Existing signs shall be removed or brought into conformity with this bylaw within 30 days of notification of violation by the Building Inspector unless he authorizes a longer period necessitated by unavailability of parts. Signs shall be subject to notification as follows:
Illegally erected signs: immediately.
Temporary signs: immediately.
Illumination violation (§ 221-9A): immediately.
Pennants, streamers, etc. [§ 221-9C(1)]: immediately.
Off-premises signs (§ 221-10): upon expiration of current permit from Outdoor Advertising Board, or, if no such permit is held, immediately.
Visibility violation [§ 221-9B(1)]: following July 1, 1983, or when sign is 10 years old, whichever is later. Signs will be assumed to be 10 years old unless owner documents to the contrary.
Other violations: following abandonment of the sign, or following change or termination of activities on the premises which render the sign nonconforming, or following damage such that repair or restoration would exceed 1/3 of the replacement value as of the date of the damage, or following July 1, 1991, if later.