The Chief of Police shall draft the necessary application and
forms for a person to apply for a license or permit to carry a concealed
pistol or revolver. The Chief [of Police] shall further investigate
any such applicant to insure that he or she meets all of the requirements
of state law including, but not limited to:
(b) Place of legal residence.
(c) Name of Town business, if not a Town resident.
(d) The applicant has good reason to fear an injury to his or her person
or property, or applicant has any other proper reason not included
in [this subsection] for carrying a pistol or revolver.
(e) The applicant is a suitable person to be licensed to carry a concealed
pistol or revolver.
(f) The applicant is otherwise not disqualified for any other reason
set forth in G.L. § 11-47-1 et seq., or any other state
or federal law from carrying a concealed pistol revolver.
The fee for any license or permit issued pursuant to this article
shall be $40 and payable to the Town of Cumberland. The charge for
fingerpring, which is $20, shall be the only reimbursable cost for
the Town of Cumberland, if applicable.
After the above investigation has been completed, should the
Chief of Police decide that the applicant is otherwise not qualified
to receive such a permit, the chief shall advise the applicant within
a reasonable time of the denial and the reasons therefor.
After the completion of the above determination and investigation
and insuring that the applicant has successfully completed a weapon
qualification course pursuant to G.L. § 11-47-15, the chief
shall issue the applicant the license or permit within a reasonable
time. The license will be valid for four years from the date of issuance.
The Chief shall further have the right to revoke any concealed
pistol or revolver permit or license for just cause and as otherwise
permitted by state or federal law.