[Amended 6-21-2021 by Order No. 21-090]
(a) Establishment. There shall be a Town Accountant, appointed by the
Director of Municipal Finance as authorized by MGL c. 41, § 55.
(b) Powers and duties. The Town Accountant shall examine the books and
accounts of all officers and committees entrusted with the custody
or expenditure of money. The Town Accountant shall have all of the
other powers, duties and responsibilities which are given to Town
Accountants by general laws, except the powers of the office which
are associated with auditing, including those described in MGL c.
41, §§ 50, 51, 53, and 54, which powers shall be assigned
to the Office of Town Auditor established by Home Rule Charter, Section
[Amended 6-21-2021 by Order No. 21-090]
(a) Establishment. The Mayor shall, annually, appoint an Animal Inspector
in accordance with MGL c. 129, § 15.
(b) Powers and duties. The Animal Inspector shall make regular and thorough
inspections of all neat cattle, sheep, swine and other domesticated
animals within the limits of the Town, and, if he knows or has reason
to suspect any are infected with or have been exposed to any contagious
disease, he may order their quarantine. The Animal Inspector shall
have all of the other powers, duties and responsibilities given to
Animal Inspectors by MGL c. 129, §§ 15 through 25.
[Amended 6-21-2021 by Order No. 21-090]
(a) Establishment. The Director of Municipal Finance shall appoint a
Principal Assessor.
(b) Powers and duties. The Principal Assessor shall appraise real and
personal property in the Town; perform field measurements and inspections
of residential and commercial buildings, including new buildings,
additions, major alterations, demolition and partial construction;
inspect land and land changes resulting from map changes, deed transfers
and subdivision changes; using appropriate appraisal techniques, make
estimates of market value of properties; keep apprised of all deed
transfers and check deeds for ownership.
The Principal Assessor maintains a record file system on permanent
properties, including collected data and calculated cost with depreciation,
current market and assessed valuation considered. The Principal Assessor
performs other related duties, as required.
[Amended 6-21-2021 by Order No. 21-090]
(a) Establishment. The Inspector of Buildings shall be appointed by the
(b) Powers and duties. The Inspector of Buildings shall appoint such
number of officers, technical assistants, inspectors, clerks and other
employees as shall be necessary to conduct the business of said division
and as authorized by the Mayor.
The Inspector of Buildings shall keep a record of the business
of said division, submit to the Mayor a yearly report of such business,
ascertain all facts and make all returns which shall be required by
law or other matters connected with his department and enter upon
the premises wherein any fire has occurred, if necessary in accordance
with MGL c. 143, § 3, and MGL c. 40A, § 7.
[Amended 6-21-2021 by Order No. 21-090]
(a) Establishment. The Mayor shall appoint a Director of Public Health.
(b) Powers and duties. The Director of Public Health shall be responsible
for the performance of all public health related functions and activities
of the Town and shall coordinate the local public health program with
programs conducted by the commonwealth and with others. The Director
of Public Health shall be responsible for the enforcement within the
Town of all local ordinances and rules and regulations affecting the
public health and of all state statutes and state rules and regulations
(CMR) affecting the public health. The Director of Public Health shall
have all of the other powers, duties and responsibilities which are
given to Boards of Health by general laws (see MGL c. 111, §§ 26
through 32, and MGL c. 111 through c. 114, generally) (except the
power to promulgate health regulations) and shall have such additional
powers, duties, authority and responsibility as may be provided in
the Town ordinances.
[Amended 6-21-2016 by Ord. No. 16-092; 6-21-2021 by Order No. 21-090]
(a) Establishment. The Department of Human Resources shall be headed
by a Director of Human Resources who shall be appointed by and who
shall be responsible to the Mayor or designee.
(b) Powers and duties. The Director of Human Resources shall be responsible
for the supervision and coordination of all activities of the Department
of Human Resources in accordance with state statutes, Town ordinances,
and rules and regulations (Home Rule Charter, Section 5-6).
[Amended 6-20-2016 by Ord. No. 16-095; 6-21-2021 by Order No. 21-090]
(a) Establishment. The Inspector of Buildings shall appoint an Inspector
of Gas Piping and Gas Appliances, who shall be a licensed plumber
or a licensed gas fitter in accordance with MGL c. 143, § 3O.
(b) Powers and duties. The Inspector of Gas Piping and Appliances shall
be responsible for the enforcement of the rules and regulations adopted
by the Gas Regulatory Board under MGL c. 143, § 3O. The
Inspector of Gas Piping and Appliances shall have all of the other
powers, duties and responsibilities as are given such inspectors by
MGL c. 143, § 3O.
[Amended 6-21-2016 by Ord. No. 16-092; 6-21-2021 by Order No. 21-090]
(a) Establishment. The Director of Library Services shall be appointed
by and be responsible to the Mayor or designee.
(b) Powers and duties. The Director of Library Services shall be in full
charge of the Public Library and any of its branches as may from time
to time be established. The Director shall be in full charge of all
personnel assigned to the library and shall oversee the purchase or
other acquisition of all books, periodicals, art objects and every
other item or thing contained in the library collection. The Director
shall be responsible for the care and custody of all library facilities
and shall procure all equipment for the library operations. The Director
shall prepare and monitor budgets for the public libraries.
[Amended 6-21-2021 by Order No. 21-090]
(a) Establishment. The Chief of Police shall annually appoint a Keeper
of the Lockup in accordance with MGL c. 40, § 35.
(b) Powers and duties. The Keeper of the Lockup shall have the care and
custody of the Town lockup and of all persons who are committed to
the lockup in accordance with MGL c. 40, §§ 34 through
37, inclusive.
[Amended 6-21-2021 by Order No. 21-090]
(a) Establishment. The Mayor shall annually appoint one or more Measurers
of Wood and Bark in accordance with MGL c. 94, § 296.
(b) Powers and duties. The Measurers of Wood and Bark shall be responsible
for the enforcement of the laws relating to the sale of wood and bark
within the Town in accordance with MGL c. 94, §§ 296
through 303, inclusive.
[Amended 6-21-2021 by Order No. 21-090]
(a) Establishment. The Department of Municipal Finance shall be under
the direct control and supervision of a Director of Municipal Finance
who shall be appointed by and who shall be responsible to the Mayor.
(b) Powers and duties. The Director of Municipal Finance shall be responsible
for the supervision and coordination of all activities of the Department
of Municipal Finance in accordance with state statutes, Town ordinances,
administrative code, rules and regulations. The Director of Municipal
Finance shall serve, ex officio, as the Mayor may from time to time
specify, as the Town Treasurer, Collector, or Treasurer-Collector
(see Home Rule Charter Section 5-4).
[Amended 6-21-2016 by Ord. No. 16-092; 6-21-2021 by Order No. 21-090]
(a) Establishment. The Department of Municipal Licenses and Inspections
shall be under the direct control and supervision of a Director of
Municipal Licenses and Inspections who shall be appointed by and who
shall be responsible to the Mayor or designee. The Director of Municipal
Licenses and Inspections shall serve for an indefinite term. The Director
of Municipal Licenses and Inspections shall be a person especially
fitted by education, experience and training to perform the duties
of the office.
(b) Powers and duties. The Director of Municipal Licenses and Inspections
shall be responsible for the supervision and coordination of all activities
of the Department of Municipal Licenses and Inspections in accordance
with state statutes, Town ordinances, rules and regulations. The Director
of Municipal Licenses and Inspections shall also perform the duties
of Inspector of Buildings or of any other position within the Department
as the Mayor may from time to time specify (see Home Rule Charter,
Section 5-7).
[Amended 6-21-2016 by Ord. No. 16-092; 6-21-2021 by Order No. 21-090]
(a) Establishment. The Department of Planning and Community Development
shall be under the direct control and supervision of a Director of
Planning and Community Development who shall be appointed by and who
shall be responsible to the Mayor or designee. The Director of Planning
and Community Development shall serve for an indefinite term. The
Director of Planning and Community Development shall be a person especially
fitted by education, experience and training to perform the duties
of the office.
(b) Powers and duties. The Director of Planning and Community Development
shall be responsible for the supervision and coordination of all activities
of the Department of Planning and Community Development in accordance
with state statutes, Town ordinances, rules and regulations (see Home
Rule Charter, Section 5-5).
[Amended 6-21-2021 by Order No. 21-090]
(a) Establishment. An Inspector of Plumbing shall be appointed by the
Inspector of Buildings in accordance with MGL c. 142, § 11.
(b) Powers and duties. The Plumbing Inspector shall be responsible for
the enforcement of all rules and regulations regarding the installation,
alteration and repair of all plumbing in the Town in accordance with
MGL c. 142, §§ 11 through 13; and MGL c. 142, generally.
[Amended 6-21-2016 by Ord. No. 16-092; 6-21-2021 by Order No. 21-090]
(a) Establishment. The Department of Public Works shall be under the
direct control and supervision of a Director of Public Works who shall
be appointed by and who shall be responsible to the Mayor or designee.
The Director of Public Works shall serve for an indefinite term. The
Director of Public Works shall be a person especially fitted by education,
training and previous experience and training to perform the duties
of the office.
(b) Powers and duties. The Director of Public Works shall be responsible
for the supervision and coordination of all activities of the Department
of Public Works in accordance with state statutes, Town ordinances,
administrative code, rules and regulations (see Home Rule Charter,
Section 5-3).
[Amended 6-21-2021 by Order No. 21-090]
(a) Establishment. The Director of Municipal Licenses and Inspections
shall appoint one or more Sealers of Weights and Measures in accordance
with MGL c. 98, § 34.
(b) Powers and duties. The Sealer of Weights and Measures shall test,
adjust and seal all devices used for the weighing and measuring of
commodities and shall be responsible for the enforcement of all laws
relating to weights and measures in accordance with MGL c. 98, §§ 34
through 56C.
[Amended 6-21-2021 by Order No. 21-090]
(a) Appointment. The Director of Public Works shall appoint a Superintendent
of Shade Tree Management and Pest Control in accordance with MGL c.
132, § 13.
(b) Powers and duties. The Superintendent of Shade Tree Management and
Pest Control shall be responsible for the suppression of the public
nuisances named in MGL c. 132, § 11.
[Added 5-7-2018 by Ord.
No. 18-055; amended 6-21-2021 by Order No. 21-090]
(a) Establishment. The Department of Asset Management shall be under
the direct control and supervision of a Director of Asset Management
who shall be appointed by and who shall be under the general direction
of and be responsible to the Mayor, the Superintendent of Schools,
or their designees. The Director of Asset Management shall serve for
an indefinite term. The Director of Asset Management shall be a person
especially fitted by education, experience, and training to perform
duties of the office.
(b) Powers and duties. The Director of Asset Management shall be responsible
for the supervision and coordination of all activities of the Department
of Asset Management in accordance with state and federal statutes,
Town ordinances, rules and regulations.