[Adopted 4-14-2015 by L.L. No. 1-2015]
This article shall be known and may be cited as the "South Bristol Keeping of Animals Other than Dogs Law."
It is hereby declared that this article is adopted as a safeguard to the health and safety of the inhabitants of the Town, to prevent nuisances and generally to protect the health, welfare and well-being of the public.
No owner of, or other person having custody of, or who harbors, houses, keeps, maintains or cares for, any animal other than a dog, including, but not limited to, any cat, horse, cattle, sheep, llama, alpaca, vicuna, poultry or swine, shall permit any of such animals to run at large on any property open to the public or on any property not owned or leased by the owner or on any other property without the property owner's permission.
Subsection A of this section is specifically not applicable to caretakers of feral cat colonies that act pursuant to the guidelines in accordance with the trap, neuter/spay, vaccinate, and return program of The Colony Caregivers (a 501(c)(3) organization formed under the laws of the State of New York) if such colony has been registered with the Town of South Bristol. A colony is considered "registered" when an officer or member of The Colony Caregivers provides written notice (including emails) to the Town Supervisor of the property location of an established feeding station. The registration of such colony in no way impedes the power and ability of the Town to declare such colony a public nuisance.
Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this article shall, upon conviction thereof, be subject to a fine not exceeding $250.
[Amended 6-14-2021 by L.L. No. 3-2021]
The provisions of this article may be enforced by any police or peace officer, by the Town Code Enforcement Officer or by any person, municipality, or organization for the prevention of cruelty to animals, appointed by law or pursuant to contract with the Town of South Bristol.