All bicycle operations and operators will comply with and meet all standards and regulations set forth in MGL c. 85, § 11B. Furthermore, no operator will allow a passenger; however, an operator may transport a child in a Consumer Product Safety Commission approved helmet and properly installed carrier seat and act in a safe and prudent manner at all times. No infant under the age of one may be transported at any time.
No person shall ride, drive, propel or wheel any sled, roller blades (including but not limited to in-line skates), sidewalk surfboard or skateboard within 100 feet of Town Hall, the police station, Council on Aging, and libraries, or on any portion of state numbered highways for which there is no sidewalk. Persons using such devices on sidewalks shall yield the right-of-way to pedestrians; persons traveling upon streets shall keep as near to the right-hand side of the roadway as practicable and shall yield the right-of-way when entering an intersection.
Whoever violates any provision of this article shall be punished by a fine as referenced in Chapter 46, Penalties and Enforcement, § 46-1. Copies of said violation notices will be forwarded to the parents or legal guardians of violators under the age of 18.