[Ord. No. 1763 §1, 5-6-2015]
It shall be the duty of all the officers and employees of the City to report to the Board of Aldermen a full statement of the receipts and expenditures of their respective offices and of such other matters as may be required by the Board of Aldermen by ordinance, resolution or otherwise.
The Mayor or Board of Aldermen shall have power, as often as he/she or they may deem it necessary, to require any officer or employee of the City to exhibit his/her accounts or other papers or records and to make report to the Board of Aldermen, in writing, touching any matter relating to his/her office.
The Board of Aldermen shall have power to compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of papers and records relating to any subject under consideration in which the interest of the City is involved, and shall have power to call on the proper officers of the City, or of the County in which such City is located, to execute such process. The officer making such service shall be allowed to receive therefor such fees as are allowed by law in the Circuit Court for similar services, to be paid by the City. The Mayor or Acting President of the Board of Aldermen shall have power to administer oaths to witnesses.
The Board of Aldermen, or any designee thereof, shall have the power to interview any officer, employee, or contractor of the City relating to any subject matter under consideration in which the City has an interest and concerning which the Board of Aldermen, by resolution, has designated the matter the subject of inquiry.
Any officer or employee of the City, having reported to the Board of Aldermen as required by this Section or by other provision of law, or having responded to inquiries from the Board of Aldermen or any designee thereof, or having volunteered information to the Board of Aldermen or designee thereof, shall be free from retaliation by any other officer, supervisor, or employee of the City.
Any officer, supervisor, or employee who retaliates against a person protected under Section 115.270 (E) shall be subject to termination from employment or removal from office for cause.
Any officer, supervisor, or employee who impedes or obstructs any inquiry authorized by resolution of the Board of Aldermen shall be subject to termination from employment or removal from office for cause.
[Ord. No. 1764 §1, 5-6-2015]
The Board of Aldermen, in the exercise of its statutory authority under Section 79.110 et seq., RSMo., and in furtherance of its responsibilities and powers under §115.270 of the Municipal Code of the City of Dardenne Prairie, shall exercise legislative oversight of the care, management and control of the City's business. The Board of Aldermen shall hold such hearings, conduct such investigations, interview such people, examine such books, records and papers, enter into or upon any premises of the City, and inspect such real and personal property of the City as the Board of Aldermen deem appropriate.
The Board of Aldermen may conduct the activities enumerated in §115.280(A) of the Municipal Code of Dardenne Prairie as a Committee of the Whole or by designation of one (1) or more members of the Board of Aldermen serving as a subcommittee of the Board of Aldermen.
When the Board of Aldermen assemble as a Committee of the Whole, the Mayor shall not take a seat with, participate in, or preside over the Board of Aldermen, provisions of §110.060 of the Municipal Code of the City of Dardenne Prairie notwithstanding. When the Board of Aldermen assemble as a Committee of the Whole, the Acting President of the Board of Aldermen or his/her designee will preside.
The Board of Aldermen may designate one (1) or more of its members to serve as a subcommittee by enacting a resolution which establishes one (1) or more subcommittees, identifies the area or areas of oversight to be exercised by the subcommittees, designates Aldermen to serve as Chairmen of the subcommittees, and may, at the Board's discretion, establish specific tasks, objectives, or deadlines to be accomplished by the subcommittees.
Any subcommittee of the Board of Aldermen shall report to the full Board from time to time its findings concerning policies, procedures of the City; and/or the conduct and efficiency of the City's business by employees, officers, and contractors of the City; and its recommendations for changes to the Municipal Code, policies, procedures, or activities of the City. Subcommittee Chairmen may designate additional members of the subcommittee from among the members of the Board of Aldermen and/or from among citizens and may engage consultants to assist in any subcommittee's oversight mission; provided, however, that no cost to the City shall be incurred without prior express approval of the Board of Aldermen. Such designations by the Subcommittee Chairman shall be by written notice to the Board of Aldermen addressed care of the City Clerk with a copy to each person so designated.
Chairmen conducting the business of subcommittees established under §115.280 of the Municipal Code of Dardenne Prairie shall carry a copy of the Board of Aldermen resolution by which the subcommittee was established and the Chairman was designated. Persons designated by the Chairman of the subcommittee to assist in the subcommittee's oversight mission shall carry a copy of the written notice to the Board of Aldermen as prescribed in §115.280(E). Subcommittee Chairmen and subcommittee members shall make such resolutions and written notices available for inspection by any officer, employee, or contractor of the City or by any other person to be interviewed or inspected in connection with the subcommittee's oversight mission.