[CC 1977 §71.010]
This Article consists of the rules and regulations for the operation of the Police Department of this City. To the extent that this Chapter conflicts with the provisions of Chapter 140 (relating to Personnel), this Chapter shall prevail.
[CC 1977 §71.020]
The Chief of Police is the Director of the Police Department. He/she shall have immediate and direct control of the Department, subject to the supervision of the Board of Aldermen, and subject to such other rules, regulations and orders as the Board of Aldermen may prescribe. He/she shall promulgate and enforce orders, rules and regulations (consistent with this Code and with the rules, regulations and orders of the Mayor) for the efficient operation of the Police Department.
[CC 1977 §71.025]
The Chief of Police of Lockwood, Missouri, is hereby authorized to collect and give receipt for all bond money that is put up guaranteeing the appearance of any person who has been arrested in the City of Lockwood, Missouri, and to hold the same until the matter has been disposed of in court, at which time, he/she is to refund the money to said individual if said individual has been found not guilty of the charge and in the event that said individual is found guilty of the charge and a fine has been assessed, then he/she is to deliver the money to said individual so that the Clerk of the City of Lockwood can deduct the amount of the fine and court cost from said bond money and turn over the balance to the individual.
[CC 1977 §71.030]
The Chief of Police shall devote his/her entire time to the discharge his/her official duties. He/she shall not be absent from the City except in the performance of his/her official duties, or when granted leave of absence by the Mayor, or when off duty and he/she leaves information as to his/her destination with the Police Officer then in charge.
[CC 1977 §71.040]
Assignment of a Patrolman is at the discretion of the Chief of Police. For the purpose of this Article, all Police (including the Chief) are considered Patrolmen.
[CC 1977 §71.050]
Each Patrolman shall:
Patrol every part of town, observing anything unusual to assist in the prevention of crime.
Examine all doors and windows of commercial and industrial buildings at night and report any that are not properly secured to the owner thereof.
Report whenever he/she has reasonable grounds to suspect that any building or part thereof is being used in violation of the law or is the resort for persons of known bad character and be prepared to give information relative to the nature of business conducted by firms on his/her beat.
Not leave the City limits while on duty except in case of emergency and in such cases must file a written report of the same with the City Clerk who shall make the report available to the Mayor and the Board of Aldermen.
Enforce all traffic ordinances in addition to his/her other duties.
Observe and report all violations of City ordinances and State law.
Be responsible for the care and operation of the vehicle assigned to him/her.
[CC 1977 §71.060]
Any of the following is sufficient cause for the suspension or discharge of any member of the Police Department:
For drinking intoxicating liquor while on duty or in uniform.
For intoxication while either on or off duty.
For willful disobedience to any order lawfully issued to him/her.
For disrespect shown to the Mayor or an Alderman.
For incompetency, in the performance of his/her duties.
For any neglect of duty.
For making known any investigation or proposed movement of the Department to any person not a member of the Department or the Board of Aldermen, or for discussing the affairs of the Department with any person not a member of the Department or the Board of Aldermen.
For unnecessary and unwarranted violence to a prisoner.
For cowardice or for lack of energy which may be construed as either incompetency or gross neglect of duty.
For sleeping while on duty.
For violating any of the rules, regulations, or orders of the Department or of the Mayor, if same be in writing.
For indecent, profane or harsh language while on duty or in uniform.
For absence without leave.
For conduct unbecoming an officer or a gentlemen, whether on duty or off duty.
For conduct detrimental to the good order and discipline of the Department.
For careless handling of City property, either fixed or movable.
For conviction of any felony or non-traffic misdemeanor.
For repeated violation of City ordinances.
For failure to cooperate with the City Prosecutor in the preparation or trial of any case, or for unauthorized disclosure of information or for providing assistance to a defendant or defense counsel in any legal action brought by the City.
For loss of firearm or other dangerous weapon while on duty.
[CC 1977 §71.080]
All members of the Department shall be quiet, civil, and orderly in their conduct and deportment, and shall at all times be attentive and zealous in the discharge of their duty, controlling their temper and exercising the utmost patience and discretion. They shall answer any questions put to them with all possible correctness and courtesy (not in a short or careless manner) avoiding at all times unnecessary conversation or argument.
[CC 1977 §71.090]
Any member of the Department shall go instantly to the scene of any disturbance or breach of the peace occurring within his/her vicinity, use his/her best effort to restore peace and quiet, making such arrests as may be necessary, and notify and make necessary reports to the Police Department.
[CC 1977 §71.100]
All members of the Department are required to speak the truth at all times, and under all circumstances, whether under oath or not. If forbidden by the rules of the Department to divulge information, they will state "No Comment".
[CC 1977 §71.110]
Any member of the Department, when called upon to do so by any person under any circumstances, shall give his/her name in a respectful and courteous manner.
[CC 1977 §71.130]
Every member of the Department is expected to discharge his/her duties with coolness and firmness in all cases; and in times of extreme peril all available officers shall act together and assist and protect each other in restoring peace and order. Anyone shirking his/her duty in case of danger or responsibility in an emergency shall be considered unworthy of a place in the Department.
[CC 1977 §71.140]
All members of the Department shall be particularly careful not to interfere officiously or unnecessarily in the private business of any person, but when required to set in the discharge of their duty they shall do so with energy and decision, and in the proper exercise of their authority they will receive the fullest support of the Department.
[CC 1977 §71.150]
Officers shall appear in court on any case in which they are witnesses. If duty demands their absence from the Municipal Court, they shall report the matter to the Chief of Police in order that the case may be continued. Officers on the witness stand, in response to questions asked, will state in clear and distinct words, truthfully, all they know regarding a matter, without fear or reservation and without any desire or design to influence the result.
[CC 1977 §71.170]
Notice must be given to the Mayor before any member of the Department files a civil suit for the collection of damages sustained while on duty.
[CC 1977 §71.180]
Each member of the Department will be furnished with a copy of any rules, regulations and orders issued by the Chief of Police or the Mayor, which he/she shall keep in his/her possession, and with which he/she shall be familiar at all times.
[CC 1977 §71.190]
Every member of the Department shall wear the uniform as the Chief of Police may from time to time prescribe. The uniforms will be furnished and remain the property of the City, to be surrendered upon leaving the service. They shall, when on duty, carry such equipment as the Chief of Police may prescribe or adopt and when in uniform, keep their badge always in sight. No member of the Department shall ever appear for duty in civilian clothing without special permission of the Chief of Police.
[CC 1977 §71.200]
No member of the Department shall ever wear his/her uniform or any part of it when off duty, except with the express permission of the Chief of Police.
[CC 1977 §71.210]
All members of the Department will be required to be neat in appearance and keep their uniforms and equipment in good condition and in perfect order and repair.
[CC 1977 §71.220]
No member of the Department shall wear his/her uniform or carry a pistol while under suspension for any cause; and such member shall immediately surrender his/her badge and Police identification to the Chief of Police when notified of his/her suspension.
[CC 1977 §71.230]
Although certain hours are required for the performance of duty on ordinary occasions, members must be prepared at all times to act immediately on notice that their service is required. Members of the Department shall be considered as always on duty for the purpose of discipline. The hours of duty will be regulated by the Chief of Police.
[CC 1977 §71.240]
Police Officers are not to use Police vehicles except in the discharge of their duties. Police vehicles are not available for personal use.
[CC 1977 §71.250]
Although regular hours of duty shall be assigned to all members of the Department, it shall be the duty of every officer of the Department, at all times, day or night, within the City, to preserve the public peace, protect the rights of persons and property, guard the public health, preserve order at all elections and public assemblies; prevent and remove, if possible, nuisances on and in all streets, highways, areas, alleys, and other places, and enforce the criminal law of the State of Missouri and the ordinances of the City.
[CC 1977 §71.260]
No officer shall willfully mistreat or use unnecessary violence toward any person, prisoner, or otherwise. He/she shall not strike any prisoner except as a last resort in an effort to overcome resistance or prevent escape. An officer shall not shoot at a fleeing person or any escaping prisoner unless he/she knows that such person has committed a felony.
[CC 1977 §71.270]
All full-time Police Officers employed by the City shall be between the ages of twenty-one (21) years of age and sixty-five (65) years of age. They shall be of good moral character and shall not have been convicted of any non-traffic misdemeanor or felony. They shall be able to write legibly and shall furnish at least three (3) good character references. A written examination for any applicant for Police Officer for the City shall be discretionary with the Board of Aldermen.
[Ord. No. A-298 §1, 5-11-1998]
Any full-time Peace Officer of the City who is certified pursuant to Chapter 590, RSMo., or a Chief Executive Officer as defined by Section 590.100, RSMo., of any political subdivision, certified pursuant to Chapter 590, RSMo., shall have the authority to respond to an emergency situation outside the boundaries of the City from which such Peace Officer's authority is derived. This Section does not apply to any Peace Officer certified pursuant to Subsection (6) of Section 590.105, RSMo.
Before a Peace Officer shall have the authority to respond to an emergency situation outside the boundaries of the City from which the officer's authority is derived pursuant to Subsection (A) of this Section, the authority shall be first authorized by ordinance, order, or other ruling by the Board of Aldermen of the City from which the officer derives such officer's authority and by the Board of Aldermen of the political subdivision in which the emergency situation is alleged to be occurring and by the Board of Police established by Section 84.020, RSMo., or by the Board of Police Commissioners established by Section 84.350, RSMo., if the officer derives his/her authority from either Board or if the emergency situation is alleged to be occurring within the jurisdiction of either Board.
As used in this Section, "emergency situation" means any situation in which the Law Enforcement Officer has a reasonable belief that a crime is about to be committed, is being committed, or has been committed involving injury or threat of injury to any person, property, or governmental interest and such officer's response is reasonably necessary to prevent or end such emergency situation or mitigate the likelihood of injury involved in such emergency situation. The determination of the existence of any emergency situation shall be in the discretion of the officer making the response or in the discretion of an officer or governmental officer of the political subdivision in which the emergency situation is alleged to be occurring.
As used in this Section, "response" shall mean to take any and all action which the officer may lawfully take as if exercising his/her powers within his/her own jurisdiction.
[CC 1977 §70.010]
The Fire Department of the City of Lockwood shall consist of a Fire Chief, an Assistant Chief, and such other persons, not exceeding thirty (30) in number, over the age of twenty-one (21), as may be necessary to easily and completely manage the fire apparatus of the City.
[CC 1977 §70.020]
The Fire Chief and his/her Assistant Chief shall be appointed by a majority of the members of the Board of Aldermen, to be approved by the Mayor, and may be removed, any or all of them, as is the case in all appointive officers of the City.
[CC 1977 §70.050]
It shall be the duty of the Chief of the Fire Department on the first (1st) of July of each year to file with the City Clerk the names of the members of the Fire Department who are still in service and the standing of each member, alphabetically arranged, and to report to the Board of Aldermen at said times above mentioned any change in said list.
[CC 1977 §70.060]
The Chief of the Fire Department in time of fire, and in his/her absence the Assistant Chief, shall have the power and authority of a Policeman to make and order arrests, and his/her orders shall be obeyed at once by each member of the Fire Department.
[CC 1977 §70.070]
It shall not be lawful for any person in time of fire to impede, obstruct, hinder, delay, or in any manner whatever interfere with the Fire Department or any of its members in the discharge of their duties. Any person convicted under the provisions of this Section shall be fined not less than five dollars ($5.00).
[CC 1977 §70.080]
If any member of the Fire Department shall, in time of fire, disobey the officer in charge, he/she shall on conviction be fined not less than one dollar ($1.00) nor more than twenty-five dollars ($25.00).
[CC 1977 §70.090]
The officer in charge of the Fire Department may prescribe the limits in the vicinity of any fire within which no person, except those who reside therein, and members of the Fire Department, the Police of the City and those admitted by the officer in charge of the Fire Department, shall be permitted to come, and it shall be the duty of all City Officers to aid in carrying into effect the requirement of this Section. If anyone prohibited from being within such limits shall fail or refuse to withdraw therefrom when ordered so to do, he/she shall be promptly arrested, and on conviction shall be fined not less than one dollar ($1.00) nor more than ten dollars ($10.00).
[CC 1977 §70.100]
Anyone who shall willfully or maliciously break, injure or destroy the engine or other fire apparatus of the City, or any part thereof, shall, on conviction, be fined not less than ten dollars ($10.00) nor more then one hundred dollars ($100.00).
[CC 1977 §70.110]
At the regular meeting of the Board of Aldermen in July of each year the Chief of the Fire Department shall make a report in writing, giving a detailed account of all fire apparatus belonging to the City, its condition, and such suggestions and recommendations as in his/her judgment will promote the interest or increase the efficiency of the Fire Department.