[Adopted 12-23-1964 by Ord. No. 1 as Ch. 16 of the 1964 Code]
Plumbing for the purpose of this code is hereby defined as follows:
A. As is
stated in § 145.01, Wis. Stats., and Chs. SPS 380 to 387,
Wis. Adm. Code (State Plumbing Code).
[Amended 9-22-1987 by Ord. No. 582]
B. The construction,
connection to or alteration of any drain, soil or waste pipe to carry
domestic sewage, stormwater or industrial waste from a point three
feet outside of the foundation walls of any building to the sewer
lateral at the curb or other disposal terminal, including the private
sewage disposal or treatment plant. This definition does not include
minor repairs to faucets and the removal of stoppages in soil or waste
[Amended 9-22-1987 by Ord. No. 582]
The construction, reconstruction, installation and alteration
of all plumbing, drainage and plumbing ventilation shall conform to
Chs. SPS 380 to 387, Wis. Adm. Code (State Plumbing Code), and Ch.
145, Wis. Stats., which are adopted by reference as part of this article.
No water, drainage or disposal system shall be installed, altered,
repaired, relocated, reconstructed, extended, converted or enlarged
without a permit and in conformity with the provisions of this article,
the Wisconsin State Plumbing Code and the regulations of the State
Department of Safety and Professional Services.
[Amended 9-22-1987 by Ord. No. 582]
No person shall alter, install or rebuild for others (minor routine repairs as provided in §
164-54 excepted) any water, drainage or disposal system for any purpose in the City without first having obtained a state master's license.
No permit shall be required for the following reasons:
A. Minor repairs or alterations authorized in writing by the Building
Inspection Division, or minor repairs to faucets, valves, pipes, and
appliances and removing of stoppages.
B. Manufacturers of materials or fixtures for their testing equipment.
C. Emergency work. In an emergency, the person doing or causing such
work to be done shall report the same to the Building Inspection Division
immediately after beginning work and such work shall be done in accordance
with all the provisions of this code.
A. Application for permits shall be made in writing to the Building
Inspection Division by any person holding a master's license, or a
firm or corporation desiring to install, alter or repair any water,
drainage or disposal system, on a form prepared and furnished by the
Building Inspection Division. In no case shall any work be performed
unless a permit has been first obtained, except in an emergency.
B. Description. The application shall contain:
(1) A clear description of the work planned, the alterations or repairs
to be made, and the equipment and materials to be used, including
any plans and specifications for such installation. Any later deviations
from such description, plans or specifications shall be submitted
to and approved by the Building Inspection Division.
(2) The results of any required percolation tests, which must be made
in the manner and by the persons prescribed by the state.
(3) An accurate plat plan or plat of survey of the lot upon which the
plumbing is to be installed, drawn to a reasonable scale, properly
dimensioned, and showing:
The size, plan and location of any proposed or existing structures
on the lot, including any building or buildings, and of any existing
or proposed system of sewage treatment or disposal.
The location in feet of the water well on the lot and of wells
and septic systems on adjoining lots.
The location in feet of any private system of sewage treatment
or disposal which is within 20 feet of the lot.
The slope or slopes of the land surface of the lot in feet per
100 feet or percent of slope.
If a building is to be erected or structurally altered on the lot, then any additional data required by Chapter
400, Zoning, of the City Code.
[Amended 4-21-1988 by Ord. No. 603; 4-21-1994 by Ord. No. 837]
A. Applicable fee rates. See Table 2.
B. The fees for permits required by this code shall be as from time
to time established by resolution of the Common Council and listed
in Table 2. Such resolution shall remain on file with the City Clerk
and in the office of the Building Inspector.
C. Penalty fees. Penalty fees shall be charged when work is started
before a permit is applied for and issued. Said penalty fees shall
be established by resolution of the Common Council and be listed in
Table 2.
D. Municipal projects. Fees are waived.
A. Permit shall be granted or denied in writing by the Building Inspection Division within 15 days of application except as provided in §
[Amended 11-4-2010 by Ord. No. 1334]
B. No permits to violators. Applicants having outstanding orders or
notices or unpaid fees relative to this code or other ordinances enforced
by the City shall not be issued any additional permits prior to such
orders, notices, or fees being corrected and/or paid to the Building
Inspection Division's satisfaction. Exception: The Building Inspector
or other authorized individual may issue permits to applicants with
outstanding orders or notices or unpaid fees when the permit is required
to comply with an outstanding order or notice.
[Amended 8-18-1994 by Ord. No. 846]
Any permit issued in conflict with any provision of this article
shall be null and void.
The holder of a permit hereunder or his employees shall install
all plumbing listed in the application.
[Amended 11-4-2010 by Ord. No. 1334]
A. Upon the completion of the installation, alteration or repair of
any water, drainage or disposal system, before it is to be hidden
from view, the permit holder doing the same shall notify the Building
Inspection Division and it shall inspect and test the installation
within a reasonable time after such notice is received. If, upon inspection
and test, it is found that such installation is fully in compliance
with this article and does not constitute a hazard to life, health
or property, it shall approve the same and authorize concealment of
such systems for service. If the installation is incomplete or not
strictly in accordance with this article, it shall issue orders to
the person installing the same to remove all hazards and make the
necessary changes or additions within 10 days. Concealment of work
before inspection or failure to comply with the order of the inspector
shall constitute an offense punishable in accordance with the provisions
of this article.
B. Prior to the installation, alteration or repair of any private water
supply well located within any special well casing pipe depth area
designated by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources under
§ NR 812.12(3), Wis. Adm. Code, the applicant must contact
the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources to obtain and implement
all Department construction requirements. The applicant shall provide
a copy of the Department construction requirements to the Building
Inspection Division, which shall then grant or deny the permit within
15 days.
C. Upon the completion of the installation, alteration or repair of any private water supply well located within any special well casing pipe depth area designated by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources under § NR 812.12(3), Wis. Adm. Code, prior to the Building Inspection Division inspection required in Subsection
A, the water from the well shall be sampled and tested for volatile organic compounds using EPA Method 502.2 or 524.2 and the results sent to the Department.
D. No occupancy permit may be issued under §
400-11 of the City Zoning Ordinance and no well will be used for potable water until the Building Inspection Division is satisfied that all requirements of Ch. NR 812, Wis. Adm. Code, have been met.
[Amended 4-9-1974 by Ord. No. 274]
A. Any permit issued hereunder shall expire one year from the date of
B. If any plumbing work for which a permit has been issued is not started
within six months from the date of the issuance of the permit, or
if the plumbing work ceases for more than six months, then such permit
shall lapse and be void and all permit fees shall remain the property
of the City of Muskego.
All pipe, fixtures or appurtenances removed from an old structure,
if in good condition, may be reused if they meet the requirements
of this article and the owner of the structure in which they are to
be installed gives his written consent to the Building Inspection
Division. However, any defective pipe, fixtures or appurtenances which
do not meet the requirements of this article or which have been condemned
by the Building Inspection Division shall be removed from the system
and not used again.
[Amended 12-30-1968 by Ord. No. 134; 6-9-1970 by Ord. No. 171; 4-9-1974 by Ord. No. 274]
A. All building sanitary sewer laterals shall be constructed of cast-iron,
vitrified clay, concrete or asbestos cement, or approved plastic pipe
with a minimum diameter of four inches. All sewer joints from main
to building shall be of rubber or similar gasket approved for that
purpose with the following exceptions:
(1) Where the location of the well requires the use of cast-iron pipe.
(2) In the absence of any groundwater, a hot poured tar joint will be
allowed for the last joint at the building.
B. No cast-iron sewer pipe shall be laid in ground containing cinders
or a soil corrosive to the pipe. The size of the pipe shall be determined
by referring to the Wisconsin State Plumbing Code and shall not be
less than four inches in diameter. No one shall lay or connect with
any public sewer system a pipe or tile that is cracked, damaged, inferior
or defective in any way or part.
C. All building drains installed below basement floor shall be constructed
of approved plastic, cast-iron or vitrified clay pipe with a minimum
diameter of four inches.
D. Location. Distance from adjoining property shall be two feet unless
a written authorization is supplied by the Building Inspection Division.
E. All laterals from main to lot line shall have a minimum size of six inches and shall be installed in accordance with Subsection
[Amended 6-9-1970 by Ord. No. 170]
No private water supply or disposal system, such as wells, privies,
septic tanks, cesspools, absorption beds or ponds, shall be constructed,
repaired or rebuilt without written authorization by the Building
Inspection Division and in compliance with the applicable provisions
of this article.
Waukesha County shall issue state sanitary permits in accordance
with § 145.19, Wis. Stats.
[Added 6-9-1970 by Ord. No. 171; amended 9-22-1987 by Ord. No.
A. The well constructor and pump installer shall report to the Building
Inspection Division the laboratory analysis of the sample submitted
at completion of the respective work.
B. The well constructor shall also supply to the Building Inspection
Division a copy of the well construction report at the time the report
is made to the State Department of Health Services.
[Amended 6-6-1970 by Ord. No. 164]
A. Every hot-water storage tank, manual or automatic water heater, or
other equipment used for the heating and/or storage of domestic hot
water hereinafter installed, replaced, repaired or relocated shall
be provided with an approved automatic temperature and pressure-relief
valve, with a minimum size of 3/4 inch, except that automatic hot-water
heaters with an energy shutoff device, which has been tested and approved
by, or meets the specification requirements of the American Gas Association,
Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc., or other recognized approval authorities,
need only be provided with an approved pressure-relief valve of the
diaphragm type installed as specified herein.
B. Approved temperature/pressure relief valves to be installed shall
be Watts No. 40XL or equal as approved by the Building Inspection
C. Installation of all relief valves shall be in accord with the following:
(1) If a separate tapping is provided on the top of the heater, it shall
be installed directly in this tapping.
(2) If a separate tapping is provided on the upper (vertical) side of
the tank, it shall be installed in here.
(3) If no separate tapping is provided, relief valve shall be inserted
into a three-fourths-inch tee with the water outlet out the side of
said tee.
D. The drain tube from relief valve discharge shall be installed full
size (3/4 inch) and run to within six inches of the floor.
[Amended 8-12-1980 by Ord. No. 392; 5-28-1998 by Ord. No. 961]
Holding tanks shall be regulated and installed as follows:
A. Holding tanks shall be authorized and permits issued therefor by
the Building Inspection Division to service, when necessary, dwellings
or other buildings actually in use or under construction as of the
20th day of April 1977. No permit shall be authorized and issued to
serve any residential building for which a permit is issued after
said date.
B. Complete plans of the installation and an agreement signed by the
City and the owner detailing the terms of the holding tank servicing
agreement shall be executed by the parties and shall be submitted
to the State of Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services
for its approval for each request to install a holding tank. That
said agreement shall be in a form in accordance with Exhibit A-98
which is attached hereto and made a part hereof.
C. The installation of the holding tank shall be made in accord with
the following criteria:
(1) The holding tank shall be constructed on approved material, designed
and located in accord with the provisions of the State Plumbing Code.
(Be certain to locate the well on the plan.)
(2) Holding tanks shall be sized in consideration of a five-day holding
capacity, although thought should be given to installing a holding
tank with a capacity equal to a one-week total load. (Sizing should
be based on the State Plumbing Code.)
(3) A warning device shall be installed to alert the individual in charge
of the need to pump the holding tank, if the tank should near its
capacity prior to its regularly scheduled servicing. This device shall
be either an audible alarm or light which should be pole mounted or
conspicuously located inside the building.
(4) Each tank shall be provided with a manhole of at least twenty-inch
inside diameter, brought to at least six inches above the surface
of the ground, to facilitate ease of inspection and servicing. The
manhole sections and cover shall be of concrete or steel in accord
with the State Plumbing Code.
(5) The joints between the holding tank cover and tank, between the first
manhole section and tank, and between each successive manhole section
shall be made watertight.
(6) To effect efficient removal of solids, the bottom of the tank shall
be set at a pitch of 4% toward the end of the tank served by the manhole.
(7) Plans shall include construction details of the holding tank if it
is not possible to purchase an approved holding tank of the capacity
(8) If an approved septic tank is installed to serve as a holding tank,
the inlet and outlet baffles shall be removed with the outlet plugged
as per the State Plumbing Code.
(9) The manhole cover shall be equipped with an effective locking device
to prevent persons, especially children, from tampering with this
cover, gaining access to its contents and exposing themselves to a
health hazard and to prevent other unprecedented accidents.
There shall be provided at least a two-inch fresh air inlet
installed and located in compliance with the State Plumbing Code.
It shall be necessary to have the tank pumped by a licensed
septic tank pumper with sludge and other material removed from the
holding tank and hauled to an approved place of disposal in accord
with the Wisconsin Administrative Code.
[Amended 12-5-2002 by Ord. No. 1120]
A. All sump pumps installed for the purpose of discharging clear water from the foundation drains and groundwater infiltration, and where the building is not served by a storm sewer, shall either discharge into a conduit leading to a drainage ditch or, if no drainage ditch has been provided for surface water drainage, the water shall be discharged to the ground at a distance of not less than three feet and no more than 15 feet from the building foundation and from there be discharged to the front of the building in such a manner that the water shall cross the owner's property towards the street. In no event shall a rigid or nonrigid conduit be attached to direct the water onto the street, or onto or across the adjacent property, except with a legally obtained and recorded drainage easement approved by the Public Works and Safety Committee, or so as to create a nuisance. If a property has curb and gutters, the property shall hook up directly to the storm sewer, if available, except as provided in Subsection
B. A skeleton storm sewer system is required in a subdivision which is served by a storm sewer. Each property shall directly hook up to the skeleton system by means of a rigid conduit in accordance with Ch. SPS 382, Wis. Adm. Code, except where provided in Subsection
C. Exceptions to this section may be granted in writing by the Public
Works and Development Director or designee for the following cases:
(1) Sump lines may be discharged to wetland areas in subdivisions served
by curb and gutter and storm sewer if the following conditions are
The sump line discharge shall terminate a point not greater
than 20 feet nor less than 10 feet from the wetland limit.
The discharge shall not cross the adjacent properties prior
to entering the wetland area.
The discharge shall not impact the functional values of the wetlands in accordance with §
The existing storm sewer does not have adequate depth to provide
frost protection.
D. Any requests for an exception to this section, not covered above,
may be granted by the Public Works and Safety Committee of the Common
[Added 1-14-1992 by Ord. No. 733]
A. Whenever excavation disturbs an existing underground field tile,
the tile shall be reconnected in a manner judged by the Building Inspector
or the Public Works and Development Department to be satisfactory.
B. Whenever excavation for a structure disturbs an existing underground
field tile, the tile shall be rerouted in a manner so as not to be
nearer than 15 feet at any point to the proposed structure. Inspection
by the Building Inspector or the Public Works and Development Department
is required before backfilling.
Any person who shall violate any provision of this article or any order, rule, or regulation made hereunder shall be subject to a penalty as provided in §
1-4 of this Code. Imposition of a forfeiture thereunder shall not preclude the City from maintaining any appropriate action to enjoin or remove any violation of this article.