As used in this article, the following terms shall have the
meanings indicated:
The residue resulting from the burning of wood, coal, coke,
or other combustible material.
The storage, collection, disposal, or handling of refuse.
All animal, fish, fruit, vegetable matter, and wastes resulting
from handling, preparation, cooking or consumption of foods.
A housing unit and shall include a room, rooms, apartment,
house or houses when occupied or intended to be occupied as living
quarters with kitchen or cooking equipment therein.
All natural persons, associations, partnerships, firms or
All solid wastes except body wastes and shall include garbage,
ashes and rubbish.
The Department of Sanitation of the Borough of Tamaqua as
named by the Borough Council and shall be authorized and directed
to implement and enforce the provisions of this article either by
Department action or through their authorized agent or representative.
If no Department of Sanitation, then the Tamaqua Borough Council shall
Glass, metal, paper, rags, plant growth or nonputrescible (i.e., not liable to undergo bacterial decomposition when in contact with air or moisture at ordinary temperatures), solid wastes, or any other organic substance subject to fermentation and decay, excelsior, cartons, old clothes and shoes, straw, empty cans, plastics, grass, weeds, brick, tile, china, oyster and clam shells, lawn trimmings, baskets, furniture and furnishings, and other waste materials which will result from the ordinary conduct of house cleaning. Rubbish shall not include items required to be recycled as defined by Article
I, Recycling, of this chapter.
[Added 8-20-2019 by Ord.
No. 710]
Any person who violates or permits a violation of this article
shall, upon conviction in a summary proceeding under the Pennsylvania
Rules of Criminal Procedure, be guilty of a summary offense and shall
be punishable by a fine of not more than $1,000, plus court costs
and reasonable attorneys' fees incurred by the Borough in the enforcement
proceedings. Upon judgment against any person by summary conviction,
or by proceedings by summons on default of the payment of the fine
or penalty imposed and the costs, the defendant may be sentenced and
committed to the Schuylkill County correctional facility for a period
not exceeding 30 days. Each day that such violation exists shall constitute
a separate offense, and each section of this article that is violated
shall also constitute a separate offense.