Borough Planning Commission for informal discussion and suggestions as to general layout and preparation of the preliminary plan. It shall also be reviewed by the Borough Council, the County Planning Commission and the Borough Engineer for conformance with the Land Subdivision Regulations and the Borough Plan. The sketch may be used as the basis for the preliminary plan.
A preliminary plan shall be submitted in triplicate to the Borough Secretary, accompanied by an application for approval. The plan shall be reviewed by the Sharon Hill Borough Planning Commission in accordance with Section 1601 of the Borough Code.[1] In addition, the plan shall be reviewed by the County Planning Commission. The plan may also be reviewed by the Borough Council, taking into consideration the recommendations of the other reviewing agencies or persons. If the Borough Council approves the plan, the Borough Secretary shall so certify thereon, and one copy shall be given to the subdivider, developer or builder. If the Council disapproves, the reasons therefor shall be set forth in writing and given to the subdivider, developer or builder, who may, within 30 days thereafter, appeal therefrom to the Court of Quarter Sessions of Delaware County.
Editor's Note: Provisions in the Borough Code pertaining to Land Subdivision were repealed by Act 37 of 2014 and the chapter pertaining to such provisions in the renumbered Borough Code, 8 Pa.C.S.A. § 101 et seq., has been reserved. See now Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code, 53 P.S. § 10101 et seq., Article V, for provisions.
Approval of the preliminary plan by the Council shall be subject to compliance with the changes or modifications set forth, if Council determines the same to be necessary for public safety or convenience. Approval shall be effective for one year only, unless extended by the Council for six months, or must be submitted as an entirely new subdivision.
Improvement construction plan.
An improvement construction plan shall be submitted in triplicate (two paper and one cloth print) to the Borough Secretary for approval by the Borough Council. The plan shall be reviewed by the Borough Engineer, the Sharon Hill Borough Planning Commission, the County Planning Commission, the Borough Health Officer and other appropriate officials.
Whenever the drainage area involved contains more than 1/2 of one square mile, a permit must be obtained from the Water and Power Resources Board of the Commonwealth. The plan shall then be reviewed by the Borough Council, taking into consideration the requirements and recommendations of the reviewing agencies or persons. After approval by the Borough Council, but before the certification by the Borough Secretary, the subdivider, developer or builder shall enter into an improvement construction agreement with the Borough to guarantee the completion of the work as provided in § 325-3B. After this agreement is signed by all parties, the Borough Secretary shall certify the approval of the plan thereon; one copy shall be given to the subdivider, developer or builder, who shall also receive from the Borough Secretary an improvement construction permit authorizing him to proceed with the construction of the improvements. An improvement construction permit does not constitute approval of the work to be performed thereunder. Such permit shall become void if work is not commenced within six months, provided that an extension of six months may be granted by the Borough Secretary, and the Borough Engineer shall endorse the plan accordingly.
Record plan.
A record plan shall be submitted in quintuplicate (two cloth and three paper prints) to the Borough Council for approval. The plan will be reviewed by the Borough Engineer, the Sharon Hill Borough Planning Commission, the County Planning Commission, the Borough Health Officer and other appropriate officials. The plan shall not be approved by the Borough Council unless the required improvements have been installed in strict accordance with Borough standards and specifications or the Borough is assured by means of a proper completion guaranty, in the form of a bond or the deposit of funds or securities in escrow sufficient to cover the cost of improvements as estimated by the Borough Engineer, that the improvements shall subsequently be installed. In addition, a statement shall be included on the record plan that the approved construction improvement plan, a copy of which may be inspected at the office of the Borough Secretary, has been made a part of the approved final plan.
Upon approval of the record plan, the Borough Engineer shall sign it and certify that it conforms with the improvement construction plan and that the improvements have been installed or guaranteed; the Borough Secretary shall sign it and certify that it was approved by the Borough Council on the date shown; one copy shall be given the subdivider, developer or builder within 30 days after one linen copy has been recorded by the subdivider, developer or builder in the office of the Recorder of Deeds of Delaware County and the deed book, page number and date of recording have been given to the Borough Secretary.