[Ord. No. 698 Art. I §1, 12-18-2003]
As used in any ordinance adopted by the City of Dardenne Prairie regulating business or requiring a license for the operation of a business, the following terms shall have the following meanings, except where the context clearly indicates that a different meaning is intended and except where an ordinance concerning a particular business contains a specific provision to the contrary with the specific provision controlling:
Any establishment either having nine (9) or more mechanical amusement devices for use or operation by the public or any establishment deriving over one-half (½) its gross income from the utilization of mechanical amusement devices shall be deemed to constitute an amusement center or arcade area.
Any person who applies for a license as required by any ordinance of the City of Dardenne Prairie.
Any dwelling other than a hotel where meals or lodging and meals, for compensation, are provided for three (3) or more persons.
Any collection or group of stands, shows or entertainment devices in the City commonly included within the term fair or carnival which are attended by the public upon payment of a charge.
Any dog, pony, wild animal or variety show exhibits/performances in the City in a tent or group of tents, upon collection of a charge.
The City of Dardenne Prairie, a municipality of the fourth class.
The City Clerk for the City of Dardenne Prairie.
A piece of metal or rarely some other materials (leather or porcelain) certified by a mark or marks upon it as being of a specific intrinsic or essential value. Specific: such as past issuance by a governmental authority to circulate as money.
Operating a tow truck on a public highway at a slow rate of speed or in any other fashion for the purpose of soliciting business along said highway.
Any person, firm, proprietorship, partnership, corporation or other entity who shall engage at any location in the City in the purchase, sale or exchange of any secondhand or antique jewelry, coins, watches, diamonds or other precious stones, gold, silver, platinum or other precious metals, or any other secondhand manufactured articles composed wholly or in part of gold, silver, platinum or other precious metals is hereby declared to be a dealer in precious metals, coins and gems.
Any conduct defined in the ordinances of the City of Dardenne Prairie as disorderly conduct.
Any person driving a taxicab.
Includes every corporation, company, association, joint stock company or association, partnership and person, their lessees, trustees or receivers appointed by any court whatsoever, other than a railroad, light rail or street railroad corporation generating electricity solely for railroad, light rail or street railroad purposes or for the use of its tenants and not for sale to others owning, operating, controlling or managing any electric plant except where electricity is generated or distributed by the producer solely on or through private property for railroad, light rail or street railroad purposes or for its own use or the use of its tenants and nor for sale to others.
Any person, other than a masseur or masseuse, who renders any service to the licensee or customer and who receives compensation or any consideration and who has no physical contact with the licensee's customers or clients.
Oral stimulation of the penis.
Includes every corporation, company, association, joint stock company or association, partnership and person, their lessees, trustees or receivers appointed by any court whatsoever owning, operating, controlling or managing any gas plant operating for public use under privilege, license or franchise now or hereafter granted by the State or the City of Dardenne Prairie.
Any item containing or having as part of its composition any precious or semi-precious stones customarily used in jewelry or ornamentation.
The aggregate amount of all sales and charges of the commodities described in the definition of "public utility" contained in this Section made by a public utility in the City during any period, less discounts, credits refunds, sales taxes and uncollectible accounts actually charged off during the periods.
The group manager of environmental and leisure services, his/her designee or any person or agent employed as Health Officer by the City.
Includes every corporation, company, association, joint stock company or association, partnership and person, their lessees, trustees or receivers appointed by any court whatsoever owning, operating, managing or controlling any plant or property for manufacturing and distributing and selling, for distribution or distributing hot or cold water, steam or currents of hot or cold air for motive power, heating, cooking or for any public use or service in the City of Dardenne Prairie.
Any highway, road, street or alley open to the use of the public for the purpose of vehicular traffic.
Any building or group of contiguous buildings under the same management occupied as the abiding place of persons, who are lodged with or without meals, in which, as a rule, the rooms are occupied singly for hire and in which there are more than ten (10) sleeping rooms.
Any person, whether as owner, agent, consignee or employee, who engages in a temporary business for any period of time and who for the purpose of conducting such business occupies or uses any parcel of land, building, tent, room, apartment, shop, store, structure, or uses a vehicle parked on premises where said person does not have the exclusive right of possession under ownership, lease or rental agreement, or any other non-permanent location or other place within the City for the purpose of offering to purchase or sell such goods, wares and merchandise either privately, publicly or at public auction.
Exclusions. The aforesaid definition shall not apply to:
The mere transportation of goods, wares and merchandise and chattels of every kind.
Persons using motor vehicles for the transportation of goods, wares and merchandise for delivery to an established list of customers or clientele or to an established place of business.
Itinerant vendors shall be classified into one (1) of the following three (3) categories:
Canvass: Includes any one (1) or more of the following activities:
Disseminating written materials or oral views; or
Requesting information on the background, occupation, economic status, social status, religious status, political status, attitudes or viewpoints of another person.
Charitable: Includes any one (1) or more of the following activities:
Seeking to obtain gifts or contributions of money, clothing or any other valuable thing for the support or benefit of any individual, firm, corporation, organization, association or group which is organized as or sponsored by an entity organized as a non-profit entity under laws of any State in the United States or of the Federal Government or recognized as such by the tax of any State of the United States or of the Federal Government.
Seeking to obtain money, clothing or any other valuable thing in return for literature, artifacts or goods of any individual, firm, corporation, organization, association or group which is registered as a non-profit organization under laws of any State in the United States or of the Federal Government.
Commercial: Includes any one (1) or more of the following activities:
Seeking to sell or to obtain orders for the purchase of goods, wares, merchandise, foodstuffs or other services, goods or contracts of any kind, character or description whatever, for any kind of consideration whatever, or dissemination thereof without consideration;
Requesting information on the background, occupation, economic status, social status, political status, attitudes, viewpoints, occupants of a residence, telephone number, address, furnishings or the like of any person for the actual or alleged purpose of compiling such information as raw data or refined data into a document, record, book or directory to be sold or to be used wholly or in part for commercial purposes; excepting persons conducting a census under the laws of the State of Missouri and the United States;
Seeking to obtain subscriptions to books, magazines, periodicals, newspapers or any other type or kind of publications; or
Seeking to obtain gifts or contributions of money, clothing or any other valuable thing for the support or benefit of any individual, firm, corporation, organization, association or group not falling within the definition of "charitable soliciting" as set forth above.
Operations selling their excess homegrown produce at their property shall not be considered itinerant vendors and shall not be required to be licensed. Itinerant vendors may not be licensed for operation in residentially zoned areas.
Any person engaged in the business of dealing in buying, selling and trading old iron, lead, zinc, brass, steel, copper or other metals whatsoever, tags, bottles or other things of like nature or other used or old articles no longer useful for the purpose for which they were made or manufactured is hereby declared to be a junk dealer. Scrap metal purchases by a foundry for melting shall not cause such foundry to be a junk dealer under this Article.
A massage practitioner who administers massage therapy or massage procedures for any form of consideration and who is licensed by this municipality to practice massage in a licensed massage establishment. Any person who provides such services in this municipality for compensation must be so licensed. The title licensed massage practitioner may be applied only to an individual, not to a group, association, partnership or corporation. Each massage practitioner in a group massage practice must be individually licensed.
Whenever the terms "masseur and/or masseuse", singularly or collectively, shall appear throughout this Section and all other Sections of this Article of the City Code and in other City ordinances and City documentation, it shall be deemed to mean "licensed massage practitioner".
Includes any person who has complied with the requirements for licensing as herein provided for as a peddler/solicitor.
Any person, business or other legal entity receiving a license to operate a business, trade, professional, vocation or occupation as mandated by the City Code.
A dwelling other than a hotel where lodging for compensation is provided for three (3) or more persons.
Any method or pressure on or friction against or stroking, kneading, rubbing, tapping, pounding, vibrating or stimulating of the external parts of the body for medical or hygienic purposes with the hands or with the aid of any mechanical or electrical apparatus or appliances, with or without such supplementary aids as rubbing alcohol, liniments, antiseptics, oils, powder, creams, lotions, ointment, unguents or other similar preparations commonly used in this practice.
Any establishment having a fixed placed of business wherein massage is given, engaged in or carried on for any form of consideration. "Massage establishment" shall not include any fixed place of business operated or administered by an individual, firm, partnership, corporation, company or association licensed or authorized pursuant to Sections 197.040, 198.015, 330.020, 331.030, 334.010, 334.510, 334.704, 354.055 and 354.405, RSMo.
A scientific health care, health maintenance and rehabilitation technique carried out by a trained professional which involves the skillful massaging and kneading of human skin, muscles and tissues thereby causing relaxation, stimulation, easing of mental and physical tension, alleviation of aches and pains, the breaking up of fatty tissues and muscle spasms, the improvement of circulation through the body, the reduction of strain on the heart, or the reduction of body fluids in the legs and arms to help cause the body to restore itself to more comfortable feeling or to rehabilitate itself from any disease or malfunction. Provided, the practice of massage therapy shall not include the diagnosis or prescribing of treatments for disease or injury; the adjustment of the articulations of the osseous structures of the body or spine; the providing of any service or procedure for which a license to practice medicine, or chiropractic or physical therapy, or nursing is otherwise required by law.
Stimulation of the genital organs achieved by manual or other bodily contact exclusive of sexual intercourse.
Any machine which, upon the insertion of a coin, slug, token, plat, disc or any other insertion device, may be operated by the public for use as a game, entertainment or amusement, of any kind or description whatever, with the exception of juke boxes which shall not be considered mechanical amusement devices under this Section.
The book value of the current assets of a person or pawnbroker less its applicable liabilities as stated in this definition. Current assets include the investment made in cash, bank deposits, merchandise inventory and loans due from customers excluding the pawn service charge. Current assets do not include the investments made in fixed assets of real estate, furniture, fixtures or equipment; investments made in stocks, bonds or other securities; or investments made in prepaid expenses or other general intangibles. Applicable liabilities include trade or other accounts payable; accrued sales, income or other taxes; accrued expenses; and notes or other payables that are unsecured or secured in whole or part by current assets. Applicable liabilities do not include liabilities secured by assets other than current assets. Net assets must be represented by a capital investment unencumbered by any liens or other encumbrances to be subject to the claims of general creditors.
Includes all actions and functions incident to the movement of a tow truck from place to place; as well as all actions involved in the undertaking of a tow, whether for hire or for personal or business use, by the owner of the tow truck and the conducting of a business engaged in the operation of a tow truck.
Any business not licensed as a massage establishment under the provisions of this Section wherein massage is given, engaged in or carried on, or permitted to be given, engaged in or carried on, for any form of consideration not at a fixed location but at a location designated by the masseur or masseuse, customer or client and within the City limits.
Any entertainment, game, show, exhibition, activity, amusement, gathering or assembly of persons within the City, including outdoor public dances or outdoor dance exhibitions, where there will be presented as the primary source of entertainment outdoor live or recorded musical entertainment and which the promoter has reason to believe will attract one hundred (100) or more persons at any one time.
When used in connection with motor vehicles, any person or legal entity who holds legal title to a vehicle or one who has the legal right to possession thereof; when applied to a building or land, includes any part owner, joint owner, tenant in common, joint tenant or tenant by the entirety of the whole or part of such building or land.
Any child over three (3) years of age or any other person in a self-mobile condition; provided that self-mobile shall include, but not be limited to, the use of a wheelchair or other assistance whether mechanical or human.
Any person engaged in the business of lending money on the security of pledged goods or engaged in the business of purchasing tangible personal property on condition that it may be redeemed or repurchased by the seller for a fixed price within a fixed period of time.
The location at which or premises in which a pawnbroker regularly conducts business.
A person or group who conducts a business, profession or occupation other than a business or profession or occupation specifically identified in this or other City ordinances and which business, profession or occupation is conducted by traveling to individual residential units in a door-to-door manner.
The definition shall specifically include, but not be limited to, selling of goods, wares and merchandise and the act of soliciting as defined herein. Operations selling their excess homegrown produce at their property shall not be considered peddlers/solicitors and shall not be required to be licensed.
Any individual, co-partnership, firm, association, company or combination of individuals of whatever form or character.
Any individual licensed under the laws of this State with the State Board of Registration for the Healing Arts in the State of Missouri.
Any item containing as part of its composition, in any degree, gold, silver, platinum or pewter.
Any dwelling or structure where lodging or board and lodging is furnished to its own members.
Any person, persons, landowner, tenant or lessee engaged in or connected with the presentation of an outdoor musical festival.
The act or practice or promise of indulging in, or solicitation of, promiscuous sexual relations for money.
Any place which is held out to the public principally as a place where persons may dance by paying an admission for the right to dance to an orchestra, musical instruments or music-making machine or by furnishing their own music by juke box or otherwise, whether such place is operated in conjunction with other business activities or not.
Includes every pipeline corporation, gas corporation, electrical corporation, water corporation, heat or refrigerating corporation and sewer corporation as these terms are defined in this Section, and each thereof is hereby declared to be a public utility.
"Purchase or purchasing" shall mean the obtaining by payment of money or its equivalent. It shall not mean or include purchases made directly from manufacturers or wholesalers of precious metals or gems.
Any school or institution of learning which provides the teaching of the theory, method, profession or work of therapeutic massage, which course of study contains the underlying principles of anatomy, physiology and other subjects as regularly included in the curriculum, which requires a resident course of study of not less than one hundred (100) hours to be completed in not more than three (3) calendar months before the student shall be furnished with a diploma or certificate of graduation from such school or institution of learning following the successful completion of such course of study or learning and which school has been recognized and approved by a governmental agency or by a nationally recognized association of professionals.
Includes every separate living unit occupied for residential purposes by one (1) or more persons, contained within any type of building or structure.
Includes every corporation, company, association, joint stock company or association, partnership or person, their lessees, trustees or receivers appointed by any court owning, operating, controlling or managing any sewer system, plant or property for the collection, carriage, treatment or disposal of sewage anywhere within the State for gain, except that the term shall not include sewer systems with fewer than twenty-five (25) outlets.
A radio receiver which is capable of operating on a frequency assigned by the Federal Communications Commission for fire, law enforcement, municipal or other governmental uses.
Requesting or attempting to sway an owner, his/her lawful agent or representative to give permission to a tow truck to remove, repair or store a vehicle for monetary consideration without a previous request from the owner, his/her lawful agent or representative.
Any method of placing designs, letters, scrolls, figures, symbols or any other marks upon or under the skin with ink or colors, by the aid of needles or instruments.
Any place or facility where the art of tattooing is performed.
Any motor vehicle performing a bona fide for hire taxicab service having a capacity of not more than five (5) passengers, exclusive of the driver, and not operated on a regular route or between fixed termini.
The license issued by the City permitting the holder to engage in the business of operating taxicabs in the City.
Any public dance hall in which the participants are teenagers between the ages of thirteen (13) and eighteen (18) inclusive.
A mechanically propelled vehicle equipped with a device used to hoist and tow, transport, convey or move other vehicles from place to place upon authorization of the owner, his/her lawful agent or representative.
Every device, whether mechanically propelled or drawn, in or by which any person or property is or may be moved upon a public highway, except devices moved only by human or animal power or a device which works exclusively upon stationary rails or tracks, and shall include trailers and semi-tractors.
Includes every corporation, company, association, joint stock company or association, partnership and person, their lessees, trustees or receivers appointed by any court whatsoever owning, operating, controlling or managing any plant or property, dam or water supply, canal or power station distributing or selling for distribution or selling or supplying for gain any water.
[Ord. No. 698 Art. I §2, 12-18-2003]
No person shall be engaged in, prosecute or carry on any business, trade, profession, vocation or occupation, either in whole or in part, in the City by maintaining an office in the City or by soliciting orders through such office or by any other manner whatsoever without having first paid a license fee where applicable or agreeing to pay a license tax (i.e., public utilities) and having been issued a license/certificate when applicable as provided for in this Chapter under the power of Section 94.270, RSMo., and as provided in other applicable City ordinances; provided however, the provisions of this Chapter with regard to the general business licensee fee shall not apply to professions as set forth in Sections 71.520 and 71.530, RSMo., nor to any business, trade, profession, vocation or occupation which is exempt by State law from license taxes nor to not-for-profit organizations; and provided further, that a business license shall not be required for business or occupations which are conducted from a person's own residence provided the business or occupation is conducted seven (7) days or less per calendar year, except as provided in Sections 405.420 and 405.480(5) of the Zoning Ordinance of 2001; nor to agencies for which a contribution is provided in the City budget; nor to political and government agencies.
[Ord. No. 698 Art. I §3, 12-18-2003]
Whenever in this Chapter or any of the ordinances of the City a license is required for the maintenance, operation or conduct of any business, trade, profession, vocation or occupation or for doing business or engaging in any activity or occupation, any person or corporation shall be subject to the requirement if by himself or through an agent, employee or partner he/she holds himself forth as being engaged in the business, trade, professional, vocation or occupation; or solicits patronage therefor, actively or passively; or performs or attempts to perform any part of such business or occupation in the City.
[Ord. No. 698 Art. I §4, 12-18-2003; Ord. No. 1151 §2, 4-18-2007; Ord. No. 1313 §1, 6-4-2008; Ord. No. 1530 §1, 10-20-2010; Ord. No. 1598 §1, 2-1-2012]
Applications for all licenses and permits required by ordinance shall be made in writing to the City Clerk in the absence of a provision to the contrary. Each application shall state the name of the applicant, the permit or license desired, the location to be used, if any, the time covered and the fee to be paid; and each application shall contain such additional information as may be needed for the proper guidance of the City Officials in the issuing of the permit or license applied for. The completed application shall be submitted to the City Clerk's office along with the appropriate fees. It shall be unlawful for any person to supply false or fraudulent information on the application filed with the City. An application shall be completed for each type of business whether at the same or different locations, provided that the provisions of the peddler/solicitor business license shall prevail for that type of license.
In addition to the requirements in Subsection (A) of this Section, beginning January 1, 2009, an applicant must submit, with the application or renewal, proof of possession of a valid and current retail sales license from the Missouri Department of Revenue and a statement from the Department of Revenue that the licensee owes no tax due under Sections 144.010 to 144.510 or Sections 143.191 to 143.261, RSMo., and submission of such shall be a prerequisite to the issuance or renewal of any City license which is required pursuant to this Chapter for conducting any business where goods are sold at retail. The date of issuance on the statement that the licensee owes no tax due shall be no more than ninety (90) days before the date of submission for application or renewal of the local license.
Denial. The City may refuse to grant or renew any license for any of the following reasons:
Failure to have or to provide proof of Workers' Compensation coverage as required under Section 287.061, RSMo., as amended;
Providing fraudulent information regarding Workers' Compensation coverage on an application for business license;
The business or activity sought to be licensed would be conducted in violation of any law of the United States or of the State or ordinance of the City; or
Any other basis for denial or revocation as set out in this Title VI.
[Ord. No. 698 Art. I §5, 12-18-2003]
The purpose of this Section is to provide a document covering all license fees, administrative fees and investigation fees or processing fees connected with the issuance or renewal of licenses for any business license by the City designed to recoup costs expended by the City in connection with issuing such licenses. The fees provided herein shall apply in place of any earlier provision in any other ordinance. In the absence of provision to the contrary, all fees and charges for licenses or permits shall be paid in advance at the time application therefor is made to the City Clerk. The fees and charges for businesses, trades, professions, vocations or occupations not listed in this Chapter, if any, shall be as stated in the specific ordinances or parts of ordinances relating to those businesses or operations.
Types of fees. The following are the types of fees that are covered by this Section:
A license fee paid by the operator of the business for the issuance of the license.
A non-refundable investigation fee covering the cost of investigating to determine whether the applicant is eligible for a license. This type of fee shall be charged only in instances specified in this Chapter or in any other applicable ordinance. This fee shall be in addition to the license fee.
A non-refundable processing fee covering the cost of processing an application. This type of fee shall be charged only in instances specified in this Chapter or in any other applicable ordinance. This fee shall be in addition to the license fee.
Fees established. Until otherwise provided by ordinance, the following annual fees shall be charged for the businesses and operations specified. The fee shall be a license fee unless the phrase "investigation fee" or the phrase "processing fee" appears with the amount of the fee.
License Type
License Fee
Adult Entertainment, Adult Book Stores, Adult Video Stores
$500.00 Annual application fee
$500.00 Investigation fee for new applicant
$250.00 Investigation fee for repeat applicant
Mechanical Amusement Centers/Arcade Center
$225.00 Application
$150.00 Renewal fee
General Business
$75.00 Application
$25.00 Renewal
Hotel/Lodging/Rooming/Boarding/ Private Club
$75.00 Application
$25.00 Renewal
Rooming/lodging and boarding
$75.00 Application
$25.00 Renewal
Private Club
$75.00 Application
$25.00 Renewal
Itinerant Vendor
$75.00 First thirty (30) day license term in a twelve (12) month period
$75.00 Subsequent thirty (30) day license term in a twelve (12) month period
Live Entertainment Business
$250.00 Annual application fee
Massage Operator/Practitioner
$75.00 Application
Massage Business
$25.00 Renewal
$250.00 Annual Investigation
$500.00 Investigation fee for a new applicant
$250.00 Investigation fee for a repeat applicant
$75.00 First thirty (30) day license term in a twelve (12) month period
$75.00 Subsequent thirty (30) day license term in a twelve (12) month period
Tattoo Establishment
$75.00 application
$25.00 renewal
All applicants holding a current valid general business license prior to the date that the provisions of this Chapter become effective shall only be required to apply for a renewal of its license and pay the requisite fee for renewal of a general business license.
[Ord. No. 698 Art. I §6, 12-18-2003]
The license fees are imposed for the privilege of carrying on the business or doing the act named in the City for the year from January first (1st) to December thirty-first (31st), inclusive, unless otherwise herein provided. The fees shall be due and payable on or before the first (1st) day of December of the year preceding the license year, unless otherwise herein provided. With respect to a new business, the license fee thereon shall be due and payable prior to the day such business is opened to the public, unless otherwise herein provided. License fees (application fees and other associated costs) during such one (1) year period shall not be prorated.
[Ord. No. 698 Art. I §7, 12-18-2003]
Whenever inspections of the premises used for or in connection with the operation of a licensed business, profession or occupation are provided for or required by ordinance or are reasonably necessary to secure compliance with any ordinance provision or to detect violations thereof, it shall be the duty of the licensee, or the person in charge of the premises to be inspected, to admit thereto for the purpose of making the inspection any officer or employee of the City who is authorized or directed to make such inspection at any reasonable time that admission is requested.
Whenever an analysis of any commodity or material is reasonably necessary to secure conformance with any ordinance provision or to detect violations thereof, it shall be the duty of the licensee of the municipality whose business is governed by such provision to give to any authorized officer or employee of the City requesting the same sufficient samples of such material or commodity for such analysis upon request.
In addition to any other penalty which may be provided, the Board of Aldermen may revoke the license of any license proprietor of any licensed business in the City who refuses to permit any such officer or employee who is authorized to make such inspection or take such sample to make the inspection or take an adequate sample of said commodity or who interferes with such officer or employee while in the performance of his/her duty in making such inspection. Provided, that no license shall be revoked for such cause unless written demand is made upon the licensee or person in charge of the premises, in the name of the City, stating that such inspection or sample is desired at the time it is sought to make the inspection or obtain the sample.
[Ord. No. 698 Art. I §8, 12-18-2003; Ord. No. 2016, 3-18-2020]
Persons Authorized. The following persons are authorized to conduct inspections in the manner prescribed in Section 605.070 or as otherwise described herein:
City Clerk. The City Clerk, or his/her representative or designee, shall be authorized to make all inspections and investigations as necessary to enforce applicable provisions of this Chapter.
Police Officers. Police Officers shall be authorized to make all inspections and investigations as necessary to enforce applicable provisions of this Chapter.
Code Enforcement Officer. The Code Enforcement Officer, or such other person as may be designated by the City Administrator from time to time, shall be authorized to make any inspections necessary to enforce applicable provisions of this Chapter.
Authority Of Inspectors. All persons authorized herein to make investigations or inspections are empowered and authorized to seek entry onto any premises for which a license is required for the purposes of performing their duties authorized pursuant to this Chapter.
Reports By Inspectors. Persons making investigations or inspections as herein authorized shall report violations to the City Clerk and shall submit such other reports as requested.
Revocation Or Suspension/Provisional Order. Any license may be revoked or suspended for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days by the City Clerk at any time for conditions or considerations which, had they existed at the time of issuance, would have been valid grounds for its denial; for any misrepresentation of a material fact in the application discovered after issuance of the license; or for violation of any provision of this Chapter, a Statute of the State, or the license relating to the business, occupation or activity for which such license was issued. No license shall be revoked or suspended until the City Clerk has issued a provisional order which directs the licensee to cease and desist from any violations of and to comply with the law or ordinance.
Notice. The order of the City Clerk and all other notices shall be in writing and shall state sufficient facts to apprise the person affected of the specific grounds for revocation or suspension, the specific language of any ordinance violated, and the penalty for a violation of the ordinance. Delivery of the order to the licensee or his/her agent or employee shall be by certified mail with a return receipt requested to the address listed on the most recent application or renewal filed with the City Clerk including any updated addresses filed with the City Clerk by the licensee. The provisional order shall inform the offending person of his/her right to appeal under this Section.
Compliance. The order shall require compliance within ten (10) calendar days of service of the notice or such greater length of time as specified by the City Clerk.
Provisional Order Final. The provisional order shall become final upon the expiration of the time for compliance set forth in the provisional order, unless a timely appeal of the provisional order is filed consistent with the requirements of this Section.
Appeal. Any applicant or licensee aggrieved by the decision of the City Clerk to deny, suspend or revoke any license pursuant to the provisions of this Section shall have the right to appeal such action to the City Administrator consistent herewith.
Application For Hearing.
Provisional Order — Aggrieved Person. Before the expiration of the period for compliance, the licensee aggrieved by a provisional order may file with the City Clerk a written request for a hearing before the City Administrator contesting all or part of the provisional order. Upon the filing of such a request, the City Clerk shall transmit the request and all documents and records relating to the provisional order being appealed to the City Administrator.
License Denial. Within ten (10) days of the denial of a business license, the person who was denied a license may file with the City Clerk a written request for hearing before the City Administrator contesting the license denial. Upon the filing of such a request, the City Clerk shall transmit the request and all documents and records relating to the denied license application being appealed to the City Administrator.
Content Of Request For Appeal. The request for appeal shall be duly signed and acknowledged by the person requesting the appeal. Each request for appeal must include the following:
The name, address, phone number and electronic mail address of the party filing the request for appeal;
A statement setting forth the standing of the party to file the appeal;
The Application Number or License Number on the application or license that is the subject of the appeal; and
A statement of the basis for the appeal, setting forth the part of the order contested, the basis for the contest, the specific applicable facts, and applicable provisions of the City Code, and the relief sought.
Hearing Procedure. Where a hearing has been requested pursuant to this Section, the City Administrator shall set the matter for hearing within a reasonable time. At least ten (10) days' notice of the hearing shall be given to the appellant except in cases where the immediate protection of the public health, safety or welfare of the residents of the City may make a shorter time necessary.
Notice Of Hearing. The City Administrator shall mail a notice of the hearing to the appellant, and to any persons designated by the appellant in writing. The notice to be mailed as provided herein shall state:
The caption and number of the case; and
The date, time and place of the hearing.
Evidence, Witnesses.
Parties shall have the right to call and examine witnesses, introduce exhibits, cross-examine opposing witnesses and impeach any witness.
Oral evidence shall be taken only on oath or affirmation.
All evidence shall be suitably recorded and preserved.
The technical rules of evidence shall not apply, except the City Administrator may exclude evidence which is irrelevant or repetitious.
Each party shall be entitled to present written briefs at or no later than five (5) days after the conclusion of the hearing.
Final Order. After the hearing, the City Administrator shall issue a final order based upon and concurrent with the issuance of findings of fact and conclusions of law.
The City Administrator shall have the authority to:
Suspend or revoke licenses;
Uphold or overturn the denial of a license;
Extend the time for compliance with an order; or
Modify or rescind any recommendation or order.
Upon revocation or suspension, no refund of any portion of the license fee shall be paid to the licensee, and the licensee shall immediately cease all business at the licensed premises.
Findings. The City Administrator shall make written findings of fact and conclusions of law within ten (10) working days of the hearing. Such findings shall be based upon competent and substantial evidence found in the record as a whole. A copy of the City Administrator's order and the findings of fact and conclusions of law shall be delivered to the City Clerk and to the appellant.
Summary Action. When the conduct of any licensee, agent or employee is so inimical to the public health, safety and general welfare as to constitute a nuisance and this gives rise to an emergency, the City Clerk shall have the authority to summarily order the cessation of business and the close of premises or to suspend or revoke the license. Unless waived in writing within ten (10) days after summary action by the City Clerk, the City Administrator shall conduct a special hearing for such action. Notice and procedure for the special hearing shall be as previously provided for a regular hearing.
Right Of Appeal. Any person aggrieved by the decision of the City Administrator shall have the right to appeal to the Circuit Court pursuant to Chapter 536, RSMo.
Editor's Note: Former Section 605.090, Suspension or Revocation and Hearing Provisions, was repealed 3-18-2020 by Ord. No. 2016.
[Ord. No. 698 Art. I §10, 12-18-2003]
In addition to and as an alternative to the enforcement procedures contained at Section 605.080, any application for a business license may be rejected, or a license revoked (or suspended for a period up to thirty (30) days) in cases where it has been previously issued, upon the determination that:
False or inaccurate statements or representations are contained in the application or made to a City Official at the time of application;
In case any licensee or employee of any business establishment required to have a business license has a prior record of criminal convictions or during the license period has pled guilty to or been convicted of a violation of Federal, State or municipal law which violation, in the sole discretion of the City of Dardenne Prairie, renders the licensee or business establishment unfit to engage in such licensed activities;
There are any other matters which on the part of the applicant or licensee exhibit a moral turpitude, lack of integrity or dishonesty detrimental to the health, safety or welfare of the community.
In the event of a denial the license fee shall be returned in full unless otherwise herein provided and provisions of Section 605.080 shall govern the appeal of such denial.
[Ord. No. 698 Art. I §11, 12-18-2003]
Licenses issued pursuant to any provision of the ordinances of the City shall not authorize any person to exercise or carry on the business, trade, profession, vocation or occupation specified in the license in any other place than that provided by the license.
[Ord. No. 698 Art. I §12, 12-18-2003]
A separate license shall be issued and a separate license fee paid (where applicable) for each place of business and every class of business for which a license is required by ordinance.
[Ord. No. 698 Art. I §13, 12-18-2003]
License renewals shall be as follows:
Anyone wishing to continue conducting his/her business, trade, profession, vocation or occupation which requires a business license pursuant to any provision of the City Code shall apply to the City Clerk for license renewal thereof on such application form as shall be provided by the City Clerk no later than December first (1st) of each year.
Renewal application shall contain the name, address and license number of the licensee's operation, and the licensee shall indicate any changes from the information furnished to the City Clerk at the time of the original or previous application.
An application for renewal shall be accompanied by the annual application fee and any necessary additional fees, all of which shall be set forth on the fee schedule at Section 605.050.
The City Clerk shall renew such license if he/she shall find that such operation has been conducted in accordance with all applicable laws and ordinances.
[Ord. No. 698 Art. I §14, 12-18-2003; Ord. No. 2016, 3-18-2020]
Any person, including any employer of any person, who fails to comply with or commits any violation of any provision of the Code shall be guilty of an ordinance violation punishable, upon conviction thereof, by a fine in an amount not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00). This fine shall be in addition to any other penalties prescribed in any ordinance of the City or the laws of the State; and each day such violation continues shall be deemed a separate offense.
In addition to the enforcement provisions contained elsewhere in the ordinances of the City, any person carrying on or pursuing any business, trade, profession, vocation or occupation which requires either a general business license or a special business license without first having obtained the appropriate license therefor shall be liable for the following penalties which shall be paid in addition to any license fee before any license may be issued:
Initial Licensing. If any person shall commence business in the City without first having been licensed, and if the license fee (where applicable) is not paid within thirty (30) days after opening, a penalty of fifteen percent (15%) will be added for each thirty (30) day period of operation without the appropriate license, but in no event shall the amount of the penalty exceed fifty-five percent (55%) of the amount of the license fee, and the delinquent may be prosecuted.
Renewal Licensing. If any person shall continue to operate a business, profession or occupation within the City without first renewing the appropriate license as described in the ordinances of the City, a penalty percentage of the fee shall be added as follows: Five percent (5%) during the month of January, ten percent (10%) during the month of February; thereafter a penalty of fifteen percent (15%) per month, but in no event shall the amount of the penalty exceed fifty-five percent (55%) of the amount of the license fee, and the delinquent may be prosecuted.
Collateral Actions To Enforce.
The City may institute a civil suit seeking injunctive relief and/or damages where appropriate.
No civil judgment or any act by the City Attorney, the City Clerk, the City Administrator or the licensee or other persons affected shall bar or prevent a prosecution for each and every violation of this Chapter.
Editor's Note: Former Section 605.150, Executions — Collection of Delinquent License Fees, was repealed 3-18-2020 by Ord. No. 2016.
[Ord. No. 698 Art. I §16, 12-18-2003]
The City Clerk shall consult the Board of Aldermen when he/she has reason to doubt the classification or the occupation of any person applying to obtain a license or the truth of the statements made by such person, and the Board shall have full power to decide the matter in a summary manner.
[Ord. No. 698 Art. I §17, 12-18-2003]
Nothing contained in this Chapter shall be construed to relieve any person from the payment of the ad valorem tax on property. Any payment of any particular imposed fee under this Chapter shall not relieve the party paying such fee from liability for any tax specifically imposed for any business he/she may carry on.
[Ord. No. 698 Art. I §18, 12-18-2003]
Unless otherwise herein provided, business licenses are non-transferable.
[Ord. No. 698 Art. I §19, 12-18-2003]
No business license as herein provided shall be issued to anyone to carry on any business, trade, professional, vocation or occupation, either in whole or in part, on a vacant lot or parking lot unless the following requirements are met; provided that no business shall be permitted to operate not to exceed four (4) times per calendar year and seven (7) consecutive days or less or not to exceed two (2) times per calendar year and fourteen (14) consecutive days or less whether on the same or different vacant lots or parking lot, and provided that a separate business license and occupancy permit shall be required for each period of consecutive days.
Occupancy approval from both the City Engineer and the appropriate fire protection district ensuring adequate parking, adequate rest room facilities and any other requirements that the City Engineer and fire protection district may deem necessary. Parking is to be on site or on an adjacent lot; if on an adjacent lot, written permission must be received from that property owner; parking area must be graveled or paved, including ingress and egress. Upon determination by the City Engineer, no parking zones may be established on City or State right-of-way.
Written permission from the property owner for the use of his/her property.
If rest room facilities are to be utilized off-site, written permission must be obtained from the owner of those facilities.
[Ord. No. 698 Art. I §20, 12-18-2003]
It shall be unlawful for any person or organization to conduct or be engaged directly or indirectly in peddling, hawking, huckstering, selling, soliciting or offering to sell by direct solicitation any service or merchandise of any kind or nature in any right-of-way, City streets, highways, alleys or thoroughfares within the City or by their conduct to invite any person or persons to come into the right-of-way for such purpose. No provision of this Section shall pertain to the sale of newspapers and news periodicals as provided by law from racks.
[Ord. No. 698 Art. I §21, 12-18-2003]
All business licenses issued by the City shall be signed by the City Clerk, City Treasurer and Mayor as required by Section 94.230, RSMo.
[Ord. No. 698 Art. I §22, 12-18-2003; Ord. No. 2208, 9-21-2022]
Definition of "structure" shall be considered something having a roof (includes a tent) or an area designated as an open-air market by the Zoning Administrator. For purposes of this Section, "Zoning Administrator" shall have the same meaning as set forth in Section 405.080 of the Municipal Code of the City of Dardenne Prairie, Missouri, as amended.
[Ord. No. 698 Art. I §23, 12-18-2003]
Any business establishment, whether or not herein specifically identified, which has mechanical amusement device(s) shall be required to pay, in addition to their regular license fee, an annual license fee as set forth in the fee schedule at Section 605.050 for each mechanical amusement device situated in their establishment.
[Ord. No. 698 Art. I §24, 12-18-2003]
Nothing contained in this Article shall be construed to relieve any person from the payment of sales tax which is administered by the State Department of Revenue. All business are to be current in the payment of all sales tax to the Director of Revenue before renewing their business license. All delinquent taxpayers will be required to present a statement of no tax due in order to renew their business license.