[HISTORY: Adopted by the Common Council of the City of Lodi as Ch. 13 and § 15.321 of the City Code. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Motor vehicle registration fee — See § 57-10.1.
Peace and good order — See Ch. 253.
Snowmobiles — See Ch. 284.
Statutes adopted. Except as otherwise specifically provided in this chapter, the provisions of Chs. 340 through 348, inclusive, and 350, Wis. Stats., for which the penalty is a forfeiture only, including penalties to be imposed and procedure for prosecution, are hereby adopted and by reference made a part of this chapter as if fully set forth herein. The City's power to enforce any provision of Chs. 340 through 348 and 350, Wis. Stats., shall not be extended to any offense for which jail or imprisonment, other than for nonpayment of a forfeiture, is a prescribed penalty. Any act required to be performed or prohibited by any statute incorporated herein by reference is required or prohibited by this chapter. Any future amendments, revisions or modifications of the statutory regulations in said Chs. 340 through 348 and 350 incorporated herein are intended to be made part of this chapter in order to secure to the extent legally practicable uniform statewide regulation of vehicle traffic on the highways, streets and alleys of the State of Wisconsin. Any person who shall, within the City, violate any provisions of any statute incorporated herein by reference shall be deemed guilty of an offense under this section.
Other state laws adopted. There are adopted by reference the following sections of the Wisconsin Statutes, inclusive of all future amendments, revisions or modifications of said statutes, but the prosecution of such offenses under this chapter shall be limited to a forfeiture as hereinafter provided in this chapter.
[Amended 7-5-2011 by Ord. No. A-421; 11-15-2011 by Ord. No. A-428]
Operating while suspended, revoked, ordered out-of service or disqualified
Intoxicants in motor vehicles
Negligent operation of vehicle off highway
Entry into locked vehicle
Operating motor vehicle without owner's consent
Amendments to state traffic laws adopted. All existing or future amendments to the state traffic laws adopted by reference herein are also hereby adopted and incorporated herein by reference.
State Administrative Code provisions adopted.
[Added 11-1-2011 by Ord. No. A-429]
Administrative regulations adopted. The following administrative rules and regulations adopted by the Secretary of the Wisconsin Department of Transportation and published in the Wisconsin Administrative Code, exclusive of any provisions therein relating to the penalties to be imposed, are adopted by reference and made part of this chapter as if fully set forth herein.
§ Trans 304
Slow moving vehicle emblem
§ Trans 305
Standards for vehicle equipment
Noncompliance prohibited. No person shall operate or allow to be operated on any highway, street or alleyway within the City a vehicle that is not in conformity with the requirements of Subsection D(1) of this section or the provisions of § 110.075 and Chapter 347, Wis. Stats., incorporated by reference in § 325-1A of this chapter.
Owner's liability. Any owner of a vehicle not equipped as required by this section who knowingly causes or permits such vehicle to be operated on a highway in violation of this section is guilty of the violation the same as if he/she had operated the vehicle. The provisions of § 347.04, Wis. Stats., relating to nonapplicability of demerit points, shall apply to owners convicted of violation of this section.
Safety checks.
Operators to submit to inspection. When directed to do so by any law enforcement officer, the operator of any motor vehicle shall stop and submit such vehicle to an inspection and such tests as are necessary to determine whether the vehicle meets the requirements of this section, or that the vehicle’s equipment is in proper adjustment or repair. No person, when operating a motor vehicle, shall fail to stop and submit such vehicle to inspection when directed to do so by any law enforcement officer as herein provided.
Authority of officer. Any law enforcement officer of the City is empowered, whenever he/she shall have reason to believe that any provision of this section is being violated, to order the operator of the vehicle to stop and to submit such vehicle to an inspection with respect to brakes, lights, turn signals, steering, horns and warning devices, glass mirrors, exhaust systems, windshield wipers, tires, and other items or equipment.
Vehicles to be removed from highway. Whenever, after inspection as provided by this section, a law enforcement officer determines that a vehicle is unsafe for operation, he/she may order it removed from the highway and not operated, except for purposes of removal and repair, until the vehicle has been repaired as directed in a repair order. Repair orders may be in the form prescribed by the Secretary of the Department of Transportation under § 110.075(5), Wis. Stats., and shall require the vehicle owner or operator to cause the repairs to be made and return evidence of compliance with the repair order to the department of the issuing officer within the time specified in the order.
The Common Council of the City of Lodi hereby determines that the statutory speed limits on the following streets or portions thereof are unreasonable, unsafe or imprudent and modifies such speed limits under authority granted by § 349.11, Wis. Stats., as follows:
Speed limits increased. Speed limits established by § 346.57(4)(e), (f) and (g), Wis. Stats., are increased as hereinafter set forth upon the following streets or portions thereof:
Forty-five miles per hour:
North Main Street, from the north corporate limits of the City of Lodi to a point 500 feet north of the intersection of Gay Street and North Main Street.
Forty miles per hour:
Portage Street, from the east corporate limits of the City of Lodi to the intersection of Clark Street and Portage Street.
Thirty miles per hour:
Water Street, from the west corporate limits of the City of Lodi to a point 200 feet north of the intersection of Pleasant Street and Water Street.
North Main Street, from a point 500 feet north of the intersection of Gay Street and North Main Street to the intersection of Fair and North Main Streets.
Corner Street, from the south corporate limits of the City of Lodi to the intersection of Pleasant Street and Corner Street.
[Added 9-15-2015 by Ord. No. A-493]
The Common Council of the City of Lodi herby determines the statutory speed limits on the following streets or portions thereof are unreasonable, unsafe or imprudent and modifies such speed limits as follows:
Speed limits decreased. Speed Limits are decreased as follows upon the designated streets.
Fifteen miles per hour limit when children are present within the area, the speed of any vehicle shall not be greater than 15 miles per hour on the following streets:
Fair Street, from the intersection with North Main Street to the intersection with Elizabeth Street.
Spring Street, from the intersection with Portage Street to the north side of the bridge crossing the east branch of Spring Creek.
[Amended 6-7-2005 by Ord. No. A-348; 10-4-2005 by Ord. No. A-352; 7-17-2007 by Ord. No. A-377; 2-6-2018 by Ord. No. A-516; 6-21-2022 by Ord. No. A-554; 2-20-2024 by Ord. No. A-565]
Parking limits.
No parking. No person shall park or leave standing at any time any vehicle, trailer, boat, or similar item on the following streets and alleyways:
Alleyways, described as follows:
From Ellie Rae Drive to Fieldstone Drive.
From Fieldstone Drive to Cobblestone Drive and Ellie Rae Drive.
Nestles Street, from the intersection of Water Street/Hwy 60 to a point 350 feet north.
North Main Street, from Gay Street north.
Parr Street, from Portage Street/Hwy 60 to Millston Avenue.
Sodders Street, from South Main St./Hwy 113 to Spring Street.
Limited no parking.
School zone parking. No person shall park or leave standing at any time any vehicle, trailer, boat, or similar item, Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Millston Avenue, from Fair Street to Parr Street on the north side of the street.
Sauk Street, from the west intersection of Meadowview Lane to Ottowynn Terrace.
Valley Drive, from Sauk Street to Prairie Stone Drive.
City Library parking. Parking in the City Library lot is restricted to patron and employees during regular business hours.
One-sided parking. No person shall park or leave standing at any time any vehicle, trailer, boat, or similar item on the following streets:
Davis Street on the north side of the street.
Downey Street on the west side of the street.
Gay Street on the west side of the street.
Hill Street on the east side of the street.
Millston Avenue on the south side of the street, from Fair Street to Parr Street.
North Main Street on the east side of the street north of Fair Street except in designated parking stalls.
Portage Street on the southeast side of the street, from Spring Street to Clark Street.
Ryan Street on the east side of the street.
Water Street on the west and north side of the street.
Fifteen-minute parking:
Such stalls as are marked on First Street.
Street storage and other parking limitations.
No person or persons shall permit any vehicle, trailer, boat, or similar item to be parked or left standing between the hours of 3:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. on:
Main Street, between its intersection with Columbus Street and its intersection with First Street;
Portage Street between its intersection with Spring Street and its intersection with Main Street;
Lodi Street between its intersection with Main Street and its intersection with Prairie Street.
No person shall park or leave standing any vehicle, trailer, boat, or similar item for a period longer than 48 consecutive hours on any street, highway, or public parking lot in the City of Lodi, excluding weekends and the following holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day.
It shall be unlawful for the operator of any vehicle, trailer, boat, or similar item to park in any space or stall appropriately marked "No Parking."
All vehicles, trailers, boats, or similar items shall be parked parallel to the curb or tree bank except on such streets where angle parking spaces are so designated and so provided by appropriate markings.
Commercial vehicle parking in residential areas. None of the following shall be parked or stored in any area of the City which is zoned residential except when loading, unloading or rendering a service:
Semitruck tractors and/or semitruck trailers as defined in Wis. Stats.
Other commercial motor vehicles or trailers over 12,000 pounds' licensed gross weight, including school buses.
Exemptions and/or exceptions.
City of Lodi vehicles or vehicles directly performing maintenance for the City are exempt.
When permission has been granted by the Lodi Police Department.
[Amended 6-20-2023 by Ord. No. A-562[1]]
Snow or ice event declarations.
The Public Works Director, or designee, is authorized to declare a snow or ice event whenever it becomes necessary to clear the streets of snow and ice to effectuate the movement of vehicles. Factors which constitute a snow or ice event include, but are not limited to, the accumulation of snow or ice on any street or area which hinders the safe movement of traffic or impedes the ability of emergency vehicles and public vehicles to travel safely and expeditiously over such streets or areas.
Duration. A snow or ice event declared under this subsection shall remain in effect for 24 hours unless specifically extended by the Public Works Director, or designee, through a second declaration.
Parking restrictions.
When signs have been erected at or reasonably near the corporate limits, as provided in § 349.13, Wis. Stats., no owner or operator of any motor vehicle shall park or leave standing any vehicle, trailer, boat or similar item upon any public street or alley during the duration of a snow or ice event.
Pursuant to the provisions of § 66.325, Wis. Stats., the Public Works Director, or designee, is authorized to order the erection of temporary "No Parking" signs at any time during the existence of any emergency which impairs or prevents the full or safe use of any highway, street, alley or parking lot.
It is the declared intent of the Public Works Department to clear the snow from the public parking lots following the completion of snow removal operations on the adjacent streets or alleys. Public Works Director, or designee, is authorized, pursuant to Subsection B(2) above, to order the temporary posting of half of each parking lot for the clearing of snow from that half of the parking lot, to be followed by the posting and clearing of the remaining half of the parking lot.
Any person in violation of this subsection is subject to the ticketing and towing of the vehicle at the owner's expense.
Exceptions. The following streets or portions of streets shall be considered the downtown business district and are excepted from the provisions of this subsection:
Portage Street, from Spring Street to the intersection of Main Street.
Lodi Street, from the intersection of Main Street to the intersection of Prairie Street.
Main Street, from the intersection of Columbus Street to the intersection of Second Street.
Prairie Street, from the intersection of Lodi Street to a point 140 feet northwest.
Editor's Note: This ordinance also amended the title of this § 325-4 from "Snow emergencies" to its current title.
The following sections or subsections of the Wisconsin Statutes are hereby adopted by reference as local parking regulations:
Pertaining to improper parking, standing or stopping on or off the roadway
Pertaining to stopping or standing in prohibited areas
Pertaining to stopping or standing in prohibited areas
Pertaining to requirements for a vehicle to be lawfully parked
Pertaining to parking on left side of highway
Pertaining to parking on private property
Pertaining to parking on posted private property
Since these statutory regulations are also adopted by reference under § 325-1 of this chapter, together with the statutory penalties for violations of such regulations, police officers may issue a citation for violation of these regulations either under said § 325-1, in which case the statutory penalty will apply, or as a local parking regulation under this section, in which case the penalty under § 325-15C(1) of this chapter shall apply.
The definitions set forth in Chs. 340 through 348, Wis. Stats., shall apply to words and phrases used in the regulations adopted in this section and are incorporated herein by reference.
Heavy traffic routes designated. The following streets and parts of street within the City of Lodi, Wisconsin, are hereby designated heavy traffic routes: State Trunk Highways 113 and 60.
Restrictions on use of other streets by heavy traffic. No vehicles, except motor buses, mobile homes or school buses, which are not equipped completely with pneumatic tires or which have a combined vehicle load weight exceeding 6,000 pounds shall be operated or moved on any street or alley not part of the heavy traffic route designated in Subsection A of this section in the City of Lodi, except for the purpose of obtaining orders for or moving or delivering supplies or commodities to or from a place of business or residence facing thereon.
Class "B" highways. Notwithstanding other provisions of this Code, the following streets within the City of Lodi, Wisconsin, are hereby designated as Class "B" highways for the purpose of putting into effect the weight limitations set forth in § 348.16, Wis. Stats.: Columbus Street, Sauk Street, and Lodi Street from its intersection with Sauk Street to where it becomes part of State Trunk Highway 60 (at its intersection with Water Street).
The operator of any vehicle involved in an accident shall, within one day after such accident, file with the City Police Department a copy of the report required by § 346.70, Wis. Stats., if any. If the operator is unable to make such report, any occupant of the vehicle at the time of the accident capable of making such report shall have the duty to comply with this section. Such report shall be subject to the provisions and limitations in §§ 346.70(4)(f) and 346.73, Wis. Stats.
Vehicle abandonment prohibited. No person shall abandon any motor vehicle, trailer, semitrailer, mobile home or other vehicle on any public property or on private property without the permission of the owner. A vehicle shall be deemed abandoned for purposes of this section when it has been left unattended for more than 48 hours on any public street, highway or other public property or on private property without permission of the owner.
[Amended 2-15-2005 by Ord. No. A-347]
Removal and impoundment of abandoned vehicles. Any vehicle in violation of this section may be impounded until lawfully claimed or disposed of under Subsection C, except that if the Police Chief or his duly authorized representative determines that the costs of towing and storage charges for the impoundment would exceed the value of the vehicle, the vehicle may be junked by the City prior to expiration of the impoundment period upon determination by the Police Chief or his duly authorized representative that the vehicle is not wanted for evidence or other reason.
[Amended 10-10-2006 by Ord. No. A-361]
Disposal of abandoned vehicles.
If the Police Chief or his duly authorized representative determines that the value of the abandoned vehicle exceeds $100, he shall notify the owner and lienholders of record by certified mail that the vehicle has been deemed abandoned and impounded by the City and may be reclaimed within 15 days upon payment of accrued towing, storage, and notice charges and if not so reclaimed shall be sold.
In the event an abandoned vehicle determined to exceed $100 in value is not reclaimed within the period and under the conditions provided above, it may be sold by sealed bids. The description of the vehicle and the terms of sale shall be published as a Class 1 notice five days before sale.
After deducting the expense of impoundment and sale, the balance of the proceeds, if any, shall be paid into the City treasury.
Any abandoned vehicle which is determined by the Police Chief or his duly authorized representative to have a value of less than $100 may be disposed of by direct sale to a licensed salvage dealer upon determination that the vehicle is not reported stolen.
Owner responsible for impoundment and sale costs. The owner of any abandoned vehicle, except a stolen vehicle, is responsible for the abandonment and all costs of impounding and disposing of the vehicle. Costs not recovered for the sale of the vehicle may be recovered in a civil action by the City against the owner.
Notice of sale or disposition. Within five days after the sale or disposal of a vehicle as provided in Subsection C, the Police Chief or his duly authorized representative shall advise the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, Division of Motor Vehicles, of such sale or disposition on a form supplied by the Division. A copy of such form shall also be given to the purchaser of the vehicle.
No disassembled, dismantled, junked, wrecked, inoperable or unlicensed motor vehicle shall be stored or allowed to remain in the open upon public or private property within the City of Lodi for a period in excess of three days unless it is in connection with an automotive sales or repair business enterprise located in a properly zoned area. This section shall also not apply to unlicensed or inoperable vehicles stored in a properly zoned and fenced commercial storage yard (a place where owners of the items stored pay space rental fees to the yard owner for storing such items), provided that disassembled, dismantled, junked or wrecked vehicles shall not be stored in such yards.
Whenever the Chief of Police shall find any such vehicle placed or stored in the open on public property within the corporate limits or stored in the open on public property within the corporate limits of the City of Lodi, he may cause such vehicle to be removed and stored in a junk or salvage yard or other suitable place for a period of 30 days. He shall notify the owner of his actions, if the name and whereabouts of the owner can be readily ascertained. At the end of such time, such vehicle may be disposed of unless previously claimed by the owner. If such vehicle is claimed by the owner, all reasonable charges for handling and storage shall be paid by the owner.
[Amended 10-10-2006 by Ord. No. A-361]
Definitions. For purposes of this section, the term "recreational vehicle" shall mean a vehicle, whether self-propelled or designed to be pulled by another vehicle, which is designed to be operated on a public highway and which is designed to be used for sleeping, eating or living quarters. The term "recreational vehicle" shall include but not be limited to vehicles commonly described as motor homes, travel homes, travel trailers and camper trailers. It shall not include truck tractors, semitrailers and school buses or other commercial vehicles which are not similar in type to motor homes, travel homes and camper trailers.
Parking of unoccupied recreational vehicles exceeding 21 feet in length. No unoccupied recreational vehicle exceeding 21 feet in length shall be parked for any period in excess of 48 hours on public streets or public parking areas in all zoning districts or within any area of the City that is zoned commercial or industrial (C-1, C-2, C-3, I-1 or I-2), on any public or private property, with the following exceptions:
Unoccupied recreational vehicles may be parked in a lawfully situated recreational vehicle park, on the lawfully situated premises of a recreational vehicle dealer for purposes of sales display, on the lawfully situated premises of a vehicle service business for purposes of servicing or making necessary repairs, or in a lawfully situated commercial outdoor storage yard or indoor storage facility.
Parking of occupied recreational vehicles. No recreational vehicle of any size that is occupied as sleeping, eating or living quarters shall be parked in the City of Lodi on public streets or public parking areas in all zoning districts or, within any area of the City that is zoned commercial or industrial (C-1, C-2, C-3, I-1 or I-2), on any public or private property, except in a lawfully situated recreational vehicle park or except by special temporary permit under Subsection D.
Special temporary permit. The Lodi Police Department may issue special temporary permits for occupancy of a recreational vehicle for the following purposes:
When the recreational vehicle is used as a construction headquarters for a particular project, said recreational vehicle to be located at the site of the project.
For a temporary (not to exceed two days) stay at the Lodi Fairgrounds.
For recreational vehicles used by carnival workers during the annual Lodi Fair.
For occupancy of a recreational vehicle in a residential (R-1A, R-1, R-2 and R-3) zoned area of the City for a period not exceeding 30 days.
How forty-eight-hour limit is to be applied. The forty-eight-hour limit set forth in Subsection B shall be applied to any period of time during which a vehicle is parked in the City of Lodi [except one of the locations described in Subsection B(1)] whether or not the vehicle is moved from one position or location to another during such period.
Other regulations apply. All recreational vehicles, including those less than 22 feet in length, shall be subject to all other parking and other ordinances (zoning ordinances, etc.) of the City.
[Added 3-21-2007 by Ord. No. A-371]
"Neighborhood electric vehicles (NEV)" means a self-propelled motor vehicle that has successfully completed the neighborhood electric vehicle America test program conducted by the United States Department of Energy and that conforms to the definition and requirements for low-speed vehicles as adopted in the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards for low-speed vehicles under 49 CFR 571.3(b) and 571.500.
NEVs shall be four-wheeled and have a speed range of at least 20 miles per hour and not more than 25 miles per hour on a paved surface and have a gross vehicle weight at rest of less than 2,500 pounds. NEV does not include an electric golf cart and shall:
Have headlamps;
Have front and rear turn signals;
Have stop lamps;
Have reflex reflectors: one red on each side as far to the rear as practicable, and one red on the rear;
Have an exterior mirror mounted on the driver's side and either an exterior mirror on the passenger side or an interior rearview mirror;
Have a parking brake;
Have a windshield that conforms to the requirements of the federal motor vehicle safety standard on glazing materials (49 CFR 571.205);
Have a vehicle identification number (VIN) that complies with federal law (49 CFR 565);
Have a Type 1 or Type 2 seatbelt assembly conforming to 49 CFR 571.209, and Federal Motor Safety Standard No. 209, for each designated seating position; and
Meet the general test conditions under 49 CFR 571.50056.
Permitted use of neighborhood electric vehicles on City Streets. A licensed individual may operate an NEV on the streets of the City of Lodi having a posted speed limit of 35 miles per hour or less, and headlamps must be on during operation.
Permitted users of neighborhood electric vehicles. To operate an NEV on City streets as set forth in Subsection C above, the individual must have a valid operator's license, consistent with Chapter 343, Wis. Stats.
Operation of neighborhood electric vehicles. The operation of NEVs as permitted herein shall in all respects be in compliance with Chapter 325, Vehicles and Traffic, of the City of Lodi Code of Ordinances.
Editor's Note: Former Subsection F, regarding NEV lcienses, was repealed 1-15-2008 by Ord. No. A-389.
[Added 6-21-2022 by Ord. No. A-555]
Golf cart use limitations.
Use of golf carts on City streets is limited to travel between the golf cart owner's residence and the Lodi Golf Course.
Golf carts shall not be used for any other purpose within the City of Lodi.
Permitted use of golf carts on City streets. A licensed individual may operate a golf cart as set forth in Subsection A above on the streets of the City of Lodi having a posted speed limit of 35 miles per hour or less.
Golf cart use on State Highways 60 and 113 is prohibited. However, golf carts may cross these highways.
Permitted users of golf carts. To operate a golf cart on City streets as set forth in Subsection B above, the individual must have a valid operator's license, consistent with Chapter 343, Wis. Stats.
Operation of golf carts.
Operators must obey traffic laws.
Operation is permitted from sunrise to sunset (as determined by the National Weather Service) only.
Golf carts must be equipped with a slow-moving-vehicle sign.
Police Department authorized to procure and erect signs and signals. The Lodi Police Department is hereby authorized and directed to procure, erect and maintain appropriate standard traffic signs, signals and markings conforming to the rules of the State Department of Transportation giving such notice of the provisions of this chapter as required by state law. Signs shall be erected in such locations and manner as the Lodi Police Department shall determine will best effect the purposes of this chapter and give adequate warning to users of the street or highway.
[Amended 10-10-2006 by Ord. No. A-361]
Removal of unofficial signs and signals. The Lodi Police Department shall have the authority granted by § 349.09, Wis. Stats., and is hereby directed to order the removal of a sign, signal, marking or device placed, maintained or displayed in violation or this chapter or § 346.41, Wis. Stats. Any charge imposed on a premises for removal of such an illegal sign, signal or device shall be reported to the Common Council at its next regular meeting for review and certification.
No operator of a vehicle shall fail or refuse to stop for an adult school crossing guard when, in the performance of his or her duties, he or she so directs by use of sign or signal. All Lodi Police Department officers and adult employees and all adult employees of the School District of Lodi whose assigned duties require them to act as crossing guards to assist school children with crossing any street in the City of Lodi are hereby appointed, pursuant to § 349.215, Wis. Stats., as school crossing guards.
No person shall ride, use or permit use of a bicycle upon any public street, highway or alley in the City of Lodi unless the same shall have been licensed and registered at the Lodi Police Department. The fee for such license shall be set by the Common Council by resolution and shall be paid to the Police Department. Each bicycle license when issued shall be effective until the bicycle is no longer operable or until the licensee shall sell or transfer interest to said bicycle, whichever event first occurs after the license is issued. License tags shall not be transferable from one bicycle to another.
Purpose. The purpose of this section is to regulate the use of play vehicles in the City of Lodi.
Definition. As used in this section, the following terms shall have the meaning indicated:
Any territory contiguous to a street or highway when 50% or more of the frontage thereon for a distance of 200 feet or more is occupied by buildings in use for business.
A coaster, skateboard, roller skates, roller skis, sled, toboggan, unicycle or toy vehicle upon which a person may ride.
Regulating play vehicles. It shall be unlawful to operate or ride any play vehicle in any of the following places:
On any City street.
On any sidewalk or alleyway in any business district.
On any public property where signs prohibit it.
In any City-owned public parking lots.
On any private property unless permission had been received from the owner, lessee or person in charge of that property.
On non-business sidewalks and alleys one hour after sunset and one hour before sunrise.
Operators or riders of play vehicles shall yield the right-of-way to pedestrians using the sidewalk and shall not endanger or interfere with pedestrian traffic on those sidewalks.
Penalties. Violations of this section shall be subject to the penalty provided in Chapter 1, § 1-3 of this Code.
[Amended 10-10-2006 by Ord. No. A-361]
Parental liability.
Any officer who has personal contact with an alleged violator under age 16, whether or not a citation is issued, shall advise the parents in writing accordingly. The written notice shall include an advisory statement informing the parents of the provisions of Subsection F(2) of this section.
The parent of any violator who knowingly permits a second or subsequent offense shall forfeit an amount equal to twice that imposed upon the violator.
Any parent to whom written notice under Subsection F(1) of this section has been directed within six months prior to the violation date shall be presumed to have knowledge for purposes of imposing a forfeiture under Subsection F(2).
[Amended 10-10-2006 by Ord. No. A-361]
The penalty for violation of any provision of this chapter shall be a forfeiture as hereinafter provided.
Uniform offenses. Forfeitures for violation of any provision of Chs. 341 to 348 and 350, Wis. Stats., adopted by reference in § 325-1 of this chapter shall conform to forfeitures for violation of the comparable state offense, including any variations or increases for second offenses.
Special local regulations. The forfeiture for violation of any special local regulation contained in this chapter other than those described in Subsections C and D of this section shall be as set forth in Chapter 1, § 1-3 of this Code.
Parking and snow emergency regulations.
The forfeiture for violation of any provisions of §§ 325-3, 325-4 and 325-5 of this chapter shall be $25.
In addition, any vehicle parked in violation of the snow emergency regulations of § 325-4 may be removed by, or under the direction of, the Police Department with the owner thereof to be responsible for the reasonable charges imposed by the towing company used by the City for removing, towing, and storing said vehicle, all pursuant to § 349.13(3), Wis. Stats.
If the person charged with said violation pays the amount of the forfeiture to the City of Lodi by the date stated on the citation, the citation, pursuant to § 345.28(2)(a), Wis. Stats., shall by filed in court.
If the person charged with said violation appears in court in response to the citation or fails to either pay the forfeiture or appear in court by the date stated on the citation, then the provisions of § 345.28, Wis. Stats., shall determine the procedures to be followed with respect to said citation.
Bicycles. The forfeiture for violation of any provision of § 325-13 of this chapter shall not be less than $1 nor more than $10.
This chapter shall be enforced in accordance with the provisions of § 345.20 or 345.53, Ch. 299 and § 66.0114, Wis. Stats.
Stipulation of guilt or no contest. Stipulations of guilt or no contest may be made by persons arrested for violations of this chapter in accordance with § 66.0114(1)(b), Wis. Stats., whenever the provisions of § 345.27, Wis. Stats., are inapplicable to such violations. Stipulations shall conform to the form contained on the uniform traffic citation and complaint under § 345.11, Wis. Stats., and may be accepted within five days of the date of the alleged violation. Stipulations may be accepted by the City Police Department.
Deposits. Any person stipulating guilt or no contest under Subsection A of this section must make the deposit required under § 345.26, Wis. Stats., or, if the deposit is not established under such statute, shall deposit a forfeited penalty as provided in the schedule established by the Common Council. Deposits may be brought or mailed to the office of the Police Department as directed by the arresting officer.
Notice of demerit points and receipt. Every officer accepting a forfeited penalty or money deposit under this chapter shall receipt therefor in triplicate as provided in § 345.26(3)(b), Wis. Stats. Every officer accepting a stipulation under the provisions of this chapter shall comply with the provisions of §§ 343.28, 345.26(1)(a) and 345.27(2), Wis. Stats., and shall require the alleged violator to sign a statement of notice in substantially the form contained on the uniform traffic citation and complaint promulgated under § 345.11, Wis. Stats.