[Adopted 3-14-1988 by Ord. No. 2026; amended 1-23-2007 by Ord. No. 2007-2897 (Ch. 4, § 4-73, of the 1996 Township Code)]
The Community Affairs Council is continued, to consist of 10 residents of the Township to be appointed by the Township Committee to a three-year term[1] or until their successor is appointed. The members shall serve without pay, and the Council may not expend Township funds without Township approval. The Council shall annually elect from its membership a Chairperson, Vice Chairperson and Secretary for a one-year term. Meetings and procedures shall be governed by Robert's Rules of Order or such other bylaws as may be adopted by the Council.
Editor's Note: In the year 2007, the appointments shall be three members to a one-year term expiring 12-31-2007, three members to a two-year term expiring 12-31-2008, and four members to a three-year term expiring 12-31-2009. Commencing 2008, appointments will be for a three-year term.
The Council shall generally be an advisory body to the Township Committee in the following:
Research and recommend programs, activities, and procedures for the general civic, cultural and community enhancement of the Township and its residents and work with or assist the Township, the Department of Recreation, and other civic or cultural groups to foster such programs or activities.
Participate in the organization of an annual job fair, establish a display at Middletown Day, participate through a project at Make a Difference Day, and make recommendations and provide assistance as appropriate in other civic and cultural events.