[HISTORY: Adopted by the Annual Town Meeting of the Town of Marshfield 4-22-2013 by Art. 8 (Art. 92 of the General Bylaws). Amendments noted where applicable.]
Officers and employees — See Ch. 170.
Pursuant to the authority contained in MGL c. 41, §§ 108A and 108C, there shall be established plans which may be amended from time to time by vote of the Town at a Town Meeting:
Classifying positions in the service of the Town, other than those filled by popular election, those under the direction and control of the School Committee, those employees covered by a collective bargaining agreement, and certain positions for which the compensation is on a fee basis or the incumbents of which render intermittent or casual service, into groups and classes doing substantially similar work or having substantially equal responsibilities;
[Amended 4-24-2017 ATM by Art. 10]
Authorizing a compensation plan for positions in the classification plan; and
Providing for the administration of said classification and compensation plans.
Nothing in any of the Town of Marshfield's personnel rules, policies, procedures or other documents relating to employment with the Town of Marshfield ("the Town") creates any express or implied contract or guarantee of continued employment for a specific term. No past practices or procedures, whether oral or written, form any express or implied agreement or contract to continue such practices or procedures. No promises or assurances, whether written or oral, which are contrary to or inconsistent with the limitations set forth in this subsection create any contract of employment unless:
The terms are put in writing;
The document is labeled "contract";
The document states the duration of employment; and
The document is signed by the Select Board.
[Amended 10-18-2021 STM by Art. 32]
The Town, acting exclusively through the Town Administrator, reserves the right to add, change or discontinue any aspect of its personnel policies and benefit programs and to revise or modify provisions of this bylaw with proper notice provided to the Town's collective bargaining groups.
Conflicting provisions contained in collective bargaining agreements, to the extent required by law, shall supersede these policies. Where collective bargaining agreements are silent, these policies and regulations may be applied. If there is a conflict between language in the Employee Personnel Bylaw and language in an official plan document (such as the group health insurance policy) the official plan document governs.
Subject to the Town Administrator's review and approval, departmental regulations that establish standards of performance, employee conduct, or action shall continue to be applicable. Employees of the Town that are not otherwise covered by a collective bargaining agreement, employment agreement, or state civil service statutes are at-will employees. Either party may terminate the employment relationship at any time with good cause, with or without notice. The term "cause" shall include but not be limited to the following: incapacity other than temporary illness, inefficiency, insubordination and conduct unbecoming the office.
This bylaw is intended to be in accordance with all applicable state and federal laws. In the event that these policies are inconsistent with the applicable state or federal law, the applicable law shall apply.
The membership of the Personnel Board (hereafter "the Board") shall be appointed by the Select Board per the Town Charter and subject to MGL c. 268A as follows: one member to be appointed to serve for one year, two members to be appointed to serve for two years, and two members to serve three years. At the expiration of each term of office, appointments or reappointments thereafter shall be made in the same manner for terms of three years. Each term of office shall expire on June 30. In the event of a vacancy occurring in the membership of the Personnel Board, the position shall be filled within 30 days in the same manner and by the same authority as in the original method of selection and for the remainder of such unexpired term of office. The members of the Personnel Board shall not be employees or elected officials of the Town. It is preferred that members of the Personnel Board have a background in human resources, public administration or a related field. The Board shall elect a Chairperson from its membership who shall have the power to call meetings and who shall preside over such meetings. Any three members shall constitute a quorum for transaction of business. A majority vote of such a Board shall prevail unless there is a bare quorum, in which event there must be a unanimous vote.
[Amended 4-24-2017 ATM by Art. 10; 10-18-2021 STM by Art. 32]
The Board is responsible for the review and recommendations of changes to the Town's Personnel Bylaw and the establishment of polices pertaining to the provision of human resource services to employees covered by the provisions of this bylaw subject to the approval of Town Meeting.
General scope. This section shall apply to all employees in the service of the Town of Marshfield, unless covered by individually negotiated employment agreements or collectively bargained contracts in accordance with MGL c. 41, § 108N, between the Town and certain employees. It is the policy of the Town to develop and maintain a compensation plan that is competitive with the marketplace enabling the Town to recruit and retain a quality workforce. External salary data is collected by the Town Administrator or designee on a regular basis at least every three years from comparable communities as determined from the geographical recruitment area as well as operational and demographic criteria on a position-by-position basis. The Town may make changes to the salary ranges for each grade level as it deems necessary in order to maintain competitiveness with the marketplace.
Administration. The Town Administrator or his/her qualified designee shall be responsible for the administration of the classification and compensation plan.
Job descriptions. The Town Administrator shall maintain written descriptions of the jobs or positions in the plan describing the essential characteristics, requirements and general duties. The descriptions shall not be interpreted as either complete or restrictive and employees shall continue to perform any duties assigned by an employee's superior(s).
Salary and wage review. The Town Administrator shall, from time to time not to exceed three years, review the wage and salary schedules of all positions subject to the plan in order to keep informed as to pay rates and policies outside the service of the Town, and be in a position to recommend to the Town any action deemed desirable to maintain a fair and equitable (competitive) pay level.
Job description review. The Town Administrator shall review the duties of all employees subject to the classification plan on a regular basis. The Town Administrator upon receipt of substantiating data may add a new position tentatively to the classification schedule, or reclassify an existing position to a different group, subject to the subsequent ratification of this action by formal amendment of this bylaw by approval of Town Meeting.
New classifications. The Town Administrator shall establish the classification schedule for all newly created positions in accordance with the classification and compensation plan, as approved at a Special or Annual Town Meeting.
Reports. The Town Administrator shall, when deemed necessary, in advance of each Annual Town Meeting at which recommendations of the Board will be considered, prepare a printed report for the information of Town Meeting and Town employees. The Town Administrator shall make an annual report in writing to the Select Board on or before January 15 of each year.
[Amended 10-18-2021 STM by Art. 32]
The title of each position in the classification plan shall be the official title for all positions and shall be used to designate the position in all Town payrolls, budget estimates and official records and reports, and in every connection involving personnel and fiscal processes, but any abbreviation or code symbol approved by the Town Administrator may be used in lieu of the title to designate the classification in any such connection.
Position titles shall be interpreted to be descriptive only and not restrictive. They shall be construed solely as a means of distinguishing one position from another and not as prescribing what the duties or responsibilities of any position shall be, or as modifying, or in any way affecting, the power of any administrative authority, as otherwise existing, to appoint, to assign duties to, or to direct and control the work of any employee under the jurisdiction of such authority.
The Town Administrator shall keep such employment records of all employees of the Town, including the name, age, date of employment, classification, department in which employed, and other information as the Town shall deem necessary. Department heads shall furnish such information as shall be requested for this purpose.
The official employee personnel files are kept in the office of the Select Board and shall be the official employee personnel files of the Town of Marshfield and shall include all original documentation pertaining to each employee in accordance with applicable state and/or federal regulations. Department heads may maintain files supporting departmental actions. In accordance with the state's Public Records Law,[1] official employee personnel files are confidential records that are accessible by the Town Administrator, and are not available for public inspection or copying.
[Amended 4-24-2017 ATM by Art. 10; 10-18-2021 STM by Art. 32]
Editor's Note: See MGL c. 66.
Current and/or former Town employees have the right to examine their own personnel files and may, upon written request submitted to the office of the Town Administrator, receive a copy of any records contained in their personnel file. No personnel files may be taken out of the Town Administrator's office without the approval of the Town Administrator.
The personnel records include all original information pertinent to an employee's employment with the Town including the employment application, payroll deductions, performance appraisals, leave records, special commendations, disciplinary actions, education and training certificates and employee personnel action form. Employee medical records will be kept separate from all other personnel file information. It is the responsibility of employees to inform their department head of changes in name, address, telephone number, marital status and person(s) to be notified in the event of an emergency and to notify the Town Administrator's office and the Treasurer/Collector's office of changes to an employee's personal status to ensure proper insurance coverage.
In accordance with MGL c. 149, § 52C, as amended, the Town will notify an employee within 10 days of placing information in an employee's personnel record that is, has been or may be used to negatively affect an employee's qualification for employment, promotion, transfer, or additional compensation or subject (the employee) to disciplinary action.
[Amended 4-24-2017 ATM by Art. 10]
[Amended 4-24-2017 ATM by Art. 10]
Compensation adjustments provided for in this bylaw shall be subject to the availability of funds as appropriated by Town Meeting.
[Amended 4-24-2017 ATM by Art. 10]
No provisions that are contained in this Personnel Bylaw shall be construed to be in conflict with MGL c. 31.
These bylaws shall take effect upon adoption by the Town at the Annual Town Meeting.
Development of the classification plan. It is the policy of the Town to classify positions based on the application of a position rating system that consists of a set of universal position rating criteria.
[Amended 4-24-2017 ATM by Art. 10]
Annual salary plan adjustments. Annual salary plan guidelines are used to administer individual salaries throughout the fiscal year. Based upon external market data, budget parameters, and the Town's ability to pay, funds are provided for employee compensation purposes throughout the year. It is the general policy of the Town of Marshfield to make salary adjustments at the beginning of each fiscal year as well as during the fiscal year based on an employee's years of service in a position as well as merit. An employee's movement or growth within a salary range is not and should not be considered an automatic natural progression.
Maintenance of the compensation plan. The Town Administrator is responsible for overseeing the administration of the Town's wage and compensation plan(s) after adoption by the Annual Town Meeting. The Town Administrator may correct individual discrepancies in salaries in compliance with the classification and compensation plan.
Salary adjustments.
Starting salary; salary ranges.
[Amended 10-27-2014 STM by Art. 3]
Starting salary. It is the policy of the Town of Marshfield to hire new employees between the minimum and mid-point "hiring range" of a salary range in each classification level as described in § 188-11, Schedule A of the Personnel Bylaw. All employees are to be paid within the salary range in each classification level.
It is understood that the Town reserves the right to hire a new employee above the "hiring range" based on the qualifications of an employee as well as the market conditions.
Employees are eligible for annual step increases within the hiring range within each grade level subject to the appropriation of funds. An employee's progression above the fourth step in each grade level is not automatic, but is based on both an employee's performance and years of service in a position.
Salary ranges. It is the policy of the Town of Marshfield to establish and maintain salary ranges that are competitive within the marketplace on a position-by-position basis. Each salary range is developed in a defined, consistent manner as follows:
Salary range mid-point: the average mid-point of survey data collected for all positions within each grade level.
Salary range minimum: a fixed percentage of the salary range mid-point.
Salary range maximum: a fixed differential greater than the salary range minimum.
An employee may be promoted in two ways:
Organizational promotion. An employee may be appointed to a different position that is classified in a higher pay band than the position is currently assigned; or
Job revaluation/reclassification. Duties and responsibilities of an employee's job may be expanded and, as a result, the position requires an employee to have additional knowledge, skill, and/or ability, etc. Based on the application of the Town's position rating system, the position is assigned a new classification level. An employee whose position has been assigned to a higher salary range should be treated as having received a promotion at the next common review date.
A promotional increase for a regular, full-time employee should advance an employee to a pay rate in the new salary range that exceeds an employee's current rate of pay by at least 3%. Factors such as length of service and budget considerations may affect the amount of compensation.
Step increase. If an employee is eligible for a step increase, he or she shall be paid annually and on the anniversary date of appointment to a position. It is understood that step increases are not automatic but are subject to merit, years of service in a position and the appropriation of funds by Town Meeting.
Temporary promotion. Employees filling in for a senior person for a period of time greater than two weeks may receive special pay consideration during or after the completion of the assignment. In such instances, consideration should be given to the length of the assignment, level of performance, and job level of the more senior person.
Demotion. A demotion takes place when a position is permanently reclassified or an employee is assigned to a position in a lower pay band. This action may be either voluntary or involuntary. An individual's salary may or may not be reduced upon demotion or reduction in job classification at the discretion of the Town. An employee's position in the new salary range will affect future salary increases.
Merit compensation.
It is the responsibility of the Town Administrator to develop and implement an employee performance management system for department heads that is uniformly applied to those employees covered by this bylaw throughout the organization.
Consideration for merit salary increases will be given at least once each year subject to the availability of funds. To be eligible for a merit increase, an employee must have been actively working for the Town (in an active pay status) for at least 30 of the 52 weeks of the relevant performance review cycle. Merit increases are calculated using the annual employee's salary in effect immediately preceding the effective date of the merit increase. Merit increases are directly linked to the employee's overall performance, provided that the employee's current salary does not exceed the maximum of the position's salary range.
Merit performance reviews ensure that eligible employees are considered for merit pay increases but does not guarantee that an individual employee will receive an increase. A merit increase is a salary increase earned by an employee whose performance has met or exceeded the requirements of the position. An employee who receives an overall performance rating of unsatisfactory is not eligible for a salary increase until the level of performance is improved.
Notwithstanding anything contained herein, employees at Step 4 at their respective grades shall be eligible for additional compensation subject to appropriation with 50% of increase based on merit and 50% based on years of service.
[Added 10-27-2014 STM by Art. 3]
Managing performance. It is the policy of the Town of Marshfield to compensate employees based on an employee's years of service in a position and performance. It is the principal responsibility of the Town Administrator to manage the performance evaluation process in accordance with the performance management guidelines and performance management cycle as approved by the Select Board.
[Amended 10-18-2021 STM by Art. 32]
Payment at a listed grade. All employees shall be paid at a wage within the minimum-maximum salary range for the grade level established for each position in accordance with the classification schedule in § 188-11 of this bylaw.
Pay period/paydays. Normally employees are paid weekly (or biweekly), with the payroll period ending on Saturday and checks available on Friday. In the event that a payday occurs on a holiday, payroll checks will be distributed on the nearest preceding workday. Existing employees may elect to have paychecks deposited by the Town through the ACH system directly to their personal account(s). All new employees hired by the Town shall be required to participate in the Town's payroll direct deposit program.
[Amended 4-24-2017 ATM by Art. 10]
Introductory hiring period. All new employees must serve an introductory hiring period of nine months' duration. An employee may be terminated by the Town during the introductory hiring period or at any time with or without cause, with or without notice.
[Amended 4-24-2017 ATM by Art. 10]
Payroll deductions. Mandatory payroll deductions are made depending upon the number of exemptions claimed for federal and state income taxes and retirement contributions. Optional payroll deductions are made based on employee authorization for health insurance, life insurance, dental insurance, deferred compensation, and for other contributions consistent with the law and as approved by Town Meeting. Pursuant to the applicable federal or state law or court-ordered wage assignments, the Town may be obliged to retain and pay over to a third party a portion of an employee's earnings.
Section 125 plan. The Town offers a pre-tax program for employees who work 20 hours or more which excludes from federal income tax purposes expenses for medical, child care or dependent care.
Unemployment compensation. Commonwealth of Massachusetts law requires the Town to reimburse the State of Massachusetts for unemployment benefits paid to former employees of the Town. It is the responsibility of individuals to file claims with the State Division of Employment and Training. The Town reserves the right to contest claims for unemployment compensation.
Workers' compensation. To preserve rights under the law, an employee must notify his or her department head immediately or as soon as possible if involved in an on-the-job accident that results in personal injury. Employees injured on the job are protected against loss of income and medical expenses by provisions of the Massachusetts Workers' Compensation Act.[1] Employees receiving workers' compensation benefits may, upon request, receive vacation, sick or personal leave accrued at the time of injury to supplement workers' compensation benefits up to the amount of base wages the employee received each week before the injury occurred.
Editor's Note: See MGL c. 152.
Retirement system. As a condition of employment, all permanent employees who are regularly scheduled to work and earn more than $5,000 annually are required to join the Plymouth County Retirement System. Retirement applications must be made by an employee in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Plymouth County Retirement System.
Death benefit. Upon the death of a Town employee who is on the Town's payroll, his or her estate or designated beneficiary is eligible to receive accrued vacation and/or sick leave, in accordance with the provisions of this bylaw.
It shall be Town policy to amend the provisions of the Personnel Bylaw and classification plan at either a Special or Annual Town Meeting.
The Select Board may, from time to time of its own motion, hold a hearing to consider any proposed amendment to this bylaw. In the event said proposed amendment is supported by an affirmative vote of a majority of the members, the Board shall proceed according to the preceding subsection to insert an article in the warrant and to report its recommendations to the Advisory Board.
[Amended 10-18-2021 STM by Art. 32]
The following schedules constitute the classification and compensation plans of the Town.
Schedule A
General Government Positions
[Amended 11-4-2013 STM by Art. 10; 10-27-2014 STM by Art. 3; 4-27-2015 ATM by Art. 9; 4-25-2016 ATM by Art. 9; 4-24-2017 ATM by Art. 10; 10-19-2020 STM by Art. 6; 10-18-2021 STM by Art. 3]
Assistant Animal Control Officer
Confidential Administrative Assistant (MFD and MPD)
Assistant Veterans Agent
COA Van Driver
Officer Manager
Benefits Manager
Benefits Manager
Project Coordinator for Volunteers
COA Social Services Coordinator
Beach Administrator
Project Engineer
Council on Aging Director
Assistant Director COA
Library Director
Town Planner
Town Engineer
Senior Engineer
Administrative Assistant
Human Resources Director
Assistant Facility Manager
Deputy Superintendent
Schedule A
Compensation Plan
[Amended 10-27-2014 STM by Art. 3; 4-25-2016 STM by Art. 15; 10-19-2020 STM by Art. 5; 10-18-2021 STM by Art. 2]
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Schedule B
Part-Time and Seasonal Positions
Animal Inspector
[Amended 4-25-2016 ATM by Art. 9]
$2,500 per year
Assistant Animal Control Officer
[Amended 4-25-2016 ATM by Art. 9]
$11 to $18 per hour
Senior/First Assistant Harbormaster
[Amended 4-25-2016 ATM by Art. 9]
$15 to $20 per hour
Assistant Harbormaster
[Amended 4-25-2016 ATM by Art. 9]
$10 to $18 per hour
Assistant Shellfish Officer
$6 to $7 per hour
$9.50 to $12 per hour; $0.25 increase per year returning
Beach Attendant
$8.50 to $11.50 per hour; $0.25 increase per year returning
Beach Supervisor
$11 to $16 per hour; $0.25 increase per year returning
Call Firefighter
$1,000 per year
Clerical Assistant (COA)
$12 to $19 per hour
Custodian (COA)
$16 to $19 per hour
[Amended 4-24-2017 ATM by Art. 10]
$10 to $15 per hour
Kitchen/Activities Assistant (COA)
$9 to $12 per hour
Police Patrolman (intermittent)
[Amended 4-25-2016 ATM by Art. 9]
$15 to $20 per hour
Police Matron
[Amended 4-25-2016 ATM by Art. 9]
$12.50 to $15 per hour (3 hour minimum)
Program/Activities Coordinator (COA)
$13 to $19 per hour
Recreation Site Coordinator
$14 to $24 per hour
Recreation Group Leader
$8 to $14 per hour
Recreation Assistant Leader
$8 to $9.50 per hour
Recreation Nurse
$25 to $26 per hour
Recreation Lead Teacher
$17 to $22 per hour
Recreation Sports and Playground Instructor
$8 to $11.50 per hour
Recreation After School Sports Instructor
$26 per hour
Sealer of Weights and Measures
$5,000 per year
Wiring Inspector
Grade 8
Plumbing Inspector
Grade 8
It is the policy of the Town of Marshfield that all work be accomplished within the normal workday. On occasion, the Town may determine that overtime is necessary to complete the assigned work beyond the normal workday. Each position authorized as listed in § 188-11 of this bylaw shall be designated as exempt or non-exempt from the payment of overtime in accordance with the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Vacation days, sick days, and holidays are counted as time worked in the computation of overtime. For further details, please see the FLSA Guidelines in the Addendum Section of this bylaw.[1]
Editor's Note: The addendum is on file at the office of the Town Administrator.
All overtime work must be authorized by the Town Administrator in advance of said employee being required to work beyond the normal workday. A non-exempt employee shall receive a rate of pay for hours worked beyond 40 hours per work week that is equal to 1 1/2 times an employee's normal rate of pay. Documentation of overtime work shall be submitted by the employee's department head to the Treasurer/Collector. Exempt employees may receive compensation in the form of compensatory time off for work required beyond 40 hours in a work week. An employee is required to take compensatory time off by the end of the fiscal year in which time is earned.
[Amended 4-24-2017 ATM by Art. 10]
Exempt positions under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) are not eligible for overtime compensation. These positions are expected to work the hours necessary to complete their respective duties.
[Amended 4-24-2017 ATM by Art. 10]
Non-exempt positions shall be paid overtime for work in excess of 40 hours in a work week in accordance with the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).
Years of Service Completed
Earned Longevity Pay
Employed upon completion of 5 years
Employed 5 years up to 19 years
$20 for each additional year
Employed 20 years
Employed more than 20 years
$100 for each additional year
This sum is to be paid annually within one month of the employee's date of hire. Full-time employees are eligible for longevity. Part-time employees that work the full year (52 weeks) are eligible for longevity on a pro rata basis.
The following 12.5 days or dates, as proclaimed by the Governor or the General Court of the commonwealth, shall be recognized as legal holidays within the meaning of this bylaw on which days employees shall be excused from all duty not required to maintain essential Town services:
New Year's Day
Martin Luther King's Birthday
Presidents' Day
[Amended 4-24-2017 ATM by Art. 10]
Patriots Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Columbus Day
Veterans' Day
Thanksgiving Day
Friday after Thanksgiving
Christmas Day
Half day before Christmas (taken on the working day prior to Christmas holiday)
Every employee in full-time or continuous part-time employment shall be entitled to these designated holidays on the following terms:
If paid on an hourly basis, an employee shall receive one day's pay at his or her regular rate based on the number of hours regularly worked on the day on which the designated holiday occurs.
If paid on a weekly, semi-monthly or annual basis, he or she shall be granted each designated holiday without loss in pay which he or she would have received if worked.
Payment under the provisions of this section shall be made provided the eligible employee shall have worked on the last regularly scheduled working day prior to and the next regularly scheduled working day following such holiday, or was in full pay status on such preceding and following days in accordance with other provisions of this bylaw.
An employee in continuous employment, occupying a position in other than supervisory or administrative position, that performs work on one of the days designated in Subsection A shall be paid at his or her regular rate in addition to the amount to which he or she is entitled under Subsection B.
An employee may be granted compensatory time off at the discretion of the department head in lieu of payment for holidays.
Whenever one of the holidays as set forth in Subsection A falls on a Sunday, the following day shall be the legal holiday. Whenever one of the holidays as set forth in Subsection A falls on a Saturday, the previous day shall be the legal holiday.
Should any holiday fall on an employee's normal day off, Monday through Friday, he or she shall be given holiday pay in accordance with Subsection B(1).
A regular full-time employee in continuous service shall be granted vacation days with pay on the following basis. Part-time employees who work the full year (52 weeks) are eligible for vacation leave on a pro rata basis.
[Amended 4-24-2017 ATM by Art. 10]
Years of Service Completed
Earned Vacation Time
Employed 6 months through 1 year
5 days
Employed 1 year through 4 years
10 days
Employed 5 years
15 days
Employed 10 years
20 days
Employed 20 years
25 days
Vacations provided under Subsection A shall be requested by employees in advance and scheduled at the discretion of the department head at such a time that will cause the least interference with the performance of the regular work.
On an employee's fifth, 10th, and 20th anniversary he/she will be entitled to a third, fourth, or fifth week (whichever is applicable) of vacation, but only if said anniversary is between July 1 and December 31; otherwise, not until the following July 1 will the employee be entitled to the third, fourth, or fifth week.
Employees may bank up to two weeks of their earned vacation and use it the following fiscal year with prior written approval of the Town Administrator.
Employees who are eligible for vacation under these rules who resign, retire voluntarily or enter into the armed forces who give two weeks' notice of their intention to resign/retire or enter the armed forces shall be paid an amount equal to the vacation allowance as earned as of the date of resignation/retirement and not granted in the vacation year prior to such dismissal, resignation with notice, retirement or entrance into the armed forces. In addition, payment shall be made for that portion of vacation allowance earned in the vacation year during which such dismissal, resignation with notice, retirement, or entrance into the armed forces occurred up to the time of an employee's separation from the payroll, said allowance to be one day for each full month of continuous service completed subsequent to July 1.
Absences on account of sickness in excess of that authorized under the rules therefor or for personal reasons as provided for elsewhere may, at the discretion of the department head, be charged to vacation leave.
An employee shall be granted an additional day of vacation if, while on vacation leave, a designated holiday occurs which falls on or is legally observed in accordance with his or her regularly scheduled work week.
Vacation allowances provided under the terms of this section will be calculated on a twelve-month period commencing on July 1 and ending on June 30 and these allowances must be taken in the twelve-month period that immediately follows. In unusual circumstances, exceptions may be granted by a department head. Such vacation shall attempt to be granted by the department head that will cause the least interference with the performance of the regular work of the Town.
An employee shall not be allowed to work during his or her vacation leave and be compensated with extra pay without the written approval of the Town Administrator.
The Town Administrator may approve up to 15 days of vacation leave for persons hired in positions listed under Schedule A, General Government. The determination for this vacation benefit shall be made at the time the person is hired. The appointing authority shall send a written notice of such determination to the Town Accountant and to the Personnel Board. The future accrual of vacation time shall be in accordance with the schedule as described in Subsection A of this section.
An employee in continuous employment who has completed at least 30 weeks of service following his or her date of hire shall be allowed 12 days' leave with pay each calendar year or one day for each month thereof, if in any fiscal year an employee's employment is less than 30 weeks, provided such leave is caused by sickness or injury or by exposure to contagious disease.
An employee in continuous employment shall be credited with the unused portion of leave granted under Subsection A up to 150 days.
An employee with five years of continuous service may, if absent due to a prolonged illness or injury, borrow additional sick leave in an amount equal to that which had been accrued at the outset of the calendar year up to an aggregate total of 120 days. If the amount of sick leave credit provided by the foregoing is about to be exhausted, an employee may make application to the Town Administrator for borrowing additional sick leave time. Such application shall be made to the Town Administrator who is authorized to grant such additional allowance as he or she may determine to be equitable after reviewing all circumstances, including the employee's attendance and performance record prior to conditions supporting a request for the additional allowance. Borrowed leave shall be repaid to the Town at a minimum of 1/2 the rate of accrual outlined in Subsection A.
Sick leave shall be granted to all non-exempt employees following original hire date accrued at the rate of one day for each month. Sick leave shall accumulate to a maximum of 150 days of sick leave eligibility.
All full-time employees with five years full-time continuous service and 50 accumulative sick days will be eligible for the following:
0 sick days used
1 sick day used
2 sick days used
3 sick days used
Sick leave will be determined from July 1 to June 30 and paid the following fiscal year.
Sick leave must be authorized by the department head and must be reported on the Town's payroll forms.
The Town may require a physician's certificate of illness to be submitted by the employee at any time to his or her department head before leave is granted under the provisions of this section. The certificate shall be forwarded to the Town Administrator forthwith upon request.
The Town Administrator may require a medical examination of any employee who reports his or her inability to report for duty because of illness. This examination shall be at the expense of the Town by a physician appointed by the Town.
Any employee hired by the Town prior to January 1, 1983, shall be compensated in cash for all unused sick leave up to a maximum of 150 days when he or she is permanently separated from employment as a result of retirement under the terms of the Plymouth County Retirement Plan, or death. In the event of death, payment is made to the estate of the employee. Payment shall be made for 100% of the accumulated unused sick leave in the employee's account as of June 30, 1984, and for 50% of the accumulated unused sick leave after that up to the maximum 150 days.
Leave up to three days with pay may be allowed in the event of death in an employee's immediate family (wife, husband, mother, father, child, brother, sister, mother-in-law, father-in-law, and grandparents, grandchild, aunt, uncle, brother-in-law, and sister-in-law, stepparent, stepsister or stepbrother).
[Amended 4-24-2017 ATM by Art. 10]
The Town of Marshfield recognizes the patriotic service rendered by many employees who belong to military reserve units. Therefore, military leave will be granted to employees in accordance with the provisions of state and/or federal law. Employees are required to provide the Town Administrator with written notice of any leave upon learning of any leave assignment. Upon being released from service with the armed forces, such employee shall be reemployed by the Town in the capacity in which formerly employed at the time of departure, provided that such employee is physically and mentally suited to perform the required duties and if such employee makes an application to the Town Administrator's office for reemployment. Such application must be made within 30 days following termination of armed forces service, and if approved the employee must report for work as instructed by the Town Administrator.
Employees required to serve on a jury shall promptly notify their immediate supervisor. An employee called for jury duty shall be paid by the Town for an amount equal to the difference between the compensation paid for a normal working period and the amount paid by the court, excluding allowance for travel. This request will be certified by the Town Accountant upon presentation of a check or proper evidence for monies received for jury duty.
Any compensation received by an employee that is greater than $75 shall be returned to the Town.
Personal or emergency leaves of absence with pay for up to three days per year may be granted to full-time permanent employees with more than six months' consecutive employment by an employee's department head. The Town Administrator shall be notified in writing within seven days of such leave. Extended leaves of absence without pay may be granted by the Town Administrator.
[Amended 4-24-2017 ATM by Art. 10]
In accordance with MGL c. 149, § 52D, employees who are eligible employees can take up to 24 hours of unpaid leave during a twelve-month period to participate in school activities directly related to the educational advancement of a son or daughter (such as parent-teacher conferences), accompany a son or daughter of the employee to routine medical or dental appointments, and accompany an elderly relative of the employee to routine medical or dental appointments or appointments for other professional services related to the elder's care. The 24 hours of leave provided by this bylaw is in addition to the time provided by the FMLA. As with the FMLA, the leave can be without pay or with use of paid leave if the employee so elects. Unlike the FMLA, the small necessities leave may be taken intermittently or on a reduced leave schedule. If the necessity for leave under this section is foreseeable, the employee shall provide the Town with not less than seven days' written notice before the date of the leave is to begin. If the leave is not foreseeable, the employee shall provide the department head or immediate supervisor with such notice as is practicable.
Educational reimbursement. Educational assistance to defray the cost of tuition, up to $500 per calendar year, may be granted to full-time permanent Town employees with a minimum of one year's service who are under the jurisdiction of the Personnel Classification and Compensation Plan Bylaws. Such grants will be approved for job-oriented, college-level credit (undergraduate/graduate) educational courses or for the maintenance of certifications that are required by the Town. Requests for approval shall be made through the department head prior to enrollment. Reimbursement will be made upon receipt of proof of successful completion of the course or with an academic grade of "B" or higher and presentation of receipted tuition bill. In instances where a "letter" grade is not given, it is acceptable to provide proof of completion of the course or not.
Mileage reimbursement. In accordance with Internal Revenue Service (IRS) regulations, employees will be reimbursed for use of personal vehicles for Town-related business for those employees covered by this bylaw. Reimbursement must be approved by an employee's department head.
In accordance with MGL c. 268A, the Town requires its employees to avoid conflicts of interest between their obligations to the Town and an employee's personal affairs. In accordance with state law, an employee is required to successfully complete a conflict of interest test every two years that is administered by the commonwealth, acknowledge receipt of an annual summary and file the appropriate certifications with the Town Clerk's office. No employee of the Town should have an economic interest, position or relationship with any person, firm, or corporation with which the Town does business, as would influence the actions of such employee on behalf of the Town. The holding of an interest in a supplier does not necessarily indicate a conflict of interest. The disclosure of such holding in most instances may be enough to make clear that such conflict exists. The determination of a conflict of interest is the sole responsibility of the Town.
The Town regards good supplier relations and the demonstrated integrity of its employees as indispensable sources of Town goodwill. It is the obligation of the Town and its employees to preserve and protect these values.
The acceptance of tangible or intangible items of value from an organization which seeks or participates in supplying Town requirements is prohibited.
Any violation of these standards of conduct may result in disciplinary action up to and including immediate discharge from employment with the Town.
Nondiscrimination and equal opportunity are the policy of the Town of Marshfield in all its decisions, programs and activities. All Town employees shall rigorously take affirmative steps to ensure equality of opportunity in the internal affairs of all departments, as well as in an employee's relations with the public, including those persons, departments and boards having business with any government agency. Each department or board, in discharging its statutory responsibilities, shall consider the likely effects which its decisions, programs and activities shall have in meeting the goal of equality of opportunity.
Affirmative action requires more than vigilance in the elimination of discriminatory barriers in accordance with established protected classes including race, color, religious creed, national origin, ancestry, age 40 or over, criminal record (applications only), handicap, retaliation, sexual harassment, sexual orientation, genetics, military personnel, transgender and sex. It must also entail positive and aggressive measures to ensure equal opportunity in internal personnel practices and in those programs which can affect persons and activities outside the Town government. Affirmative action shall include efforts necessary to remedy the effects of present and past discriminatory patterns and practices and shall invoke any action necessary to guarantee equal opportunity for all people.
Town of Marshfield officials and supervisory employees shall hire, appoint, assign, train, evaluate, compensate and promote personnel on the basis of merit and ability, without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, language, age, mental handicap, sex, or sexual preference.
As used in this bylaw, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
The date of initial employment as an employee of the Town.
Any separation from the classified service of one scheduled workday, or more, whether by resignation, layoff, dismissal, disability, or retirement, or any absence without leave of one work week, or more, when the employee is subsequently reemployed. An authorized leave without pay shall not be considered as constituting a break in service.
[Amended 4-24-2017 ATM by Art. 10]
The official or approved system of grouping and compensating positions into appropriate classes consisting of:
A salary range (minimum/maximum) consistent with each classification level;
An index to the class specifications;
The class specifications; and
Rules for administering the classification and compensation plan.
Length of employment with the Town of a full-time or regular part-time employee, uninterrupted except for military leave, vacation leave, sick leave, jury duty leave, disability, maternal/paternal leave, or any other authorized leave of absence covered in this bylaw. Service should not be considered continuous if there is a break in service resulting in the employee being in a non-pay status for a period of time exceeding 30 days excepting authorized leave of absence.
[Amended 4-24-2017 ATM by Art. 10]
An employee of the Town occupying a position in the classification plan.
In accordance with the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), an exempt employee is required to perform management or administrative responsibilities or requires specialized, professional qualifications. Exempt employees are paid a salary for all hours worked and are not eligible for overtime compensation.
[Amended 4-24-2017 ATM by Art. 10]
An employee scheduled to work no less than 37.5 hours per week and 52 weeks per year, minus legal holidays and authorized vacation leave, sick leave, bereavement leave and other leave of absence. This definition is not intended to include employees classified as part time in the Personnel Classification and Compensation Plan Bylaws.
Defined as spouse, mother, father, child including stepchild, brother, sister, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, mother-in-law, father-in-law, grandparents, grandchild, aunt, uncle, stepparent, stepsister, stepbrother or partner.
All new employees must serve a working test period of nine months' duration or as specified in a collective bargaining agreement or state civil service statute during which an employee is required to demonstrate his or her fitness to perform duties for the position to which assigned. An employee may be terminated by the Town during the introductory hiring period or at any time with or without cause, with or without notice.
The competitiveness of a salary range or an employee's salary in comparison to the marketplace based on operational and demographic criteria.
[Added 10-27-2014 STM by Art. 3]
In accordance with the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), non-exempt employees will be paid overtime for all hours required to work over 40 in one work week. Police, fire or employees covered by a collective bargaining agreement are paid overtime pursuant to the provisions of an employment agreement or collective bargaining agreement.
A person doing occasional hourly, daily or weekly work 52 weeks per year and less than 20 hours per week; such an employee is not eligible for benefits as described in this Personnel Bylaw.
The evaluation of an employee's performance based on:
[Added 10-27-2014 STM by Art. 3]
Job duties: essential functions that are ongoing.
Objectives: job duties that are specific, measurable, agreeable, realistic and time bound.
Competencies: skills required to accomplish job duties and objectives.
Development plan: specific, measurable and time bound actions to improve performance.
Any employee retained on a continuing basis in a permanent position, as defined below.
Any employee holding a permanent appointment under Civil Service Law to a position deemed permanent within the meaning of said law.
A person required to work at least 1,040 hours of time in a calendar year; such employee is eligible for benefits as described in this Personnel Bylaw on a prorated basis as determined by the number of regularly scheduled hours compared to the normal work week.
[Amended 4-24-2017 ATM by Art. 10]
Any position in the Town service which has required or which is likely to require the services of an incumbent without interruption for a period of more than six calendar months, either on a full-time or part-time employment basis.
A system enabling the Town to compare positions to one another consisting of a set of universal rating criteria in order to establish the minimum qualifications required to carry out a position's job duties and to assign positions to a classification level in a consistent manner.
Employees serving in a position for a specified period of time, such as a summer season, are considered seasonal. Seasonal employees are not entitled to Town benefits regardless of the number of hours worked during the specified season.
An employee retained in a temporary or seasonal position as defined below; any employee holding a temporary appointment under Civil Service Law who does not also have permanent status thereunder. Such employee is not eligible for benefits as described in this Personnel Bylaw.
Any position in the Town service which requires or is likely to require the services of one incumbent for a period not to exceed six calendar months; a seasonal position requiring less than the work week of its occupational group shall be considered as part time.
A work week is defined as a period consisting of seven consecutive twenty-four-hour days; Sunday to Saturday, 12:01 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) requires employer-sponsored group medical and dental plans to allow covered employees and their dependents to elect to have the current medical coverage continued, at the employee's and dependent's expense, at group rates for up to 36 months following a qualifying loss of coverage.
Permanent employees regularly required to annually work 20 or more hours per week are covered under the Federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPPA). HIPPA provides employees with certain rights that create a "portability" of health insurance coverage from one employer to the next. This does not mean that an employee can transfer his or her current health plan into a new employment situation. It means that an employee can receive "credit" for prior coverage when joining a new plan provided by the Town that may have waiting periods for preexisting conditions. This requires a transfer of prior coverage information from the old employer to the new employer. The Town will provide to each employee who loses health insurance coverage a full certificate of coverage. The certificate of coverage provides: the date of certification, identifying information including the name of the employee, the employee's health insurance plan identification number, names of dependents to whom the certificate applies, name of group health plan, name of employer, name, address, and phone number of the plan administrator and the first and last day of coverage. A certificate will be issued whenever an individual loses health insurance coverage or would lose coverage except for an election under COBRA.
Group health and dental benefits and premium rates for individuals electing continuation are the same as for active employees and their dependents plus an administrative charge. Individuals electing continuation must pay the entire monthly premium in advance. Employees will be notified of their COBRA rights upon employment and at the time of a qualifying event as explained above. It is the employee's responsibility to keep the Town informed of any address changes or other pertinent information regarding himself/herself and/or an employee's dependents.
[Amended 4-24-2017 ATM by Art. 10]
The Town of Marshfield makes available to all regular full- or permanent part-time employees group life, accidental death, long-term disability, sickness, group hospitalization and dental insurance programs. Family coverage is also available. Please see the Addendum Section of this bylaw for a list of current premiums and insurance carriers.[1] The level of coverage and respective premium costs are subject to possible change by the Town. The Town will provide proper notice in advance of any proposed changes to an insurance plan(s) in accordance with statutory notification requirements. For information regarding employee insurance, employees should contact the office of the Town Treasurer/Collector.
Editor's Note: The addendum is on file at the office of the Town Administrator.
A grievance is defined as any complaint by an employee that he/she has been treated unfairly, unlawfully, or in violation of his/her rights under Town polices with regard to any matter pertaining to employment with the Town. This definition includes, but is not limited to, discharge, suspension, involuntary transfer and demotion. Also, if an employee believes that he/she has not received or been credited with or has otherwise lost wages or benefits to which he/she feels entitled, he/she must present a grievance in accordance with the employee grievance procedure that is contained in this bylaw or such wages or benefits may be forfeited.
An employee who feels that he/she has a grievance must follow the following procedure:
Step 1. Any employee who feels that he/she has received inequitable treatment because of some condition of employment may discuss the grievance orally with his/her department head for relief from that condition within 10 working days of the occurrence or knowledge of the event. The immediate supervisor or department head shall meet with the aggrieved employee and respond in writing to the employee within 10 working days of the date of the meeting.
Step 2. If the grievance is not resolved by the decision of the department head, the employee may file an appeal in writing with the Town Administrator within 10 working days of receipt of the department head's decision in Step 1. The Town Administrator shall, upon request, meet with the employee within a reasonable time after receipt of the employee's appeal. The Town Administrator shall reply in writing to the employee's grievance within 10 working days after a meeting with the employee is held. The Town Administrator will send one copy of the reply to the employee, one copy to the department head and place one copy in the employee's personnel file.
Step 3. If the grievance is still not settled at Step 2, or within 10 working days of the deadline for the response of the Town Administrator, the employee may submit the grievance in writing to the Select Board. The Board shall meet with the Town Administrator, department head and the employee at its next regularly scheduled meeting following the date of the receipt of the grievance in the office of the Select Board. The Board shall render a final decision in writing within 10 working days of the date of the meeting with the Board.
[Amended 10-18-2021 STM by Art. 32]
A grievance shall be considered settled at the completion of any step unless it is appealed within the time limits as set forth in this section. The time limits of the grievance procedure may be extended by management due to illness, vacations, business trips or emergency. The employee will be notified in writing by the Town if an extension is required. If the response time limit falls on an employee's scheduled day off, the reply by management will be given to the employee on the employee's scheduled workday immediately following an employee's return to work.
Since municipal employees provide a service to the public whose interruption in many instances may be detrimental to public safety, no municipal employees shall engage in any work stoppage, slowdown, or strike. Any employee engaging in such work stoppage, slowdown, or strike shall be subject to immediate dismissal without any rights to any of the benefits provided by the Town.
The Town of Marshfield maintains a zero tolerance policy toward workplace violence, or the threat of violence, by any of its employees, customers, the public, or anyone who conducts business with the Town. It is the intent of the Town to provide a workplace that is free from intimidation, threats or violent acts.
[Amended 4-24-2017 ATM by Art. 10]
Workplace violence includes but is not limited to harassment, threats, physical attack or property damage. A threat is the explicit or implicit expression of intent to cause physical or mental harm regardless of whether the person communicating the threat has the present ability to carry out the threat and regardless of whether the threat is contingent, conditional or future. Physical attack is intentional hostile physical contact with another person such as hitting, fighting, shoving, or throwing objects. Property damage is intentional damage to property that includes property owned by the Town, employees or others.