The intent of the I-1 General Industrial District is to:
Provide sufficient space, in appropriate locations, to meet the anticipated future needs for industrial activity, with due allowance for the need for a range in choice of sites.
Ensure that the land most suitable for industrial and related activities will be available by prohibiting the use of such land for new residential development, and at the same time, to protect residences by separating them from such activities.
Protect industry against congestion by limiting the bulk of buildings in relation to the land around them and to one another and by providing sufficient off-street parking and loading facilities for such developments.
Ensure that industries are reasonably free from offensive noise, vibration, smoke, odor, glare, hazards of fire or other objectionable effects.
In I-1 Districts, land, buildings or premises shall be used by right only for the following:
All uses that are permitted by right in the I-2 District, except billboard signs (See definition in § 255-216.) and excepting further, that no use is required to be within an approved planned industrial development.
[Amended 9-1-2005 by Ord. No. 2038, approved 9-1-2005]
The following additional uses:
Self-storage development.
Recycling collection center.
Plant nursery.
Industrial laundries.
Wholesale sales - motor vehicles.
Testing/repair of manufactured products.
Industrial storage as an accessory use.
Industrial outdoor storage as an accessory use.
Building contractor's headquarters and storage.
Photo finishing lab.
Bottling operations.
Finishing, grinding, polishing, stamping or heat treating of products.
Package delivery services.
Crystal manufacture and testing.
Sales/rental of industrial equipment.
Manufacture of manufactured or modular housing.
Finishing of previously prepared resin, vinyl, polymers, plastic or rubber.
Manufacture of fabricated metal and/or plastics.
Small or large animal hospital.
Building material sales.
Bus or taxi terminal.
Membership club.
Mobile food vending, subject to the requirements of § 255-199A(54).
[Added 6-12-2014 by Ord. No. 2200, approved 6-12-2014]
Medical marijuana grower/processor, subject to compliance with all Pennsylvania statutory laws and regulations and zoning and land use requirements of the Borough of Carlisle.
[Added 12-8-2016 by Ord. No. 2265, approved 12-8-2016]
Only the following accessory uses shall be permitted:
All accessory uses that are permitted in the I-2 District.
Commercial communication antenna mounted on an existing permitted structure, and meeting § 255-199A(50).
The following uses may be permitted as a special exception when authorized by the Zoning Hearing Board, subject to § 255-197 of this chapter:
Treatment center, subject to § 255-199A(52).
Industrial activities involving processing, distribution, recycling, cleaning, assembling, packaging, conversion, production, repair or testing of materials or products if the Zoning Hearing Board determines that the character of such activities would be similar to uses that are permitted by right or by special exception in the I-1 District, but not including uses that are specifically prohibited.
The following uses, provided that all manufacturing and storage areas will be set back a minimum of 400 feet from any existing dwelling or residential district boundary and is on a lot within a minimum lot area of 10 acres:
Manufacture of paints, varnishes, enamels and solvents.
Bulk manufacture of chemicals that the applicant proves to the satisfaction of the Zoning Hearing Board are not highly hazardous.
Manufacture of plastics, polymers, resins or vinyl.
Heliport as an accessory or principal use, subject to compliance with § 255-199A(19).
Manufacture of gypsum, concrete or plaster products.
Truck terminal as a principal use, subject to compliance with § 255-199A(44).
Manufacture of abrasive or nonmetallic mineral products.
Primary (as opposed to fabricated) metal products.
Tire retreading.
Mineral extraction, subject to compliance with § 255-199A(24).
Animal feed mill.
Junkyard, subject to compliance with § 255-199A(21).
Solid waste disposal facility, subject to compliance with § 255-199A(40).
Animal husbandry, subject to compliance with § 255-199A(4).
Kennel, subject to compliance with § 255-199A(22).
On-site retail sales of products and/or goods produced on the premises of a principal use and limited to a maximum of 5% of the floor area of a building.
Public utility uses, such as telephone exchange buildings and electric substations, subject to compliance with § 255-199A(33).
Horse stable.
Manufacture of bituminous materials other than asphalt.
Manufacture of soaps, detergents and water-based adhesives.
The following uses may be permitted as a conditional use when authorized by the Borough Council, subject to § 255-198 of this chapter:
Tower-based wireless communications facilities, subject to compliance with § 255-199A(50).
[Amended 4-9-2015 by Ord. No. 2220, approved 4-9-2015]
All of the following uses are specifically prohibited:
Tar distillation or manufacture.
Coke oven.
Creosote treatment or manufacture.
Explosives, fireworks, ammunition and gunpowder manufacture.
Bulk storage, except storage within a United States military or state-owned facility.
Incineration, reduction, distillation, storage or dumping of slaughterhouse refuse, rancid fats, garbage, bones, dead animals or offal. (See incineration of waste as part of a solid waste disposal facility, as defined in § 255-12.)
Bulk manufacture of industrial gases or chemicals which the applicant does not prove to the satisfaction of the Zoning Hearing Board are not highly hazardous, including but not limited to the following acids: hydrochloric, nitric, picric, sulfuric, sulfanilic or carbolic.
Oilcloth manufacture.
Raw paper or pulp mill.
Petroleum or kerosene refining or distillation.
Potash work.
Stockyard, slaughterhouse or meat-packing plant.
Manufacture of asphalt or cement.
Bulk storage of natural gas or gasoline as a principal use.
All of the area and bulk regulations of individual lots in the I-2 District shall also apply to individual lots in the I-1 District, except that there is no minimum tract size. Also, subject to compliance with § 255-108D, setbacks from dwellings and residential districts, as stated in the I-2 District, shall also apply to the I-1 District.
The following additional requirements shall apply:
Parking and loading: (see Article XXV).
Performance regulations: (see Article XXIII).
Requirements for specific uses: (see Article XXIV).
Enclosure: All manufacturing and processing shall occur within completely enclosed structures.