[R.O. 1997 §400.730; CC 1989 §2-166; Ord. No. 784 §1, 11-10-1964]
A Planning and Zoning Commission for the City is hereby established and shall operate as provided in Section 89.300 et seq., RSMo.
[R.O. 1997 §400.740]
The Planning and Zoning Commission of the City shall consist of eight (8) members, including the Mayor, a member of the Board of Aldermen selected by the Board annually at its first organizational meeting, the City Engineer or similar City Official and five (5) citizens appointed by the Mayor and approved by the Board. All citizen members of the Commission shall serve without compensation. The term of each of the citizen members shall be for four (4) years; except that the terms of the citizen members first appointed shall be for varying periods, so that the succeeding terms will be staggered. Any vacancy in a membership shall be filled for the unexpired term by appointment as aforesaid. The Board may remove any citizen member for cause stated in writing and after public hearing.