[Ord. No. 275 §1(1), 10-3-1996]
Off-street parking and loading shall be provided as required in accordance with the regulations of this Article. Off-street parking and loading shall be adequate to meet demand in all cases and spaces shall be made available for use before the final inspection is completed by the Building Inspector. Existing off-street parking and loading spaces shall not be reduced below the minimums required in this Article. Any change in use of a building or lot which increases the off-street parking as required under this Code shall be unlawful and a violation of this Code until such time as the off-street parking and loading complies with the provisions of this Article.
[Ord. No. 275 §1(2), 10-3-1996; Ord. No. 1400 §33, 12-18-2014]
Off-street parking spaces shall be provided in accordance with the following off-street parking schedule:
Land Use
Number Spaces Required
Animal care, limited or general
1 per 300 square feet
Auction houses
1 per 2 employees, plus 1 per 3 seats, plus 1 per 75 square feet within main sales area
Auditoriums and stadiums
1 per 3 seats
Auto wrecking or salvage yards
1 per employee, plus 1 per 10,000 square feet of storage area
Banks or financial institutions
1 per 250 square feet, plus stacking space for 3 vehicles per drive-through window
Barber and beauty shops
2 per operator/employee
Bars, taverns and nightclubs
1 per 2 seats and 1 per 75 square feet
Boarding houses
1 per guest room; minimum 2 spaces
Bowling centers
5 per lane, plus 0.5 per employee
Car washes
1 per employee, plus 1 stacking space per washing stall
1 per employee, plus stacking space for 5 vehicles
Club, lodge
Spaces to meet the combined requirements of the uses being conducted such as hotel, restaurant, auditorium, etc.
Colleges or universities
1 per 3 students, plus 0.5 per faculty member and employee
Convalescent care facilities
1 per 3 beds, plus 0.5 per employee
Correctional facilities
1 per 5 beds, plus 0.5 per employee
Dance halls or ballrooms
1 per 100 square feet of dance area
Dance or music studios
1 per 200 square feet
Day care
1 per 10 pupils, plus 1 per employee
1 per 2 residents
Entertainment, indoor
1 per 100 square feet
Fraternity and sorority houses
1 per 2 residents
Freight terminals
1 per employee, plus 1 per 400 square feet
Funeral homes
1 per 4 seats, plus 0.5 per employee
Golf courses or country clubs
1 per 4 members or spaces required to serve eating and drinking facilities, whichever is greater
Greenhouses or nurseries
1 per employee, plus 2 per company vehicle and 1 per 600 square feet
Health clubs
1 per 200 square feet
1 per 4 beds, plus 0.75 per employee
Hotels or motels
1 per guest room, plus 0.5 per employee
1 per 3 washing machines
1 per 400 square feet, plus 0.5 per employee
Manufacturing, general
1 per employee, plus 1 per 400 square feet
Manufacturing, limited
1 per employee, plus 1 per 400 square feet
2 per unit
Office, general
1 per 300 square feet
Office, medical
7 per doctor, plus 2 per 3 employees or 1 per 120 square feet, whichever is greater
Personal care service and personal improvement services
1 per 200 square feet
Religious assembly
1 per 3 seats
Repair services
1 per 400 square feet
Research services
0.5 per employee
Restaurants, drive-through
1 per 50 square feet plus stacking space for 10 vehicles
Restaurants, fast-food
1 per 50 square feet
Restaurants, general
20, plus 1 per 100 square feet
Restaurants, limited
1 per 75 square feet
Retail, general
0 to 1,999 square feet
1 per 200 square feet
2,000 + square feet
10, plus 1 per 400 square feet for space in excess of first 2,000
Schools, high
1 per three students, plus 0.5 per faculty member and employee
Schools, elementary and middle
2 per classroom or 1 per 5 seats auditorium or assembly room, whichever is greater
Service stations
1 per 250 square feet of floor area, plus 1 per 2 gas pumps
2 per unit
1 per four seats
2 per unit
2 per unit
Vehicle repair
1 per 500 square feet; minimum 5 spaces
Vehicle sales and service
1 per 3,000 square feet of open sales lot, plus 1 per employee
Vocational schools
1 per 3 students, plus 0.5 per faculty member and employee
1 per employee, plus 1 per 400 square feet
In all non-residential zoning property, golf cart parking shall be provided. One (1) space per every fifty (50) spaces required shall be designated as golf cart only.
[Ord. No. 275 §1(3), 10-3-1996]
Multiple Uses. Lots containing more than one (1) use shall provide parking and loading in an amount equal to the total of the requirements for all uses, unless a shared parking plan is approved pursuant to Section 405.520.
Fractions. When measurements of the number of required spaces result in fractions, any fraction of one-half (½) or less shall be disregarded and any fraction of more than one-half (½) shall be rounded upward to the next highest whole number.
Floor Area. Unless otherwise noted in the provisions, all square footage-based parking and loading standards shall be computed on the basis of gross floor area.
Employees, Students And Occupant-Based Standards. For the purpose of computing parking requirements based on the number of employees, students, residents or occupants, calculations shall be based on the largest number of persons working on any single shift, the maximum enrollment or the maximum fire-rated capacity, whichever is applicable.
Unlisted Uses. Upon receiving a development application for a use not specifically listed in the off-street parking schedule, the Building Official shall apply the parking and loading requirements specified for the listed use that is deemed most similar to the use proposed in the application.
Variance Process. The parking requirements heretofore established may be varied by the Board of Adjustment.
[Ord. No. 275 §1(4), 10-3-1996]
A portion of the total number of required parking spaces in each off-street parking area shall be specifically designated, located and reserved for use by persons with disabilities.
Number of spaces. The minimum number of spaces to be provided shall be a portion of the total number of parking spaces required as determined from the following schedule. Parking spaces reserved for persons with disabilities shall be counted toward fulfilling a development's overall off-street parking requirements.
Total Parking Spaces
Minimum Number of Spaces
1 — 25
26 — 50
51 — 75
76 — 100
101 — 150
151 — 200
201 — 300
301 — 400
401 — 500
501 — 1,000
2% percent of total spaces
over 1,000
20 plus 1 per each 100 spaces over 1,000
Dimensions. All parking spaces reserved for persons with disabilities shall be at least thirteen and one-half (13½) feet in width, measured perpendicular to the angle of parking; provided that the minimum width shall be reduced to nine (9) feet for stalls located adjacent to an area that is well protected and available for each ingress and egress with a minimum width of four and one-half (4½) feet.
Location of spaces. Required spaces for persons with disabilities shall be located in close proximity to building entrances and shall be designed to permit occupants of vehicles to reach the building entrance on an unobstructed path with a minimum width of three (3) feet. The Building Official may require that off-street parking spaces provided for persons with disabilities be dispersed throughout the project if deemed necessary to ensure safe, convenient and accessible parking spaces for all users of the project.
Signs and marking. Required spaces for persons with disabilities shall be designated with signs as provided for in Section 301.143, RSMo., identifying them as reserved for persons with disabilities. Signs shall be posted directly in front of the parking space at a height of no less than thirty-six (36) inches and no more than sixty (60) inches above pavement level. Signs required by this Section shall not exceed four (4) square feet in area.
[Ord. No. 275 §1(5), 10-3-1996]
On-Site. Except as otherwise specifically provided, required off-street parking spaces shall be located on the same lot as the principal use.
Within Required Setbacks. Except as otherwise provided, required off-street parking spaces may be located in required front, side or rear setbacks, provided that a ten (10) foot setback shall be maintained between off-street parking areas. In no case shall off-street parking areas be located in a required transition strip.
On Residential Driveways. Residential driveways and space within the required front yard setback shall not be counted toward satisfying the off-street parking space requirements of single-family and two-family uses.
[Ord. No. 275 §1(6), 10-3-1996]
The City Engineer may authorize a reduction in the number of required parking spaces for multiple use developments and for uses that are located near one another that have different peak parking demands and operating hours.
Up to fifty percent (50%) of the parking spaces required for:
Theaters, public auditoriums, bowling centers, dance halls and nightclubs and up to one hundred percent (100%) of the parking spaces required for a church auditorium may be provided and used jointly by:
Banks, offices, retail stores, repair shops, service establishments and similar uses not normally open, used or operated during the same hours as those listed in (1) and up to one hundred percent (100%) of parking spaces required for schools may be provided and used jointly by a church auditorium.
Shared parking shall be subject to the following standards:
Location. Shared off-street parking spaces shall be located no further than three hundred (300) feet from the buildings and uses they are intended to serve.
Study. A parking study acceptable to the City Engineer shall be submitted which clearly establishes that users will make use of the shared spaces at different times of the day, week, month or year.
Agreement. A shared parking plan shall be enforced through written agreement. Proof of recordation of the agreement shall be presented to the City Engineer prior to issuance of a building permit.
Revocation of permit. Failure to comply with the shared parking provisions of this Article shall constitute a violation of this Code and shall specifically be cause for revocation of a building permit.
Editor’s Note: Former Section 405.525, Use of Off-Street Parking Spaces, as adopted and amended by Ord. No. 275 §1(7), 10-3-1996, was repealed 5-16-2013 by Ord. No. 1316 §1.
[Ord. No. 275 §1(8), 10-3-1996; Ord. No. 1316 §1, 5-16-2013]
Purpose. It is the intent of this Section that required off-street parking areas in residential zoning districts be used solely for the parking of motor vehicles in operating condition and not be used for the storage of business or commercial vehicles or recreational vehicles, equipment or trailers, including, but not limited to, boats, motor homes, campers, mobile homes or materials or for the parking of trucks used in conducting a business.
Violation. It shall be unlawful for the driver, owner or operator of a business or commercial vehicle or recreational vehicle, trailer or equipment to park or cause to be parked, or allow to be parked any such business or commercial vehicle, commercial trailer, or recreational vehicle, trailer or equipment in violation of the provisions of this Section. It shall be a rebuttable presumption that the person in whose name such vehicle, trailer or equipment is registered committed the violation. In the event that charges are filed against multiple owners of a business or commercial vehicle or recreational vehicle, trailer or equipment, only one of the owners may be convicted and court costs may be assessed against only one of the owners. If the vehicle, trailer or equipment which is involved in the violation is registered in the name of a rental or leasing company and the vehicle, trailer or equipment is rented or leased to another person at the time of the violation, the rental or leasing company may rebut the presumption by providing the Peace Officer or Municipal Prosecuting Attorney with a copy of the rental or lease agreement in effect at the time of the violation. The Municipal Prosecuting Attorney may not bring any legal proceedings against a rental or leasing company under this Section unless prior written notice of the violation has been given to that rental or leasing company by registered mail at the address appearing on the registration and the rental or leasing company has failed to provide the rental or lease agreement copy within fifteen (15) days of receipt of such notice.
Definitions. As used in this Section, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any motor vehicle which displays the name, emblem or symbol of any business enterprise; or
Any motor vehicle which openly and visibly stores or carries equipment or supplies designed and used for any business enterprise.
Any trailer which is prominently labeled with commercial advertisement or carries a commercial vehicle or other commercial equipment or supplies in plain view, excluding ladder racks.
Any motor vehicle exceeding twenty-four (24) feet in length, eight (8) feet in height, and eight (8) feet in width, each measured from the furthest points of the exterior of the motor vehicle body and any accessory affixed thereto, but excluding therefrom ladder racks.
All types of boats, jet skis and other such watercraft designed to be used in or on water, plus the trailers used to transport such equipment on any street.
A vehicle, whether self-propelled or a trailer, which is constructed with sufficient equipment to render it suitable for use as a temporary dwelling for travel or recreation.
Any structure built on a chassis for licensing by the State as a trailer and designed for general non-commercial or commercial purposes.
Parking Requirements For Commercial Vehicles. No commercial vehicle or commercial trailer shall be parked within a residentially zoned district except those temporarily parked while actively loading/unloading or providing a service or delivery to a residential dwelling at which it is parked for a period of time not to exceed twelve (12) hours in the aggregate in any twenty-four-hour period, or as permitted within Subsection (F)(3) of this Section and Subsection (G) of this Section, Enclosed Storage.
Business Vehicle Parking Requirements. No business vehicle shall be parked on any street within a residentially zoned district except those business vehicles temporarily parked while providing a service or delivery to a residential dwelling at which it is parked for a period of time not to exceed twelve (12) hours in the aggregate in any twenty-four-hour period. To the extent that business vehicles are permitted to be parked on the driveway of a residential lot, only one (1) such vehicle may be parked on any such driveway.
Recreational Vehicles, Recreational Equipment And Trailer Parking Requirements.
Not more than one (1) piece of recreational equipment, vehicle or trailer, such as a recreational vehicle, pickup camper, boat or trailer, shall be allowed on any residential lot. Such recreational vehicle, equipment or trailer shall not exceed twenty-two (22) feet in length or eight (8) feet in width.
All recreational vehicles, recreational equipment, pickup campers or trailers shall be parked behind all front building line(s), shall not extend past the front of any house into any front yard area, and shall be on a paved parking surface as noted in Section 405.565 of this Code.
Trailers or commercial trailers shall be allowed to be temporarily parked on any residential driveway for a period not to exceed a total of ten (10) calendar days per calendar year.
Recreational vehicles, recreational equipment, pickup campers or recreational trailers shall be allowed to be temporarily parked on any residential lot for a period not to exceed a total of ten (10) calendar days per calendar year for purposes of seasonal preparation. Utility connections related to recreational vehicle preparation shall not exceed two (2) calendar days.
No recreational vehicles, equipment or trailers shall be parked on any street or adjacent right-of-way except those temporarily parked while actively loading or unloading for a period of time not to exceed four (4) hours in the aggregate in any twenty-four-hour period. Recreational vehicles, trailers and equipment shall not be parked in the street such that they block access in the street for emergency vehicles.
Recreational vehicles, recreational equipment, or recreational trailers parked or stored shall not have fixed connections to electricity, water, gas or sanitary sewer facilities, and at no time shall such recreational equipment, vehicles or trailers be used for living or housekeeping purposes.
Enclosed Storage. Commercial or business vehicles or recreational vehicles, equipment or trailers in excess of the maximum permitted in a residentially zoned area may be parked and/or stored in a completely enclosed garage.
Public Vehicles. Vehicles owned by the City or any ambulance district or fire protection district shall be exempt from the requirements of this Section. Vehicles owned by a public utility company or by any person performing authorized construction or maintenance work on any public street or public utility shall be exempt from the requirements of this Section while engaged in such construction or maintenance work.
Calculating Time. For purposes of Subsection (F)(3) and (4) of this Section, if a commercial or business vehicle or recreational vehicle, equipment or trailer is parked on any property within a residentially zoned district within the City for any portion of any day it shall be deemed to be parked on such property within the City for the entirety of that day.
Penalty. Any person found to be in violation of this Section shall be guilty of an infraction and, upon a conviction thereof, shall be fined an amount no greater than one hundred dollars ($100.00). Under no circumstances may a person be imprisoned for such an infraction.
[Ord. No. 275 §1(9), 10-3-1996]
An off-street parking plan, prepared in a form established by the Building Official and made available to the public, shall be submitted with each building permit application.
[Ord. No. 275 §1(10), 10-3-1996; Ord. No. 622 §2, 12-11-2003; Ord. No. 902 §1, 3-8-2007]
Surfacing. All off-street parking and circulation areas shall have concrete, asphaltic concrete or asphalt double-seal surfaces maintained adequately for all-weather use. Vehicle storage lots for the overnight storage or long-term warehousing of vehicles under one (1) ownership may be exempted from this surfacing requirement if approved by the Board of Aldermen.
Access To Off-Street Parking Areas. Non-residential off-street parking areas that make it necessary to back directly onto public streets are prohibited. No entrance or exit for any off-street parking area with over four (4) spaces shall be located within seventy-five (75) feet of the intersection of any two (2) street right-of-way lines.
Lighting. Lighting fixtures used to illuminate non-residential off-street parking areas shall be arranged to reflect light away from lots containing residential uses and from public streets.
Screening. Non-residential off-street parking areas containing five (5) or more parking spaces shall be screened from view of adjacent residential zoning districts and from lots containing residential uses.
Striping. Non-residential off-street parking areas shall be delineated by pavement striping.
Parking Space Dimensions. Required parking spaces shall be designed in accordance with the following minimum standards. In the event that proposed parking angles are not shown in the table, the City Engineer shall interpolate required dimensions from the table.
Parking Angle
Stall Width
Stall Depth
Aisle Width
90 degrees (2-way aisle)
60 degrees (2-way aisle)
75 degrees (2-way aisle)
60 degrees (1-way aisle)
45 degrees (1-way aisle)
22 (curb length)
Drainage And Maintenance. Off-street parking facilities shall be drained to eliminate standing water and prevent damage to abutting property and/or public streets and alleys and surfaced with erosion-resistant material. Off-street parking shall be maintained in a clean, orderly, and dust-free condition at the expense of the owner or lessee and not used for the display, sale, offering for sale, exposing for sale, repair, or dismantling or servicing of any vehicles, equipment, materials, personal property, or supplies.
Curbing. All curbing for off-street parking facilities, whether residential or non-residential, shall be constructed of concrete.
[Ord. No. 275 §1(11), 10-3-1996]
At least one (1) off-street loading space shall be provided for each business that customarily receives or distributes material or merchandise by vehicle. Additional off-street loading spaces shall be required as shown in the table to ensure traffic safety and convenient traffic circulation patterns.
Use or Use Category
Floor Area in Square Feet
Loading Spaces Required
Retail store, department store, restaurant, wholesale house, warehouse, general service, manufacturing or industrial establishment
2,000 — 10,000
10,000 — 20,000
20,000 — 40,000
40,000 — 60,000
Each 50,000 over 60,000
One Additional
Apartment building, motel, hotel, offices or office building, hospital or similar institutions or places of public assembly
5,000 — 10,000
10,000 — 100,000
100,000 — 200,000
Each 100,000 over 200,000
One Additional
Funeral home or mortuary
2,500 — 4,000
4,000 — 6,000
Each 10,000 over 6,000
One Additional
[Ord. No. 275 §1(12), 10-3-1996]
Off-street loading spaces may occupy part of any required interior side or rear setback, provided that unenclosed loading spaces shall be set back at least fifty (50) feet from adjacent residential zoning districts and in no case shall loading spaces or driveways be located within transition strips. In no case shall off-street loading spaces occupy any part of a required front setback, except in the "I-1", "I-2" and "SD/C-Il".
[Ord. No. 275 §1(13), 10-3-1996]
An off-street plan, prepared in a form established by the Building Official and made available to the public, shall be submitted with each building permit application. The off-street loading plan shall serve as the basis for the Building Official's determination of the adequacy of proposed off-street loading areas.
[Ord. No. 275 §1(14), 10-3-1996]
Surfacing. All off-street loading spaces shall be hard-surfaced.
Dimensions. Off-street loading spaces shall be at least twelve (12) feet in width and thirty-five (35) feet in length.
Access. Off-street loading facilities that make it necessary to back directly onto a public street shall be prohibited. All maneuvering of trucks, autos and other vehicles shall take place on-site and not within a public right-of-way. No loading space shall be located within seventy-five (75) feet of the intersection of any two (2) street right-of- way lines.
[Ord. No. 275 §1(15), 10-3-1996]
Residential Lots Of Less Than Two (2) Acres. No vehicle may be parked on any residentially zoned lot of less than two (2) acres except upon areas paved by concrete or asphalt.
Residential Land Of Two (2) Acres Or More. No vehicle may be parked for more than twelve (12) consecutive hours on any unpaved portion of any residentially zoned land of more than two (2) acres in area.
Commercial And Industrial Land. All vehicles must be parked on areas paved by concrete or asphalt. This Sub-section does not limit the number of vehicles that may be parked in a fully enclosed garage.
Lots of less than one-half (½) acre. The owner or lessee of the lot may not park more than four (4) of its vehicles on its exterior lot for more than two (2) consecutive hours.
Land of one-half (½) acre or more. The owner or lessee of the land may park an additional one (1) of its vehicles on exterior paved areas in addition to that allowed under Subsection (C)(1) of this Section for more than two (2) hours for each one-quarter (¼) acre of land that said owner or lessee has above one-half (½) acre, provided that no exterior parking of more than four (4) vehicles of the owner or lessee shall be allowed within fifty (50) feet of any adjoining single-family residentially zoned property line.
Driveways In Any Zone. The first forty (40) feet of all driveways constructed or first used after the effective date of this Article shall be paved by concrete or asphalt with a minimum width of at least nine (9) feet of pavement. Non-paved driveways in use prior to the effective date of this Article shall be deemed to be non-conforming pre-existing uses.