The legislative powers of the Town shall be vested in the qualified voters of the Town convened together in Annual or Special Town Meeting.
[Amended by c. 99, Acts of 2024]
The Annual Town Meeting (except for Article I, the Annual Town Election) shall be held on a date that will allow completion of all business not later than June thirtieth of that same year. The date shall be determined by the select board and designated by the Board not later than January thirty-first of each year. Seven (7) days notice shall be given prior to the actual meeting date by distribution of the Warrant for said Town meeting by said select board in accordance with the provisions of this Charter.
[Amended by c. 99, Acts of 2024]
There shall be Special Town Meetings at such times as the select board may order, upon fourteen (14) days notice by distribution of the Warrant for each Special Town Meeting by the select board in accordance with the provisions of this Charter.
[Amended by c. 109, Acts of 2013]
The quorum for the transaction of business at Town Meetings shall be one hundred and fifty (150) registered voters of the Town and the quorum for the transaction of business at an adjourned session of the same Town Meeting shall be fifty (50) registered voters of the Town. Any number of registered voters may adjourn or close a meeting.
Town Meeting shall, from time to time, vote on such matters as may be required by law or by the provisions of this Charter. These matters include, but are not limited to, the following:
Authorization to borrow money on behalf of the Town.
The appropriation of funds for the operation of the various Town Departments, upon submission of a budget by the select board as set forth in this Charter.
[Amended by c. 99, Acts of 2024]
The conveyance or lease, or authorization of any conveyance or lease, of any real property owned by the Town.
The levying of taxes, except as otherwise provided in Article VI with respect to the property tax levied by adoption of the budget.
The amendment or repeal of any vote or action taken by a previous Town Meeting.
All action taken at any Town Meeting shall be only upon those items contained in the Warrant for said Town Meeting, and all articles in the Warrant shall be acted upon in order unless otherwise voted by the Town Meeting. Printed copies of each Town Meeting Warrant, with the recommendations of the Finance Committee contained therein, shall be furnished to the voters of the Town in accordance with the provisions of this Charter.