[Adopted 8-10-2015 by Ord. No. 15-41[1]]
Editor's Note: This ordinance also superseded former Art. XXV, Community Garden and Community Garden Committee, adopted 5-4-2015 by Ord. No. 15-33. This ordinance was adopted as Art. XXIV, §§ 5-126 through 5-130, but was renumbered to avoid duplicate article and section numbering.
[Amended 5-20-2024 by Ord. No. 24-25]
Establishment. A permanent community garden is hereby established within the Township of Bloomfield, to be located at Pulaski Park, Milbank Park and the Oakeside Bloomfield Cultural Center.
Use of gardens. The Township's community gardens are available to all residents of the Township, on a first-come, first-served basis, for the purpose of growing fruits and vegetables, flowers and herbs. Each person renting a bed shall be required to enter into an agreement governing the use of the plot with the Bloomfield Parks, Recreation Cultural Affairs Department as well an agreement with the Township of Bloomfield pursuant to § 5-135 of this article.
Fees. No person shall be permitted to maintain a bed in a Bloomfield Township Community Garden unless they have registered with the Bloomfield Parks, Recreation & Cultural Affairs Department for the bed, signed the required agreement and paid the applicable fee of $50. Fees are payable to the Bloomfield Parks, Recreation & Cultural Affairs Department, are nonrefundable, nontransferable and must be paid at the time of registration for the bed. No more than one bed may be rented by a household; however, a household may rent two if there are beds that are not rented after May 1 of any year. Veterans must register for a bed but will not be required to pay the annual rental fee. Resident gardeners who are assigned a bed shall not lose their bed as long as they continually renew their application between December 1st and December 31 of the current year. Control of the bed expires with the season on November 15, and the yearly application and fee must be completed and fee paid on or before December 31 of the current rental year or the bed shall be lost and the Bloomfield Parks, Recreation & Cultural Affairs Department shall issue the bed to the next applicant the Bloomfield Parks, Recreation & Cultural Affairs Department has or receives.
[Amended 12-13-2021 by Ord. No. 21-48; 5-20-2024 by Ord. No. 24-25]
The use of the Bloomfield Township community gardens will be subject to the following rules and regulations:
Establishment: Three permanent community gardens are hereby established within the Township of Bloomfield, one each at Pulaski Park and Milbank Park and the Bloomfield Oakeside Cultural Center.
Season: April 1 through November 15 or as otherwise established by the Bloomfield Parks, Recreation & Cultural Affairs Department. Cultivation and planting must be started by May 1 and plots must be tended through the time of fall cleanup. This means that weeds must be pulled, and ripe produce harvested. Persons renting beds are expected to spend an appropriate amount of time to maintain their bed so that it remains attractive (recommended two hours per week). The Bloomfield community gardens are working gardens powered by gardeners themselves. All gardeners are expected to volunteer a designated amount of time, per month at their Community Garden each season. At your orientation, the Garden Liaison will discuss dates, expected amount of time and what tasks are needed to be performed. Each garden has different needs and they will be communicated to you by the Garden Liaison.
Parking: in designated or legal parking areas only.
Structures. Elaborate garden structures, fountains or the use of multiple decorative items are prohibited. However, stakes, tomato cages and similar gardening devices are allowed and must be removed at the end of each season.
Weeds. All waste, weeds, etc., shall be disposed of off-site except for compostable matter, which may be disposed of in areas designated by the Bloomfield Parks, Recreation & Cultural Affairs Department. No illegal or invasive plant species, trees or shrubs are permitted.
Water from the watering spigots provided in the community garden should be treated as nonpotable and is for use in the garden only. Irrigation systems are prohibited. Water must be securely turned off after each use. Do not water another gardener's bed unless they have asked another gardener to do so.
Fertilizers and pesticides. The use of nonorganic pesticides, fungicides, herbicides and fertilizers is prohibited.
Obligations of gardeners. There are shared garden tools at all three community gardens. Gardeners are responsible for caring for those tools and returning them to the garden sheds once they are done using them. The primary obligation is to keep the community garden a happy, secure and enjoyable place where all participants can garden and socialize peacefully in an amicable manner.
For safety and respect of gardeners' beds, anyone 18 and under, who are part of the registered renter's household, must be supervised by registered gardener or shared household user. Pets and other animals are prohibited at all times.
Smoking. Smoking is prohibited at all times.
Rules of conduct. All gardeners and their visitors shall observe the rules of conduct established by the Bloomfield Parks, Recreation & Cultural Affairs Department as well as the rules and regulations for the use of Township parks and recreation areas, and all other regulations set forth in the Township of Bloomfield Code.
Indemnification. All persons using the Bloomfield Township community garden assume any and all risks associated with the use of the community garden. Prior to use of the community garden, each renter shall complete the supplied indemnifies the Township of Bloomfield.
Violations. Use of the community garden is a privilege. The Bloomfield Parks, Recreation & Cultural Affairs Department reserves the right to revoke the use of the community garden (and composting) by any person for failure to observe the rules and regulations established in this article or by the Bloomfield Parks, Recreation & Cultural Affairs Department. If a garden bed is not maintained or abandoned, and the Bloomfield Parks, Recreation & Cultural Affairs Department or the garden liaison is not notified, the following steps will be taken:
First, a verbal warning by the Community Garden Liaison will be given.
If there is no response or correction after seven days, the gardener will receive a written notice from the Bloomfield Parks, Recreation & Cultural Affairs Department.
If, after another seven days, the violation has not be addressed, the bed will be forfeited and the gardener will forfeit their garden bed and registration fee for the season. The gardener will also not be allowed to renew their bed during the December 1 to December 31 renewal period.
[Amended 4-23-2018 by Ord. No. 18-11]
There is hereby established a Bloomfield Township Community Garden Committee, which shall consist of nine members whose terms and powers are hereinafter set forth. The Bloomfield Township community gardens shall be managed by the Bloomfield Township Community Garden Committee, who shall enforce the rules and regulations set forth in this article under the direction of the Township Administrator. The Bloomfield Township Community Garden Committee shall require gardeners to sign a use agreement, which will be available at the Township Engineer's office, to supplement the rules and regulations set forth in this article, provided that the Township Administrator has approved the terms of the use agreement.
[Amended 4-23-2018 by Ord. No. 18-11]
The Bloomfield Township Community Garden Committee shall be comprised of the following persons:
One member of the Township Council of the Township of Bloomfield appointed by the Township Council.
An Engineer of the Township of Bloomfield appointed by the Township Council.
The DPW Director of the Township of Bloomfield appointed by the Township Council.
There will be six residents of the Township appointed by the Township Council, one of whom shall serve as an alternate member.
The terms of office for members of the Bloomfield Township Community Garden Committee shall be as follows:
The members of the Bloomfield Township Community Garden Committee shall be appointed by the Township Council and shall serve for a period of three years. Any vacancy occurring in the membership shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment for the unexpired term.
[Amended 4-23-2018 by Ord. No. 18-11]
The Township Engineer appointed to the Bloomfield Township Community Garden Committee shall have a term of one year.
The DPW Director appointed to the Bloomfield Township Community Garden Committee shall have a term of one year.
Editor's Note: Former Subsection D, which regarded Open Space Trust Fund Committee appointees, of the 2008 Code, was repealed at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
The balance of the members of the Bloomfield Township Community Garden Committee shall be appointed by the Township Council and shall serve for a period of three calendar years, with their appointment always expiring on December 31 of the third year of appointment.
[Amended 4-23-2018 by Ord. No. 18-11]
The powers and duties of the Bloomfield Township Community Garden Committee shall be limited to those enumerated herein. The Bloomfield Township Community Garden Committee shall serve in an advisory capacity to the Township Council of the Township of Bloomfield and make recommendations to the Council of areas in which to open additional community gardens.
The Bloomfield Township Community Garden Committee shall also establish rules and regulations, not in conflict with the Township Code, for the use of all of the Bloomfield Township community gardens.
The Bloomfield Township Community Garden Committee shall also keep track of all plot assignments, maintain a waiting list for plots, and accept or deny applications after receipt from the Engineer's office. The Committee shall also ensure the proper maintenance and appearance of the gardens and will promote and educate residents on the benefits of gardening and community gardens.