The following modifications shall not require a sign permit.
These exceptions shall not be construed as relieving the owner of
the sign from the responsibility for its erection and maintenance
and its compliance with the provisions of this chapter or any other
law or code regulating the same.
A. The changing of the advertising copy or message on a painted, printed,
or changeable copy sign.
B. Painting, repainting, or cleaning of an advertising structure or
the changing of the advertising copy or message thereon shall not
be considered an erection or alteration which requires a sign permit
unless a structural change is made.
C. All residential signs permitted by right in this chapter.
The following signs may be erected and maintained without permits,
provided that they do not constitute a hazard or nuisance:
A. Political signs. Political signs may be erected in any district,
provided they are not a danger to life or property, are located on
property with the permission of the property owner, and shall be limited
to 32 square feet in size.
[Amended 11-17-2021 by Ord. No. 1466]
B. On-site informational signs. On-site informational signs of reasonable
size and necessity shall be permitted and shall be determined by the
Plan Commission with the exception of signs addressed by Title III
of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Section 4:30.
C. On-premises real estate sale and rental signs. In residential districts,
said signs are limited to 12 square feet and one sign per street frontage,
and in all other districts said signs are limited to 32 square feet.
All real estate signs shall be removed upon sale of the property.
Permanent on-site rental signs shall be limited to four square feet.
No such sign shall be placed within the ultimate right-of-way of any
street or highway.
D. Off-premises real estate sale and rental signs. Off-premises real
estate directional signs are limited to no more than three off-premises
directional signs per residential, agricultural or business property
offered for sale. Such signs shall be displayed in accordance with
all applicable regulations, and written permission of the property
owner on whose property the sign is located shall be obtained prior
to display. No such sign shall be placed within the ultimate right-of-way
of any street or highway. Such signs shall be limited to a maximum
of six square feet in size.
E. Public agency signs. Signs conveying governmental readings that are
erected by national, state, county or municipal governmental agencies,
including traffic and informational signs.
F. Residential nameplates. Residential nameplates identifying owners
or occupants, provided that no more than two are erected, each being
less than two square feet in area. Home occupation/residential business
signs shall be counted in this numerical and size limitation.
G. Agricultural produce sale signs. Agricultural produce sale signs
are allowed as part of an agricultural road sale use and are limited
to 64 square feet in area.
H. Interior and inside window signs. Signs installed inside a building
whether intended for viewing from inside or outside the building are
permitted without limitation as to size or number.
I. Memorial signs and tablets. Memorial signs, tablets, names of buildings
and dates of erection when cut into any masonry surface or when constructed
of metal and affixed flat against the building.
J. Construction signs. One construction sign per commercial or industrial
construction project not exceeding 64 square feet in sign area, provided
that such sign may be erected upon issuance of a valid building permit,
shall be confined to the site of construction, and shall be removed
upon issuance of a valid occupancy permit.
K. Flags. The flags, emblems or insignia of any nation or subdivision
or single corporate flag. Pennants, banners and streamers shall not
qualify as flags and require temporary sign approval.
L. Holiday decorations. Signs of a primarily decorative nature, clearly
incidental and customary and commonly associated with any national,
local or religious holiday; shall not be displayed for a period of
more than 120 consecutive days.
M. Inflatable advertising. One such display, per property, shall be
permitted for a period of time approved by the Plan Commission and/or
the Public Works and Development Department, but not to exceed eight
consecutive weeks, provided that the display is located outside all
vision triangles and does not constitute a public nuisance.
N. Price and temporary item signs. Price and temporary item signs are
permitted up to 12 square feet in area for each sign, provided that
the signs are not illuminated and no more than two signs per street
frontage are erected on the property and the signs are no closer than
five feet to the property lines. The square footage of the signs may
not be combined to create one message totaling 24 square feet per
street frontage. A twelve-square-foot sandwich board sign is an example
of a price and temporary item sign. Said signs shall be removed at
the close of business each day.
O. Signs not visible from a public right-of-way.
[Amended 2-4-2010 by Ord. No. 1311]
No sign shall be placed within the ultimate right-of-way of
any street or highway. The only exemptions to this are City gateway/directional
signage and community event signs that are approved by the Public
Works and Development Department in advance, are determined not to
hamper safety, and are erected for a specific temporary period of
time. The prohibition hereunder extends to trees, utility poles, fence
posts, stakes, and all other structures on which signs might be posted
or placed, except political signs installed or placed on motor vehicles.
Any sign violating this section may be summarily removed by the Public
Works and Development Director or his designee.
No sign shall hereafter be erected, re-erected at a new location, constructed, altered or maintained except as provided by this chapter (see §
400-176 for exceptions) and an approval and a permit for the same have been issued by the Public Works and Development Director or designee and/or the Plan Commission (when applicable), City Engineer, or their designee, unless otherwise specified in §
400-180 of this code.
A. A separate permit shall be required for a sign or signs for each
business entity and/or a separate permit for each group of signs on
a single supporting sign structure.
B. Electrical permits shall be obtained from the Building Inspection
Division for illuminated signs.
C. Application for sign approvals and permits will be made in writing
upon forms furnished by the Public Works and Development Department
(for approvals) and the Building Inspection Division (for permits).
Such applications shall contain, but not be limited to:
Name, address, and telephone number of the applicant and the
property owner and location of the building, structure, or lot upon
which the sign is to be attached or erected.
Name of person, firm, corporation, or association erecting the
Written consent of the owner or lessee of the building, structure,
or land to which or upon which the sign is to be affixed.
A scaled drawing of such sign indicating the dimensions, the
materials to be used, the type of illumination, if any, and the method
of construction and attachment.
A scaled colored copy of the proposed sign showing the exact
color scheme is required. Staff may require that a superimposed rendering
of the site with the proposed sign(s) be submitted on a disk (PDF
file, JPEG, TIF, GIF format).
A scaled site plan indicating the location and position of such
sign in relation to nearby buildings or structures or public streets
and rights-of-way.
A landscape plan for the sign base (freestanding and ground signs) that meets the requirements as outlined in Article
The City Engineer may require the filing of plans or other pertinent information where in his opinion such information is necessary to ensure compliance with building and electrical requirements as specified in Chapter
164, Construction Standards, of the City Code. Standard plans may be filed with the Building Inspection Division.
Fees. The applicant shall pay all applicable fees. The fee schedule
is on file with the Public Works and Development Department. If a
sign is erected before a permit is issued, the violator may be assessed
a double fee for the sign permit.
Additional information as required by the Public Works and Development
Department or City Plan Commission.
A master coordinated sign plan shall be developed and submitted
for any building that has two or more tenants. The intent of the overall
coordinated sign plan is to set forth a theme for the placement, lettering
style, color, construction, material and related design considerations
of signs, while at the same time minimizing sign confusion and clutter.
All multi-tenant buildings shall be required to submit an overall
coordinated sign plan when applying for signage.
All signs for which an approval and permit are required shall
be subject to inspection by the Zoning Administrator, the Administrator's
designee, and/or City Engineer. Footing inspections may be required
for all signs having footings. The City Engineer, or Zoning Administrator
upon notification by the City Engineer, may order the removal of any
sign that is not maintained in accordance with the provisions of this
All signs, together with all of their supports, braces, guys,
and anchors, shall be kept in repair and in proper state of preservation.
The display surfaces of all signs shall be kept neatly painted or
posted at all times. The owner of any sign shall keep it in good maintenance
and repair, which includes restoring, repainting to the same color,
or replacement of a worn or damaged legally existing sign to its original
condition. The owner shall also maintain the premises on which the
sign is erected in a clean, sanitary, and inoffensive condition, free
and clear of all obnoxious substances, rubbish, weeds, and grass.
A business or property that has signage that does not meet the
requirements of the current Sign Code shall be required to bring all
signage into compliance when it applies for any signage on the property.
Any person feeling himself aggrieved by any order or ruling of the Plan Commission, Public Works and Development Director or designee, Zoning Administrator or City Engineer may appeal such ruling, conditioned on the case's ripeness, to the Zoning Board of Appeals within 20 days after written notice of such ruling shall have been delivered to him. Such appeal is to be filed in accordance with procedures as outlined in Article
III of this chapter, in writing, setting forth the order appealed from and the respects in which said person feeling himself aggrieved claims that said order or filing is erroneous or illegal. Said notice of appeal shall be filed with the Public Works and Development Department, which shall thereupon notify the Public Works and Development Director or designee and/or City Engineer of said appeal, and the appeal shall be heard at the next available meeting upon submittal of a completed application. The Zoning Board of Appeals, after consideration thereof, shall affirm, reverse or modify said ruling as is just.