[Amended 5-16-1978; 7-3-1979]
Any parcel of land held in undivided and separate ownership may be subdivided upon application to and approval by the Town of Riverhead Planning Board, provided that all resulting lots and all structures on such lots must comply individually with the provisions of this chapter.
Prior to the adoption of this chapter, if any lot held in one ownership or if any lot devised by will has a frontage or area less than that required by this chapter, such lot may have buildings or structures erected on it, provided that all other requirements are met.
Whenever a single lot which has been excepted from the area, width and yard requirements of a particular district, by reason of such lot being in single and separate ownership on a certain date, is joined by common ownership to an abutting lot, the greater area, width and yard requirements for the particular district shall apply to the increased lot size. However, the Riverhead Planning Board may, in its discretion, grant a subdivision of any such lots deemed merged by operation of law through this section, if such Board shall be satisfied, based upon the record or the proceeding had before it, that the following conditions have been met:
[Amended 7-17-1984]
The owner of the lots merged was unaware that the taking of such property in the same ownership as an adjoining parcel would cause a merger by operation of this section.
That the development of the surrounding neighborhood is such that the subdivision of such merged lots will not result in lots of a lesser size than those of the surrounding neighborhood.
That no such lot for which a subdivision is applied for pursuant to this section shall result in a lot area 1/2 or less of the area permitted in the zone pursuant to the lot area requirement schedule effective in such zone.
[Added 10-21-1986; amended 6-20-1989]
Whenever two or more parcels of property which are nonconforming and which abut at a common course and distance are held in the same ownership, such parcels shall be termed "merged" to form one lot, in conformance with the lot requirements of the zoning use district in which the parcel is located.
[Amended 7-3-1979; 5-21-1981]
No fence, except an open wire or open chain-link fence without any planting thereon, wall, hedge or other planting more than three feet in height measured above street level and no object or any other obstruction of a height in excess of two feet shall be erected, placed, parked or maintained on a corner lot within the triangular area formed by the intersecting street lines and a straight line joining said street lines at points which are 30 feet distant from the point of intersection measured along said street lines. This section shall not prohibit one tree to be grown in this area, provided that the branches of the trees are trimmed away to a height of at least six feet above street level.
[Amended 6-16-1987]
Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, the Town Board may, by special permit, allow within the Riverhead Public Parking District No. 1 a minimum front yard depth of zero feet and/or a total building area of up to 100% of the area of a parcel of land held in one ownership, either by erection of a new building or by alteration or extension of an existing building.