[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Meeting of the Town of Sharon as Art. 1 of the Town Bylaws. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The Town Meeting shall meet once a year at an Annual Town Meeting as provided in § 49-4, and may meet at a Special Town Meeting as provided in § 49-5, and at such other times as the Select Board may direct, or as otherwise provided by law.
Every Town Meeting shall be notified by posting attested copies of the warrant, calling the same, at 10 places within the Town, one of which shall be the post office, at least 14 days before the day appointed for the Annual Meeting or any Special Meeting of the Town. The Town Clerk shall mail, or otherwise deliver, copies of the Town warrant to every residence at least seven days before each meeting of the Town. When the warrant contains proposed amendments to the Zoning Bylaw,[1] a redline/strikeout version of the Zoning Bylaw amendments shall be posted in 10 public places and electronically posted on the Town website at the same time as the attested warrant is posted.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 275, Zoning.
Notice of every adjourned meeting shall be posted by the Town Clerk in not less than 10 public places in the Town and, if time shall permit, be advertised in a newspaper published in Sharon, if any, as soon as practicable after the adjournment, stating briefly the business to come before such adjourned meeting.
[Amended 5-1-2023 ATM by Art. 9]
There shall be an Annual Town Meeting held in the spring, which shall be primarily concerned with the adoption of an annual budget and other warrant articles which have a fiscal effect on the Town. The portion of the Annual Town Meeting for the transaction of business shall be held on the first Monday in May of each year at 7:00 p.m. and shall continue, by adjournment from time to time, until disposition has been made of all articles contained in the warrant. On or before January 31, the Select Board may vote to change the date of the portion of the next Annual Town Meeting for the transaction of business to within two weeks, both before or after, of the first Monday in May.
The portion of the Annual Town Meeting for the election of officers and such other matters as may be voted on the official ballot shall be held on the third Tuesday of May of each year. On or before January 31, the Select Board may vote to change the date of the next Annual Town Meeting for election of officers and such other matters as may be voted on the official ballot to within two weeks, both before or after, of the third Tuesday in May.
The Select Board may adjust either the date of the portion of the Annual Town Meeting for the transaction of business or the date of the portion of the Annual Town Meeting for the election of officers and such other matters as may be voted on the official ballot, or both, provided that the date of the portion of the Annual Town Meeting for the election of officers and such other matters as may be voted on the official ballot may not precede the date of the portion of the Annual Town Meeting for the transaction of business and the timing for each portion of the Annual Town Meeting shall at all times be in compliance with Massachusetts General Laws.
There may be a Special Town Meeting held in the Fall, as determined by the Select Board, which shall be primarily concerned with nonfiscal matters. The date of such Special Town Meeting shall be determined by the Select Board by January 15 of that year and in any event shall occur no earlier than September 1 of that year and no later than December 15 of that year. Such Special Town Meeting shall commence on the appointed day at 7:00 p.m. and shall continue, by adjournment from time to time, until disposition has been made of all articles contained in the warrant. The foregoing notwithstanding, the Select Board shall comply with the requirements of MGL c. 39, § 10, regarding the call of a Special Town Meeting upon the request in writing of 200 registered voters or 20% of the total number of registered voters of the Town, whichever number is the lesser.
In conducting meetings, the Town Moderator is encouraged to avoid cutting off debate, or allowing a motion from the floor to call the question, on any proposed article until prescheduled speakers both for and against the proposed article, as well as a representative number of speakers from the floor both for and against the proposed article, have had an equal opportunity to speak and any and all questions that have been posed from the floor to Town officials or article proponents have been addressed.
A motion to reconsider any prior votes of Town Meeting shall not be accepted, except when, in the best judgment of the Moderator, a significant error or omission occurred in the language or process of the original action on the article, or a significant change of circumstances has occurred, such that there is a substantial likelihood that the outcome could change upon reconsideration or that reconsideration would be in the Town's best interest. Such errors, omission or change of circumstances shall be brought to the Moderator's attention as soon as they are known, and the Moderator shall determine if and when the matter will be taken up. The Moderator shall announce this decision to the Town Meeting. If the Moderator determines that the matter may be taken up pursuant to this section, a majority vote shall be necessary in order to proceed with reconsideration.
[Added 5-1-2017 ATM by Art. 23]
The Town Clerk, or an agent designated by the Town Clerk, shall be authorized to assign appropriate numbers to sections, subsections, paragraphs and subparagraphs of the Town general bylaws and zoning bylaws, where none are approved by Town Meeting.
Where Town Meeting has approved numbering of sections, subsections, paragraphs and subparagraphs of Town general bylaws and zoning bylaws, the Town Clerk, or an agent designated by the Town Clerk, after consultation with the Town Administrator, shall be authorized to make nonsubstantive editorial revisions to the numbering to ensure consistent and appropriate sequencing, organization and numbering of the bylaws.