[Adopted as Art. 2 of the Town Bylaws]
[Amended 5-1-2023 ATM by Art. 21]
It shall be the duty of the Moderator to present to the voters for approval or other appropriate action at each annual Town Meeting the names of five voters who will act as a Nominating Committee for filling expiring terms and vacancies of the Finance Committee during the ensuing year. The Moderator may fill any vacancy on the Nominating Committee created by the resignation of a member prior to the expiration of their term. The Moderator shall not present to Town Meeting or fill any vacancy with a then-serving member of the Finance Committee. At its organization meeting held after Annual Town Meeting each year, the Finance Committee shall vote to appoint an ex officio, nonvoting, advisory member of the Nominating Committee. Any Finance Committee member whose term is expiring during the ensuing year shall not be eligible to serve.
After being so constituted, the Nominating Committee shall solicit and consider all submitted applications to serve on the Finance Committee. At the next Annual Town Meeting, the Nominating Committee shall present nominees to the voters for approval or other appropriate action to fill some or all of the expiring terms and vacancies on the Finance Committee.
The Finance Committee shall consist of 11 registered voters of the Town. Members of the Finance Committee shall serve staggered three-year terms such that the terms of approximately 1/3 of the members shall expire after each Annual Town Meeting. Members shall serve without pay.
[Amended 5-1-2023 ATM by Art. 21]
The Finance Committee shall meet at the call of the Town Clerk within two weeks after each Annual Town Meeting for purposes of organization and the election of a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson or -persons and a Clerk. In the event the Town Clerk fails to issue the call, any member of the Finance Committee may do so. The Committee shall meet thereafter from time to time, as it deems advisable, and shall keep a true record of all proceedings, and otherwise shall in all respects be in compliance with the provisions of the open meeting laws. The Finance Committee shall have the power to fill vacancies on the Committee by vote, such candidates to be presented by the Nominating Committee, an attested copy of which shall be sent by the Clerk of the Committee to the Town Clerk. Any member so appointed by the Committee shall serve thereon until the next Annual Town Meeting.
[Amended 5-1-2023 ATM by Art. 21]
It shall be the duty of the Finance Committee to inform themselves as to those affairs and interests of the Town, in particular budgets and those other matters to be generally included in the warrants for the Annual Town Meeting or any Special Town Meetings.
In gathering information to report to voters, relative to an article, the Finance Committee shall meet with the party or parties that proposed the article and concurrently with others who want to comment thereon. Officers of the Town shall, upon request, furnish the Finance Committee with facts, figures, and any other information pertaining to their departments. If in their opinion the officer, or board of officers, believe that open communication of any requested information may affect injuriously the interests of the Town, said opinion shall be communicated to the Chair of the Finance Committee. The contents of said information may then be discussed, if appropriate, in an executive session, convened and conducted pursuant to the Massachusetts Open Meeting Law,[1] at a meeting of the Finance Committee.
Editor's Note: See MGL c. 30A, § 18 et seq.
[Amended 5-1-2023 ATM by Art. 21]
The Finance Committee shall consider all articles in the warrant for all Town Meetings (including, with respect to each member of the Finance Committee, the articles in the warrant for the Annual Town Meeting after which such member's term expires) and shall report in print to the Town Meeting recommended actions it deems to be in the best interests of the Town, together with the Finance Committee's reasons therefor. The Finance Committee shall cause such report to be mailed or otherwise delivered to every residence at least seven days before each Town Meeting.
The Finance Committee shall prepare the following schedules, with appropriate input from the Board of Assessors, Finance Director, and Capital Outlay Committee for inclusion in the warrant of each Annual Town Meeting:
A comparative computation of the tax rate showing the actual computation for the then-current year and the estimated calculation for the next year;
A comparative schedule of receipts and available funds for the same periods as above;
A schedule of reserve fund transfers; and
A schedule of five-year capital improvement program for the Town, which shall include the construction and reconstruction of capital assets (such as municipal buildings, recreational facilities, roads and landfills) and acquisition of land, equipment and vehicles and other personal property, and shall make recommendations to the appropriate authorities who proposed such improvements.
If the Finance Committee's report on any article exceeds 50 words in length, excepting an article which requests approval of the Town's itemized, omnibus operating budget or capital items budget for the ensuing fiscal year, then that report on said article shall include a summary of reasons favoring the article that were considered by the Finance Committee in its deliberations and a separate summary of reasons disfavoring the article that were considered by the Finance Committee in its deliberations.
The Finance Committee shall also make an annual report which shall be published as part of the Annual Town Report. The report shall include recommended initiatives regarding the finances of the Town and actions the Committee deems to be necessary and appropriate.
It shall be the duty of the Town Clerk to immediately notify in writing persons elected or appointed to the Finance Committee pursuant to the above provisions, such notice to state the business upon which members of the Committee are to act.