The First Selectman shall be the Chief Executive and Administrative Officer of the Town. The First Selectman shall be a full voting and participating member of the Board of Selectmen and shall preside at meetings of the Board when present.
The First Selectman shall be an ex-officio member of all Boards, Commissions or Town committees, but without power to vote. The First Selectman may appoint another Selectman to be the First Selectman's representative on any Board, Commission or Town committee, but without power to vote.
The First Selectman shall have all the powers, duties and responsibilities conferred upon that office by law that are consistent with the Charter, and, in addition, shall have all the powers necessary or incidental to the discharge of the First Selectman's duties and responsibilities as set forth in the Charter.
Under the general policy direction of the Board of Selectmen, the First Selectman shall have the responsibilities to:
see that the administration of the Town is coordinated, except those functions expressly reserved or delegated to other Officers, Boards or Commissions by law;
execute and carry out ordinances, resolutions, policies and other actions approved by the Board of Selectmen or the Town Meeting;
hire or dismiss, with the prior concurrence of the Board of Selectmen, and subject to the General Statutes, paid employees other than Officers, heads of departments, or employees who do not report, directly or indirectly, to the Board of Selectmen (e.g., employees of the Board of Education and officers or members of the Police Department);
coordinate and guide the Board of Selectmen in the discharge of the Board's duties and responsibilities; and
direct relationships with State, regional, and federal agencies that have, or are likely to have, an effect on the Town.
To assist in the discharge of the duties and responsibilities of the First Selectman's office and of the Board of Selectmen, the First Selectman may assign and delegate duties and powers, but not responsibilities, to other Selectmen, to the Town Administrator, and to other Officers responsible to the First Selectman.
At its first meeting following each biennial Town election the Board of Selectmen shall elect from its membership a Selectman who, in the temporary absence of the First Selectman, shall act as First Selectman; provided that the acting First Selectman shall not, during the First Selectman's temporary absence, make any personnel or any significant decisions without the concurrence of the remaining member of the Board of Selectmen. If the person designated as acting First Selectman shall vacate his or her office, the Board of Selectmen shall elect a new acting First Selectman as soon as practicable after the Board has been restored to three members.
There shall be a Town Administrator who shall report directly to the First Selectman. The Town Administrator shall be hired by, and shall be subject to dismissal by, the First Selectman, in both cases with the prior approval of the Board of Selectmen.
The duties of the Town Administrator shall be to:
aid in recruiting and screening of personnel and to make recommendations relating thereto to the First Selectman;
manage Town employees;
assist in preparing the Annual Town Budget by gathering the necessary data and by compiling estimated budgets by the dates set forth in the Charter;
aid the First Selectman in analyzing and reviewing programs, activities, and budgets and their short-term and long-term financial and cash flow implications;
satisfy reasonable requests by Officers, Boards and Commissions to provide information; and
carry out such other duties as the First Selectman shall assign to the Town Administrator.