[Ord. No. 311 §340.210, 3-5-1996; Ord. No. 2020-016, 10-1-2020]
The following fire suppression rates shall be payable by each owner of real property of the City of Northmoor; said payments shall be made to the City of Northmoor annually or in twelve (12) equal payments included in the monthly water/sewer bill. Owners of real property not living in the City of Northmoor may, at their option, pay annually or monthly.
The rate for fire suppression shall be sixteen dollars ($16.00) per one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) assessed valuation of real property protected.
Each owner of real property which is tax exempt shall pay one hundred dollars ($100.00) per unit of property protected per year for fire suppression services.
This rate is to be effective May 1, 1996.
[Ord. No. 311 §340.220, 3-5-1996; Ord. No. 2020-016, 10-1-2020]
If complete payment for water/sewer/fire/trash service charges are not received by the fifteenth (15th) day of the month following the month for which the customer has been billed, the customer's bill shall be deemed delinquent. Late charges (five percent (5%)) shall be added to said customer's bill, and a notice of delinquency and termination of service shall be sent to the owner.
Delinquency of more than one (1) month for the water/sewer/fire/trash service charges may be the basis for the City of Northmoor to refuse or revoke the occupation license of any commercial property owner or tenant.
Editor's Note: Former Section 705.180, Reconnection and/or Reinstatement of Service, was repealed 10-1-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-016.