[Adopted 6-20-2006 by L.L. No. 21-2006 (Ch. 73, Art II, of the 1976 Code)]
There is hereby created a Landmarks Preservation Commission, which shall act as an advisory body to the Town Board, and in conjunction with the Architectural Review Board, when necessary, on site plans and applications for designated landmarks or structures within an historic district.
The Landmarks Preservation Commission shall consist of seven members who shall be appointed by the Town Board to the extent available in the community as follows:
One member of the American Institute of Architects;
One architectural historian;
One attorney;
Four residents of the Town of Riverhead.
Terms of office.
Commission members are to be appointed to a term of three years, provided that of those members first taking office:
Two shall be appointed for one year;
Two shall be appointed for two years; and
Three shall be appointed for three years.
Members may serve for more than one term, and each member shall serve until the appointment of a successor.
In the event of a vacancy occurring during the term of a member of the Landmarks Preservation Commission, the Town Board shall vote on an appointment to complete the unexpired term.
The Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of the Commission shall be elected by and from the members of the Commission.
The Landmarks Preservation Commission shall have the powers and duties granted by this article and Chapter 241, Landmarks and Historic Districts, which shall include:
To recommend designation of identified structures or resources as landmarks, or historic districts, to the Town Board.
To review and make recommendations to the Town Board on applications for alterations to residential structures which have been designated as landmarks.
[Amended 11-19-2019 by L.L. No. 24-2019]
To review and make recommendations of the Town Board on alterations or demolitions of designated structures within an historic district, which are not part of a site plan application.
[Amended 11-19-2019 by L.L. No. 24-2019]
To review site plan applications, together with the Architectural Review Board, for alterations to or demolition of a designated structure or structures within an historic district, or new construction within an historic district, and make recommendations to the Town Board.
To retain professional consultants as necessary to carry out the duties of the Commission. Any contract to retain such consultants involving expenditure of Town funds shall be subject to prior approval of the Town Board.
To adopt criteria for use in the identification of significant historic, architectural and cultural landmarks and for the delineation of historic districts.
To increase public awareness of the value of historic, cultural and architectural preservation by the development of and participation in public and educational programs or literature.
To recommend acquisition of a landmark structure by the Town Board where its preservation is essential to the purpose of Chapter 241, Landmarks and Historic Districts, and where private preservation is not feasible.