Any organization or agent which or who violates any provision of this article shall be punished by a fine as provided in § 1-15 of the City Code.
The Mayor may, under such conditions as he may deem proper, grant to any organization engaged exclusively in charitable work, or to a post or incorporated organization of veterans who served in the military or naval service of the United States in time of war or insurrection, a special license authorizing it, upon a particular day and for a charitable purpose named in such license, to sell or solicit, through its accredited agents, in the streets and other public places within the City, or in any designated part thereof, flags, badges, medals, buttons, flowers, souvenirs and similar small articles.
No person under 16 years of age shall be accredited as an agent to sell items under the provisions of this article; however, this shall not preclude persons under 16 years of age from soliciting for charitable purposes. Each agent shall wear in plain sight, while engaged in selling such articles or soliciting, a badge provided by such organization or post and approved by the authority issuing the license, bearing upon it the name of such organization or post and the date on which the license is to be exercised. No such agent shall be authorized to make or attempt to make such sales or solicitations in front of any private premises against the objection of the owner or occupant thereof.