[CC 2001 §12.16.010; Ord. No. PRI-78 §§1 — 2, 10-10-1978]
The following rules and regulations are established for the Bonne Terre Municipal Park that is bounded by North Long Street, West DeSoto Road and North Norwine Street.
No horses or other livestock shall be permitted upon park property to include interior park roadways.
All vehicles shall use only interior roadways and surfaced parking areas. Vehicles will not be operated or parked on grass areas.
All park roadways shall have a speed limit of ten (10) miles per hour.
No truck type vehicles larger than pickup size shall use the interior park roadways.
Tampering with or defacing park regulatory signs is forbidden and shall constitute a misdemeanor.
All waste and trash must be placed in trash containers.
There shall be a curfew on all park property with the exception of activities related to use of the community buildings, tennis courts and swimming pool facility. No one shall be on park premises with the aforestated exceptions after 10:00 P.M. April through October and 8:00 P.M. November through March.
Failure to comply with these rules and regulations on the park property concerned shall constitute an ordinance violation.
[CC 2001 §12.16.020; Ord. No. PR-2-75 §§1 — 3, 1975]
The tract of land containing eighteen and ninety-four hundredths (18.94) acres ± deeded to the City of Bonne Terre, Missouri, on April 24, 1974 from St. Joe Minerals Corporation (said deed recorded in Book 601, Pages 638, 639, 640 of the Land Records of St. Francois County, Missouri) is decreed as open to the public for recreational purposes and use.
The alley adjoining the property situated between Lake Street and Sycamore Street is declared to be one-way for traffic from Lake Street to Sycamore Street only.
Lakeview Park is open to the public for recreational purposes subject to the following rules and regulations:
No vehicle of any type whether motor-driven or not shall be permitted except on designated roadways and parking areas.
No paddle boats or sailboats shall be allowed. Fishing boats and canoes shall be permitted on the lake but none shall be propelled by gas engines. Boats shall not be permitted that exceed sixteen (16) feet in length. All craft shall be launched only at designated points. All craft must have an approved flotation device for each occupant.
All fish regulations as promulgated by the Missouri Department of Conservation shall be adhered to.
No firearms, spears, gigs, bows or similar devices shall be permitted on the property. Air and BB guns, fireworks, pyrotechnics and explosives are also prohibited.
No swimming or wading shall be permitted in the lake.
No fires shall be permitted except in confined and/or designated facilities. No open unrestricted fires permitted.
Due to close proximity to the hospital and residences, loud noises or actions shall be prohibited during hours of darkness.
Damage, destruction or defacing of any and all signs, facilities, hardware and natural vegetation on the property shall be deemed destruction of public property.
It shall be deemed a violation of this Section to deposit waste, litter, debris, garbage or trash anywhere on the property other than in designated receptacles.
Ice skating or fishing will not be permitted until ice thickness is adjudged safe by the City Safety Committee.
No scuba diving or spear fishing will be permitted.
No boat or canoe will be launched on the lake without obtaining a permit to be issued by the Police Department who will conduct a safety inspection. Permits will be limited to fifteen (15) permits at one (1) time.
No camping will be permitted on the property.
No trot lines, limb lines, jug lines or flotation device lines shall be permitted.
Parking Lot. Establishing hours of operation and permitted use for the parking lot at Lakeview Park at Sycamore Street, is approved and all terms of the ordinances identified herein are voided and shall be held for not. The City Council has ordained that the hours of operation and permitted use of the parking lot at Lakeview Park at Sycamore Street shall be daily from dusk to dawn. Further, that the hours of operation and permitted use shall be conspicuously posted at all entrances of the parking lot. Further still, that violation of the hours of operation and permitted use shall constitute a violation of the criminal and traffic ordinances of the City of Bonne Terre, Missouri, and shall be able to be prosecuted in accordance with the City and State laws.
[Ord. No. 202120, 8-9-2021]
[CC 2001 §12.16.025; Ord. No. 2001-26 §§1 — 3, 5-8-2001]
The tract of land situated at the southeast quarter of the City park, bounded by Long Street on the east, Southpark Estates on the south, JayCee Drive on the west and the Nutrition Center on the north, is hereby decreed to be "Ted Boyer Memorial Field".
Use of the "Ted Boyer Memorial Field" shall be as hereby established:
Primary use of the field shall be given to the officers of the "Raider Junior Football League" or their successor, provided that said officers file a notice of intention to use the fields with the City Clerk of the City of Bonne Terre annually before April first (1st) of each year.
Secondary use of the field shall be given to those groups, persons, entities or organizations that register and reserve use of the fields with the City Clerk of the City of Bonne Terre on a first come, first reserved basis.
The follow rules and regulations are hereby established for use of the "Ted Boyer Memorial Field":
No vehicle of any type, whether motor-driven or not, shall be permitted except on designated roadways and parking areas.
Damage, destruction or defacing of any and all signs, facilities, hardware and natural vegetation on the property shall be deemed destruction of public property.
It shall be deemed an ordinance violation to deposit waste, litter, debris, garbage or trash anywhere on public property other than in designated receptacles.
No concession sales of any type shall be permitted other than from the "Raider Junior Football League Concession Stand Facility".
Hours of use for the fields shall be from 8:00 A.M. CST to 10:00 P.M. CST.
No alcoholic beverages shall be permitted on the property or premises.
[Ord. No. 2007-23 §§1 — 4, 11-13-2007]
Tract Of Land.
The tract of land located in the City limits of the City of Bonne Terre, Missouri, was conveyed to the City by quit claim deed dated the seventh (7th) day of February, 1994, from the Missouri Highway and Transportation Commission to the City of Bonne Terre. Said deed is recorded in Book 1235 at pages 106 — 109 of the land records of the Recorder of Deeds for St. Francois County, Missouri.
Said tract is more particularly described as a tract of land lying, situated and being in the County of St. Francois, State of Missouri, to wit:
All of the surface rights only in and to lot one (1), block sixteen (16), Town of Bonne Terre, as shown on a plat of Bonne Terre, recorded in Plat Book 5 at Pages 4 and 5 of the land records of St. Francois County, Missouri.
Subject to terms, conditions, restrictions, reservations and covenants of record, if any.
Said tract of land is hereby dedicated to the public to be and the same is hereby designated a park and shall henceforth be named, known and designated Miners Park.
The following rules and regulations are established for Miners Park:
Tampering with or defacing park regulatory signs, statues, benches and City property is forbidden and shall constitute a misdemeanor.
All waste and trash must be placed in trash containers.
Failure to comply with these rules and regulations on the park property concerned shall constitute a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not less than five dollars ($5.00) nor more than five hundred dollars ($500.00) and/or confinement in the City or County Jail for not less than one (1) day nor more than ninety (90) days, or both such fine and confinement.
[CC 2001 §12.16.030; Ord. No. PR4-83 §§1 — 3, 6-14-1983; Ord. No. 200131 §§1 — 8, 9-18-2001]
The rules and regulations contained in this Section shall relate to the ball fields developed, adjacent and contiguous areas of City property, parking lots and the bounding alleyway.
In matters concerning City little league activities and all users of the City property identified as the "Little League Complex", the following rules and regulations are established:
No fixed or continued parking shall be permitted in the alleyway area from the City Shop to Mill Street. This shall be construed as no parking other than to load or unload people and/or equipment.
No concession sales of any type shall be permitted other than from the little league concession stand facility.
No inning of ball play shall be commenced after 11:00 P.M. and, when practicable, all lighting systems shall be off by 11:00 P.M.
No alcoholic beverages shall be permitted on the grounds and property other than those contained in paper containers and purchased from the little league concession stand facility.
No vehicles or horses shall be permitted on the ball diamonds other than for maintenance purposes.
All field use shall be regulated by the City parks and recreation officers.
Rental fees from non-City, Little League Commission sponsored activities shall be established by the City administration and paid when appropriate to the City.
Parking in designated areas shall be accomplished in such ways as to permit continuous ingress/egress to the parking areas.
All athletic equipment issued for seasonal use shall remain the property of the City and accountable for by the person(s) to whom issued. It shall be the express responsibility of the using person(s) to return equipment to the City Park and Recreation Department.
Failure to comply with the provisions of this Section may result in either withdrawal of using privileges of City facilities or, if applicable, prosecution as a misdemeanor.
[CC 2001 §12.16.040; Ord. No. 11.01 §§1 — 2, 12-10-1963]
It is unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, organized for private profit, to operate or offer to operate a concession upon the lands owned by the City and used for park purposes.
The Bonne Terre Park Association, a not-for-profit corporation organized under the laws of the State of Missouri, is granted the exclusive right to operate concessions and to manage all of the facilities, exclusive of the swimming pool, within the boundaries of the municipal parks of the City; provided the corporation shall on or before the fifteenth (15th) day of March of each year file with the City Clerk a brief statement of the affairs of the corporation together with a copy of its financial statement showing in detail its operations for the past calendar year, which statement and copy shall be kept by the City Clerk and be subject to inspection by any citizen at all reasonable times.
[Ord. No. 202119, 7-12-2021]
Authorized Use. All improvements affixed and erected upon any park land may be used by the general public during park hours, as described and restricted in all other Sections of this Chapter, or as allowed by the Parks Board, Parks Director, or the City Council, following written application and approval thereof.
Reservation And Rental. All improvements affixed and erected upon any park land, located within the geographical boundaries of the City of Bonne Terre, Missouri, may be reserved and rented, as may be allowed by the City Council, Parks Director, or Parks Board, following written application and approval thereof.
The Parks Board shall promulgate reasonable reservation regulations, reservation process, and a schedule of fees for use, which shall be reviewed and approved by a majority of said board. Once approved by a majority of the Parks Board, the regulations and fee schedule shall be reviewed and approved annually by the City Council.
[Ord. No. 202320, 6-12-2023]
The following Rules and Regulations shall apply to all lakes, ponds, streams, rivers or other bodies of water located on or running on and over public lands. The Rules and Regulations here in shall be additional to, and applied in conjunction with, all other provisions of City, County, Administrative, State and Federal Regulation.
The Rules and Regulations set forth herein shall be additional to the all fishing Regulations as promulgated by the Missouri Department of Conservation and all said Regulations shall also be fully completed with. In the event of any direct conflict between the Rules and Regulations stated herein and any other Rule or Regulation enacted by the City, County, Administrative, State and Federal Regulation, the other Rule or Regulation shall prevail.
The violation of any and each Rule and Regulation enacted in this Section and each Subsection contained herein shall constitute an ordinance violation. Any such violation shall be prosecuted pursuant to the City of Bonne Terre's Municipal Code.
Definitions. As used in this Section the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any standing or moving waters located within the boundaries of the City of Bonne Terre, Missouri, whether, a creek, stream, river, pond, lake or other water located and/or running on public property.
The act of intentionally removing, or causing to be removed, from any Body of Water, any marine life, including, but not limited to, fish, amphibians, reptiles and/or any other aquatic life.
The City may by separate Ordinance require a license to and for Fishing in any Body of Water located in the City of Water located on any public property within the City of Bonne Terre's geographical boundaries. Notwithstanding any other ordinance, rule, regulation, or restriction approved by a majority of the City Council Fishing in any Body of Water is open to the public, subject to park hours and Missouri Department of Natural Resources licensing and other regulations.
A special event as designated and approved by the City Council, for the City of Bonne Terre, Missouri, on an as requested basis, but shall held at least once each calendar year.
Regulation for Fishing Derby:
The City of Bonne Terre, Missouri, shall at least annually, and as may be requested of and approved by the City Council, for the City of Bonne Terre, Missouri, hold a Fishing Derby.
As designated by the Director of Parks and Recreation, and posted by the City of Bonne Terre, Missouri, any Body of Water shall be allowed to be closed to public Fishing for up to forty-eight (48) hours prior to any Fishing Derby.
Any person, not registered for and/or participating in the Fishing Derby during any period of time the Body of Water has been closed by the Director of Parks and Recreation shall be guilty of an ordinance violation subject to criminal prosecution.