[Ord. No. 1588 §§1 — 2, 12-16-1991]
It shall be the policy of the City of Pleasant Valley to purchase goods or commodities which have been manufactured, assembled or produced in the United States, unless:
The purchase involves an expenditure of less than five hundred dollars ($500.00);
Only one (1) line of a particular good or product is manufactured, assembled or produced in the United States;
The specified products are not manufactured, assembled or produced in the United States in sufficient quantities to meet the City's requirements or cannot be manufactured, assembled or produced in the United States within the necessary time in sufficient quantities to meet the City's requirements; or
Obtaining the specified products manufactured, assembled or produced in the United States would increase the cost of the product.
It shall be the policy of the City of Pleasant Valley to purchase materials, products, supplies, provisions and other needed articles which are produced, manufactured, compounded, made or grown within the State of Missouri, when they are found in marketable quantities in the State and are of a quality suited to the purpose intended and can be secured without additional cost over products of other States; provided however, that quality and fitness of articles shall be considered in purchasing or letting contracts for articles herein mentioned.
[Ord. No. 1774 §§2 — 5, 6-5-1995; Ord. No. 2675 §1, 10-18-2004; Ord. No. 2731 §1, 5-1-2006; Ord. No. 2792 §1, 9-4-2007; Ord. No. 2809 §1, 12-3-2007; Ord. No. 3055, 2-6-2012]
Prior to any consultations with the City Engineers, other than those by the Director of Public Works, notice must be provided to the Mayor or the City Clerk.
Only the following persons are allowed to consult with the City Attorney:
Board President;
Personnel Chairman;
Finance Chairman; and
City Clerk.
All other individuals must receive prior written consent (per occurrence) from at least one (1) of the parties identified above before consultation with the City Attorney.
The Mayor and department heads are hereby authorized to approve any line item budget expenditures, provided that line item budget expenditures over one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) shall also require preapproval by the Finance Committee Chairman.
The Mayor and department heads are hereby authorized to approve a one-time emergency expenditure up to one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) with a maximum not to exceed two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) in any fiscal year.
The Board of Aldermen shall approve all out-of-budget expenditures over one thousand dollars ($1,000.00).
Bid Procedures.
Competitive buying/public notice. Competitive bids shall be solicited after public notice on purchases of and contracts for supplies and contractual services (excluding professional service contracts and lease agreements) in accordance with the following guidelines based upon estimated cost:
[Ord. No. 3118 §1, 11-4-2013]
For items over ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00).
Notice inviting bids shall be published once in at least one (1) official newspaper of the City at least five (5) calendar days prior to the last day set for the receipt of proposals. The newspaper notice required herein shall include a general description of the articles to be purchased or sold, shall state where bid blanks and specifications may be secured and the time and place for opening bids. The City shall also solicit sealed bids from all responsible prospective suppliers who have requested their names be added to a bidders' list, which the City Clerk shall maintain, by sending them a copy of such newspaper notice or such other notice and will acquaint them with the proposed purchase of sale. In any case, invitations sent to the vendors on the bidders' list shall be limited to commodities that are similar in character and ordinarily handled by the trade group to which the invitations are sent.
The City shall also advertise all pending purchases by a notice posted on the public bulletin board in City Hall.
The City shall also solicit sealed bids by direct mail request to prospective vendors and by telephone as may seem to him/her to be in the best interest of the City.
For items between three thousand dollars ($3,000.00) and ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00).
The City shall solicit sealed bids from all responsible prospective suppliers who have requested their names be added to a bidders' list, which the City Clerk shall maintain, by sending them a copy of such newspaper notice or such other notice and will acquaint them with the proposed purchase or sale. In any case, invitations sent to the vendors on the bidders' list shall be limited to commodities that are similar in character and ordinarily handled by the grade group to which the invitations are sent.
The City shall also advertise all pending purchases by a notice posted on the public bulletin board in City Hall.
The City shall also solicit sealed bids by direct mail request to prospective vendors and by telephone as may seem to him/her to be in the best interest of the City.
For items under three thousand dollars ($3,000.00). No public notice shall be required; however the City encourages all buyers to endeavor to find the lowest obtainable price.
Bid opening procedures. Bids shall be submitted sealed to the City Clerk and shall be identified as bids on the envelope. They shall be opened in public at the time and place stated in the public notices. A tabulation of all bids received shall be posted for public inspection and a tabulation report forwarded to the Board of Aldermen.
Lowest and/or best bidder. The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Contracts shall be awarded to the lowest and/or best bidder. Bids shall not be accepted from, nor contract awarded to, a contractor who is in default on the payment of taxes, licenses or other monies due the City. In determining "lowest and/or best bidder", in addition to price, the following shall be considered:
The ability, capacity and skill of the bidder to perform the contract or provide the service required;
Whether the bidder can perform the contract or provide the service promptly, or within the time specified, without delay or interference;
The character, integrity, reputation, judgment, experience and efficiency of the bidder;
The quality of performance of previous contracts or services;
The previous and existing compliance by the bidder with laws and ordinances relating to the contract or service;
The sufficiency of the financial resources and ability of the bidder to perform the contract or provide the service;
The quality, availability and adaptability of the supplies or contractual services to the particular use required;
The ability of the bidder to provide future maintenance and service for the use of the subject of the contract;
The number and scope of conditions attached to the bid;
When the award is not given to the lowest bidder, a full and complete statement of the reasons for placing the order elsewhere shall be filed in the office of the City Clerk;
Individual contracts or purchases shall not be subdivided for purposes of evading the requirements of competitive bidding.
Local buying. Other things being equal, the City prefers to deal with local distributors or local sources. If an item is needed, local vendors need to be contacted to see if the items can be obtained from them as economically as out-of-town sources. Vendors shall be treated in a fair and businesslike manner with preference given to area vendors when all factors are comparable.
Gifts and rebates. The City Clerk and every other officer and employee of the City are expressly prohibited from accepting, directly or indirectly, from any person, company, firm or corporation to which any purchase or contract is or is likely to be awarded any rebate, gift, money or anything of value whatsoever, except where given for the use and benefit of the City.
Bidders' list. The City Clerk shall prepare and keep on file a bidders' list of all persons interested in selling to or contracting with the City to furnish supplies or services.
Exemption To Bid Procedures. Occasionally, the City may need to purchase goods or services under circumstances which do not clearly fit the patterns of normal public procurement and for which normal competitive procedures do not apply. The following guidelines are provided with regard to making such purchases:
[Ord. No. 3196 § 1, 2-1-2016]
Sole source vendor. In the event that there is only one (1) vendor capable of providing a particular good or service, then the competitive shopping procedures outlined in this policy shall be waived by the Board of Aldermen. Whenever a Department Head determines that he/she must purchase goods or services from a "sole source vendor," he/she should document why only one (1) company or individual is capable of providing the goods or services required. The documentation should be provided to the Board of Aldermen and the explanation entered into the minutes of the Board. The Board of Aldermen shall review said information for final approval.
Emergency purchases. The bid procedures outlined in this policy may be waived under emergency conditions when a delay may threaten the basic mission of a department or endanger the welfare of employees or the public. True emergency situations are rare. In these extraordinary cases, equipment will require emergency repairs or other circumstances will necessitate emergency purchasing that cannot await compliance with these regulations. In case of an emergency that requires immediate purchase of supplies, equipment or contractual services, the Board of Aldermen may authorize the purchase, at the lowest obtainable price, of any supplies, equipment or services. Department Heads faced with an emergency purchase are to notify the City Clerk as quickly as possible so that an emergency meeting of the Board can be called in accordance with Section 610.020, RSMo. If less than twenty-four-hour meeting notice is necessary, the nature of the good cause justifying the emergency meeting shall be stated in the minutes as required by Section 610.020(4), RSMo. A full explanation of the circumstances of the emergency purchase authorization shall be recorded in the minutes of the Board of Aldermen if the emergency purchase exemption is used.
Cooperative purchasing. This Article, and the requirements herein, shall not apply to purchases made through or with any other governmental jurisdiction which operates a cooperative procurement program and will allow the City to purchase goods or services that the jurisdiction has made available following the completion of its own internal purchasing procedure.
Public Works projects. The provisions of Subsections (G)(13) do not apply to Public Works projects as defined by Missouri State Statutes.
[Ord. No. 2786 §2, 8-6-2007]
All departments shall submit to the City Clerk reports showing stocks of all supplies, materials and equipment which are no longer used or which have become obsolete, worn out or scrapped.
The City Clerk shall have the authority to transfer surplus supplies, materials and equipment to other departments or shall have the authority to exchange such personal property on new supplies, materials and equipment.
Subject to the limitation contained in Subsection (E) below, any of the following methods may be used to dispose of surplus supplies, materials and equipment based on the highest anticipated net yield of funds or net savings to the City of Pleasant Valley. Property with no value shall be disposed of as waste or junk.
Sale by public bid procedures.
Sale by public auction.
Open sale to the general public at posted prices.
Sale by negotiation through public bid procedure.
Sale by special agent for personal property requiring special sales effort and market knowledge.
Sale to not-for-profit organizations serving the general public, subject to approval by the Board of Aldermen.
Trade-in as part of new equipment purchase if in the best interest of the City.
Notice of sales made by methods outlined in Subsection (C) above will be posted on a public bid board. The City Clerk may further advertise the sale of surplus property if necessary or advisable.
Firearms deemed saleable under this Section 125.021 shall only be sold to a person or business entity possessing a valid Federal firearms license to deal in firearms and ammunition and in accordance with Subsection (C) above.
Revenues generated by sales of surplus property originally purchased by the general operating fund will be returned to that fund as general revenue. Revenues generated by sales of surplus property originally purchased by a restricted or special fund shall be returned to such fund as revenue.
City employees, contract employees, agents and appointed and elected officials of the City of Pleasant Valley may not purchase surplus property except through the same methods made available to the general public.
[Ord. No. 1952 §§1 — 4, 2-16-1998; Ord. No. 2773 §§1 — 2, 5-7-2007; Ord. No. 2922 §§1 — 2, 6-1-2009]
The Board of Aldermen does hereby find and determine that it is in the best interest of the City of Pleasant Valley, Missouri, to establish a signature authorization procedure for the placement in and removal of funds from any and all financial institutions housing funds of the City of Pleasant Valley, Missouri. This Section shall not authorize or establish any procedure for the borrowing of funds by the City of Pleasant Valley, Missouri.
The City of Pleasant Valley does hereby establish the following elected or appointed City Officials authorized to place funds in and remove funds from any and all financial institutions housing funds belonging to the City of Pleasant Valley, Missouri, to wit:
Board President;
City Treasurer;
Finance Chair.
Any transaction involving City funds shall require two (2) of the four (4) authorized signatures set forth in Subsection (B) of this Section.
The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to attest to the identify of the above-identified City Officials and the signatures necessary to place funds in and remove funds from any and all financial institutions housing funds for the City of Pleasant Valley, Missouri.