[R.O. 2004 § 420.370; Ord. No. 2.56 § 4, 1-9-2001]
Certain uses or exceptions are permitted in some zoning districts only when a special use permit has been obtained from the Governing Body. Such uses require special study with respect to specific location and design considerations to assure that they will have minimal negative impact on surrounding properties.
The applicant shall first obtain the proper application form from the office of the Zoning Administrator.
The special use permit application form shall be completely filled out and returned to the office of the Zoning Administrator with the appropriate filing fee and required information. An application shall not be scheduled for public hearing until the application form has been fully completed, the fee paid and all required information submitted.
The office of the Zoning Administrator shall be responsible for having an official notice of the public hearing published in a newspaper of general circulation at least fifteen (15) days prior to the hearing. The office of the Zoning Administrator shall be responsible for following the administrative procedures for a special use permit as prescribed in the adopted zoning regulations. The notice shall fix the time and place of the hearing and shall describe generally the special use permit requested.
The Planning and Zoning Commission shall hold a public hearing at which time citizens and parties of interest shall have an opportunity to be heard.
The public hearing may be adjourned from time to time and, upon its conclusion, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall prepare and adopt its recommendation to the Governing Body. This recommendation shall be submitted along with an accurate record of the public hearing.