[R.O. 2004 § 405.710; Ord. No. 2.56 § 2(Art. 12 § 1), 1-9-2001]
The City of Mount Vernon recognizes that the very nature of land development creates potential for traffic congestion, overcrowding, adverse visual environmental impacts and health problems. Also, the City strives to achieve the goal of promoting growth in Mount Vernon while stabilizing the established residential patterns of the area. The City seeks to ensure that any location that must accommodate urban uses shall be subject to site plan review by the Planning and Zoning Commission. The site plan review process shall help ensure that the meaning and intent of the zoning regulations and all portions thereof are fully complied with.
The site plan review regulates the development of structures and sites in a manner that considers the following concerns:
The balancing of landowners' rights to use their land with the corresponding rights of abutting and neighboring landowners to live without undue disturbances (e.g., noise, smoke, fumes, dust, odor, glare, stormwater runoff, etc.);
The convenience and safety of vehicular and pedestrian movement within the site and in relation to adjacent areas or roads;
The adequacy of waste disposal methods and protection from pollution of surface or ground water;
The protection of historic and natural environmental features on the site under review and in adjacent areas; and
The stability of the built environment — particularly residential neighborhoods — by promoting urban development that is compatible with clearly identified natural resources.
[R.O. 2004 § 405.715; Ord. No. 2.56 § 2(Art. 12 § 2), 1-9-2001]
The Zoning Administrator shall require that all applications for building permits for developments in the multifamily, commercial and industrial zoning districts be subject to site plan review in accordance with these regulations and for redevelopment in the following circumstances: if the redevelopment enlarges the size of the original structure by more than fifty percent (50%). Developments shall be encouraged to implement the objectives of the future land use plan to foster compatibility among land uses in the City of Mount Vernon. Site plan reviews shall be performed by the Zoning Administrator and submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission for approval if in conjunction with a public hearing.
[R.O. 2004 § 405.720; Ord. No. 2.56 § 2(Art. 12 § 3), 1-9-2001]
The Planning and Zoning Commission shall perform their review at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission for which the item may be scheduled and shall adjourn and reconvene as is determined necessary.
The applicant may appeal a site plan review determination to the Board of Aldermen for approval in the event that an applicant alleges that there is an error in any order, requirement, decision or determination made by the Zoning Administrator or the Planning and Zoning Commission in the enforcement of site plan review. The request for review by the Board of Aldermen shall be accompanied by a complete description of the error(s) alleged.
[R.O. 2004 § 405.725; Ord. No. 2.56 § 2(Art. 12 § 4), 1-9-2001]
Building permits shall not be issued for any use of land or proposed construction on a lot in the zoning districts in which site plan review is applicable, unless site plan review approval has been granted.
[R.O. 2004 § 405.730; Ord. No. 2.56 § 2(Art. 12 § 5), 1-9-2001]
The site plan shall include the following data, details and supporting plans which are relevant to the proposal. The number of pages submitted will depend on the proposal's size and complexity. The applicant shall make notations explaining the reasons for any omissions.
Site plans shall be prepared at a discernible scale.
Name of the project, address, boundaries, date, north arrow and scale of the plan.
Name and address of the owner of record, developer and seal of the engineer, architect, land surveyor or landscape architect.
Name and address of all owners of record of abutting parcels.
All existing lot lines, easements and rights-of-way. Include area in acres or square feet, abutting land uses and structures.
The location and use of all existing and proposed structures within the development. Include all dimensions of height and floor area and show all exterior entrances and all anticipated future additions and alterations. For developments in the "B-2" Central Business District, indicate design details to make new construction compatible with existing structures.
The location of all present and proposed public and private ways, parking areas, driveways, sidewalks, ramps, curbs and fences. Location, type and screening details for all waste disposal containers shall also be shown.
The location, height, intensity and bulb type (e.g., fluorescent, sodium incandescent) of all external lighting fixtures. The direction of illumination and methods to eliminate glare onto adjoining properties must also be shown.
The location, height, size, materials and design of all proposed signage.
A landscape plan showing all existing open space, trees, forest cover and water sources and all proposed changes to these features, including size and type of plant material. Water sources will include ponds, lakes, brooks, streams, wetlands, floodplains and drainage retention areas.
The location of all present and proposed utility systems, including:
Sewerage system;
Water supply system;
Telephone, cable and electrical systems; and
Storm drainage system, including existing and proposed drain lines, culverts, catch basins, head walls, end walls, hydrants, manholes and drainage swells.
Plans to prevent the pollution of surface or ground water, erosion of soil both during and after construction, excessive runoff, excessive raising or lowering of the water table and flooding of other properties, as applicable.
Existing and proposed topography shown at not more than two-foot contour intervals. All elevations shall refer to the United States Geodetic Survey (USGS) datum. If any portion of the parcel is within the 100-year floodplain, the area shall be shown with base flood elevations; and the developer shall present plans for meeting Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) requirements.
Existing and proposed zoning district boundaries adjacent to the site's perimeter shall be drawn and identified on the plan.
Traffic flow patterns within the site, entrances and exits, loading and unloading areas, curb cuts on the site and within one hundred (100) feet of the site.
The Zoning Administrator may require a detailed traffic study for mixed use and multi-tenant developments or for developments in heavy traffic areas to include:
The projected number of motor vehicle trips to enter or leave the site, estimated for daily and peak hour traffic levels;
The projected traffic flow pattern including vehicular movements at all major intersections likely to be affected by the proposed use of the site; and
The impact of this traffic upon existing abutting public and private ways in relation to existing road capacities. Existing and proposed daily and peak hour traffic levels, as well as road capacity levels, shall also be given.
[R.O. 2004 § 405.735; Ord. No. 2.56 § 2(Art. 12 § 6), 1-9-2001]
The recommendations of the Zoning Administrator shall be based on the following standards:
The extent to which the proposal conforms to the previous Sections of these regulations.
The extent to which the development would be compatible with the surrounding area and the development guidelines of this Article.
The extent to which the proposal conforms to the provisions of the City's subdivision regulations.
The extent to which the proposal conforms to customary engineering standards used in the City.
The extent to which the location of streets, paths, walkways and driveways are located so as to enhance safety and minimize any adverse traffic impact on the surrounding area.
The extent to which the site plan implements the guidelines for the Comprehensive Plan Downtown Overlay District, if applicable.
[R.O. 2004 § 405.740; Ord. No. 2.56 § 2(Art. 12 § 7), 1-9-2001]
In the Downtown zoning district and the Comprehensive Plan Downtown Overlay District, buildings should meet the following minimum guidelines based on site plan review:
Raised exterior walls or screen walls should be designed to enclose groups of equipment. Roof-mounted equipment, including ventilators and satellite dishes, shall be screened from view one hundred percent (100%) opacity or isolated so as not to be visible from ground level of any adjacent public thoroughfare or residentially zoned area up to a maximum of three hundred (300) feet away. The appearance of roof screens shall be coordinated with the building to maintain a unified appearance.
The form and proportion of buildings shall be consistent or compatible with the scale, form and proportion of existing development in the immediate area.
The use of unusual shapes, color and other characteristics that cause new buildings to call excessive attention to themselves and create disharmony shall not be allowed.
The rhythm of structural mass to voids, such as windows and glass doors of a front facade, should relate to the rhythms established in adjacent buildings.
Where large structures are proposed with overly long facades (walls), where one dimension exceeds the length of the perpendicular dimension, such as warehouses, building mass should be articulated with variations in the building plane and parapet height and through the use of other unique design or site plan features. Parking lots along the facade can also relieve horizontally through the use of landscaped fingers and islands containing trees and shrubs.
Architectural design should create visual interest through the use of different textures, complementary colors, shadow lines and contrasting shapes. The use of walls in a single color with little detailing or completely blank is discouraged.
Monotony of design in single or multiple building projects shall be avoided. Variation of detail, form and siting shall be used to provide visual interest.
Careful consideration of durable materials, proportions and shapes emphasizing the importance of roofs as integral and embracing elements of the overall design is particularly important.
Use of substantial amounts of masonry materials (face brick, stucco, stone) is encouraged. The use of aluminum siding, metal ribbed panels and extensive mirrored glass surfaces are discouraged. Evaluation of building materials shall be based on the quality of its design and relationship and compatibility to building materials in the immediate neighborhood.
Corrugated metal facades should be complemented with abundant use of masonry, whether brick, stone, stucco or split-face block, especially along perimeter streets. Architectural metal panels may be an acceptable substitute for masonry. Appropriate landscaping can be used to complement and enhance a building's design, color and material.
Architectural treatments (e.g., building materials, colors, facade design, roof lines, screening) shall be consistent and compatible on all sides. Treatment that is uniform on all sides will be deemed to meet the requirements of this principle. Adjacent land uses, visibility from public streets, use of screening devices (walls, fences, berms, landscaping) are criteria to be considered when varying this treatment. The applicant will have the burden of demonstrating the reasons for differing treatment on different sides (e.g., the need for truck accesses on one side and pedestrian access on another).
Long expanses of overhead doors should be relieved by matching their color to the wall or trim, recessing the doors or adding architectural details to diminish the dominance of the doors.