Fire protection and emergency services have a very proud tradition of serving communities across our nation that dates back to colonial times. Throughout our nation's history, firefighters have been looked upon with great respect and admiration for their courage and dedication to their profession. To preserve the public's trust, groups of fire service leaders have developed codes of ethics and conduct that call upon individual firefighters to pledge their support for maintaining the highest level of professionalism and behavior. The purpose of the code is to establish criteria that encourage firefighting personnel to promote a culture of ethical integrity and professional conduct.
All Fire Council personnel are expected to comply with all federal, state and local laws, Fire Council rules and regulations, and standard operating procedures and policies. However, compliance with these requirements is the minimum standard of expected behavior. In an effort to reflect the highest level of ethical behavior and professionalism, and to guide Fire Council personnel toward the ethical execution of their daily lives within our chosen profession, the Village Board of Trustees and its Fire Council hereby enact the Village of Hudson Falls Fire Council Code of Ethics and Conducts.[1]
Editor's Note: Said Code is included as an attachment to this chapter.
Members of the Fire Council and all firefighters, as a condition of admission and continued membership, shall abide by the following Code of Ethics and Conduct[1] and shall acknowledge their acceptance and understanding of the Code by signing the following form upon admission.
Editor's Note: Said Code is included as an attachment to this chapter.