The Mayor shall preside over the deliberations of the Council and shall conduct the meetings thereof. He shall also participate in the determination of Town affairs to the extent permitted by statute.
The Mayor shall on all occasions preserve the strictest order and decorum, and he shall cause the removal of all persons who interrupt the orderly proceedings of the Council.
When two or more Council members shall rise at the same time, the Mayor shall name the one entitled to the floor.
The Mayor shall decide all questions of order without debate, subject to the Council, and may call upon the Council for the opinion of the Council upon any questions of order.
The Mayor shall be an ex officio member of all committees, both standing and special, and shall be informed in advance of all meetings of such committees.
The Mayor shall serve as the liaison between the governing body and all boards, committees, agencies or organizations except as herein assigned to a specific Council committee for liaison purposes.
In the absence of the Mayor, or if the Mayor is unable to perform his duties, the Council President (or, in his inability to act, the Council member having the longest term as such) shall act as Mayor, as provided by statute.