[Ord. No. 303 §§1 — 2, 2-26-2001; Ord. No. 835, 10-17-2022]
Purpose. The requirements in this Section for home-based businesses and home-based work are enacted for the purpose of: (1) protecting the public health and safety, including regulations related to fire and building codes, health and sanitation, transportation, or traffic control, solid or hazardous waste, pollution, and noise control; (2) ensuring that the business activity is compliant with City, State, and Federal law; and (3) confirming that the business is paying applicable taxes.
Authorization. A home occupation may operate as an accessory use to a primary residential use in any residential district provided the home occupation:
Is operated in a dwelling unit by a resident of that dwelling unit; and
Does not occupy more than one-half (1/2) of the floor area of the dwelling; and
Is clearly incidental and secondary to the primary residential use of the dwelling unit; and
Does not change the residential character of the residential building by altering or modifying the exterior of the dwelling so as to indicate the presence of a home occupation; and
Is operated such that the total number of employees and clients on-site at one (1) time does not exceed the occupancy limit for the residential dwelling as determined by the Property Maintenance Code (Chapter 500.020), Chapter 4, Light, Ventilation and Space Requirements, or other applicable Code or regulation; and
Pays all applicable taxes and otherwise operates in compliance with applicable City, State, and Federal law; and
Does not adversely affect the residential character of the surrounding neighborhood by allowing or causing, for example: a substantial increase in traffic through the residential area; clear indication of a commercial operation (including outdoor storage), visible from the street or that does not occur inside the residential dwelling or in the yard of the residential dwelling; alteration of a principal residential structure shall be made which changes the nature of its appearance as a residence; noise, vibration, glare, fumes, odors, or electrical interference detectable to the normal senses outside the residence; or a regular and steady visitation or concentrated coming and going of clients or customers to or from the premises.
No License Or Permit Required; Verification Of Payment Of Applicable Taxes.
A home occupation license is not required nor does the City charge any fee, but within sixty (60) days after establishing a home occupation the resident is asked to supply the City with: (1) a copy of their business's Missouri Tax I.D. number and, for home occupations selling goods at retail, a Statement of No Tax Due in accordance Missouri Statutes (Sections 144.083.2 and 144.083.4, RSMo.), and (2) a written description of the home occupation, the percentage of the dwelling to be occupied by the home occupation, and the number of employees to be working at the home occupation who are not residents of the home.
To ensure the proposed home occupation complies with the requirements of this Subsection, at the time the above information is supplied by the resident, the City shall supply the resident with a copy of this Subsection or a summary of its requirements. Upon receipt of the written description, the City shall verify for the resident that the home occupation complies with the foregoing requirements. Any change in the amount of floor area occupied by the home occupation as detailed in the original description, number of employees, or the type of home occupation should be followed by a submission of a revised description and review and approval in accordance with this Section to assist the resident in continued compliance.
Nothing in this Section pertaining to home occupations shall be deemed to:
Prohibit mail order or telephone sales for home occupations;
Prohibit service by appointment within the home or accessory structure;
Prohibit or require structural modifications to the home or accessory structure;
Restrict the hours of operation for home occupations;
Restrict storage or the use of equipment that does not produce effects outside the home or accessory structure; or
Restrict or prohibit a particular occupation that is legal under the laws of the City, State, and United States.
[Ord. No. 813, 8-16-2021]
Purpose. The City has determined that it is necessary and desirable to provide suitable sites for group homes in residential areas while, in furtherance of the recognized goals of deinstitutionalization and dispersal, assuring that group homes are not unduly concentrated in neighborhoods so as to afford mentally or physically disabled persons every opportunity to be integrated in the community. To that end, group homes in residential districts shall comply with the following:
To promote deinstitutionalization and dispersal, no group home may be located within five hundred (500) feet of another group home, measured by the straight line distance between the nearest points of the exterior walls (exclusive of overhangs) of the buildings within which the relevant facilities or uses are located; or a) adjoin any lot upon which another group home already exists or b) be separated from any lot upon which an existing group home already exists only by a street or roadway.
The exterior appearance of the home and property, occupancy limitation, signage, and other standards applicable to single-family dwellings shall apply equally to group homes.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this Section to the contrary, any individual, group or entity may make a request for reasonable accommodation from the provisions of this Section pursuant to the City's accommodation policy.[1]
Editor's Note: The City's accommodation policy is included as an attachment to this Chapter.
All operators of group homes in the City must, before June 30 of each year, provide the City Administrator with updated contact information for both the operator and the person(s) acting as house parents or guardians at the home as well as an updated list of occupants.