[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Meeting of the Town of Sharon as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted as Art. II of the Town Bylaws]
Every violation of any of the provisions of the bylaws of the Town, unless otherwise provided by law or by said bylaws, shall be punished by a fine of not more than $300 for each violation, which shall inure to the Town or to such uses as it may direct.
[Amended 5-7-2018 ATM by Art. 17; 5-2-2022 ATM by Art. 16; 5-2-2022 ATM by Art. 17]
Violations of the following bylaws and the following rules and regulations of any Town officer, board or department, the violation of which is subject to a specific penalty, may be disposed of noncriminally pursuant to MGL c. 40, § 21D, as the same may from time to time be amended, by the imposition of the fine by the enforcing person, the amount of a fine and the title of the enforcing person each being set forth beside the citation of the bylaw, rule or regulation:
Bylaw, Rule or Regulation
Amount of Fine
Enforcing Person
Chapter 105, Advertising Materials
Each offense: $50
Police Department officer, or in the case of land owned by the Conservation Commission, the Conservation Officer
Chapter 109, Art. I, Burglar Alarms
Each offense: $50
Police Department officer, or in the case of land owned by the Conservation Commission, the Conservation Officer
Chapter 109, Art. II, False 911 Calls
Each offense: $50
Police Department officer, or in the case of land owned by the Conservation Commission, the Conservation Officer
Chapter 109, Art. III, Fire Alarms
Violation of § 109-9B: $100
Violation of § 109-7B: $50
False alarm service fee: $50 for each false alarm more than 3 within a calendar year
Fire Chief
Chapter 113, Alcoholic Beverages
Each offense: $50
Police Department officer, or in the case of land owned by the Conservation Commission, the Conservation Officer
Chapter 116, Art. I, Trapping of Wildlife
Each offense: $50
Police Department officer, or in the case of land owned by the Conservation Commission, the Conservation Officer
Chapter 116, Art. II, Animal Control
Animal Control Officer, Police Department
Violation of § 116-5: $50
Violation of § 116-7: $100
All other violations:
First offense: $50
Second offense: $100
Third offense: $300
Fourth and each subsequent offense: $500 (and the Town may order the animal spayed or neutered)
Chapter 120, Art. I and Art. II, Boats and Watercraft
Each offense: not more than $250
Police Department, Public Works, Select Board
Chapter 125, Art. I, Numbering of Buildings
Each offense: $50
Police Department officer, or in the case of land owned by the Conservation Commission, the Conservation Officer
Chapter 125, Art. II, Public Safety In-Building Radio Communications
First offense: $100
Second offense: $200
Third and each subsequent offense: $300, or alternatively, loss of certificate of occupancy
Building Inspector
Chapter 141, Earth Removal
First offense: $50
Second offense: $100
Third and each subsequent offense: $200
Building Inspector
Chapter 182, Junk
Each offense: $100
Police Department, Prosecuting Officer, Building Inspector
Chapter 195, Noise, § 195-1
Each offense: $50
Police Department officer, or in the case of land owned by the Conservation Commission, the Conservation Officer
Chapter 195, Noise, § 195-2
First offense: A warning
Second offense: $50
Third and each subsequent offense: $100
Police Department, Prosecuting Officer
Chapter 200, Parades and Processions
First offense: $50
Second offense: $100
Third and each subsequent offense: $300
Police Department, Prosecuting Officer
Chapter 204, Art. II, Alcohol on Lake Massapoag
First offense: $50
Second offense: $100
Third and each subsequent offense: $300
Police Department
Chapter 208, Peace and Good Order
Each offense: $50
Police Department officer, or in the case of land owned by the Conservation Commission, the Conservation Officer
Chapter 217, Secondhand Dealers
First offense per calendar year: $100
Second offense per calendar year: $200
Third and each subsequent offense per calendar year: $300
Police Department
Chapter 221, Signs
Each offense (per day): $50
Building Inspector
Chapter 226, Solid Waste, § 226-1, Dumping on private property prohibited
Each offense: $50
Police Department officer, or in the case of land owned by the Conservation Commission, the Conservation Officer
Chapter 226, Solid Waste, §§ 226-2 through 226-10
First offense: $50
Second offense: $100
Third and each subsequent offense: $200
Superintendent of Public Works, Building Inspector
Chapter 230, Stormwater Management, Art. II, Construction Activity Discharges
Each offense (per day): $100
Select Board or designated representative
Chapter 235, Streets, Sidewalks and Public Places, Art. I, Use Restrictions
Each offense: $50
Police Department officer, or in the case of land owned by the Conservation Commission, the Conservation Officer
Chapter 235, Streets, Sidewalks and Public Places, Art. II, Snow and Ice Removal
Each offense: $50
Superintendent of Public Works
Chapter 248, Art. I, Parking for Disabled Veterans or Handicapped Persons
Police Department, Prosecuting Officer
Insufficient designated parking
Each offense: $300
Unauthorized parking in disabled space
Each offense: $200
Chapter 248, Art. II, Parking Restrictions
$15 if paid to Town's Parking Clerk within 21 days, $20 if paid thereafter but before the Parking Clerk reports to the Registrar of Motor Vehicles, and $35 if paid thereafter
Police Department, Prosecuting Officer
Chapter 254, Water
First offense: $25
Second offense: $50
Third offense: $100
Fourth and each subsequent offense (per day): $200
Superintendent of Public Works or designated representative
Chapter 258, Weapons and Explosives
Each offense: $50
Police Department officer, or in the case of land owned by the Conservation Commission, the Conservation Officer
Chapter 262, Wetlands Protection
Each offense: $50
Conservation Officer
Board of Health Regulations
Chapter 300, Art. 2, Minimum Standards of Fitness for Human Habitation
First offense: $100
Second offense: $200
Third and each subsequent offense: $300
Health Agent or designated representative
Chapter 300, Art. 4, Nuisances and Dangers to Public Health
First offense: $25
Second offense: $50
Third offense: $100
Fourth and further offenses: $300
Health Agent or designated representative
Chapter 300, Art. 7, Minimum Requirements for Subsurface Disposal of Sanitary Sewage
First offense: $100
Second offense: $200
Third and each subsequent offense: $300
Health Agent or designated representative
Chapter 300, Art. 12, Minimum Sanitation Standards for Food Service Establishments and Retail Food Establishments
First offense: $100
Second offense: $200
Third and each subsequent offense: $300
Health Agent or designated representative
Chapter 300, Art. 22A, Regulation Affecting Youth Access to Tobacco and Nicotine Delivery Products, and Sale, Vending and Distribution
First offense: $100
Second offense: $200
Third and each subsequent offense: $300
Health Agent or designated representative
Chapter 300, Art. 22B, Regulation Prohibiting Smoking in Workplaces, Public Places and Membership Associations (control of premises)
First offense: $100
Second offense within 2 years of first offense: $200
Third and each subsequent offense: $300
Health Agent or designated representative
Chapter 300, Art. 22B, Regulation Prohibiting Smoking in Workplaces, Public Places and Membership Associations (sale without permit)
$200 per day
Health Agent or designated representative
Chapter 300, Art. 22B, Regulation Prohibiting Smoking in Workplaces, Public Places and Membership Associations (smoking in a prohibited place)
$100 per offense
Health Agent or designated representative
Chapter 300, Art. 26, Animal Waste Regulation
First offense: $25
Second offense: $50
Third and each subsequent offense within a calendar year: $100
Health Agent, Animal Control Officer, or Police Department
Chapter 300, Art. 27, Regulation of Waterfowl
First offense: $25
Second offense: $50
Third and each subsequent offense within a calendar year: $100
Health Agent, Animal Control Officer, Police Department, Environmental Police Officers of the Division of Law Enforcement, Deputy Environmental Police Officers
Planning Board Regulations
Chapter 325, Scenic Roads
Each offense: $300
Town Engineer, as agent of the Planning Board, and/or the Tree Warden or his or her agent
[At the 5-1-2017 ATM, by Article 21, the Town voted to renumber and recaption the General Bylaws of the Town as follows: to assign a new number to each chapter of the General Bylaws; to renumber each section accordingly; to insert chapter and section titles; to update internal references to reflect the new numbering system; to reorganize defined terms to be indented and capitalized in the definitions sections of various chapters; and to enact certain global changes to the text of the General Bylaws of the Town, including consistent citation of statutory references and a standard system of capitalization and citation of numbers.
By this same enactment, the Town also voted to enact certain changes to the text of the General Bylaws of the Town, as noted by strikethroughs (indicating deletion) and underlines (indicating additions).
The above changes are highlighted in the document entitled "FINAL DRAFT (RED-LINE VERSION) – 1-19-2017," on file in the office of the Town Clerk.]
Editor's Note: Pursuant to Art. 24, adopted 5-6-2019 ATM, the Town Bylaws were amended to delete all instances of “Board of Selectmen” and replace those instances with “Select Board,” and to delete all instances of “Selectmen” and replace those instances with “Select Board members.”