[Added 6-15-2015 by L.L. No. 6-2015]
A person shall make an application for a lot line adjustment under the provisions of this section by filing same as provided by the Office of Planning and Development with the requisite fee as set forth in Chapter 175, together with the following items:
A plat drawn to scale showing the lots affected by the proposed adjustment and all existing buildings and structures, location of existing sewage and stormwater utilities, easements, rights-of-way, and other land features. The plat must provide the existing lot lines and the location of the proposed new lot line, as well as the existing and new setback distances to any existing buildings and structures.
A current survey sealed by a New York State licensed surveyor.
The proposed deed between the parties evidencing such lot line adjustment.
Upon submission of a complete application, the Director of Planning and Development shall make a determination to approve or disapprove same. Approval may be granted when the Director of Planning and Development determines that the proposed adjustment meets all requirements for a lot line adjustment and that in his/her reasonable discretion finds that such adjustment would not result in any adverse physical or environmental impacts on the subject lots or the surrounding neighborhood. If the lot line adjustment is granted, the applicant shall record the proposed deed with the Westchester County Clerk. The plan shall be signed and stamped by the Director of Planning and Development. The Village Manager or his designee is authorized to adopt rules and regulations to implement the provisions of this section.