The intent of this article is to prevent or alleviate congestion
on public streets and to promote the public safety and welfare by
establishing standards for the provision of off-street parking and
loading spaces.
Parking and loading spaces shall be located in accordance with
the following:
A. For single-family detached, semidetached, two-family, attached and
accessory dwelling units, off-street parking shall be provided on
the same lot with the building it serves.
B. For multifamily dwellings, required off-street parking shall be located
as close to the use as possible, given site conditions, and in no
case more than 200 feet from the building it is required to serve.
C. Access drives to any commercial district through any residential
or Mixed Use District shall not be considered to be a permitted use.
D. The location, dimensions and signage of handicapped parking shall
meet the requirements of the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention
and Building Code.
At the discretion of the Joint Planning Board, uses within 500
feet of a municipal parking lot or designated on-street parking may
be wholly or partially exempted from off-street parking requirements.
Such uses may be required to make a cash payment in lieu of providing
off-street parking with such moneys dedicated to expansion or improvement
of public parking facilities within the same commercial district.
No building or lot alterations nor change of use shall be allowed
which would increase the degree of nonconformity with the off-street
parking and loading regulations of this article.
The listed parking standards reflect reasonable standards for
most uses in most locations. The Livonia governing board, in adopting
these standards, is providing guidance to future developers, tenants
and residents of uses requiring off-street parking and loading. From
an environmental and cost perspective, it is always desirable to construct
the least number of parking spaces to accommodate a particular use.
The following general requirements apply to all off-street parking.
A. Applicants are encouraged to provide evidence of lessor parking and
loading demand if appropriate.
B. The Joint Planning Board, at its discretion, may require less off-street
parking or loading if warranted based on the information presented.
In any case where less off-street parking is required, the Joint Planning
Board reserves the right to require the set-aside of additional open
space sufficient to accommodate the amount of off-street parking which
would ordinarily be required.
C. The Joint Planning Board also reserves the right to request additional
information, such as but not limited to expected number of employees,
students, expected attendance or expected deliveries, relevant to
judging the adequacy of listed parking and loading standards. Such
information may result in application of off-street parking standards
higher than those listed.
D. For uses not listed, the required number of off-street parking or
loading spaces shall be determined by the Joint Planning Board based
on similarity to listed uses and information provided by the applicant.
E. In all cases, provided off-street parking and loading should be sufficient
to prevent frequent on-street parking outside designated on-street
parking areas by users or employees or the loading and unloading of
passengers or materials from the public right-of-way in such a manner
that is disruptive to traffic.
F. In addition to the off-street parking required based on the following
standards, one appropriately sized parking space shall be available
for each commercial vehicle used in any business conducted on or from
the premises.
G. The Joint Planning Board reserves the right to require off-street
parking spaces suitable for vehicles with boats or trailers in tow.
H. Parking of any tractor-trailer combination, except in conjunction
with provision of a commercial service to an owner or occupant of
the property, shall be prohibited in any residential or Mixed Use
District. The parking of one tractor without an attached trailer which
is owned by or leased to the occupant of a dwelling is allowed, subject
to the availability of an off-street parking space which meets all
the requirements of these regulations.
I. Adequate off-street loading space(s) shall be provided for any commercial,
institutional or industrial use which involves receipt or distribution
of goods.
Required Spaces
Bar or tavern
1 per 50 square feet
2 per dwelling
Home occupation
1 per nonresident employee and at least 1 client parking space
in addition to space(s) required for the dwelling
1 per sleeping room, plus parking spaces as required for any
accessory uses
1.5 per 1,000 square feet
0.6 space for each slip, mooring or quick-launch storage berth
Motor vehicle services station
3 per service bay and parking for accessory retail uses
Office, general (including office portion of manufacturing or
warehouse use)
4 per 1,000 square feet
Office, medical
5.7 per 1,000 square feet
Places of public assembly (auditorium, church, etc.)
1 per 3 seats or 1 per 100 square feet if no fixed seats
Residential care facility
0.3 per resident
Sit-down low turnover (evening peak)
17 per 1,000 square feet
Sit-down high turnover (midday peak)
21 per 1,000 square feet
Retail, general
3 per 1,000 square feet
Retail, hard goods (furniture, appliances, vehicles)
2.5 per 1,000 square feet
Service, personal care
2 per treatment station
Service, other
3 per 1,000 square feet
Shopping center:
Less than 400,000 square gross leasable area (GLA)
4 per 1,000 square feet GLA
400,000 to 600,000 square feet GLA
4.5 per 1,000 square feet GLA
More than 600,000 square feet GLA
5 per 1,000 square feet GLA
1 per 2,000 square feet