[Amended 1-20-1976; 5-17-1977; 12-6-1977; 11-8-1978; 3-6-1979; 4-3-1979; 7-3-1979; 10-2-1979; 8-20-1985; 9-16-1986; 10-6-1987; 5-7-1991; 6-18-1991; 6-2-1992; 11-2-1992; 3-1-1994; 5-7-1996; 10-18-2005 by L.L. No. 51-2005]
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings set forth herewith:
Any sign or part of a sign which changes physical position by movement or rotation occasioned by natural, manual, mechanical, electrical or other means, or which gives the visual impression of such movement or rotation.
A sign announcing the activities conducted or to be conducted at the public or semipublic building to which it refers.
Any retractable or fixed shade-producing device made of flexible fabric or similar material covering a rigid skeleton structure attached to a building.
A sign that is painted or displayed on a sheet composed of fabric, pliable plastic, paper or other nonrigid material, fastened to the exterior of a building or exterior structure other than a flagpole, but excluding any representing any federal, state or other governmental entity.
A sign relating, in whole or in part, to a business, commodity, service, entertainment or attraction sold, offered or existing at a location other than the location where such sign is displayed.
The area of the building wall, including area occupied by any doors or windows in that wall.
An architectural projection comprised of a rigid structure over which a covering is attached that provides weather protection, identity or decoration and is supported at one end by the building to which it is attached and at the outer end by not less than one stanchion.
An aggregate sign containing a list of the names of the establishments located within a commercial or industrial complex.
An electronic programmed display of time and temperature information only.
Ornamentation or enhancement of a sign structure.
A direct marketing operation which may be seasonal in nature and features on-farm produce as well as locally grown agricultural produce, enhanced agricultural products, and handmade crafts.
A sign detached from any supporting element of a building and consisting of a double- or single-sided sign face attached to a single or double pole structure embedded in the ground or mounted on its own self-supporting permanent structure or base.
The uppermost surface of the ground directly below the sign or immediately adjacent to the support. Where the uppermost surface has been artificially raised for landscaping or other purpose, grade shall be measured from the level of the nearest curb of a public street.
A sign illuminated either internally, where the source of illumination is inside the sign or from light bulbs or light tubes affixed or incorporated into the structure thereof, or externally, where the source of illumination is separate from the sign and reflected off the surface thereof.
A small sign, emblem, or decal informing the public of goods, facilities or services available on the premises, e.g., a credit card sign or a sign indicating hours of business.
A case containing a fluorescent light source within. The light source is projected through a glass or plastic facing which projects a message (not to be confused with neon, channel letters, or backlit channels).
A roof whose pitch has a twelve-inch or greater vertical projection for each six-inch horizontal projection.
A fixed, constructed permanent canopy or roof-like structure of rigid materials which may contain a means for changeable lettering thereon, supported by and extending more than 12 inches from the facade of a theater, hotel, banquet facility, or sports arena.
A sign not permanently affixed to a structure, with or without wheels, or to the ground and designed or intended to be moved from one location to another, except signs painted on registered vehicles identifying the owner and utilized in the conduct of such business.[1]
A sign with a base entirely in contact with the ground.
A nonelectric identification sign which bears only the name and profession or occupation of the occupant or group of occupants, or bears only the name of a residential occupant.
An illuminated sign consisting, in part, of a glass tube filled with neon, argon, mercury or other gasses caused to emit light by the passage of an electric current and commonly bent into various forms.
A sign which was legally installed under laws or ordinances in effect prior to the effective date of the ordinance codified in this title or subsequent revisions, but which is in conflict with the design and sign type provisions of this chapter.
A sign that identifies or communicates a message related to an activity conducted, a service rendered, entertainment, or a commodity sold which is not the primary activity, service, or commodity provided on the premises where the sign is located (e.g., billboards or outdoor advertising).
The extension of a false front or wall above a roofline.
A freestanding sign wholly supported by a single vertical pole or similar structure embedded in the ground.
A temporary sign indicating the name and/or picture of an individual seeking election or appointment to a public office, or relating to a proposition or change of law to a public election or referendum, or pertaining to the advocacy by persons, groups, or parties of political views or policies.
A sign which is attached at a right angle from a wall or other essentially vertical plane of a building or structure which is wholly or partly dependent upon the building for support.
Any sign erected by a governmental agency or at its direction warning the public of a specific danger, with no other advertising on such sign. Such signs shall include direction flow of traffic signs and entering and exiting parking lot signs and shall be designed and placed in accordance with the New York State Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices.
[Added 8-18-2009 by L.L. No. 41-2009]
A sign advertising the sale, exchange, lease or rental of the real property on which it is located.
A sign erected upon or above a roof or parapet of a building or structure.
A portable sign capable of standing without support or attachment.
Any object, device, display, or structure, including a flag, or part thereof, which is used to advertise, identify, display, direct, or attract attention to an object, person, institution, organization, business, product, service, event, or location by any means, including words, letters, figures, design, symbols, fixtures, colors, illumination, or projected images, together with a framework, background, material structure, component parts, and bracing materials.
The area of a sign shall be the entire face of a sign, including the advertising surface and any framing, trim, or molding. The area of a sign lacking clear and distinct borders shall be determined by the smallest rectangle that encompasses all of the letters and/or symbols that make up the sign, together with the area outside that rectangle of a different color or material than the general finish of the building or window, whether painted or applied.
A sign affixed to the underside of a roof overhang, and perpendicular to the wall, adjacent to a store or a commercial premises.
Any sign or advertising display constructed of cloth, canvas, fabric, plywood or other light material and designed or intended to be displayed for a ninety-day period following receipt of necessary approvals by Town agencies or departments. A temporary sign may not exceed 32 square feet.
[Added 6-20-2006 by L.L. No. 19-2006; amended 8-18-2009 by L.L. No. 41-2009]
A sign fastened to or painted on an exterior wall of a building or structure in such a manner that the wall becomes the supporting structure for, or forms the background surface of, the sign. A wall sign shall not project above the height of the building wall face. Said height shall be the vertical distance from the average grade of the ground surrounding the building to the lowest point of the roof. Such a sign may not project more than 12 inches beyond the building wall face, nor shall it contain copy on the sides or the edges, or it shall be considered as a projecting sign.
The area of the window shall be the largest uninterrupted expanse of glass. Such interruptions shall include but not be limited to the mullions, muntins and structural or applied support columns.
A sign which is painted in, applied, or attached to the interior side of a window or glass doors, or which is inside an individual window or door and mounted within three feet of a window. Such signage shall occupy no more than 25% of the area of each window or door.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 101, General Provisions, Art. I).
Purpose. It is the express purpose of this article to regulate existing and proposed signs in order to perpetuate the open character and rural appearance of the Town; promote good community planning and a positive aesthetic environment; protect property values; recognize the economic importance and attractiveness of properly sited and well-designed signs; preserve the historic character and architectural heritage of the Town; provide a more enjoyable and pleasing community; and to promote and accomplish the goals, policies and objectives of the 2003 Riverhead Comprehensive Master Plan.
Intent. It is the intent of this article to coordinate the type, placement and scale of signs within the various zoning use districts to recognize the commercial communications requirements of all sectors of the business community; reduce distraction and obstructions which may cause motorists confusion, impair visibility, and lead to accidents; reduce hazards that may be caused by signs overhanging, projecting into, or otherwise obstructing public rights-of-way; and avoid detracting from the legitimate identification of businesses, street names or street numbers. These shall be accomplished by regulation of the display, erection, use, and maintenance of signs.
Only one primary sign shall be permitted at each business location or premises. Where feasible, primary signs may be double-sided. Combinations of various types of primary signs shall not be permitted. Secondary signs may be permitted at the discretion of the Architectural Review Board. Permitted primary signs shall not indicate business hours of operation, telephone numbers, fax numbers, or web addresses. All primary signs must be located on the site facing towards a public right-of-way. Each of the following types of primary signs is allowed by permit from the Town of Riverhead:
Wall signs.
The area of a wall sign shall not exceed 25% of the building or wall face on which it is mounted. The width of a sign shall not exceed 75% of the width of the building or wall face on which mounted. The maximum area for a wall sign shall be 300 square feet.
Such signs shall not project more than one foot perpendicular to the walls on which they are mounted nor extend in any manner above the facade or roofline of the building or structure containing such wall.
All signage shall pertain to the business or businesses operating on the premises where the sign is erected.
Roof signs. A sign painted on, incorporated into, or affixed to a mansard roof or parapet of a building shall be permitted, provided it complies with the following:
The vertical midpoint of the sign shall be no higher than the vertical midpoint of the mansard roof or parapet so that the sign does not project above the roofline or break the silhouette of the building.
No part of such sign shall project from such mansard roof or parapet a distance greater than 24 inches, and all structural supports, including any angle irons, guy wires or braces, shall appear to be an integral part of the roof or roof sign and enclosed or otherwise hidden from view.
The area of a roof sign shall not exceed 25% of the square footage of the building wall face on which it is mounted. The width of any such sign shall not exceed 75% of the width of such roof or parapet. No roof signs shall be permitted to exceed 300 square feet.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 101, General Provisions, Art. I).
Freestanding signs (including pole and monument signs).
No freestanding sign shall be permitted on premises where buildings or structures are set back less than 20 feet from the front property line.
The maximum area for such a sign shall be 32 square feet.
Said sign may not exceed 10 feet in vertical height from the grade of the ground surrounding the sign except as otherwise provided in this chapter.
Said sign(s) shall be at least 25 feet from each sideline of the property and at least 15 feet from the front and rear property lines.
Except for the height of a monument sign, any embellishment thereon extending up to 12 inches on any side shall not be considered in determining compliance with the area or size limitation of a sign supported by a monument structure.
Permanent window signs.
Permanent window signs may occupy no more than 25% of the window area as defined herein.
Such signs shall include neon signs limited to an intensity of 60 watts.
Window signs shall be stationary in nature and shall not flash or rotate.
Such a sign shall not obscure the visibility through the window by using, but not limited to, an opaque background.
Directory signs. Each commercial or industrial complex which contains more than one legal use shall, as a whole, be permitted one freestanding directory sign on the premises to be used for the purpose of notifying the public of the names of the businesses located within the complex, provided that:
No advertising of any sort shall be allowed on said sign other than to identify the complex itself and the names of the businesses located within the complex.
The aggregate height of said sign, including embellishment, shall not exceed 15 feet measured from the grade of the ground surrounding the sign.
Each business name shall occupy no more than eight square feet in area.
Each business shall advertise with coordinated size, color, lettering, and sign shape such that no single sign is more prominent than another sign.
A portion of the sign may be dedicated to the identification of the commercial or industrial complex, provided that this area does not exceed 32 square feet.
The aggregate area of the sign shall not exceed 60 square feet.
A directory sign may be allowed in conjunction with a wall, roof, or window sign, but shall not be permitted with any type of other freestanding sign.
The nearest point of the front of any building of the complex is set back a minimum of 50 feet from the front property line.
Marquee, attached. A marquee attached to a theater, hotel, or sports arena shall be permitted, provided that such sign:
Does not extend beyond the curbline in front of the building.
Shall be placed no less than 10 feet above the grade or curb surrounding the sign.
Shall be constructed of noncombustible materials, shall be securely supported from the facade of the building, and shall provide proper drainage.
Awnings/canopies. Signs painted on or in the form of an awning or canopy shall be permitted for business use only, provided that:
Awnings are not located above the first floor of the buildings to which they are attached.
Canopies are located at the street or parking lot entrance of the building to which they are attached and do not interfere with pedestrian traffic.
Any identification or lettering on such awnings or canopies shall be limited to the edge of the awning or canopy bib and shall not exceed six inches in height.
The vertical clearance from the public right-of-way to the lowest part of the awning or canopy, including the valance, shall be a minimum of seven feet.
Gasoline station signs. One sign per business location shall be permitted to advertise the sale of gasoline, provided that said sign:
Shall be freestanding, nonflashing, and nonmoving.
Shall be located on the premises of the business and not located in any public right-of-way.
Shall only advertise the identification of the gasoline retailer and the price(s) of gasoline.
Shall not exceed an area of 48 square feet, nor exceed a height of 15 feet above the grade surrounding the sign.
Shall be located not less than 15 feet from the front or rear property lines and not less than 25 feet from each side property line.
Each business or premises is entitled to signage considered secondary to a permitted primary sign. All secondary signs shall be coordinated in size, color, lettering, shape, and location of placement. The following sign types may be considered for approval by the Town of Riverhead as secondary signs:
Soffit signs. One soffit sign may be permitted for each business establishment, provided that:
A minimum height of 7 1/2 feet is provided from the ground surrounding the sign to the base of the sign.
The thickness of the sign does not exceed four inches.
The maximum area of the sign shall be two square feet.
Projecting signs. One projecting sign may be permitted for each business establishment, provided that:
A minimum of 7 1/2 feet is provided from the ground surrounding the sign to the base of the sign.
The thickness of the sign shall not exceed four inches.
The sign shall project more than 12 inches but not more than 36 inches perpendicular to the building to which it is affixed.
The maximum area of the sign shall be two square feet.
Nameplate in excess of an area of two square feet affixed to a building wall or face.
Electronic time/temperature signs. A computerized time/temperature display or electronic message center shall be permitted, subject to the following conditions:
Shall be located on premises only.
Shall be accessory to and incorporated within the main structure of a freestanding sign. Such sign shall be no more than 24 square feet in total area, and an aggregate square footage of all signs on the sign structure shall not exceed 32 square feet.
Said sign shall be located a minimum of 400 linear feet from any other time/temperature display.
Said sign shall display a minimum time interval of five seconds between flashed readings of time and temperature.
Shall exhibit the minimum display necessary to convey the intended message. No horizontal traveling or vertical scrolling moving messages, animation, or graphics shall be permitted.
Menu board. Restaurants may display one menu board in conjunction with a drive-through window, provided that:
The sign is one-sided, freestanding, or attached to a wall.
Said sign shall be nonflashing and nonmoving.
Said sign shall not exceed 32 square feet in area nor exceed a height of five feet above the grade surrounding the sign.
Said sign shall be located at least 25 feet from the front of the property line and from each sideline, and a minimum of 15 feet from the rear property line.
Said sign shall not be located in a front yard or in a side yard adjacent to a street, nor shall the sign be readable from a street.
Wall sign. Wall signs may be considered secondary signs, provided that:
Such a sign is not located on a facade having any other wall sign.
Such a sign shall not exceed 10% of the wall area, with a maximum permitted area of 150 square feet.
Gasoline stations. One secondary sign may be permitted for the advertisement of services in addition to the sale of gasoline, provided that such sign:
Shall be freestanding, nonflashing, nonmoving, and not illuminated.
Shall not exceed 16 square feet in area.
Shall not exceed a height of six feet above the grade of the area surrounding the sign.
May be double-sided.
Shall be located on the premises of the business and not located in any public right-of-way.
Incidental information window signs. Incidental information signs which exceed an area of two square feet shall be permitted, provided that:
Such a sign shall advertise only the type of information as provided by the definition of an "incidental sign."
Such a sign shall not exceed an area of 10% of any uninterrupted glass area.
Such a sign shall not be placed on any window or uninterrupted glass area containing any other signage.
All window signage on a building shall be coordinated in color, style, and lettering.
Such sign does not obscure visibility by using, but not limited to, an opaque background.
Commercial property real estate signs. Sign advertisement of the sale, rental, or lease of commercial property is permitted, provided that:
[Amended 9-17-2007 by L.L. No. 25-2007]
Only one such sign per commercial parcel shall be permitted.
Freestanding signs, signs affixed to a building or structure, or a sign displayed within any window therein shall not exceed nine square feet in area.
Said sign shall be placed at least 25 feet from each sideline of the property and at least 15 feet from the front and rear property lines. No such sign shall be permitted within a parking lot, roadway, or sidewalk area.
Said sign(s) shall be removed no later than 15 days after the property to which it relates is no longer for sale, rent, lease, or exchange.
Said sign shall not be illuminated.
Residential property real estate signs. Real estate signs advertising the sale, rental, or lease of residential real estate are permitted, provided that:
No more than two such signs shall be erected on the property to be sold, rented, or leased. No signs erected for the sale of real estate may be erected off site of the subject property.
Said sign(s) may not be illuminated nor exceed four square feet in area.
No sign shall be permitted in any public right-of-way.
Said sign(s) shall be removed no later than 15 days after the property to which it relates is no longer for sale, rent, lease, or exchange.
Said sign(s) may be erected by a licensed real estate broker or by the individual property owner. Said sign(s) may be erected by a licensed real estate broker who has paid the annual fee of $200 to the Building Department. Erection of such signage by the individual owner of the property shall require a deposit of $100 per sign, paid to the Building Department, to be refunded upon removal of the sign by the applicant.
[Amended 9-1-2009 by L.L. No. 48-2009]
Construction signs. One sign shall be permitted to be erected at any construction site, provided that such sign:
Shall not be erected prior to project approval by the Town of Riverhead Building Department.
Shall not be illuminated.
Shall not exceed 32 square feet in area.
Shall display the name(s) of the contractor(s), architect(s), and financing institution(s) connected to development of the site.
Shall be located at least 25 feet from each sideline of the property and at least 15 feet from the front and rear property lines. No such sign shall be placed within a parking lot, roadway, or sidewalk area.
Shall be removed no later than 15 days after completion of the project to which it relates or one year from the date of installation of said sign, whichever occurs first.
Subdivision signs. A maximum of two signs may be erected to advertise a subdivision site, provided that such sign(s):
Shall not be erected prior to project approval by the Town of Riverhead Building Department.
Shall not be illuminated.
Shall be limited to an area of 32 square feet.
Shall be located at entrance(s) to the approved subdivision and shall not be placed within any parking lot or public right-of-way.
Shall be removed one year from the date of issue of the permit for the sign.
Off-premises directional signs.
Two standardized off-premises directional signs, in accordance with the further provisions of this subsection, shall be permitted per applicant, based upon the necessity for said signs as shown by the applicant. Under no circumstances shall more than two such signs be allowed, nor shall any two such signs bearing the same information face the same lane of traffic.
Such signs shall not exceed four square feet in area, nor exceed six feet in vertical height from the grade of the ground surrounding the sign.
A maximum of three different businesses may be permitted per sign installation, provided that the aggregate area of the signage does not exceed 12 square feet.
There shall be no exclusive right to any location. An advertiser shall not prohibit subsequent advertisers which have obtained necessary approvals.
No off-premises directional sign shall be permitted within 100 feet of any other permitted sign.
Such sign(s) shall be located as follows and shall be subject to the prior approval, in writing, of the New York State Department of Transportation, the Suffolk County Department of Public Works, the Riverhead Superintendent of Highways or the owner of private property as applicable:
Said sign(s) shall be set back at least 15 feet from the public right-of-way or five feet from the sidewalk, whichever is greater. Under no circumstances shall such sign(s) be placed in the public right-of-way.
Said sign(s) shall face the flow of traffic nearest it.
Said sign(s) shall not be permitted less than 100 feet approaching nor 100 feet beyond a traffic control device, railroad crossing, or public highway intersection with a federal, state, county, or Town route.
In its deliberation of the permit, public safety, including but not limited to visibility of and by motorists as well as pedestrians relative to the proposed sign location, shall be a primary consideration of the Board.
Such sign(s) shall not be illuminated.
Temporary business signs.
[Added 6-20-2006 by L.L. No. 19-2006]
One temporary business sign issued by the Building Department is permitted in a commercial or industrial use zone for a time period of not more than 90 days, provided that:
Such sign shall not be erected prior to project approval by the Town of Riverhead Building Department.
Such sign shall not exceed 32 square feet in area.
Such sign shall bear only the name and/or type of the business.
Such sign shall not exceed a height of 15 feet from the average level of the ground surrounding the sign.
Such sign shall be set back no less than 25 feet from any sideline and 15 feet from the front or rear property line. Under no circumstances shall a sign be placed in any public right-of-way or create a potential danger to vehicular traffic.
Such sign shall not be illuminated.
Such sign may be double-sided.
The applicant has made a complete application for a permanent sign on the subject premises.
If more than one temporary sign is desired, approval must first be received from the Town Board.
Temporary special event signs. One temporary special event sign may be permitted at the location of the special event and no more than two additional temporary special event signs may be permitted at locations other than the event site and shall be posted no more than 14 days prior to the event, provided that:
[Added 6-20-2006 by L.L. No. 19-2006; amended 11-17-2009 by L.L. No. 60-2009; 2-2-2010 by L.L. No. 2-2010]
Such signs:
Shall not be erected prior to the approval of the special event permit by the Town Board pursuant to Chapter 255, Article II, Special Events.
Shall be constructed of light material such as cloth, canvas, fabric or plywood or designed such that the sign is not required to be affixed to real property and is readily removable.
Shall not exceed 50 square feet in area.
Shall not be posted more than 15 feet above the average level of the ground surrounding the sign.
Shall not be placed within a public right-of-way or create a potential danger to vehicular traffic.
May be double-sided.
Shall have received a sign permit application.
Shall be removed within five days after the event.
If more than one special event sign is desired, approval must first be received from the Town Board. Approval of multiple temporary special event signs may be made as part of the special event permit application. All approved temporary special event signs must comply with the provisions of Subsection G(1)(a) through (g) above.
Political signs and posters are permitted, subject to the following criteria:[1]
Such sign(s) shall not exceed 32 square feet in area.
The candidate must obtain permission of the owner of any land used for political signs, which must be obtained prior to the erection of the sign.
Such sign(s) may not be erected or maintained on or in a public right-of-way or upon utility poles or upon public property.
All such signs shall be removed within two weeks subsequent to the date of public election or within 60 days of the issuance of the permit for said signs.
Candidates seeking to display any political sign(s) shall post a bond, check or such other equivalent security with the Building Department Administrator in the amount of $200 per candidate. A sign displaying the name of more than one candidate shall require an additional fee of $200. This security shall guarantee compliance with the provisions of this section regarding removal of signs set forth in Subsection H(4) above.
The existence of political signs in violation of Subsection H(4) of this section shall act to forfeit the aforementioned bond and to allow the Town to remove said signs.
Editor's Note: Added at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 101, General Provisions, Art. I).
Banners are permitted, subject to the following criteria.
[Added 2-1-2022 by L.L. No. 1-2022]
Banners are subject to § 105-13, Sign permit applications.
Banners shall only be permitted in the Hospital (H) and Shopping Center (SC) zoning use districts for primary uses involving hospitals and healthcare networks including:
Healthcare providers within an integrated healthcare network.
Not-for-profit healthcare providers.
Individual physician or medical offices or complexes not affiliated with a healthcare network - not permitted.
Banners shall only be allowed on one hospital or healthcare provider building in the Town. Banners placed in multiple locations in the Town is prohibited.
Maximum of two signs along the front of a building facing a public road or street.
Maximum size - 3% of the wall face per sign.
Sign permits shall be good for three months.
Permit fee - $300 annually.
No phone number, email or website shall be displayed.
No advertising allowed. Only public service announcements are permitted.
No illumination permitted.
No tree clearing permitted to maximize visibility of the banner.
The following types of signs are exempted from permit requirements but must conform with all other requirements of this chapter:
Temporary window signs. Signs attached to or incorporated on a window or door which are of a temporary nature, not exceeding a display period of two weeks, shall be permitted, provided that:
Such signs, in combination with any permanent window signage, shall occupy no more than 25% of the window area.
Such signs may be displayed only in a window or door facing toward the front property line.
Such signs shall not be illuminated, flash, rotate, oscillate, or be animated.
Parking signs and traffic regulation signs erected by government authority.
Farm market temporary signs. Temporary farm market signs advertising the availability of specific agricultural produce shall be allowed in all zoned districts in the Town without a permit from the Building Department with the following provisions:
A farm market may have up to 10 temporary signs advertising the availability of specific agricultural produce, provided that:
No more than two signs between 12 square feet and 20 square feet in area shall be allowed.
Each of the possible eight additional signs shall not exceed 12 square feet in area.
Two additional temporary off-premises signs advertising specific seasonal crop production may be allowed without a permit, provided that the farm market selling such produce is not located on a major east-west thoroughfare (specifically Peconic Bay Boulevard, Route 25, or Sound Avenue). Such sign(s) may not exceed 32 square feet in area and must be removed at the end of the specific crop season.
No temporary sign advertising the availability of specific agricultural produce shall exceed six feet in vertical height from the grade of the ground surrounding the sign.
Such temporary signage may be single-faced or double-faced, and square footage will be calculated based on one side.
With the exception of off-premises signs described above, all signs shall be located on the premises of the farm property and shall not be placed more than 150 feet from the perpendicular intersection of a line bisecting the farm market or farm stand and the front property line.
All signs shall be set back at least 15 feet from any vehicular public right-of-way or five feet from a public sidewalk, whichever is greater. Under no circumstances shall a sign be placed in any public right-of-way or create a potential danger to vehicular traffic.
No such sign(s) shall be illuminated.
Theater outer lobby posters, provided they are enclosed.
Incidental signs, such as information, emergency, and public service signs that identify such services as restrooms, telephones, credit cards accepted, hours of operation, vacancies, and emergency information, provided that:
Such sign(s) shall not exceed two square feet in area.
There shall be a limit of one such sign per building entrance.
Nameplates attached to a building wall.
Such signs shall bear only the name and profession or occupation of the resident.
Only one nameplate shall be permitted per professional office or per resident.
Such sign shall not exceed two square feet in area. If such sign exceeds an area of two square feet, it will be considered a wall sign and, as such, shall require a permit as provided in § 301-249A of this article.[1]
Editor's Note: Original § 108-56F(7) of the 1976 Code, pertaining to political signs, as amended 12-29-2009 by L.L. No. 68-2009, which immediately followed this subsection, was repealed at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 101, General Provisions, Art. I). See now § 301-251H.
Historic signs. Pursuant to the provisions of a special permit or site plan review, the Town Board may determine that a particular sign is of significant historic quality in terms of age, design, or relationship to an historic restoration project in order to be designated an historic sign. The Town Board may allow the restoration, repair, and maintenance of such signs upon such terms as may be just and proper in addition to, or to the exclusion of, any other signs permitted by this Code. Any such sign must be structurally safe or capable of being made so without substantially altering its historic significance.
Dedicatory signs. One dedicatory sign indicating the name and date of erection of a building, or serving as a memorial or historical plaque, may be allowed pursuant to review by the Town Board, provided that such sign:
Is cut into a masonry surface or fabricated of bronze or other noncombustible material.
Does not exceed four square feet in area.
Public information sign. The Town Board may allow the erection of a special public information sign in any district. Under no circumstances shall such a sign be placed in a public right-of-way or create a hazard to traffic.
Parking signs, public and private. All signs pertaining to traffic regulations, parking regulations, and fire zones which are subject to the rules and regulations of the New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law are exempt from local permit requirements. No such sign(s) shall be located within or upon any Town, county, or state or other public right-of-way.
The following types of signs are prohibited in every use district in the Town of Riverhead unless otherwise specified in this chapter:
Off-premises commercial advertising signs, including but not limited to billboards or signs affixed to utility poles.
Animated, flashing, moving, rotating, revolving, chasing, oscillating, or blinking signs or devices other than a time and temperature display, except a traditional barber's pole which is defined as a staff or pole with a helix of red. white and blue stripes that may be stationary or rotate. but shall not be illuminated.
[Amended 8-6-2024 by L.L. No. 14-2024]
Banners, ribbons, pennants, spinners, streamers, balloons or other such devices.
Any sign visible from a public right-of-way that is mounted on a vehicle or trailer designed to be transported by wheels, or is mounted on a chassis with or without wheels.
Temporary menu, sandwich board, banners, posters and other such temporary signs within 50 feet of the public right-of-way, with the exception of farm market ground identification signs.
Any sign, including handbills and stickers, affixed to a traffic sign, signal, controller cabinet or supporting structure, fire hydrant, utility pole, bridge, tree, rock, statue, or sculpture. It shall be presumed that any person, business or entity identified on any sign, poster, sticker or advertising device regulated under this chapter, or the owner, agent, registrant, manager, business, entity or person in charge of any telephone number, website, entity, business or address identified on any sign, poster, sticker or advertising device regulated under this chapter, is responsible for the placement of that sign, poster or sticker. This presumption shall be rebuttable.
[Amended 10-2-2007 by L.L. No. 29-2007]
Mobile signs standing on the ground or attached to vehicles or trailers, except signs painted on registered vehicles identifying the owner and utilized in the conduct of such business. Vehicles or trailers may not be used primarily for on- or off-premises advertising.[1]
Editor's Note: Added at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 101, General Provisions, Art. I).
The following limitations shall apply to signs in the zoning use districts indicated below:
In all zoning use districts, the following signs are allowed with a permit from the Riverhead Building Department:
Real estate signs.
Construction signs.
Subdivision signs.
Political signs.
See § 301-252 for signs not requiring a permit.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 101, General Provisions, Art. I).
RA80, RB80, RA40, RB40, RC and HR. All signs shall be permitted in all residential zones RA80, RB80, RA40, RB40, Retirement Community (RC), and Hamlet Residential (HR), with the exception of:
Wall signs.
Roof signs.
Freestanding (including pole and monument) signs (except in RC and HR Use Districts).
Directory signs.
Permanent window signs.
Awning and canopy signs.
Electronic time/temperature signs.
Menu board signs.
Internally illuminated (including neon) signs.
Projecting signs.
Sandwich board signs.
Soffit signs.
APZ. In the Agriculture Protection Zones (APZ), all signs shall be permitted, with the exception of:
Internally illuminated (including neon) signs.
Electronic time/temperature display.
DRC, SC, BC, Business F, and CRC.
In the Destination Retail Center (DRC), Shopping Center (SC), Business Center (BC), Business F and Commercial/Residential Campus (CRC) Districts, all signs permitted by this chapter shall be allowed, with the exception of internally illuminated (including neon) signs in the CRC Zone.
Freestanding (including pole and monument) signs and directory signs, including any embellishment thereof, shall not exceed 15 feet in vertical height from the grade of the ground surrounding the sign.
VC, HC, RLC and BUS CR. In the Village Center (VC), Hamlet Center (HC), Rural Corridor (RLC) and Rural Neighborhood Business (BUS CR) Districts, all signs are permitted, with the exception of:[2]
Internally illuminated (including neon) signs.
Time/temperature display.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 101, General Provisions, Art. I).
TRC, RFC, DC-2, DC-4, and DC-5. In the Tourism/Resort Campus (TRC), Riverfront Corridor (RFC), Downtown Center 2 (DC-2), Downtown Center 4 (DC-4), and Downtown Center 5 (DC-5) Districts, all signs are permitted, with the exception of:
[Amended 5-19-2009 by L.L. No. 35-2009]
Wall signs.
Window signs.
Internally illuminated (including neon) signs.
Roof signs.
Ind A, Ind B, and Ind C. In the Industrial A (Ind A), Industrial B (Ind B) and Industrial C (Ind C) Use Districts, all signs are permitted, with the exception of:
Internally illuminated (including neon) signs, except in windows.
Electronic time/temperature display.
Roof signs (except on mansard roof(s).
DC-1 and DC-3. In the Downtown Center 1 (DC-1) and Downtown Center 3 (DC-3) Districts, all sign types are permitted, with the exception of internally illuminated box signs.
BUS PB District.
[Added 5-19-2009 by L.L. No. 35-2009]
In the Business PB (BUS PB) District, the following signs are permitted:
Wall signs.
Freestanding signs.
Such signs shall bear only the name and occupation of the resident and may not be internally illuminated (including neon).
PIP District. The following standards shall apply to all properties in the Planned Industrial Park District:[3]
Freestanding signs.
Single-tenant buildings.
One freestanding sign per road frontage shall be permitted.
The area of such sign(s) shall not exceed 1.5 square feet for each lineal foot of the front of the building or 60 square feet, whichever is less.
The height of such sign(s) shall not exceed six feet.
The sign(s) shall be located at least 25 feet from the cartway.
The area surrounding the base of the sign(s) shall be appropriately landscaped.
Multi-tenant buildings.
General identification sign.
One freestanding general identification sign per road frontage shall be permitted.
The area of such sign(s) shall not exceed 1.5 square feet for each lineal foot of the front of the building or 60 square feet, whichever is less.
The height of such sign(s) shall not exceed six feet.
The sign(s) shall be located at least 25 feet from the cartway.
The area surrounding the base of the sign(s) shall be appropriately landscaped.
Directory sign.
One freestanding directory sign identifying the occupants of the building shall be permitted for each driveway entrance.
The area of such sign(s) shall not exceed 16 square feet.
Such sign(s) shall be at located at least 50 feet from the cartway.
The area surrounding the base of the sign(s) shall be appropriately landscaped.
Editor's Note: Added at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 101, General Provisions, Art. I).
PRP District. Signs within the interior of each lot shall not be subject to height, size, type or location controls, other than that no sign shall be higher than the permitted height for principal buildings within the district, or so designed or located as to primarily advertise or be directed to roadways or land uses outside of the PRP District, such as Grumman Boulevard/Swan Pond Road and State Route 25 (Middle Country Road), nor shall any signs be placed within a required buffer area. At the perimeter of the PRP District, signs shall be subject to the following restrictions: One freestanding sign for each lot may be placed at the entrance from a primary road to the PRP District with a maximum of four such signs at each entrance, a maximum height of 30 feet, and an area no larger than 150 square feet per sign. On all arterial roads within the PRP District, signs shall be provided for the purposes of identification and vehicular control, including street signs and exterior directional signs. The provisions of such signs shall be of uniform height, color, typeface and material throughout the PRP District.[4]
Editor's Note: Added at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 101, General Provisions, Art. I).
Permitting procedure.
Sign maker registration. Any commercial sign maker approved by the Town of Riverhead may register his or her company name with the Building Department on a form to be designated by the Building Inspector. Registered sign makers shall be entitled to inspect the installation of signs they install in accordance with the provisions of this article. Upon a determination by the Building Inspector that a registered sign maker has failed to comply with the terms of this article, the Building Inspector may elect to discontinue the registration of that sign maker.
Application for a sign permit. Unless otherwise stated herein, all signs permitted in this chapter shall have a sign permit issued by the Town of Riverhead Building Department. Sign permits may be applied for through the site plan application process or directly to the Building Department. The procedure for obtaining a sign permit is as follows:
Submission of a sign permit application form to the Building Department or, in the case of a site plan application, to the Town Board, together with the three copies of each of the following:
The certificate(s) of occupancy, certificate(s) of compliance or letter(s) of preexisting use for all structures located upon the premises where the sign(s) is/are proposed to be installed.
A color rendering (drawn to scale) of each sign for which a permit is sought indicating the exact dimensions of the sign, sign area, sign depth or thickness, font type(s) and size(s) of all lettering to be used on the sign. The rendering shall also include a drawing and the dimensions of all structures to be used to support the sign. If the sign is to be attached to a wall, a scaled drawing of the sign and its proposed location on the wall shall be submitted with the application.
Samples of the actual colors to be used on the sign and/or the PMS color number.
A list of all materials to be used in constructing the major components of the sign, including any supporting structures and illumination. Any illumination proposed shall comply with Article XLIX, Exterior Lighting, of this chapter.
A color photograph of the existing building, including all walls and areas where the sign is to be placed. Any and all existing signs currently on the building or premises must likewise be indicated and depicted graphically or photographically. Ideally, a second photograph shall be prepared in digital format superimposing the proposed sign onto the facade of the existing building. Such a digital image must be in scale relative to the actual building.
Submission of the permit fee at time of application. Such fee shall be set from time to time by resolution of the Town Board.
Issuance of sign permit.
Architectural Review Board referral.
Upon receipt of a complete application for a sign permit, the Building Department Administrator shall refer the application to the Architectural Review Board for its recommendation. The applicant may request to appear before the Architectural Review Board in order to review the sign design and facilitate the process.
The Architectural Review Board shall provide a recommendation to the Building Department within 30 days of its receipt of the Building Department referral. Applications not acted upon by the Architectural Review Board within 30 days of the receipt of the application shall be deemed approved.
Appeal procedures. An applicant may appeal to the Zoning Board of Appeals with respect to the illumination or design of a sign or for a variance from any property line setbacks or sign dimensions as provided in this chapter of the Town Code.
[Amended 5-5-2009 by L.L. No. 15-2009]
Building Department approval.
Upon receipt of a recommendation for approval of the Architectural Review Board, or upon the expiration of 30 days from the Board's receipt of the Building Department's referral as set forth in Subsection C(1)(b) above, the Building Inspector shall issue a sign permit to the applicant. Each sign permit shall be numbered in accordance with a numbering system to be designated by the Building Inspector.
[Amended 5-5-2009 by L.L. No. 15-2009[1]]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 101, General Provisions, Art. I).
Upon completion of the construction of the sign authorized in the sign permit, the applicant shall request an inspection to ensure that the sign was constructed in accordance with the terms of the sign permit. Alternatively, the applicant may submit the affidavit of a sign maker registered with the Town of Riverhead Building Department in a form to be designated by the Building Inspector indicating that the sign construction is complete and that the sign was constructed in accordance with the terms of the permit. The Town reserves the right to inspect any permitted sign installation.
All signs must be installed within six months of the issuance of the sign permit. Failure to complete the installation of a permitted sign within six month of the date of the issuance of the permit will result in the automatic expiration of the sign permit. The Building Inspector, at his discretion, may extend the duration of a sign permit one time for a period of six months.
Upon completion of the inspection of the sign by the Building Department or the submission of the affidavit of a registered sign maker as described herein, the Building Department shall issue a placard to the applicant, which placard shall be attached to the lower right-hand corner or portion of the sign. The placard shall bear the Seal of the Town of Riverhead and indicate the permit number for the sign as well as the date of approval of the sign permit application or site plan.
Sign maintenance.
The owners of a permitted sign must maintain the sign and its supporting structures in good condition. Failure to replace sign components for general compliance with the conditions of the original approval, including but not limited to nonoperative lighting, sign structures, landscaping, color, materials, lettering and/or other sign components, shall be considered a failure to maintain a sign in good condition.
Each sign having received a sign permit placard from the Building Department may be inspected periodically for adequate maintenance.
Upon a determination that a sign is not being maintained in good condition, the Code Enforcement Division shall serve a notice upon the individual or entity to which the permit was issued by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the address shown on the sign permit application.
Nonconforming signs.
[Amended 11-7-2012 by L.L. No. 30-2012]
Any sign legally existing on the date of adoption of this chapter of the Town Code may be continued, although such sign may not thereafter conform to the regulations of the district in which it is located.
No nonconforming sign may be reestablished where a nonconforming use has been discontinued for a period of one year.
Any sign which was erected or placed prior to the adoption of Article XLVIII, Signs, of this chapter shall be considered a legally existing, nonconforming sign.
Any legally existing, nonconforming sign destroyed by an accidental cause such as fire, flood, explosion, riot, act of God or act of the public enemy shall be replaced by a sign which conforms to the regulations of the district in which it is located.[2]
Editor's Note: Original § 108-56.2 of the 1976 Code, Penalties for violations of sign provisions, added 10-19-1993, as amended, which immediately followed this section, was repealed 9-19-2006 by L.L. No. 38-2006.