The Tribal Council has identified that employment opportunities
offered by the Tribe are for the benefit of tribal citizens, their
families and other Native Americans who meet the minimum required
qualifications for employment positions. To the greatest extent possible,
all hiring and promotions within the Tribe shall include preference
criteria which create employment opportunities and paths for promotions
and learning to increase management opportunities for qualified applicants
and/or qualified employees who are tribal citizens, parents or spouses
of tribal citizens, and other Native Americans. The employment preferences
required by this chapter shall not be construed to afford employees
any preference in the administration of disciplinary procedures, performance
evaluations or to prohibit supervisors from providing appropriate
direction and/or coaching to employees regarding the performance of
tasks within the scope of the employee's position.
Except as provided in §
5.1-7D, the following order of preferences shall be applied by the Human Resource Department when making employment decisions.
A. Enrolled citizens of the Nottawaseppi Huron Band of the Potawatomi;
B. Parents or spouses of citizens of the Tribe; or
All job descriptions for employment positions with the Tribe
shall contain separate sections for minimum required qualifications
and general or preferred qualifications.
A. Minimum required qualifications are those which are necessary to
the position as basic qualifications, for example: specific skills,
degrees, gaming license, professional licensing or driver's license.
B. General or preferred qualifications are those which are beneficial
to the employment position but can be obtained either on-the-job or
within a reasonable period after employment as identified by the Human
Resource Director or supervisor. A reasonable time period shall be
defined by the Human Resource Director or supervisor prior to posting
the job description.