[Ord. of 11-2-1988, § I]
This article is adopted in accordance with G.L. 1956, § 45-24.1-1 et seq., which
Declares the preservation of structures of historic or architectural value to be a public purpose; and
Authorizes historic district zoning and the creation of an Historic District Commission for that purpose in the Town.
[Ord. of 11-2-1988, § II]
This article has been established to:
Safeguard the heritage of the Town by preserving one or more historic districts that reflect elements of the Town's cultural, social, economic, political and architectural history;
Stabilize and improve property values in established historic districts;
Foster the civic beauty of the Town;
Strengthen the economy of the Town; and
Promote the use of historic districts for the education, pleasure and welfare of the citizens of the Town.
[Ord. of 11-2-1988, § III; Ord. No. 90-3, 1-17-1990; Ord. No. 92-1, 3-18-1992; Ord. No. 03-28, § 1, 6-18-2003; Ord. No. 03-32, § 1, 8-20-2003; Ord. No. 03-33, § 1, 8-20-2003; Ord. No. 04-12, § 1, 8-18-2004; amended 3-2-2016 by Ord. No. 16-03A; 5-20-2020 by Ord. No. 20-10-A; 7-19-2023 by Ord. No. 23-13; 10-18-2023 by Ord. No. 23-23]
Standards for designation of districts and structures for preservation. A structure, group of structures, site or district may be designated for preservation as a landmark or historic district if it:
Has significant character, interest or value as part of the historic, cultural, industrial or economic development in the community;
Is the site of a historic event significant in the history of the Town, state or nation;
Portrays the environment in an era of history characterized by a distinctive architectural style;
Embodies those distinguishing characteristics of an architectural type or engineering specimen;
Is the work of a designer or firm whose work is recognized at a local, state or national level;
Is part of or related to a site, square, park or other distinctive area or landscape contributing to the historic, cultural or architectural development of the community;
Owing to its unique location or singular physical characteristic, represents an established and familiar visual feature of the neighborhood, community or Town; or
Has yielded or may be likely to yield information important in pre-history or history.
Boundaries. For the purposes of this article, the boundaries of the historic districts are established as follows:
Tower Hill Road Historic District. The historic district commission designates a portion of Tower Hill Road as the Tower Hill Road historic district. This district is described as those certain lots or parcels of land, together with all improvements thereon, bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at a point in the southerly line of Tower Hill Road which is the northerly corner of a parcel of land as recorded in deed book 312 at page 311 and further designated as plat 43 lot 18 in the tax assessor's records and also which point is the northeasterly corner of a parcel of land as recorded in deed book 358 at page 36 and further designated as plat 43 lot 1 in the tax assessor's records and containing any and all portions of such lot 1 plat 43 which are within 400 feet of the southerly line of Tower Hill Road.
All of that certain lot or parcel of land as recorded in deed book 168 at page 426 and further designated in the tax assessor's records as plat 43 lot 9.
All of that certain lot or parcel of land as recorded in deed book 245 at page 379 and further designated in the tax assessor's records as plat 43 lot 17.
Any and all portions of that certain lot or parcel of land as recorded in deed book 167 at page 372 and further designated in the tax assessor's records as plat 44 lot 3 which are within 600 feet of the southerly line of Tower Hill Road.
All of that certain lot or parcel of land as recorded in deed book 339 at page 561 and in deed book 314 at page 59 and further designated in the tax assessor's records as plat 60 lot 19.
All of that certain lot or parcel of land as recorded in deed book 306 at page 129 and further designated in the tax assessor's records as plat 60 lot 20.
All of that certain lot or parcel of land as recorded in deed book 332 at page 473 and further designated in the tax assessor's records as plat 60 lot 17.
All of that certain lot or parcel of land as recorded in deed book 289 at page 152 and 153 further designated in the tax assessor's records as plat 61 lot 4.
All of that certain lot or parcel of land as recorded in deed book 330 at page 359 and further designated in the tax assessor's records as plat 61 lot 3.
All of that certain lot or parcel of land as recorded in deed book 238 at page 549 and further designated in the tax assessor's records as plat 61 lot 12.
All of that certain lot or parcel of land as recorded in deed book 266 at page 600 and further designated in the tax assessor's records as plat 61 lot 15.
Any and all portions of that certain lot or parcel of land as recorded in deed book 289 at page 152 and in deed book 233 at page 557 and further designated in the tax assessor's records as plat 60 lot 16 which are within 600 feet of the northerly line of Tower Hill Road.
The district includes also the road right-of-way of Tower Hill Road to the extent that any portion thereof abuts any property described in this subsection.
Old West Wrentham Road Historic District. The historic district commission designates a portion of Old West Wrentham Road as the Old West Wrentham Road historic district. This district is bounded and described as those certain lots or parcels of land together with all improvements thereon as follows:
All of that certain lot or parcel of land as recorded in deed book 302 at page 302 and further designated in the tax assessor's records as plat 51 lot 341.
All of that certain lot or parcel of land as recorded in deed book 315 at page 795 and further designated in the tax assessor's records as plat 45 lot 34.
All of that certain lot or parcel of land as recorded in deed book 341 at page 61 and further designated in the tax assessor's records as plat 45 lot 88.
The district includes also the road right-of-way of Old West Wrentham Road to the extent that any portion thereof abuts any property described in this subsection and shown on the map entitled Map of Historic Districts, Town of Cumberland, Rhode Island, filed at the office of the Town Clerk.
Ashton Historic District. The historic district commission designates a portion of the Ashton Village as the Ashton historic district. This district is described as follows:
Beginning at the southeast corner of plat 58, lot 109, said point bordering Mendon Road, and proceeding westerly a distance of one hundred twenty and 62/100 (120.62') feet; thence turning and proceeding northerly a distance of one hundred thirty-six and 15/100 (136.15') feet to the southeast corner of plat 58, lot 64; thence continuing northerly along the eastern boundary of said lot 64 a distance of one hundred fourteen and 36/100 (114.36') feet to Wiggen Street; thence westerly along said Wiggen Street and continuing in a straight line to the southwest corner of plat 58, lot 40; thence turning and proceeding northerly along the western boundary of said lot 40 as well as the western boundary of plat 58, lot 41 to the southeast corner of plat 58, lot 91; thence turning and proceeding westerly to the southwestern corner of said lot 91; thence turning and proceeding easterly to the northerly corner of said lot 91; thence turning and proceeding northerly along the western boundary of plat 58, lot 90 a distance of seven hundred (700') feet, more or less; thence turning and proceeding easterly in a straight line to the northwesterly corner of plat 58, lot 49, thence easterly in a straight line to the northeast corner of plat 58, lot 49, said point bordering Mendon Road; thence in a straight line from the last mentioned point, across Mendon Road to the southwestern corner of plat 39, lot 69; thence northerly along the western boundary of said lot 69 to the northwestern corner of said lot 69; thence turning and proceeding in an easterly direction a distance of four hundred and sixteen (416') feet; thence turning and proceeding southerly a distance of one hundred eighty-eight (188') feet; thence turning and proceeding in a westerly direction a distance of eighty-four (84') feet to the northeast corner of plat 39, lot 70; thence turning and proceeding southerly along the eastern boundary of said lot 70 a distance of one hundred fifty-three and 56/100 (153.56') feet to the southeastern corner of said lot 70; thence proceeding southerly from said corner in a straight line to the northeast corner of plat 39, lot 111; thence continuing southerly along the eastern boundary of said lot 111 a distance of four hundred thirty (430') feet to the northwest corner of plat 39, lot 110; thence turning and proceeding easterly a distance of two hundred twenty-five (225') feet, more or less, to the northeastern corner of plat 39, lot 63; thence turning and proceeding southerly along the eastern boundary of said lot 63 a distance of one hundred (100') feet to the southeastern corner of said lot 63; thence in a straight line to the northeast corner of plat 39, lot 35; thence turning and proceeding southerly along the eastern boundary of said lot 35 a distance of one hundred sixty-six and 40/100 (166.40') feet; thence turning and proceeding westerly a distance of one hundred fifty and 90/100 (150.90') feet to the southwest corner of plat 39, lot 36; thence in a straight line to the southeast corner of plat 39, lot 38; thence proceeding westerly a distance of four hundred twenty-one (421') feet to the southwest corner of plat 39, lot 43; thence turning and proceeding southerly a distance of eighty-four (84') feet; thence turning and proceeding easterly a distance of twenty-four (25') [sic] feet; thence turning and proceeding southerly a distance of one hundred ten (110') feet to the southeast corner of plat 39, lot 115; thence turning and proceeding along the northern boundary of plat 39, lot 45 to the northeast corner of said lot 45; thence turning and proceeding southerly along the eastern boundary of said lot 45 and continuing in a southerly direction along the eastern boundary of plat 39, lot 44; thence continuing southerly a distance of seventy-five (75') feet; thence turning and proceeding in a southwesterly direction a distance of one hundred thirty-five and 65/100 (135.65') feet; thence turning and proceeding southerly thirty-nine and 40/100 (39.40') feet to a point on Angell Road; thence in a straight line to a point along the northern boundary of plat 39, lot 8, said point being eighty-five (85') feet, more or less east of Mendon Road; thence turning and proceeding in a straight line southerly to the northwest corner of plat 39, lot 89; thence turning and proceeding easterly a distance of two hundred (200') feet to the northeast corner of said lot 89; thence turning and proceeding southerly a distance of seventy-four (74') feet to the southeast corner of said lot 89; thence in a straight line to the northeast corner of plat 39, lot 85; thence southerly along the eastern boundary of said lot 85 a distance of one hundred twenty-six (126) feet; thence westerly a distance of thirty (30') feet, more or less to a corner of plat 39, lot 126, thence southerly to the southwest corner of said lot 126, thence westerly to the northwest corner of plat 39, lot 182, thence southerly in a straight line to the north-eastern corner of plat 39, lot 7, thence proceeding southerly along the eastern boundary of said lot 7 a distance of one-hundred sixty-five and 5/10 (165.5) feet to the southeastern boundary of said lot 7, thence southeasterly in a straight line to the northeastern corner of plat 39, lot 82, thence southerly along the eastern boundary of said lot 82 and plat 39, lot 5 to the southeastern corner of said lot 5, then turning and proceeding westerly along the southern boundary of said lot 5 a distance of two hundred nine (209') feet to Mendon Road; thence proceeding northwesterly in a straight line to the southeastern corner of plat 58, lot 109, being the point of beginning.
Including therein the following certain lots or parcels of land together with any and all improvements thereon described as follows:
All of that parcel known as plat 39, lot 5; and all of that parcel known as plat 39, lot 7 as recorded in deed book 316 at page 277; and
A portion of that parcel known as plat 39, lot 8 as recorded in deed book 292, page 373, said portion more particularly described as: Beginning at the southwest corner of said lot 8 where said lot 8 borders Mendon Road and plat 39, lot 88, and traveling easterly eighty-five (85') feet, thence turning and traveling northerly to Angell Road being a distance of one hundred forty-six (146') feet more or less, thence turning and traveling westerly along said Angell Road a distance of eighty-five (85') feet more or less to Mendon Road a distance of one hundred forty-six (146') feet more or less to the point of beginning; and
A portion of that parcel known as plat 39, lot 24 as recorded in deed book 194, page 204, said portion more particularly described as: Beginning at the southwest corner of said lot 24 where said lot meets plat 39, lot 108 as well as Mendon Road, and traveling in an easterly direction along the boundary of said lot 108 a distance of two hundred sixty (260') feet more or less to the southeasterly corner of plat 39, lot 26, thence turning at a right angle and traveling westerly along the border of said lot 26 two hundred eighty-one and 08/100 (281.08') feet to Mendon Road two hundred fifty-nine and 60/100 (259.60') feet to point of beginning; also beginning at the northeast corner of said lot 26 and traveling westerly along the boundary of said lot 26 a distance of one hundred seventy-six (176.21') feet; thence turning and traveling southerly along the boundary of said lot 26 a distance of fifty-three and 99/100 (53.99') feet; thence turning and traveling westerly along the boundary of said lot 26 a distance of one hundred ten and 37/100 (110.37') feet to Mendon Road; thence turning and traveling north along Mendon Road a distance of one hundred twenty-five 88/100 (125.88') feet to the southwest corner of plat 39, lot 70; thence turning and traveling easterly along the boundary of said lot 70 a distance of three hundred eighty-five and 92/100 (385.92') feet; thence turning and traveling southwesterly a distance of one hundred thirty (130') feet, more or less to the point of beginning; and
All of that parcel known as plat 39, lot 26 as recorded in deed book 278, page 957; and
All of that parcel known as plat 39, lot 28 as recorded in deed book 261, page 590; and
All of that parcel known as plat 39, lot 29 as recorded in deed book 261, page 590; and
All of that parcel known as plat 39, lot 30 as recorded in deed book 321, page 872; and
All of that parcel known as plat 39, lot 31 as recorded in deed book 296, page 350; and
All of that parcel known as plat 39, lot 32 as recorded in deed book 124, page 317; and
All of that parcel known as plat 39, lot 33 as recorded in deed book 298, page 902; and
All of that parcel known as plat 39, lot 34 as recorded in deed book 293, page 315; and
All of that parcel known as plat 39, lot 35 as recorded in deed book 217, page 138; and
All of that parcel known as plat 39, lot 36 as recorded in deed book 351, page 249; and
All of that parcel known as plat 39, lot 38; and
All of that parcel known as plat 39, lot 40 as recorded in deed book 239, page 190; and
All of that parcel known as plat 39, lot 41 as recorded in deed book 367, page 37; and
All of that parcel known as plat 39, lot 42; and
All of that parcel known as plat 39, lot 43 as recorded in deed book 367, page 37; and
All of that parcel known as plat 39, lot 44 as recorded in deed book 163, page 131; and
All of that parcel known as plat 39, lot 45 as recorded in deed book 163, page 131; and
All of that parcel known as plat 39, lot 63 as recorded in deed book 276, page 335; and
All of that parcel known as plat 39, lot 69 as recorded in deed book 256, page 614; and
All of that parcel known as plat 39, lot 70 as recorded in deed book 256, page 614; and
All of that parcel known as plat 39, lot 80 as recorded in deed book 253, page 527; and
All of that parcel known as plat 39, lot 82; and
All of that parcel known as plat 39, lot 84 as recorded in deed book 288, page 472; and
All of that parcel known as plat 39, lot 85 as recorded in deed book 331, page 380; and
All of that parcel known as plat 39, lot 87; and
All of that parcel known as plat 39, lot 88 as recorded in deed book 184, page 83; and
All of that parcel known as plat 39, lot 89 as recorded in deed book 126, page 273; and
All of that parcel known as plat 39, lot 98 as recorded in deed book 277, page 491; and
All of that parcel known as plat 39, lot 99 as recorded in deed book 211, page 512; and
All of that parcel known as plat 39, lot 100 as recorded in deed book 393, page 409; and
All of that parcel known as plat 39, lot 101 as recorded in deed book 319, page 318; and
All of that parcel known as plat 39, lot 102 as recorded in deed book 290, page 793; and
All of that parcel known as plat 39, lot 103 as recorded in deed book 332, page 762; and
All of that parcel known as plat 39, lot 104 as recorded in deed book 174, page 211; and
All of that parcel known as plat 39, lot 105 as recorded in deed book 225, page 11; and
All of that parcel known as plat 39, lot 106 as recorded in deed book 331, page 281; and
All of that parcel known as plat 39, lot 107 as recorded in deed book 245, page 184; and
All of that parcel known as plat 39, lot 108 as recorded in deed book 293, page 317; and
All of that parcel known as plat 39, lot 109 as recorded in deed book 399, page 92; and
All of that parcel known as plat 39, lot 110 as recorded in deed book 202, page 403; and
All of that parcel known as plat 39, lot 111 as recorded in deed book 225, page 11; and
All of that parcel known as plat 39, lot 113 as recorded in deed book 82, page 167; and
All of that parcel known as plat 39, lot 115 as recorded in deed book 163, page 131; and
All of that parcel known as plat 39, lot 116 as recorded in deed book 261, page 590; and
All of that parcel known as plat 39, lot 118 as recorded in deed book 261, page 583; and
All of that parcel known as plat 39, lot 127 as recorded in deed book 128, page 27; and
All of that parcel known as plat 39, lot 129 as recorded in deed book 296, page 351; and
A portion of that parcel known as plat 39, lot 201, said portion more particularly described as: Beginning at the point where said lot 201 meets Mendon Road and the southwest corner of plat 39, lot 84 and traveling easterly along the southern boundary of said lot 84 a distance of seventy and 67/100 (70.67') feet; thence turning northerly and traveling along the eastern boundary of said lot 84 a distance of ninety-one (91') feet; thence turning and traveling easterly a distance of thirty (30') feet more or less to the western boundary of plat 39, lot 126, then turning and traveling southerly along the western boundary of said lot 126 a total of two hundred twenty-four and 32/100 (224.32') feet more or less; thence turning and traveling westerly along the northern boundary of plat 39, lot 182 a distance of fifty and 10/100 (50.10') feet; thence turning and traveling southerly along the western border of said lot 182 a distance of one hundred (100') feet; thence turning and traveling in a southwesterly direction in a straight line to the northeasterly corner of plat 39, lot 7; thence turning westerly and traveling along the northern boundary of said lot 7 a distance of one hundred twenty-five (125') feet more or less to Mendon Road; thence turning and traveling north along Mendon Road a distance of three hundred ninety-one (391') feet to the point of beginning; and
That parcel of land located in plat 39, but not identified by lot number, bordered on the south by Angell Road, on the west by Mendon Road, on the north by plat 39, lot 44, and on the east by plat 39, lot 243, the exact dimensions of said unnumbered lot not known or identified herein; and
All of that parcel known as plat 39, lot 293 as recorded in deed book 260, page 621; and
All of that parcel known as plat 58, lot 5 as recorded in deed book 336, page 368; and
All of that parcel known as plat 58, lot 6 as recorded in deed book 257, page 139; and
All of that parcel known as plat 58, lot 7 as recorded in deed book 307, page 544; and
All of that parcel known as plat 58, lot 8 as recorded in deed book 333, page 295; and
All of that parcel known as plat 58, lot 12 as recorded in deed book 103, page 419; and
All of that parcel known as plat 58, lot 13 as recorded in deed book 132, page 490; and
All of that parcel known as plat 58, lot 14 as recorded in deed book 103, page 344; and
All of that parcel known as plat 58, lot 15 as recorded in deed book 317, page 571; and
All of that parcel known as plat 58, lot 16 as recorded in deed book 396, page 195; and
All of that parcel known as plat 58, lot 17 as recorded in deed book 316, page 219; and
All of that parcel known as plat 58, lot 18 as recorded in deed book 103, page 103; and
All of that parcel known as plat 58, lot 19 as recorded in deed book 152, page 77; and
All of that parcel known as plat 58, lot 20 as recorded in deed book 310, page 323; and
All of those parcels known as plat 58, lots 21 through 27, inclusive, recorded in deed book 223, page 153; and
All of that parcel known as plat 58, lot 28 as recorded in deed book 278, page 816; and
All of that parcel known as plat 58, lot 29; and
All of those parcels known as plat 58, lots 30 through 35, inclusive, as recorded in deed book 223, page 153; and
All of that parcel known as plat 58, lot 36; and
All of that parcel known as plat 58, lot 37; and
All of that parcel known as plat 58, lot 38 as recorded in deed book 163, page 131; and
All of that parcel known as plat 58, lot 40 as recorded in deed book 391, page 328; and
All of that parcel known as plat 58, lot 41 as recorded in deed book 391, page 328; and
All of that parcel known as plat 58, lot 42 as recorded in deed book 163, page 131; and
All of that parcel known as plat 58, lot 44 as recorded in deed book 179, page 125; and
All of that parcel known as plat 58, lot 45 as recorded in deed book 284, page 661; and
All of that parcel known as plat 58, lot 46 as recorded in deed book 276, page 593; and
All of that parcel known as plat 58, lot 47; and
All of that parcel known as plat 58, lot 48 as recorded in deed book 255, page 468; and
All of that parcel known as plat 58, lot 49 as recorded in deed book 302, page 696; and
All of that parcel known as plat 58, lot 50 as recorded in deed book 334, page 617; and
All of that parcel known as plat 58, lot 65; and
All of that parcel known as plat 58, lot 70 as recorded in deed book 391, page 328 described as: beginning at the southeastern corner of plat 58, lot 70 and traveling in a straight line to a point in the western boundary of said lot 70; thence turning and traveling in a northerly direction along said western boundary of said lot 70 to the northwest corner of said lot 70; thence turning and traveling in a southerly direction along the western boundary of plat 58, lot 71 to the southwest corner of said lot 71; thence turning and traveling easterly a distance of twenty-one and 58/100 (21.58') feet to Front Street; thence turning and traveling southerly along Front Street a distance of four hundred sixty (460') feet more or less; thence turning at a right angle and traveling westerly in a straight line to the point of beginning.
All of that parcel known as plat 58, lot 71 as recorded in deed book 391, page 328.
A portion of that parcel known as plat 58, lot 90 as recorded in deed book 385, page 330 more particularly described as: Beginning at the southeastern corner of said lot 90 and traveling westerly along the boundary of plat 58, lot 41 a distance of two hundred twenty (220') feet more or less into the Blackstone River and the Lincoln Town line; thence turning and traveling northerly along said Town line a distance of four hundred fifty (450') feet more or less; thence turning and traveling easterly a distance of two hundred twenty (220') feet more or less to the boundary of plat 58, lot 111; thence turning and traveling southerly along the boundary of said lot 111 four hundred fifty (450') feet more or less to the point of beginning; and
All of that parcel known as plat 58, lot 91 as recorded in deed book 336, page 331; and
All of that parcel known as plat 58, lot 107 as recorded in deed book 382, page 314; and
All of that parcel known as plat 58, lot 109 as recorded in deed book 292, page 329; and
A portion of that parcel known as plat 58, lot 111 recorded in deed book 288, page 429 and more particularly described as: Beginning at the northwestern corner of plat 58, lot 49 and traveling westerly from that point in a straight line to the eastern boundary of plat 58, lot 90; thence turning and traveling southerly along the eastern boundary of said lot 90 and continuing southerly along the eastern boundary of plat 58, lot 41 and continuing southerly along the boundary of plat 58, lot 40 to the southeastern corner of said lot 40; thence turning at a right angle and traveling easterly in a straight line to the boundary of plat 58, lot 70; thence turning and traveling in a northerly direction along the boundary of said lot 70 to the north-western corner of said lot 70; thence turning easterly and traveling along the northern boundary of said lot 70 a distance of forty-seven and 89/100 (47.89') feet to the boundary of plat 58, lot 36; thence turning northerly and traveling along the western boundary of said lot 36 and continuing along the western boundary of plat 58, lot 42 a distance of one hundred eighty-five and 30/100 (185.30') feet and continuing northerly along the western boundary of plat 58, lot 44 a distance of one hundred thirty-seven (137') feet and continuing northerly along the western boundary of plat 58, lot 45 a distance of one hundred (100') feet and continuing northerly along the western boundary of plat 58, lot 46 a distance of two hundred fourteen (214') feet and continuing northerly along the western boundaries of plat 58, lots 47 and 48 to the southwestern corner of plat 58, lot 49 and continuing northerly along the western boundary of said lot 49 a distance of eighty-nine (89') feet to the point of beginning.
Including therein, all or portions of the following Town streets and/or state highways: Angell Road, Front Street, George Washington Highway, Mendon Road, Old Angell Road, Scott Road, Store Hill Road, and Wiggins Street.
Lonsdale Historic District. The historic district commission designates a portion of the Lonsdale Village so called, as the Lonsdale historic district. This district is described as follows:
Beginning at the southern most corner of assessor's lot 159 of plat no. 11 (Ann & Hope Property), thence travelling along the western edge of said lot 159 in a northerly direction to the southwestern corner of Study Hill Road and Mill Street; thence turning in a westerly direction and travelling along the northern edge of Mill Street to the northeastern corner of lot 3 of plat no. 12; thence turning in a southerly direction and travelling south along the eastern border of said lot 3 to the southeastern border of said lot 3 (to the edge of the Blackstone River); thence turning and travelling in a western direction along the southern boundary of said lot 3 along the edge of the Blackstone River to the southeastern corner of lot 9 of plat 12; thence continuing in a western direction along the southern boundary of said lot 9 a distance of 33 feet to the southeastern corner of lot 16 of said plat 12; thence continuing in a westerly direction along the southern boundary of said lot 16 a distance of 267 feet along the Blackstone River to the southwest corner of said lot 16; thence turning in a northerly direction along the western boundary of lot 16 to the southeastern corner of lot 7 of plat 16; thence turning and travelling in a western direction along the southern boundary of said lot 7 along the edge of the Blackstone River to the southeastern corner of lot 14 of plat 16; and continuing in a western direction along the southern boundary of said lot 14 a distance of 340 feet along the Blackstone River to the southwestern corner of said lot 14; thence turning and travelling first north and then easterly along the western and then northern boundary of said lot 14 to the northwestern corner of lot 7 of plat 12; thence travelling diagonally across Mill Street in a northeasterly direction to the southwestern corner of lot 17 of plat 12; thence turning and travelling in a northerly direction along the western boundary of said lot 17 a distance of 164.63 feet to the northwestern corner of said lot 17; thence turning and travelling northeasterly along the northern boundary of said lot 17 to the northeastern corner of said lot 17; thence continuing northeasterly in a straight line across lot 1 of plat 12 to the western boundary of lot 65 of plat 11; thence turning and travelling in a northwesterly direction along the western boundary of said lot 65 to the southwesterly corner of lot 258 of plat 11; thence continuing in a northwesterly direction along the western boundary of said lot 258 a distance of 183.5 feet to the northwest corner of said lot 258; thence turning and travelling in an easterly direction along the northern boundary of said lot 258 a distance of 196.07; thence turning in a more northeasterly direction along the northern boundary of said lot 258 a distance of 134 feet; thence turning and travelling in a more easterly direction along the northern boundary of said lot 258 a distance of 100 feet to the edge of Main Street; thence travelling diagonally across Main Street in a northerly direction to the northwestern corner of lot 144 of plat 11; thence turning and travelling in an eastern direction along the northern boundary of lot 144 to the southeastern corner of lot 80 of plat 11; then continuing in an easterly direction along the southern boundary of lot 69 of plat 11 a distance of 180.6 feet to Broad Street and the southeastern corner of said lot 69; thence travelling diagonally across Broad Street in a southeasterly direction to the northwesterly corner of lot 63 of plat 11; thence turning and travelling northeasterly along the northern boundary of said lot 63 a distance of 145.2 feet to the northeasterly corner of said lot 63; then turning and travelling in a southerly direction along the eastern boundary of lot 63 a distance of 20' to the northwestern corner of lot 192 of plat 11; thence turning and travelling in an easterly direction along the northern boundary of said lot 192 a distance of 186.83 feet to the northwesterly corner of lot 193 of plat 11; thence continuing in an easterly direction along the northern boundary of said lot 193 a distance of 213.42 feet to the northeastern corner of said lot 193; thence turning and travelling in a more northerly direction along the eastern boundary of lot 235 of plat 11 a distance of 42.05 feet to the southwestern corner of lot 234 of plat 11; thence turning and travelling easterly along the southern boundary of said lot 234 a distance of 75.983 feet to the southwestern corner of lot 233 of plat 11; thence continuing easterly along the southern boundary of lot 233 a distance of 87.103 feet to the southwestern corner of lot 232; thence continuing in an easterly direction along the southern boundary of lot 232 a distance of 102.474 feet to the southeastern corner of said lot 232; thence turning and travelling southerly along the eastern boundary of lot 188 of plat 11 a distance of 117 feet to the southeastern corner of said lot 188; thence turning and travelling in an easterly direction along the southern boundary of lot 231 of plat 11 a distance of 44.308 feet to the southwestern corner of lot 230 of plat 11; thence continuing in an easterly direction along the southern boundary of lot 230 a distance of 71.732 feet to the southwestern corner of lot 288 of plat 11; thence continuing in an easterly direction along the southern boundary of lot 228 a distance of 112.72 feet to the southeastern corner of lot 228; thence turning and travelling in a southerly direction along the eastern boundary of lot 100 of plat 11 a distance of 122.97 feet to the southeastern corner of said lot 100; thence continuing in a straight line across Blackstone Court to the northeastern corner of lot 176 of plat 11; thence continuing in a southerly direction along the eastern boundary of lot 176 a distance of 139.31 feet plus or minus to the southeastern corner of lot 176; thence travelling across Blackstone Street to the northeastern corner of lot 259 of plat 11; then continuing southerly along the eastern boundary of lot 259 a distance of 104 feet to the southeastern corner of lot 259; thence turning and travelling westerly along the southern boundary of lot 259 a distance of 104 feet to the southwestern corner of lot 259; thence continuing westerly in a straight line across lots 113 and 114 of plat 11 to the southeastern corner of lot 115 of plat 11; thence continuing westerly along the southern boundary of lot 115 a distance of 100 feet to the southwestern corner of lot 115; thence continuing in a straight line across Blackstone Terrace to the southeastern corner of lot 166 of plat 11; thence continuing westerly along the southern boundary of lot 166 a distance of 85 feet plus or minus to the southwestern corner of lot 166; thence turning and travelling southerly along the western boundary of lot 167 of plat 11 a distance of 60 feet to the northwestern corner of lot 60 of plat 11; thence continuing southerly along western boundary of lot 60 a distance of 47.05 feet to the southeastern boundary of lot 163 of plat 11; thence turning and travelling in a westerly direction along the southern boundary of lot 163 to the northeastern corner of lot 59 of plat 11; thence turning and travelling southerly along the eastern boundary of lot 59 a distance of 133.44 feet plus or minus to the southwestern corner of lot 165 of plat 11; thence turning and travelling in an easterly direction along the southern boundary of lot 165 to the northeastern corner of lot 679 of plat no. 7 (formerly the Blackstone School); thence turning and travelling in a southeasterly direction along the northeastern boundary of said lot 679 a distance of 149 feet to the southeastern boundary of said lot 679; thence turning and travelling in a southwesterly direction along the southeastern boundary of said lot 679 a distance of 210.5 feet plus or minus to Broad Street; thence in a straight line across Broad Street to a point on the eastern boundary of lot 159 of plat 11 (The Ann & Hope Property); thence continuing in a southerly direction along the western boundary of Broad Street and the eastern boundary of said lot 159 to the point of beginning; and containing therein:
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 159 as recorded in deed book 233, page 411; and
All of that parcel known as plat 12, lot 3 as recorded in deed book 143, page 339; and
All of that parcel known as plat 12, lot 9 as recorded in deed book 388, page 106; and
All of that parcel known as plat 12, lot 16 as recorded in deed book 289, page 647; and
All of that parcel known as plat 12, lot 7 as recorded in deed book 240, page 116; and
All of that parcel known as plat 12, lot 14 as recorded in deed book 416, page 195; and
All of that parcel known as plat 12, lot 17 as recorded in deed book 291, page 506; and
A portion of that parcel known as plat 12, lot 1 as recorded in deed book 275, page 757; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 66 as recorded in deed book 180, page 327; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 68 as recorded in deed book 169, page 435; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 68A as recorded in deed book 154, page 105; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 187 as recorded in deed book 234, page 470; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 181 as recorded in deed book 169, page 435; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 182 as recorded in deed book 176, page 415; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 67 as recorded in deed book 176, page 407; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 153 as recorded in deed book 270, page 210; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 154 as recorded in deed book 270, page 210; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 155 as recorded in deed book 270, page 210; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 65 as recorded in deed book 240, page 94; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 156 as recorded in deed book 219, page 600; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 157 as recorded in deed book 220, page 14; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 258 as recorded in deed book 239, page 26; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 145 as recorded in deed book 494, page 289; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 146 as recorded in deed book 292, page 504; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 147 as recorded in deed book 409, page 201; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 148 as recorded in deed book 307, page 603; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 149 as recorded in deed book 271, page 459; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 150 as recorded in deed book 281, page 746; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 151 as recorded in deed book 277, page 103; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 154 as recorded in deed book 270, page 210; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 155 as recorded in deed book 270, page 210; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 117 as recorded in deed book 368, page 328; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 118 as recorded in deed book 290, page 418; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 119 as recorded in deed book 265, page 716; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 120 as recorded in deed book 374, page 284; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 121 as recorded in deed book 471, page 234; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 122 as recorded in deed book 180, page 314; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 123 as recorded in deed book 330, page 443; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 124 as recorded in deed book 452, page 164; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 125 as recorded in deed book 291, page 159; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 126 as recorded in deed book 425, page 150; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 127 as recorded in deed book 449, page 301; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 128 as recorded in deed book 265, page 756; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 129 as recorded in deed book 270, page 181; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 130 as recorded in deed book 395, page 14; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 131 as recorded in deed book 233, page 253; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 132 as recorded in deed book 262, page 403; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 133 as recorded in deed book 287, page 809; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 134 as recorded in deed book 464, page 206; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 135 as recorded in deed book 300, page 206; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 136 as recorded in deed book 319, page 849; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 180 as recorded in deed book 458, page 230; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 137 as recorded in deed book 480, page 253; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 138 as recorded in deed book 222, page 467; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 139 as recorded in deed book 290, page 681; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 140 as recorded in deed book 212, pages 100-101; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 141 as recorded in deed book 448, page 224; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 142 as recorded in deed book 253, page 134; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 143 as recorded in deed book 247, page 463; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 144 as recorded in deed book 292, page 511; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 63 as recorded in deed book 6, page 245D; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 192 as recorded in deed book 292, page 51; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 193 as recorded in deed book 136, page 100; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 100 as recorded in deed book 138, page 270; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 101 as recorded in deed book 264, page 87; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 102 as recorded in deed book 488, page 293; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 103 as recorded in deed book 274, page 724; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 104 as recorded in probate book 4366; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 105 as recorded in deed book 282, page 415; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 106 as recorded in deed book 271, page 633; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 107 as recorded in deed book 484, page 398; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 173 as recorded in deed book 465, page 83; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 108 as recorded in deed book 183, page 95; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 174 as recorded in deed book 483, page 37; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 109 as recorded in deed book 295, page 605; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 175 as recorded in deed book 336, page 775; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 110 as recorded in deed book 265, page 281; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 111 as recorded in deed book 359, page 246; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 176 as recorded in deed book 282, page 593; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 259 as recorded in deed book 309, page 477; and
A portion of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 113 as recorded in deed book 297, page 635; and
A portion of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 114 as recorded in deed book 295, page 213; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 115 as recorded in deed book 306, page 82; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 166 as recorded in deed book 285, page 296; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 61 as recorded in deed book 240, page 415; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 168 as recorded in deed book 336, page 839; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 163 as recorded in deed book 333, page 217; and
All of that parcel known as plat 11, lot 59 as recorded in deed book 333, page 217; and
All of that parcel known as plat 7, lot 679 as recorded in deed book 495, page 462; and
Including therein, all or portions of the following Town streets and/or state highways: Broad Street, Study Hill Road; Mill Street; Cross Street; Main Street; Blackstone Street; Blackstone Court; and Blackstone Terrace.
Upper Scott Road Historic District. The historic district commission designates a portion of Scott Road as the Upper Scott Road historic district. This district will include the following parcels:
All of that parcel known as plat 41 lot 12 as recorded in deed book 1078, page 21; and
All of that parcel known as plat 41 lot 11 as recorded in deed book 1078, page 21; and
All of that parcel known as plat 41 lot 42 as recorded in deed book 872, page 467; and
All of that parcel known as plat 41 lot 43 as recorded in deed book 872, page 467.
The district includes also the right of way of Scott Road to the extent that a portion thereof abuts any property described in this subsection.
Diamond Hill Road Historic District. The historic district commission designates a portion of Diamond Hill Road as the Diamond Hill Road historic district. This district will include the following parcels:
All of that parcel known as plat 24 lot 126 as recorded in deed book 574, page 178; and
The district includes also the right-of-way of Diamond Hill Road and Fairhaven Road to the extent that a portion thereof abuts the property described in this subsection.
Town Hall Historic District. This designates a portion of Broad, Meeting and Mill Streets as the Town Hall historic district. The district will include the following parcels:
All of that parcel known as plat 2 Lot 95 as recorded in deed book 1008 at page 142.
All of that parcel known as plat 2 Lot 96 as recorded in deed book 665 at page 423.
All of that parcel known as plat 2 Lot 94 as recorded in deed book 479 at page 503.
All of that parcel known as plat 2 Lot 164 as recorded in deed book 279 at pages 969 and 970.
All of that parcel known as plat 2 Lot 166 as recorded in deed book 179 at page 65.
All of that parcel known as plat 2 Lot 167 as recorded in deed book 179 at page 65.
All of that parcel known as plat 2 Lot 168 as recorded in deed book 179 at page 65.
All of that parcel known as plat 2 Lot 165 as recorded in deed book 179 at page 65.
All of that parcel known as plat 2 Lot 163 as recorded in deed book 179 at page 65.
All of that parcel known as plat 2 Lot 162 as recorded in deed book 179 at page 65.
All of that parcel known as plat 2 Lot 178 as recorded in deed book 179 at page 65.
All of that parcel known as plat 2 Lot 177 as recorded in deed book 179 at page 65.
All of that parcel known as plat 2 Lot 111 as recorded in deed book 339 at page 427.
Arnold Mills Historic District. The district will include the following parcels:
735 Nate Whipple Highway AP 25 Lot 42
296 Abbott Run Valley Road AP 26 Lot 10
301 Abbott Run Valley Road AP 26 Lot 116
304 Abbott Run Valley Road AP 26 Lot 11
306 Abbott Run Valley Road AP 26 Lot 12
362 Abbott Run Valley Road AP 26 Lot 111
366 Abbott Run Valley Road AP 26 Lot 113
1 Arnold Mills Road AP 26 Lot 116
30 Arnold Mills Road AP 26 Lot 330
30 Arnold Mills Road AP 26 Lot 26
50 Arnold Mills Road AP 26 Lot 72
75 Hillside Road AP 26 Lot 13
686 Nate Whipple Highway AP 36 Lot 13
690 Nate Whipple Highway AP 36 Lot 13
715 Nate Whipple Highway AP 25 Lot 16
751 Nate Whipple Highway AP 25 Lot 78
0 Sneech Pond Road AP 70 Lot 2
304 Sneech Pond Road AP 56 Lot 30
307 Sneech Pond Road AP 25 Lot 39
308 Sneech Pond Road AP 56 Lot 50
310 Sneech Pond Road AP 56 Lot 17
312 Sneech Pond Road AP 56 Lot 16
315 Sneech Pond Road AP 25 Lot 13
Landmarks Historic District. This district is intended to safeguard the heritage of certain culturally, socially, and architecturally important buildings that are scattered throughout the Town. This district includes:
The Lewis-Tower House. A portion of Assessor's Plat 35, Lot 147, depicted as "Parcel A" on that certain "Preliminary Plan Minor Subdivision of 2211 Mendon Road, Assessor's Plat 35, Lot 147, Prepared for Paula M. Keefe," dated February 12, 2020.
Map. The Map of Historic Districts, Town of Cumberland, Rhode Island, described in this section is made part of this article.
Public property. It is the intent of this article that property owned by any governmental entity may be added to Subsection (b) of this section, and placed on the map of historic districts.
[Ord. of 11-2-1988, § VI]
Nothing in this article shall be construed to prevent ordinary maintenance or repair of a like kind of any structure or to prevent maintenance or repair not requiring a building permit within a historic district nor shall anything in this article be construed to prevent the construction, alteration, repair, moving or demolition of any structure under a permit issued by the Building Official or directed by a Town government entity prior to the original date of passage of the ordinance from which this section derives.
[Ord. of 11-2-1988, § VII]
It shall be the duty of the Building Official to enforce this article. If the Building Official is informed by the historic district commission or otherwise finds that any provision of this article is being violated, the Building Official shall notify, in writing, the person responsible for such violation, indicating the nature of the violation and order action necessary to correct it. Immediately upon authorization from the Town Council respecting any such violation, the Town Solicitor shall institute appropriate action to prevent, enjoin, abate or remove such violation.
[Ord. of 11-2-1988, § VIII]
Any person jointly or severally aggrieved by a decision of the historic district commission shall have the right to appeal such decision to the Zoning Board of Review. Procedures for filing such an appeal shall be identical to the procedures used in filing for an appeal from action of the Building Official.
Any Town government entity aggrieved by a decision of the historic district commission shall have the right to appeal directly to the Town Council.