Domestic wastewater flows from single-family and multiple-family dwellings shall be determined at a rate of 150 gallons per bedroom per day.
Design flow calculations for dwellings shall be based on the total number of rooms in the dwelling and not necessarily on the number of proposed bedrooms. The number of bedrooms shall be calculated in accordance with the State Sanitary Code, 310 CMR 15.002. The plan shall clearly state the total number of habitable rooms in the dwelling (not including hallways, bathrooms, unfinished basements or unheated areas). Rooms that could easily be converted into a bedroom shall be included in the room count. A deed restriction may be required if the number of habitable rooms exceed the calculation for bedrooms for the dwelling.
Wastewater disposal systems for new construction shall be designed to accommodate a minimum of four bedrooms.
All soil absorption systems connected to a vent shall be equipped with a suitable air filtering system for odor control. Vents shall have a minimum setback to an abutting property line of five feet.
Reserve areas shall not include any of the leaching effective area of the primary leaching area.
Profile and cross sections shown on the plan must show clearly the existing and proposed soil conditions, limits of excavation and fill replacement and graphically show the test pit data, percolation test data and estimated seasonal high water table (ESHWT) beneath all components of the system.
Garbage grinders are prohibited in any structure serviced by a wastewater disposal system within the Town of Middleton.
Bench marks used to establish site elevations shall be clearly delineated on the plans. Bench marks established shall be constructed so as to be permanent and easily identified in the field. Plans shall be generated from elevations that correspond to NGVD datum or other datum that is consistent with elevations determined for already established site plans or subdivision plans. Plans submitted for isolated lots that have no reference to vertical datum may use an established permanent bench mark provided it can be easily found in the field, is clearly identified on the plan, and is established so as to be a permanent object which will be existent in future years.
The applicant shall provide plans, profiles, cross sections, construction notes and test hole data, in accordance with the Design Checklist for Wastewater Disposal System found in the back of these regulations.[1]
Editor's Note: The Design Checklist is on file in the Town offices.
All pump systems must be designed utilizing a dual-compartment monolithic tank.
Septic tanks shall be a dual compartment monolithic constructed tank. Nonmonolithic tanks shall be tested in accordance with ASTM C 1227.
Distribution boxes shall be constructed in H-20 capacity or of plastic construction [high density polyethylene (HDPE) or industry equivalent].
All on-site wastewater disposal systems that require pumping into the leaching facility shall be designed as a pressure distribution system utilizing a central manifold and lateral piping network or shall be designed to flow by gravity from the distribution box to the leaching field.
Use of mercury pump floats is prohibited. Mechanical pump floats are acceptable. When an existing pump system is to be replaced or removed, mercury pump floats shall be removed and properly disposed off in accordance with the law.
If the design flow exceeds 2,000 gallons per day, then the soil absorption system shall be divided into two separate leaching systems, each capable of supporting 1/2 of the design flow.
A maintenance contract shall be provided to the BOH prior to issuance of the certificate of compliance.
The BOH reserves the right to request the applicant, in certain circumstances, when public health and safety may be at compromise, to provide information for the use of an alternative system as a means of onsite wastewater disposal system.